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If one actually wants to fix the issues with wardecs

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#81 - 2017-04-17 11:09:19 UTC
Your ability to hang on to a bad idea and argue with all takers is to be applauded. Your idea however still blows goats. Find a cause worthy of your tenacity - this is not it.
Benkan Malik
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2017-04-18 03:58:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Benkan Malik
All of these wardec threads are a joke. Eve is like an old west town taken over by bandits, mercs, and psychos. They love throwing their weight around, bullying all the townies that are too weak and inexperienced to put up much of a fight. Then, when those townies leave for less dangerous places, the bandits are left sitting around, no one left to bully but each other, wondering where all the easy marks went. Of course, this is a gross simplification of a complex community, but there is a ring of truth to it.

Eve is a game. CCP is a business. They have to make money. They can only continue to do this by bringing in and retaining new players. By most accounts, this is not currently happening. The recent play-for-free changes are supposed to be a change to reverse this trend. Only time will tell if it works. But, based on the preponderance of posts on 'wardec abuse' and other complaints, it may be that free-to-play isn't going to be enough.

I certainly recognize the feelings of those that lament any change to Eve that compromises the hard-core experience. To them, safe zones fly in the very face of what Eve is supposed to represent. It galls them that others might achieve their stature without having to endure their trials and sacrifices (or worse, by buying it all up front). Hell, it galls them that anyone would even make the attempt. There is something to be said for paying proper dues.

And while I recognize their feelings, I don't agree with them. Eve is not supposed to be just one thing. If it was originally supposed to be a lawless free-for-all, why was Concord created? Why is there any PvE at all? Why are exploration and trade offered as options along side combat roles? (You can literally devote hundreds of hours to the game, make billions of ISK and never leave the dock). Why is the Eve universe so freaking beautiful? There are many reasons for playing Eve and they are all valid as long as the game supports them.

I'll admit up front, I have zero interest in PvP. I don't have any desire to take from others or to destroy what they have created. The Eve hardcore will say that makes me a carebear, and maybe so. I came to Eve to explore, to experience its vast beauty and scale, to see if I could learn how to navigate between the stars, and maybe find a treasure or two along the way. As such, I'm certainly an anathema to the hardcore old guard. They say there should be no place for players like me in Eve. I disagree, and I think CCP disagrees as well.

Currently, I've been able to do all the things I've mentioned, and I have enjoyed doing it. If, however, every third time I undocked, some psycho suicide-ganked me, I wouldn't be enjoying it at all. That doesn't make me weak, it makes me normal. I play video games because I'm looking for entertainment and a diversion. That I'm not looking to blow some other player out of existence doesn't make me a loser. That I don't want to lose something I've invested hours or days in building doesn't make me a coward. It just makes me perhaps different than you.

Now, I've accepted that my choice of play style comes with consequences; that I may have to give up some aspects of Eve to maintain my level of enjoyment. To date, I have remained in HiSec (which is what I thought was the point of HiSec) and I have to be content with the loot available in HiSec (which I am so far). My paltry 10 mil a week income isn't skewing any market, and I have no ambitions about building an empire of POSs and hiding behind walls and an army of mercs. And now that I know joining a player corp means that I can become an open target at any moment, I'll live with the high tax rate of the NPC corp I'm in. Does that make me safe? Nope. I can still be ganked at any time by anyone with the will. There is certainly no lack of players with the funds and the mindset - some folks just want to see Rome burn. It may be that tomorrow I'll find HiSec too restricting, too small, and I'll cast my ship into the hungry space of null sec. Or it may be never. But it should be my choice, not yours.

That I can play as I have does not sit well with the purists. Some will even express open disdain for such a play style. That I can do this seems somehow insulting to them, as though my choices or behavior have somehow diminished their accomplishments. To me, it's a bit like a professional baseball player getting pissed at weekend softball players that just play for fun. I don't understand it. Eve is a massive world. There's room enough for all types of players. So far, CCP has made at least some effort in supporting a variety of play styles. Wardec, as it's currently implemented is counter to such efforts. If some of the purists had their way, there wouldn't even be HiSec. And they have a right to their belief. But, changes that allow experienced, well-geared, and advanced players to prey upon inexperienced, poorly-geared, and novice players anytime, anywhere without significant risk or consequence make the game untenable for me. I'll move on to another game, and CCP would be out another subscription. The purists would be happy, of course, but their joy won't likely last.

