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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Some ideas I hope can be implemeted by CCP

Orwyyn Darsha
The Lone Wolf of EVE
#1 - 2017-04-25 08:29:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Orwyyn Darsha

I wanted to discuss some ideas that I hope CCP can implement.

1) A Jump Industrial. Using the same jump system as current Jump Freighters, with obviously a lot less space. The Jump Industrial should start out at 30, 000 and cap to 50 000 m3 with cargo expanders.

2) Could CCP also put the end date of the current subscription inside the character sheet? That would make things a lot easier.

3) Anchorable bubbles now do not function in an ideal manner ( especially since CCP wants to reward active play ) when one considers that they are currently ''abused' in their use and are placed indiscriminately and many of them around gates in null sec. My suggestion is simple, allow 4 hours of continuous use for a bubble, after the 4 hours, the anchored bubble deactivates and must be reactivated by anyone in the same corp as who placed the bubble initially.

I am sure null sec pilots will welcome this as they always claim more active play should be rewarded, that high sec is far to safe for how much money it gets. Changing anchorable bubbles will increase both the amount of active play and reduce the safety of null.
Orwyyn Darsha
The Lone Wolf of EVE
#2 - 2017-04-25 08:31:31 UTC
Marika Sunji
Caldari State
#3 - 2017-04-25 09:11:23 UTC
1) Unlikely to happen, logistics in null are easy enough as it is with Jump Freighters, plus the barrier of entry for jump-capable ships is as high as it is on purpose, both skill- and isk-wise.

2) +1.

3) Bubble decay is already in-game.
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#4 - 2017-04-25 09:19:07 UTC
Marika Sunji wrote:
3) Bubble decay is already in-game.

But the timers are way too looooooooooooooooong.

As for the OP, I second points 2 and 3. As for point 1, use a jump freighter or Black Ops with Blockade Runner(s)...

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#5 - 2017-04-25 12:38:35 UTC
1 - Use what is already available. It's pretty good as is.

2 - Sure, why not.

3 - 4 hours seems reasonable. It won't help kill risk averse bottled up carrier pilots, but it will get those risk averse players to the gates where some player interactions will be possible. If decay is put in place then it totally needs to be less than 8 hours (length of a normal working day). Just assuming it is protecting a botting operation of any form, this would be ideal. The practice of putting ones bot(s) to work and then going to work knowing that your dead end bubble blob AND the crutch of local will keep your afk game play safe would be removed from the game.

It's clear to me that anyone against the 4 hour bubble timer is for botting. (CCP keep an eye on this and keep an eye on anyone against 4 hr bubble decay) Blink
Cade Windstalker
#6 - 2017-04-25 13:06:38 UTC
1. This really isn't needed. Jump Freighters are expensive for a reason. If you really need a safe way to jump small quantities of stuff around Low and Null use a bridging Black Ops and a Blockade Runner. Or, you know, just move stuff in the Blockade Runner which is almost impossible to catch if used correctly.

2. I'm pretty sure this is already in there somewhere, but I may be thinking of "days remaining" or something similar. This seems like something for CCP Karkur's little things thread. Remember to use the correct formatting.

3. This has become exponentially less common since the changes to bubble decay. Personally I'm not really sure that a further nerf or change to bubbles is needed. CCP said they're keeping an eye on things and considering other options if they feel they're needed.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#7 - 2017-04-25 13:22:51 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
1. This really isn't needed. Jump Freighters are expensive for a reason. If you really need a safe way to jump small quantities of stuff around Low and Null use a bridging Black Ops and a Blockade Runner. Or, you know, just move stuff in the Blockade Runner which is almost impossible to catch if used correctly.

2. I'm pretty sure this is already in there somewhere, but I may be thinking of "days remaining" or something similar. This seems like something for CCP Karkur's little things thread. Remember to use the correct formatting.

3. This has become exponentially less common since the changes to bubble decay. Personally I'm not really sure that a further nerf or change to bubbles is needed. CCP said they're keeping an eye on things and considering other options if they feel they're needed.

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#8 - 2017-04-25 13:25:05 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
1. This really isn't needed. Jump Freighters are expensive for a reason. If you really need a safe way to jump small quantities of stuff around Low and Null use a bridging Black Ops and a Blockade Runner. Or, you know, just move stuff in the Blockade Runner which is almost impossible to catch if used correctly.

2. I'm pretty sure this is already in there somewhere, but I may be thinking of "days remaining" or something similar. This seems like something for CCP Karkur's little things thread. Remember to use the correct formatting.

