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EVE General Discussion

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Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#161 - 2017-05-04 15:47:44 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Obviously you're desperately reaching for anything in an attempt to redirect negative focus onto me. Reproductive organs ? Gawd man, that is really feeble. Guess you just don't know when to walk away.

You mean you never said:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Heh, your constant vile blusterous posturing indicates you're just compensating for lack of RL-Peen.

Not to speak about your other verbal abusive posts like:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Obviously Ima Wreckyou and Jenn aSide have their heads shoved so far up their neither regions they're not only blind as a bat but also twice as dumb as a doornail.

And then throw in some projection:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
That's why they're so angry, spiteful and resentful towards others.

Look, not only was it very obvious that you liked your own posts and lie about it, you also seam to have a very strange perception of what is going on in this discussion. The vial and abusive posts are actually your speciality and not mine.

Maybe you should calm down a bit and then just stop with the lying and just admit it.
Carnivorous Swarm
#162 - 2017-05-04 15:48:46 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

You can make the same offer to an aggressor today: 1B ISK for war nullification with no further wars for a while.

I'd think many would accept those terms.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#163 - 2017-05-04 15:52:10 UTC
Zanar Skwigelf wrote:
Aedaxus wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
I only pointed out how pathetic it is that you like your own posts with your alts.

Can you indicate me what hacks you use to get the Identities behind the likes also how do you link alts to accounts? Seems you are breaking the EULA or are spouting lies as usual, what shall it be today?

I haven't looked at DMC's posts in this thread so it doesn't apply here but there are people on these forums that have exactly 1 like for every single one of their posts. These posts are also typically contrary to the popular opinion of that particular thread. It's not direct proof, but suspicious behavior.

DMC doesn't strike me as someone who likes their own posts tho, considering he usually just reads an entire thread liking stuff along the way and then chimes in with general advice before moving on.

Usually he has 0-4, but if he gets really angry and abusive he suddenly has like 7 right out of the bat without a lot of people actually posting in the thread. Which is quite obvious if you ask me.

I could be wrong, but his over the top reaction about it makes me really think it is true.
Chewytowel Haklar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#164 - 2017-05-04 15:52:29 UTC
Carnivorous Swarm wrote:
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

You can make the same offer to an aggressor today: 1B ISK for war nullification with no further wars for a while.

I'd think many would accept those terms.

Perhaps, but as we both know many would also take advantage of that situation.
Goonswarm Federation
#165 - 2017-05-04 15:54:07 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

Not a bad idea. We need to be carefull on what to base it on as everyone in this game min maxes and targets mostly the weakest players. To make sure newbros won't suffer hard it needs to be balanced. Mutual wardecs should be very cheap. One sided wardecs should cost little to small corps and more for larger corps or alliances. Let's say 500 million per member?

Eternal Frontier
#166 - 2017-05-04 16:01:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Aedaxus wrote:
Aaron wrote:

The truth is lots of people make good points, I like honest conversations where nothing is omitted or ignored.

Yes, but some people don't accept that others have different opinions. I recently read an intresting article about it :

This is a good point Aedaxus....which I can somewhat agree.

I remember I was doing a venture and I was talking to some newbros about True sec, My point was the further the security status below minus the better quality loot you get with regard to belt ratting. He flat out disagreed and we got into a long debate.

After 30 minutes of debating I ask him, Do you belt rat? he says no, Then I ask do you loot and salvage the wrecks from belt ratting? again he says no...At this point I facepalm. OF COURSE HE WONT KNOW WHAT IM ON ABOUT COS HE NEVER EVER EXPERIENCED IT !!!

So generally I am careful about what I listen to, many people are not talking from experience they seem to talk something they have heard from others without experiencing it themselves.

If I don't know about something I'm happy to listen to others and then try it to see for myself.

I can also remember doing a Hub Zero venture in Stain, and 2 young dudes were trying to tell me how to do a 10/10, their idea was to fit jump drives and then jump away 100km when the going got tough, my argument was ok if you jump out youre leaving the DPS for someone else to take. Eventually they stopped being stubborn and tried my way which was staying together and remote repping eachother, we tried it and it worked like a treat, no one had to jump out, we focused our DPS and got through it very easy.

Eve is a game where lots of people actually don't want to listen to the experienced guy. so bear in mind that a difference of opinion can be born from experience or lack of..