The truth is that the bitter vets need the very cannon fodder they see as weak whiners if they want Eve to continue in the long term. And if CCP doesn't make a stronger effort to court and retain all kinds of players in whatever form that must be, their dissolution may come sooner rather than later. This, in the end, is a game owned by a business. The goal of the business, to make money, will decide how things change. It won't be the arbitrary, narrow view of subset of the playing community.

Excuse me, now. I have to go create a new account. Big smile
Merin Ryskin
Peregrine Industries
#83 - 2017-04-18 04:21:04 UTC
Benkan Malik wrote:
Eve is a game. CCP is a business. They have to make money. They can only continue to do this by bringing in and retaining new players. By most accounts, this is not currently happening. The recent play-for-free changes are supposed to be a change to reverse this trend. Only time will tell if it works. But, based on the preponderance of posts on 'wardec abuse' and other complaints, it may be that free-to-play isn't going to be enough.

EVE has grown and thrived in the past, despite even less forgiving mechanics for ganking/wars/etc. It's highly unlikely that, whatever the reasons for the lack of growth in 2017 may be, the problem has anything to do with these things.

If, however, every third time I undocked, some psycho suicide-ganked me, I wouldn't be enjoying it at all.

If you're getting suicide ganked that frequently it's because of your own stupidity. Suicide ganking is very easy to evade, perhaps you should try not sucking at EVE?

That I don't want to lose something I've invested hours or days in building doesn't make me a coward.

Yes it does. "Don't fly it if you can't afford to lose it" is a fundamental rule of EVE. If you're terrified of losing a ship then EVE is not the game for you.

The truth is that the bitter vets need the very cannon fodder they see as weak whiners if they want Eve to continue in the long term.

No we don't. We don't need you at all. It's entertaining to gank you and watch you cry, and to collect your hate mail to laugh about with our friends. But in the end your presence is temporary, and you contribute next to nothing before you are evicted from the game. The people that add content are the strong newbies who accept the challenge, and are determined to win. We kill them, they come back stronger and kill us back.
Merin Ryskin
Peregrine Industries
#84 - 2017-04-18 04:26:21 UTC
Also, about that diminishing the value of accomplishments thing? It's YOUR accomplishments that would be diminished if you were given the safety you demand. Accomplishing something is meaningless if there is no chance to fail, and that chance of failure is what makes EVE a great game despite its rather dull mechanics. If you succeed at something in EVE it's because you overcame adversity and forced the world to acknowledge your success, not merely because you invested sufficient hours in grinding to level up enough times. If you remove the chance of failure, as provided by wars/suicide ganks/etc then your accomplishments are no longer special. You are no longer the lone success in a sea of failures, you're just one more mindless PvE player grinding away until you inevitably reach the goal that everyone else has reached.
Black Pedro
#85 - 2017-04-18 12:17:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Benkan Malik wrote:
Eve is a game. CCP is a business. They have to make money. They can only continue to do this by bringing in and retaining new players. By most accounts, this is not currently happening.
Eve Online is still highly profitable and will be for the foreseeable future. It amazes me that people become so passionate over the financial health of a corporation they are not shareholders in coincidently when they are arguing for fundamental changes to the game that would benefit them. CCP's balance sheet is CCP's problem. They are not asking for your input on how to run their business. People have been ringing the make-game-safer-or-CCP-will-go-bankrupt bell since 2003 and yet here we are.