3. This has become exponentially less common since the changes to bubble decay. Personally I'm not really sure that a further nerf or change to bubbles is needed. CCP said they're keeping an eye on things and considering other options if they feel they're needed.



I don't see 4 hrs as a nerf to bubbles. Realistically, what can't be done by an active at the keyboard player that takes longer than 4 hrs that can't be interrupted for a few moments for bubble refreshing? I can't think of anything.
Old Pervert
Caldari State
#9 - 2017-04-25 21:31:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Old Pervert
4 Hours seems much more reasonable for bubble decay, totally support it.

Honestly, I'd like to see bubbles have triple the EHP, have a 20 minute decay time, and have a 20 second deploy time.

That way you can use them to actively hunt people. If a roam is headed into your neck of the woods, you anchor a bubble while they're running to/fro and catch them.

Differences between these and DICs/HICs:
- DICs have immediately deployable bubbles, and you can drop 3 of them (one on either side of a gate), plus a spare for expanded coverage
- HICs can move

Use-cases for each:
- DICs provide fast reactive bubbling
- HICs provide durable bubbling
- Anchor bubbles provide strategic deployment of assets to trap people, without tying up a pilot
Cade Windstalker
#10 - 2017-04-25 22:03:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Cade Windstalker
Serendipity Lost wrote:

I don't see 4 hrs as a nerf to bubbles. Realistically, what can't be done by an active at the keyboard player that takes longer than 4 hrs that can't be interrupted for a few moments for bubble refreshing? I can't think of anything.

Nah, I just realize that these things get used in multi-hour fights, and in a passive way without someone actively on-grid watching them that aren't the toxic case of "bubble **** every gate for 5 jumps"

I also don't really think "go over and poke the on switch on the bubble" is particularly engaging gameplay. With a 2 day timer on the T1s you basically just need to know "is this yesterday's bubble or today's?" where as when you're getting down into less than a day you need to start keeping track, potentially across multiple people if you're running a long camp or something, and that's just tedious and annoying not fun or engaging.

Also if we were to start talking about 4 hours *decay* the price of bubbles would need to drop to compensate, because that's on the order of 'woops, bubble popped fleet' not 'how did no one remember to refresh the bubble today' levels of maintenance if you don't want an ostensibly reusable asset turning into a very disposable one.

Old Pervert wrote:
Differences between these and DICs/HICs:
- DICs have immediately deployable bubbles, and you can drop 3 of them (one on either side of a gate), plus a spare for expanded coverage
- HICs can move

Use-cases for each:
- DICs provide fast reactive bubbling
- HICs provide durable bubbling
- Anchor bubbles provide strategic deployment of assets to trap people, without tying up a pilot

I'd also point out that deployable bubbles are *significantly* easier to access than a DIC or a HIC. Anchoring 4 is a sub-3 day train for even a horribly off-map pilot. Interdictors to 4 is a roughly 20 day train just to get the ship to 4 with prerequisites and then you need the relevant racial Destroyer on top of that.
Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#11 - 2017-04-26 08:00:56 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
1. This really isn't needed. Jump Freighters are expensive for a reason. If you really need a safe way to jump small quantities of stuff around Low and Null use a bridging Black Ops and a Blockade Runner. Or, you know, just move stuff in the Blockade Runner which is almost impossible to catch if used correctly.

2. I'm pretty sure this is already in there somewhere, but I may be thinking of "days remaining" or something similar. This seems like something for CCP Karkur's little things thread. Remember to use the correct formatting.

3. This has become exponentially less common since the changes to bubble decay. Personally I'm not really sure that a further nerf or change to bubbles is needed. CCP said they're keeping an eye on things and considering other options if they feel they're needed.


I see a problem with 2 as on my account page cup can't even keep track of the date, I have had my dates change constantly from a few days to a few weeks all with in the same sub period and cup couldn't tell me what was going on

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Cade Windstalker
#12 - 2017-04-26 13:37:09 UTC
Agondray wrote:
I see a problem with 2 as on my account page cup can't even keep track of the date, I have had my dates change constantly from a few days to a few weeks all with in the same sub period and cup couldn't tell me what was going on

I kind of doubt changing the way this is displayed would fix an underlying issue with the data being provided to the UI.
Nosum Hseebnrido
#13 - 2017-04-27 07:12:05 UTC
2) This is very good idea. Login screen with character selection once had something like that when you had just few days left(top left corrner of the screen, bold-red text).