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Chewytowel Haklar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#167 - 2017-05-04 16:02:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Chewytowel Haklar
Aedaxus wrote:
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

Not a bad idea. We need to be carefull on what to base it on as everyone in this game min maxes and targets mostly the weakest players. To make sure newbros won't suffer hard it needs to be balanced. Mutual wardecs should be very cheap. One sided wardecs should cost little to small corps and more for larger corps or alliances. Let's say 500 million per member?

I was thinking of this being based on a per member basis in terms of the fee. If you think about it it makes sense to do it that way, and probably could not be gamed at all. So when a wardec occurs the fee is based on the number of members in a corp/alliance at the very time it occurs. This way people can't just drop corp or do other things in advance to game the system, unless I am not seeing something here.

The fee could be 500m per member and be scaled down for larger corps/alliances as they obviously can have thousands of members. There would be a LOT of math behind something like this but it is doable.

My thinking of why allow this is simply because it would give the wardecee more time to consider their options. Instead of 24 hours they could essentially buy more time to figure things out, teach corp members about how to be safe during a wardec, and investigate their options in fighting back. That is of course if the wardeccer is persistent, which they are in many cases. Please continue to give feedback based on this idea, but I believe it could definitely work!
Zanar Skwigelf
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#168 - 2017-05-04 17:30:07 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

Why pay Concord when you can drop corp for free? Something like this would force people to stay in their corp for the duration of the war.
Neurosurgical Reconstruction Centre
#169 - 2017-05-04 17:32:55 UTC
Cern Audeles wrote:
I love this game but for one thing. The wars.
I am in a corp, it's new few veterans we mine explore do missions, but we keep having wars declared against us. They want paying up to a billion ISK to cancelled the wars, we lost half a bill in ships today.
So, I am downgrading to alpha, play casual, I love this game, but, i get a ship nice then get jumped by 4 ppl at one and destroyed, its not fun and even with insurance, a loss Sad

find highsec mercs, theres a channel i used once when we needed mercs was a wormhole channel you dont gotta pay only thing they want is content
Chewytowel Haklar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#170 - 2017-05-04 17:47:22 UTC
Zanar Skwigelf wrote:
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

Why pay Concord when you can drop corp for free? Something like this would force people to stay in their corp for the duration of the war.

That would definitely still be an option as well.
Zanar Skwigelf
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#171 - 2017-05-04 18:21:31 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
Zanar Skwigelf wrote:
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

Why pay Concord when you can drop corp for free? Something like this would force people to stay in their corp for the duration of the war.

That would definitely still be an option as well.

This has to be a troll post, PH isn't permadecced? You would never be able to leave. I've lived in null for a little over a year and BOT has had maybe 5 days where no one was at war with us.
Percy Cuscaden
Easy Company
#172 - 2017-05-04 18:52:31 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
What if you could bribe Concord by paying a fee to them to cancel the wardec? Say something like 1 billion isk (or a % base of the corp wallet), so that way obviously it costs quite a bit for the wardecee to stop the war. At the same time that could perhaps help make the corp immune to further wardec's by the same corp for longer? This wouldn't stop ganking at all obviously so that could continue to occur.

I like that idea. But it should have like a three strike bidding system to allow the attacker/defender a chance to outbid each other. It should be limited to the first 24 hour declaration period to prevent it being used as a delaying tactic.

As a separate idea, and based on the joy I have witnessed in this thread, I believe CCP is missing out on war dec gold by adding a war dec button function into the forum. Have all that passion have an impact in the game.

Ganking is a separate topic. Based on my experience I do not see it as an issue that needs re-dressing presently. Keeps you on your toes and keeps the isk flowing.

Eternal Frontier
#173 - 2017-05-04 19:39:08 UTC
Honestly, I think anything that changes to the current war mechanic will be bad.

My reasoning is that this is a well thought out game where everything is linked. People actually want to be in corps so this creates an opportunity for PVP by using the wardec mechanic. Most games real life or virtual thrive on the ability to freely compete against others with some minor sanctions (like 24 hour wait for legal war and paying for the war). War drives the economy which will make the miners and manufacturers happy.

The only thing ABLE to interrupt the delicate balance should be ........player choice...... and not a change of mechanics. The trick is to find a way to box clever and make it so that the wardeccers are the ones crying on the forum. Analyse the mechanics with some buddies and come to the most logical conclusion to keep your assets safe. Don't get too caught up in this elitists way of thinking (being in a corp) Remember this is a virtual world that you can manipulate to an extent.