Benkam Malik wrote:
And while I recognize their feelings, I don't agree with them. Eve is not supposed to be just one thing. If it was originally supposed to be a lawless free-for-all, why was Concord created? Why is there any PvE at all? Why are exploration and trade offered as options along side combat roles? (You can literally devote hundreds of hours to the game, make billions of ISK and never leave the dock). Why is the Eve universe so freaking beautiful? There are many reasons for playing Eve and they are all valid as long as the game supports them.
Eve Online is suppose to be a virtual world. A full-time PvP sandbox game. And it is. Under that broad design however, there is place for all sorts of types of game play. PvE for example, is there to provide resources, but in keeping with the basic design of the game, is also designed to put you are risk to the other players while gathering those resources. CONCORD is there to impose a cost on aggression to give some breathing room for solo/new players by making them not lucrative targets (in most situations anyways). It would be much easier to instance the PvE or just turn off offensive modules against other players in highsec, but CCP is building a single-universe, competitive game where we are all vulnerable to each other. That limits what types of game play are possible to a degree, but still leaves a vast range of activities for players to take part in while in the shared universe.

That said it is a sandbox and the reasons and motivations to play are intentionally not defined. There is a clear focus on spaceship combat and building things to engage in spaceship combat, but really you can play anyway you find enjoyable. But if you are going to play in the sandbox you have to accept the basic premise of the game that we are all purposely kept vulnerable to each other. There is no room for a player who has zero tolerance for unwanted interactions with other players. Whether that is via the market, or through violence, other players are allowed to impact on your game experience just as you are allowed to do to them.

Benkam Malik wrote:
I'll admit up front, I have zero interest in PvP. I don't have any desire to take from others or to destroy what they have created. The Eve hardcore will say that makes me a carebear, and maybe so. I came to Eve to explore, to experience its vast beauty and scale, to see if I could learn how to navigate between the stars, and maybe find a treasure or two along the way. As such, I'm certainly an anathema to the hardcore old guard. They say there should be no place for players like me in Eve. I disagree, and I think CCP disagrees as well.
Only a few small-minded cretins would claim that. There is a place for the pacifist industrialist in New Eden as long as you accept that you are in competition with other players, both economically, and as a potential prey item for pirates, vandals, and your violence-minded industrial rivals.

There is nothing wrong with doing your thing, evading the predators and playing the game as you find enjoyable never once shooting another player. That isn't being a carebear - that is just playing Eve. What makes someone a carebear player is demanding that they somehow be exempt from the shared-universe that we all play in. That they be immune to the other players in the sandbox while yet still retain the ability to "win" by accumulating resources. That selfish demand is not compatible with the basic game CCP built and there is no place for a player who will not tolerate the shared universe intruding in on their game play. Playing the game in the safer, but less lucrative area of highsec from the NPC corp is perfectly fine and an intended way to experience New Eden. Choose the level of risk vs. reward you are comfortable with. However, demanding that you get all the rewards you want while being immune to the other players is just not something that is ever going to be given to carebears by CCP. It is probably best these players move on to another game they will like more sooner rather than later.

Benkam Malik wrote:
But, changes that allow experienced, well-geared, and advanced players to prey upon inexperienced, poorly-geared, and novice players anytime, anywhere without significant risk or consequence make the game untenable for me. I'll move on to another game, and CCP would be out another subscription. The purists would be happy, of course, but their joy won't likely last.
While I do have much sympathy for true new players who are disadvantaged by ISK, SP and the social contacts that are power in New Eden, I have no sympathy for the whiney veteran industrialist who feels entitled to build, gather and get rich in our shared universe in complete safety. New players are indeed weak and at a disadvantage and should be helped by all of us to find their feet, ideally in a larger group that can teach and support them. However, there is a large cadre of veteran players who just like to wrap themselves in the "new player" flag to abuse the free safety of CONCORD to protect their operations. It is very hard to give safety to real new players without it being exploited by greedy veterans, but I am all for it where CCP can find a way.
Benkan Malik
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2017-04-18 14:17:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Benkan Malik
Merin Ryskin wrote:
Also, about that diminishing the value of accomplishments thing? It's YOUR accomplishments that would be diminished if you were given the safety you demand. Accomplishing something is meaningless if there is no chance to fail, and that chance of failure is what makes EVE a great game despite its rather dull mechanics. If you succeed at something in EVE it's because you overcame adversity and forced the world to acknowledge your success, not merely because you invested sufficient hours in grinding to level up enough times. If you remove the chance of failure, as provided by wars/suicide ganks/etc then your accomplishments are no longer special. You are no longer the lone success in a sea of failures, you're just one more mindless PvE player grinding away until you inevitably reach the goal that everyone else has reached.

That's your definition of accomplishment, and fortunately, I'm not required to live or play by your definitions. I'm not interested in forcing the world to do anything. That's a fool's errand and the bully's fantasy. You talk like you think you're some great space Conan, driving your enemies before you, enjoying the lamentations of their women. What you really are is just some sad person who gets off on bullying others in a virtual world. And you argue like you play: you try to bully. You don't get to define what's right for me, just like I don't get to define what's right for you (notice, BTW, I've never stated that anyone should be playing EVE the way I am).

Eve is a game. It's supposed to be enjoyed. You may believe that I have to adhere to your definition of enjoyment, but you're wrong. I'm free to try to find my own way. And if Eve changes to the point that I can't enjoy it anymore, I'll move on to another game. I've not requested that CCP to make Eve safer, and I've never argued that there should be zero risk. What I am stating is that CCP obviously feels the need to make changes to stop the bleeding, your head in the sand attitude notwithstanding. If they want to appeal to more gamers, it only stands to reason that they need to support as much play style variety as they can without losing who they are. It's a tough task, but the whole market will determine whether they are successful. You bullies alone can't carry the day.

And I've never been ganked (though, after these posts, I expect it will become much more likely... P). If you actually read my post, I wrote IF I was being ganked every third undock. As in, if the game changed enough that I couldn't even undock without getting podded, it would be untenable for me. Of course, I know that the absence of ganking is not due to any skill I possess. It's has a lot more to do with the fact that I've never been worth the trouble. But in Eve, it doesn't have to be about ISK. The day after I started playing, someone placed a 100k bounty on me, not for anything I did (I was only running career missions at the time - I couldn't have pissed anyone off), but just because they could. I'm sure they thought it would be funny. Being a newb, I didn't even realize it until a few weeks later. Of course I panicked, thinking everyone was going to shoot me out of the sky for that free ISK. Turns out, it's not that big a deal. To most players, it's chump change. But the point was that players in Eve don't have to have a good reason for doing anything. If someone wants to take you out, they can. Even you, the great and fearsome Merin, can be taken out by any player with the will and the resources to do it. And what would that prove? Absolutely nothing. That you can ambush someone means nothing. That you can take out newbs in probes, thrashers, or ventures with your T2 10 mil SP full implant avatars doesn't make you special or great. It just makes you a jerk.

Your definition of fun is not mine. Your definition of success is not mine. You are free to pursue your vision as you wish. But, you aren't going to dictate to me what mine should be. Only CCP can do that. If they want to keep me as a paying customer, then they need to support my vision as well as yours. I don't see the two as incompatible. That you do is your problem. Time will tell if CCP agrees with you.
Benkan Malik
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2017-04-18 15:01:17 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
There is nothing wrong with doing your thing, evading the predators and playing the game as you find enjoyable never once shooting another player. That isn't being a carebear - that is just playing Eve. What makes someone a carebear player is demanding that they somehow be exempt from the shared-universe that we all play in. That they be immune to the other players in the sandbox while yet still retain the ability to "win" by accumulating resources. That selfish demand is not compatible with the basic game CCP built and there is no place for a player who will not tolerate the shared universe intruding in on their game play. Playing the game in the safer, but less lucrative area of highsec from the NPC corp is perfectly fine and an intended way to experience New Eden. Choose the level of risk vs. reward you are comfortable with. However, demanding that you get all the rewards you want while being immune to the other players is just not something that is ever going to be given to carebears by CCP. It is probably best these players move on to another game they will like more sooner rather than later.

I have never argued that I should be exempt from the shared universe, or that I get any rewards while being immune to other players. I'm more or less fine with the current mechanics and am enjoying the game. I'm arguing that mechanics like wardec, which can be exploited by those with vast resources and experience to prey upon those with limited resources and little experience in HiSec is moving in the wrong direction. True, you can dodge much of that abuse, but basically only by opting out. All CCP has done is incentivize me not to join or create a player corp. That hardly seems healthy for the game. And yet many of the old guard advocate for making NPC corps even more taxing, or eliminating them all together. In fact, why even have the concept of security at all? If playing in null-sec is the quickest and best way to learn to survive in Eve, as many vets argue, then why not just make every system null-sec? I don't know the answer to that for sure, but I suspect that CCP does, and haven't implemented that change for that reason.