If you and your buddies are struggling to fight a wardec...put the corp on ice for a while....chill out, become NPC, get some beer with your buddies and work out a plan, talk to other people about it gain interest, go back to your corp and fight the good fight.

CEOs, I havent forgotten about you guys....GOOD GOD MAN!!!!! (tries to talk like the old skool Dr mccoy in star trek...DeForest Kelley) IGNORING YOUR FELLOW CEO IN ANOTHER CORP IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

You hi sec CEO's have major things in common, link up and talk to each other man, back each other up because youre fighting the exact same fight. Listen, I will create a voice channel in my up and coming venture just for the CEO's of hi sec, use it, go in there and make friends, talk about your plans, help each other on gate camps even if you only got 10 minutes to spare. Lets get some serious gameplay going.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Keno Skir
#174 - 2017-05-04 21:23:52 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Honestly, I think anything that changes to the current war mechanic will be bad.

My reasoning is that this is a well thought out game where everything is linked. People actually want to be in corps so this creates an opportunity for PVP by using the wardec mechanic. Most games real life or virtual thrive on the ability to freely compete against others with some minor sanctions (like 24 hour wait for legal war and paying for the war). War drives the economy which will make the miners and manufacturers happy.

The only thing ABLE to interrupt the delicate balance should be ........player choice...... and not a change of mechanics. The trick is to find a way to box clever and make it so that the wardeccers are the ones crying on the forum. Analyse the mechanics with some buddies and come to the most logical conclusion to keep your assets safe. Don't get too caught up in this elitists way of thinking (being in a corp) Remember this is a virtual world that you can manipulate to an extent.

If you and your buddies are struggling to fight a wardec...put the corp on ice for a while....chill out, become NPC, get some beer with your buddies and work out a plan, talk to other people about it gain interest, go back to your corp and fight the good fight.

CEOs, I havent forgotten about you guys....GOOD GOD MAN!!!!! (tries to talk like the old skool Dr mccoy in star trek...DeForest Kelley) IGNORING YOUR FELLOW CEO IN ANOTHER CORP IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

You hi sec CEO's have major things in common, link up and talk to each other man, back each other up because youre fighting the exact same fight. Listen, I will create a voice channel in my up and coming venture just for the CEO's of hi sec, use it, go in there and make friends, talk about your plans, help each other on gate camps even if you only got 10 minutes to spare. Lets get some serious gameplay going.

Aaron just nailed it again.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#175 - 2017-05-04 21:43:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Ima Wreckyou
Aaron wrote:

My reasoning is that this is a well thought out game where everything is linked. People actually want to be in corps so this creates an opportunity for PVP by using the wardec mechanic. Most games real life or virtual thrive on the ability to freely compete against others with some minor sanctions (like 24 hour wait for legal war and paying for the war). War drives the economy which will make the miners and manufacturers happy.

The only thing ABLE to interrupt the delicate balance should be ........player choice...... and not a change of mechanics. The trick is to find a way to box clever and make it so that the wardeccers are the ones crying on the forum. Analyse the mechanics with some buddies and come to the most logical conclusion to keep your assets safe. Don't get too caught up in this elitists way of thinking (being in a corp) Remember this is a virtual world that you can manipulate to an extent.

I think you are absolutely right. The wardecs itself are fine as they are. The only people who complain about the actual wardec mechanic are people who would rather have total isolation and just don't want to deal with the whole thing. No change other than a removal or a nerf which makes it completely nonviable to use will make them happy anyway.

On the other hand the pure wardec mechanic is not complete without taking all the other systems like locator agents and the "buddy list" into account. I think there is a lot of opportunity for improvement in those systems and I think we will see some mechanics change if they release observation structures.

I mean the current locator agent implementation is in serious need of an overhaul. Even the interface cries out for a change, you can't even drag&drop names in there and that is only the beginning.
Goonswarm Federation
#176 - 2017-05-04 22:29:19 UTC
Let me explain 'you people' something.

Some people no longer have the ability to use some of their arms, hands, fingers. Some have damage to their head that does not enable them to speak in a mic or have 2 eyes available. Most of those people have been able to do just fine before and will continue to play the games they like, even if people like you look down on them and decide they should grow some body parts back.