All these arguments really come down to balance. It's that fine line CCP must walk to attempt to please enough gamers to stay in business. You ignore the market at your peril. I'm only stating the opinion that mechanics like wardec, as currently implemented, are not a step in the right direction. You, of course, are free to disagree.
perseus skye
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2017-04-18 15:21:52 UTC
although I do agree larger more experienced corps farming *lesser*newbie corps does little more than funnel those players to join a bigger corp as really you cannot win

But eve is not about always winning or being fair it is a cruel game sometimes and losses happen and you either learn and adapt or you lose , I'm hopeful something in the future is implemented to help newer smaller corps survive and grow but losing a battle or a war is not the end of the game it is sometimes just the start .
Black Pedro
#89 - 2017-04-18 15:36:04 UTC
Benkan Malik wrote:
I have never argued that I should be exempt from the shared universe, or that I get any rewards while being immune to other players. I'm more or less fine with the current mechanics and am enjoying the game. I'm arguing that mechanics like wardec, which can be exploited by those with vast resources and experience to prey upon those with limited resources and little experience in HiSec is moving in the wrong direction. True, you can dodge much of that abuse, but basically only by opting out. All CCP has done is incentivize me not to join or create a player corp. That hardly seems healthy for the game. And yet many of the old guard advocate for making NPC corps even more taxing, or eliminating them all together. In fact, why even have the concept of security at all? If playing in null-sec is the quickest and best way to learn to survive in Eve, as many vets argue, then why not just make every system null-sec? I don't know the answer to that for sure, but I suspect that CCP does, and haven't implemented that change for that reason.

All these arguments really come down to balance. It's that fine line CCP must walk to attempt to please enough gamers to stay in business. You ignore the market at your peril. I'm only stating the opinion that mechanics like wardec, as currently implemented, are not a step in the right direction. You, of course, are free to disagree.
No, I largely agree. You should not have a disincentive, such as increased risk, to join a player run corp, especially if you are just looking for a social experience. However, that does not mean wardecs should just be removed. Risk vs. reward should be respected are you should not be entitled to all the benefits of being in a player corp with none of the downsides. Player corporations should have very real benefits over NPC corps given they come with the significant responsibility of defending them. Or at least that is how it should work. Right now, player corps are interchangeable and provide little more than slight tax break making it almost always make more sense to dodge a war then to actively defend.

The simplest solution is just to make two tiers of corps, the "social corp" and the "competitive corp" or whatever variation on the idea. Uncouple the social aspect of grouping up with other players from the competitive aspect of grouping up with other players. Players that want to deploy structures and receive tax breaks and other buffs to their income can form a group and compete, and players that just want to see the sights, and shoot NPCs or rocks with some friends can do so in relative safety.

I'll never say never, but there has been no hint of an indication that CCP is at all concerned with trying to appeal to the true carebears and is thinking of adding a safe space. Barring a complete change in the development staff or sale, I see no chance of that happening. And while the current CCP developers have recently an repeatedly confirmed that while they are not happy with how wars work, they are working well enough that they are not a development priority and not on any roadmap at all. The fact is the game is suppose to work this way with the strong preying on the weak. Highsec is suppose to support player conflict and all players are intended to be at risk to each other. If and when CCP gets around to looking at wars again, whatever changes or replacement they put in place to the system will support this fundamental game play that is at the core of the game, not just make highsec corporations even safer.

As you acknowledge highsec is very safe. With only modest effort and understanding it is trivial for even a new player to stay safe from suicide gankers, and wars are completely optional. Yes, there is an issue with wars being tied to player group identity, although there already ways around it with chat channels and alt corps, but the game largely supports the very safe, but not completely safe, game play you say you are after. I don't see how adding yet even more safety is going to draw more players, unless you go whole hog and add a 100% safe space, which given that is directly against the core idea of the game, is something that has too much risk of alienating the current loyal player base. It is not going to happen.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2017-04-19 09:11:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Black Pedro wrote:
Benkan Malik wrote:
I have never argued that I should be exempt from the shared universe, or that I get any rewards while being immune to other players. I'm more or less fine with the current mechanics and am enjoying the game. I'm arguing that mechanics like wardec, which can be exploited by those with vast resources and experience to prey upon those with limited resources and little experience in HiSec is moving in the wrong direction. True, you can dodge much of that abuse, but basically only by opting out. All CCP has done is incentivize me not to join or create a player corp. That hardly seems healthy for the game. And yet many of the old guard advocate for making NPC corps even more taxing, or eliminating them all together. In fact, why even have the concept of security at all? If playing in null-sec is the quickest and best way to learn to survive in Eve, as many vets argue, then why not just make every system null-sec? I don't know the answer to that for sure, but I suspect that CCP does, and haven't implemented that change for that reason.

All these arguments really come down to balance. It's that fine line CCP must walk to attempt to please enough gamers to stay in business. You ignore the market at your peril. I'm only stating the opinion that mechanics like wardec, as currently implemented, are not a step in the right direction. You, of course, are free to disagree.
No, I largely agree. You should not have a disincentive, such as increased risk, to join a player run corp, especially if you are just looking for a social experience. However, that does not mean wardecs should just be removed. Risk vs. reward should be respected are you should not be entitled to all the benefits of being in a player corp with none of the downsides. Player corporations should have very real benefits over NPC corps given they come with the significant responsibility of defending them. Or at least that is how it should work. Right now, player corps are interchangeable and provide little more than slight tax break making it almost always make more sense to dodge a war then to actively defend.

The simplest solution is just to make two tiers of corps, the "social corp" and the "competitive corp" or whatever variation on the idea. Uncouple the social aspect of grouping up with other players from the competitive aspect of grouping up with other players. Players that want to deploy structures and receive tax breaks and other buffs to their income can form a group and compete, and players that just want to see the sights, and shoot NPCs or rocks with some friends can do so in relative safety.

I'll never say never, but there has been no hint of an indication that CCP is at all concerned with trying to appeal to the true carebears and is thinking of adding a safe space. Barring a complete change in the development staff or sale, I see no chance of that happening. And while the current CCP developers have recently an repeatedly confirmed that while they are not happy with how wars work, they are working well enough that they are not a development priority and not on any roadmap at all. The fact is the game is suppose to work this way with the strong preying on the weak. Highsec is suppose to support player conflict and all players are intended to be at risk to each other. If and when CCP gets around to looking at wars again, whatever changes or replacement they put in place to the system will support this fundamental game play that is at the core of the game, not just make highsec corporations even safer.

As you acknowledge highsec is very safe. With only modest effort and understanding it is trivial for even a new player to stay safe from suicide gankers, and wars are completely optional. Yes, there is an issue with wars being tied to player group identity, although there already ways around it with chat channels and alt corps, but the game largely supports the very safe, but not completely safe, game play you say you are after. I don't see how adding yet even more safety is going to draw more players, unless you go whole hog and add a 100% safe space, which given that is directly against the core idea of the game, is something that has too much risk of alienating the current loyal player base. It is not going to happen.

As always interesting, whenever anyone suggests any change or improvement or adjustment of widely out of balanced systems, the assumption always comes, "ah! You want a totally safe place!" "Eve is hard, suck it up or GTFO".

Actually when noticing the elephant in the room, and one finds it in the Kitchen, guzzling down your Milk, ramming your hot cross buns down it's throat, and crapping in your Cats dinner. Suggesting it might be better off in the garden raises cries of "you hate elephants! Elephant hater!" Go live in a cats home, you pussy".

Thereby neatly ignoring and deflecting from, the issues created by the elephant. Pretending it isn't there does not make The kitchen a more pleasant place to be.

Actually we do like them, just in the right place, maybe a bit less over fed and lazy and with better bowel control, so they do not dominate everything. Nothing wrong with a few elephants.


The cat will never forgive what it did to its dinner though.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2017-04-19 09:37:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Your ability to hang on to a bad idea and argue with all takers is to be applauded. Your idea however still blows goats. Find a cause worthy of your tenacity - this is not it.

If By Bad idea you mean "Removing a wildly advantagous form of killboard padding and noob farming, leading to an improved player experience, and a fairly balanced system, a simple system, realistically achieveable by keen and committed Hard working CCP devs, where attackers and defenders both find the experience engaging and rewarding. And one that leads to emergent gameplay, so interesting tactics develop rewarding smart play."

Then I guess that is the highest compliment.Lol

Not sure about the goat blowing bit though, I guess that is something one needs to experience to appreciate.Blink
Toxic Yaken
Slavers Union
Something Really Pretentious
#92 - 2017-04-20 15:09:11 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:

I could bother mentioning that the op clearly states, one could not wardec unless both defender and attacker had structures, you picked the word citadels out of discussion of a specific hypothetical scenario, but I know, reading, who need it eh?

EVE players tend to be risk averse, so what would stop every single corporation/alliance living in Highsec from using alts to establish structures for their members use? Wardeccers could come and knock down your alt's structure, but members would never be at risk of a war unless you chose to ally to defend the structure.

I also don't like structure grinding. :(

Curator of the Wardec Project - Join our Discord to join the discussions about Wardecs

Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2017-04-21 15:50:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Toxic Yaken wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

I could bother mentioning that the op clearly states, one could not wardec unless both defender and attacker had structures, you picked the word citadels out of discussion of a specific hypothetical scenario, but I know, reading, who need it eh?

EVE players tend to be risk averse, so what would stop every single corporation/alliance living in Highsec from using alts to establish structures for their members use? Wardeccers could come and knock down your alt's structure, but members would never be at risk of a war unless you chose to ally to defend the structure.

I also don't like structure grinding. :(

True, structure Grinding is absolutely not fun, but neither is losing one, and I really believe that being at war should alter structure timers in HS to place them more at risk, that would be for CCP to decide, possibly more like Wormhole structures overall, but retaining asset mechanics.

Regarding alts corps owning the structures, surely one would declare war on the alt corp? They would need to invite their "friends" into the war to defend it or it could all get very expensive.........

If players absolutely, totally, insist on not Fighting In HS no matter what the cost, they will find a way to do so, It is better that they find a way that doesn't involve not playing.
Marika Sunji
Caldari State
#94 - 2017-04-21 17:35:07 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
Toxic Yaken wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

I could bother mentioning that the op clearly states, one could not wardec unless both defender and attacker had structures, you picked the word citadels out of discussion of a specific hypothetical scenario, but I know, reading, who need it eh?

EVE players tend to be risk averse, so what would stop every single corporation/alliance living in Highsec from using alts to establish structures for their members use? Wardeccers could come and knock down your alt's structure, but members would never be at risk of a war unless you chose to ally to defend the structure.

I also don't like structure grinding. :(

True, structure Grinding is absolutely not fun, but neither is losing one, and I really believe that being at war should alter structure timers in HS to place them more at risk, that would be for CCP to decide, possibly more like Wormhole structures overall, but retaining asset mechanics.

Regarding alts corps owning the structures, surely one would declare war on the alt corp? They would need to invite their "friends" into the war to defend it or it could all get very expensive.........

If players absolutely, totally, insist on not Fighting In HS no matter what the cost, they will find a way to do so, It is better that they find a way that doesn't involve not playing.

It would be very expensive... Well, except not really. Consider the two most common Upwell structures - the Astrahus and the Raitaru. They are currently 1b and 0.6b at Jita prices, respectively. While this might seem like a lot of money, an average incursion runner can make that much in ten hours or less. This results in highsec being littered with structures that no one cares about or even probably remembers exist. Most highsec citadel owners don't care to show up for a single rf timer. Even the larger structures, like Azbels, don't usually see a lot of fighting (you'll get a guy to man the guns if you're really unlucky). Only Fortizars are being fought over, but most of them is AUTZ tanked and won't see any action anyway.