Feel free to take the 'PVP compliant' from High Sec and let them play in low/null sec. I'm just going to stay with some friends in high sec and if that means being bullied by ungrateful kids that hate everything that does not meet up with 'their' standards, so be it.

Here is a nice meme :

At least I hope you have fun playing EVE online too.
Chewytowel Haklar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#177 - 2017-05-05 03:03:45 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Honestly, I think anything that changes to the current war mechanic will be bad.

My reasoning is that this is a well thought out game where everything is linked. People actually want to be in corps so this creates an opportunity for PVP by using the wardec mechanic. Most games real life or virtual thrive on the ability to freely compete against others with some minor sanctions (like 24 hour wait for legal war and paying for the war). War drives the economy which will make the miners and manufacturers happy.

The only thing ABLE to interrupt the delicate balance should be ........player choice...... and not a change of mechanics. The trick is to find a way to box clever and make it so that the wardeccers are the ones crying on the forum. Analyse the mechanics with some buddies and come to the most logical conclusion to keep your assets safe. Don't get too caught up in this elitists way of thinking (being in a corp) Remember this is a virtual world that you can manipulate to an extent.

If you and your buddies are struggling to fight a wardec...put the corp on ice for a while....chill out, become NPC, get some beer with your buddies and work out a plan, talk to other people about it gain interest, go back to your corp and fight the good fight.

CEOs, I havent forgotten about you guys....GOOD GOD MAN!!!!! (tries to talk like the old skool Dr mccoy in star trek...DeForest Kelley) IGNORING YOUR FELLOW CEO IN ANOTHER CORP IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

You hi sec CEO's have major things in common, link up and talk to each other man, back each other up because youre fighting the exact same fight. Listen, I will create a voice channel in my up and coming venture just for the CEO's of hi sec, use it, go in there and make friends, talk about your plans, help each other on gate camps even if you only got 10 minutes to spare. Lets get some serious gameplay going.

I like your attitude and ideas there Aaron, but getting a bunch of self-centered carebear corps to work together like you propose would probably be like trying to heard cats during a thunderstorm. These people seem to generally only care about their own ventures. Sometimes I wonder if half of these 'buyback' corporations are merely just nullsec/lowsec players that run multiple highsec corps to farm ore for them on the cheap (and benefit from the tax income as well of course). Maybe there are some that are pretty good out there though that can and will fight back and are true corporations with people working together. The real trick here is making them realize it is in all their best interests to partner together, learn to pvp in fleets, learn to use scouts and intel (mark various groups as terrible standing to make it easier to spot them), and learn to use dscan as well obviously.
Eternal Frontier
#178 - 2017-05-05 03:46:33 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Honestly, I think anything that changes to the current war mechanic will be bad.

My reasoning is that this is a well thought out game where everything is linked. People actually want to be in corps so this creates an opportunity for PVP by using the wardec mechanic. Most games real life or virtual thrive on the ability to freely compete against others with some minor sanctions (like 24 hour wait for legal war and paying for the war). War drives the economy which will make the miners and manufacturers happy.

The only thing ABLE to interrupt the delicate balance should be ........player choice...... and not a change of mechanics. The trick is to find a way to box clever and make it so that the wardeccers are the ones crying on the forum. Analyse the mechanics with some buddies and come to the most logical conclusion to keep your assets safe. Don't get too caught up in this elitists way of thinking (being in a corp) Remember this is a virtual world that you can manipulate to an extent.

If you and your buddies are struggling to fight a wardec...put the corp on ice for a while....chill out, become NPC, get some beer with your buddies and work out a plan, talk to other people about it gain interest, go back to your corp and fight the good fight.

CEOs, I havent forgotten about you guys....GOOD GOD MAN!!!!! (tries to talk like the old skool Dr mccoy in star trek...DeForest Kelley) IGNORING YOUR FELLOW CEO IN ANOTHER CORP IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

You hi sec CEO's have major things in common, link up and talk to each other man, back each other up because youre fighting the exact same fight. Listen, I will create a voice channel in my up and coming venture just for the CEO's of hi sec, use it, go in there and make friends, talk about your plans, help each other on gate camps even if you only got 10 minutes to spare. Lets get some serious gameplay going.

I like your attitude and ideas there Aaron, but getting a bunch of self-centered carebear corps to work together like you propose would probably be like trying to heard cats during a thunderstorm. These people seem to generally only care about their own ventures. Sometimes I wonder if half of these 'buyback' corporations are merely just nullsec/lowsec players that run multiple highsec corps to farm ore for them on the cheap (and benefit from the tax income as well of course). Maybe there are some that are pretty good out there though that can and will fight back and are true corporations with people working together. The real trick here is making them realize it is in all their best interests to partner together, learn to pvp in fleets, learn to use scouts and intel (mark various groups as terrible standing to make it easier to spot them), and learn to use dscan as well obviously.

Yes, some good points chewy. I can help feeling that the thunderstorm is already here and reached it's climax. This very thread is about a corp who has suffered at the hands of a wardec and lost 500m in ships in 1 day. It seems they are not newbros and one of the corp members talk about being a 13 year vet. They must realise that they can't continue as they are and something must change.

I believe that people need to endure the current wardec system as best they can before they revise their play style, it's human nature. I've grown to accept that people have their way of doing things, as a result of this acceptance I have developed a patient attitude.

I am a rebel by nature and I am more than happy to help fight any imposed system or set of beliefs anytime, anywhere from a role-play point of view. My position is clear I am on the side of the little guy, I'm the little guy's biggest fan in fact.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Chewytowel Haklar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#179 - 2017-05-05 04:53:38 UTC
Aaron wrote:

Yes, some good points chewy. I can help feeling that the thunderstorm is already here and reached it's climax. This very thread is about a corp who has suffered at the hands of a wardec and lost 500m in ships in 1 day. It seems they are not newbros and one of the corp members talk about being a 13 year vet. They must realise that they can't continue as they are and something must change.

I believe that people need to endure the current wardec system as best they can before they revise their play style, it's human nature. I've grown to accept that people have their way of doing things, as a result of this acceptance I have developed a patient attitude.

I am a rebel by nature and I am more than happy to help fight any imposed system or set of beliefs anytime, anywhere from a role-play point of view. My position is clear I am on the side of the little guy, I'm the little guy's biggest fan in fact.

I think this is wishful thinking if I'm understanding you right. They need to continue to endure wardec's, and in learning to do so they will then be in a better position to revise their playstyle and make changes. Maybe it was the way it was worded, but I'm not getting it. Why can't they make changes while they are being wardecced? And how is anything going to change after all of these years by keeping things as they are? If they haven't changed their behavior by now they likely won't at all.
Eternal Frontier
#180 - 2017-05-05 05:48:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
Aaron wrote:

Yes, some good points chewy. I can help feeling that the thunderstorm is already here and reached it's climax. This very thread is about a corp who has suffered at the hands of a wardec and lost 500m in ships in 1 day. It seems they are not newbros and one of the corp members talk about being a 13 year vet. They must realise that they can't continue as they are and something must change.

I believe that people need to endure the current wardec system as best they can before they revise their play style, it's human nature. I've grown to accept that people have their way of doing things, as a result of this acceptance I have developed a patient attitude.

I am a rebel by nature and I am more than happy to help fight any imposed system or set of beliefs anytime, anywhere from a role-play point of view. My position is clear I am on the side of the little guy, I'm the little guy's biggest fan in fact.

I think this is wishful thinking if I'm understanding you right. They need to continue to endure wardec's, and in learning to do so they will then be in a better position to revise their playstyle and make changes. Maybe it was the way it was worded, but I'm not getting it. Why can't they make changes while they are being wardecced? And how is anything going to change after all of these years by keeping things as they are? If they haven't changed their behavior by now they likely won't at all.

Yes, I think I worded it a little wrong there, what I mean is that it is hard to get someone to change their play style and in many situations it's best to let them change at their own pace. during this time they will have to endure the war dec as best they can.

Using this thread as an example it may be hard to change tactics/ learn to fight while the war dec is current. If youre not used to pvp it can take a couple of weeks at least to get a grasp on whats going on.

Speaking honestly if people really cant change their behaviour then they might dribble out of the game.

I guess there is some sort of logic to my rantings..when I did my Stain ventures years ago I would teach newer guys about survival and prosperity in a harsh environment. Looking back on it so many people were against me saying it was a bad idea and they would tell me 100 reasons why it wouldn't work.....I still think that regardless of the outcome of my Stain ventures there was still lots to gain from it, lets face it learning survival skills has been overlooked by many.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie