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New PVE content with officer spawn

Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#1 - 2017-03-30 06:35:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Teddy KGB
I'd like to see some interesting PVE content for groups of 5-10 pilots. Sansha incursions is too big and assume 40+ numbers to close. All other PVE content is quite simple and one can run it solo (DED complexes, Anomic missions, Missions, Anomalies etc.). Here are my thoughts what it can look like.

- DED complex that spawns in 0.0 only under unknown signature that should be scanned first (maybe virtue implants needed) 1,2-2 complex per Region depending on ammount of solar systems in it.

- Some kind of structure generates 10 pass keys with 2 minutes lifetime for acceleraton gate with 15 minutes interval.
So 10 ships max may enter sight at once, no caps allowed of course. Second part of 10 ships will be able to pass through the gate after 15 minutes when another portion of pass keys will spawn. Like ESS that structure should scramble one who takes a pass key for 30 seconds to prevent looting after decloak and warp out to hold any unwanted forces to enter sight. Also 1 pilot able to take only 1 pass key

- NPC need to be smart and strong:
(I'd like to see something between incursion and anomic missions. Not big ammount of NPC like in different missions or DEDs, but with a good tank and high DPS like in anomic missions and with different electronics like in incursions: neuts, jamm, damps, webs etc). NPC can warp out if not pointed and come back repaired.

- Make PVP ships like recons, command destroyers etc. usefull for this sight

- Loot:
Max drop value must be attractive and vary from 0.5b to 15b, maybe with a chance of officer mods drop. Part of items drop in EVE can be moved in this type of complex only, this will give it right rarety and move it's price at right place. Like faction BS prints, it's quit strange that faction BS costs less than navy issue. Maybe faction or deadspace scripts for different modules like capital flex armor hardeners or dampeners, tracking computers etc.

- This sight must assume minimum 30 minutes of a high quality teamwork gameplay

Also would be nice to see some audio & video content like video messages in new tutorials..
CCP could link different sights to each of existing Officers in EVE, so new content can be added step by step in different patches.

PS: This new type of PVE content will automatically generate PVP content and fill null sec space with people moving around in fancy ships with shiny mods. And also might bring more groups of pilots from high-sec regions.
Cade Windstalker
#2 - 2017-03-30 13:01:34 UTC
Vanguard Incursions literally cap out at 10 people before payouts start dropping, they are exactly the scale you're talking about and meet most of your requirements. There are also already groups that do primarily VG incursion fleets.

The only requirement they don't meet at all is "make PvP ships useful" because the way NPCs work and are balanced things like EWar or group-boosh just aren't that useful. It's basically always better to kill things faster than it is to jam something or move the fleet around, and designing sites in a way that would make those useful would also make them required.
Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#3 - 2017-03-31 09:11:58 UTC
Vanguard is just a ret killing boring duty.. You come, you shoot, go to next one. Boring. Also it generates isks, not items. And it placed in high-sec systems. My point is about something dangerous and juicy at same time, that will generate content before you enter sight. You can meet a lot of content in 0.0 space on the way to it. And the main goal is to fill null sec space with pilots. Coz nowadays EVE Online is a game about people glued to their homebases doing their sanctums and havens in sov space or agent missions in npc space. There is nothing valuable in space that can make people go further than 5 jumps. Empty space is worst disease of EVE in my opinion. CCP went in cycles with their global and epic events when there are 5k people fighting in one system with 98% time delay. Certainly it's a strong part of the game but it will never be the main part. They pointing that you can be part of something big and colossal, but they forget that any big consists of small parts and there is a great gap in content for small parts.
I am a CEO of pvp alliance for more than 5 years and all the time i see one thing. People don't want to go anywhere by themselves, they will only if you take and lead them. They really want some action, but 95% of people afraid of responsibility, but i remember how fast people could gather without their mail leader if there spawned 10/10 that could drop up to 2 billion of isks (should note that PLEX price was about 280mil). When people see money they forget about their fears lol :)

Also i think that many people prefer to be a part of something small than big, because value of 1 in small is much higher than 1 in big.
Sonya M
#4 - 2017-03-31 09:19:07 UTC
15b in lut sounds nice to me! PvP attractors in random locations.. This could add some life in nul-space for sure!
CCP? v0v
Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#5 - 2017-03-31 09:24:25 UTC
Yeah i think that idea with officer spawn is good. And i think that it should drop more guns and ammo, coz it goes more at one ship than damage mods, webs and other stuff. Also officer guns should be able to use T2 ammo like capital faction guns.
Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#6 - 2017-03-31 09:29:48 UTC
Maybe add officer ships and prints?
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#7 - 2017-03-31 11:17:27 UTC  |  Edited by: FT Diomedes
So, with these limited gate keys, how does someone else get inside to fight you for the loot? It looks like a minimum 15 minute delay to get inside for the second group?

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#8 - 2017-03-31 12:28:15 UTC
Right. thats why this sight must take more than 30 minutes to complete. maybe 15 min is too much, maybe 10, but not less and ofcourse after keys spawn it will stay there till someone take it.
So one group cannot take more than 10 ships to do this sight easy way, so the sight will always stay as a hard chalange that will garantee stable price for mods dropped there. As a side effect, limitation will remove ability to outnumber first group, but it's not bad i think.
Ofcourse you can add 10 ships more after next keys spawn, but you will have to take all the hardness of sight by first group, what make sensless taking more than 10 guys.
Cade Windstalker
#9 - 2017-03-31 13:38:08 UTC
Teddy KGB wrote:
Vanguard is just a ret killing boring duty.. You come, you shoot, go to next one. Boring. Also it generates isks, not items. And it placed in high-sec systems. My point is about something dangerous and juicy at same time, that will generate content before you enter sight. You can meet a lot of content in 0.0 space on the way to it. And the main goal is to fill null sec space with pilots. Coz nowadays EVE Online is a game about people glued to their homebases doing their sanctums and havens in sov space or agent missions in npc space. There is nothing valuable in space that can make people go further than 5 jumps. Empty space is worst disease of EVE in my opinion. CCP went in cycles with their global and epic events when there are 5k people fighting in one system with 98% time delay. Certainly it's a strong part of the game but it will never be the main part. They pointing that you can be part of something big and colossal, but they forget that any big consists of small parts and there is a great gap in content for small parts.
I am a CEO of pvp alliance for more than 5 years and all the time i see one thing. People don't want to go anywhere by themselves, they will only if you take and lead them. They really want some action, but 95% of people afraid of responsibility, but i remember how fast people could gather without their mail leader if there spawned 10/10 that could drop up to 2 billion of isks (should note that PLEX price was about 280mil). When people see money they forget about their fears lol :)

Also i think that many people prefer to be a part of something small than big, because value of 1 in small is much higher than 1 in big.

Every PvE activity in Eve that involves shooting anything at all is "got to place, shoot stuff, leave" the same way that PvE in a fantasy MMO generally ends up following the formula of "go to place, stab/bash/burn/freeze/electrocute the things, return to me with 10 wolf pelts".

Also Incursions aren't just in High Sec, there are active low-sec communities and at least some people in Null who do them occasionally.

As for the goal of "get people moving around in Null" it's just not going to happen. We already have escalations and Incursions and no one but an idiot or a brave fool will chase one into space they might lose their ship in. You're not going to change this, people are inherently risk averse and PvE activities need to be profitable which means there's a fairly low risk threshold inherent to them. If space is too risky people will stop doing activities there.

As to your example of a 2bil drop in 2007, that was due to scarcity. Null was less populated, the markets for those items were less saturated, and quite frankly people didn't know the math behind those drops at that point. At this point enough people do know the math to decide if it's worth it, and most people won't risk a shiny ship on a low chance of a valuable drop. At best they'll bring the minimum required so they won't be sorry if they lose it.

On top of that if you were to start throwing out Officer spawns as regular PvE content, as opposed to the super valuable rarity they are now, you'd quickly see the price of those mods drop and thus the rewards would drop with them, making that sort of carrot ineffective in the long run as a content driver.
Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#10 - 2017-03-31 16:44:58 UTC
Thanks for your comment, Cade.
Well i gave 2007 as an example because of PLEX price. 10/10 kept giving 2bil drop right till CCP decided to give it as expedition to sov space carebears. This case has no link to null sec population.
Pixel Piracy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2017-04-01 07:47:26 UTC
Rogue drone incursions.

The drones, having managed to finish building their superstructures, become a serious threat as legions of drones pour out of the new Mother Hive. Fleets would have to team up and tackle the ever-replicating swarms as well as assault the Mother Hive.

Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#12 - 2017-04-01 09:12:51 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
So, with these limited gate keys, how does someone else get inside to fight you for the loot? It looks like a minimum 15 minute delay to get inside for the second group?

What do you think about this idea in general? I'd like to hear your opinion as a PvP player
Zansha Expansion
#13 - 2017-04-01 20:40:01 UTC
Teddy KGB wrote:
FT Diomedes wrote:
So, with these limited gate keys, how does someone else get inside to fight you for the loot? It looks like a minimum 15 minute delay to get inside for the second group?

What do you think about this idea in general? I'd like to hear your opinion as a PvP player

Bring saber - the only interdiction destroyer class ship in New Eden - bubble the gate. Press FONE.

You won EVE.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#14 - 2017-04-01 21:29:22 UTC
Teddy KGB wrote:
And the main goal is to fill null sec space with pilots. Coz nowadays EVE Online is a game about people glued to their homebases doing their sanctums and havens in sov space or agent missions in npc space. There is nothing valuable in space that can make people go further than 5 jumps.

Not going to happen. Nullbears are the most risk-averse cowards in this game. Make it as valuable as you want, they'll still hug their safe spaces and cry about how they can't rat in perfect safety.

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Cade Windstalker
#15 - 2017-04-01 22:16:38 UTC
Linus Gorp wrote:
Teddy KGB wrote:
And the main goal is to fill null sec space with pilots. Coz nowadays EVE Online is a game about people glued to their homebases doing their sanctums and havens in sov space or agent missions in npc space. There is nothing valuable in space that can make people go further than 5 jumps.

Not going to happen. Nullbears are the most risk-averse cowards in this game. Make it as valuable as you want, they'll still hug their safe spaces and cry about how they can't rat in perfect safety.

It's not any one group, anyone doing any sort of PvE is going to be inherently risk averse because risk inherently clashes with the goals of PvE. Risky activities, like running back and forth through Rancer going "fight me bro!" lose ISK and resources, PvE's goal is to gain ISK and resources.

Pretty much by definition if a highly risky activity provides enough reward to make up for the absurd risks you've broken the economy. People will find a way to minimize the risks and then the whole risk/reward curve goes sideways and takes the economy with it. Case and point, Drifter Incursions.
Eagle's Talon's
#16 - 2017-04-02 04:09:01 UTC
Pixel Piracy wrote:
Rogue drone incursions.

The drones, having managed to finish building their superstructures, become a serious threat as legions of drones pour out of the new Mother Hive. Fleets would have to team up and tackle the ever-replicating swarms as well as assault the Mother Hive.


I'm surprised that the Rogue Drones haven't teamed up with Drifters and the Sleepers to create a new offspring seeing as how all three share a similar connection of being part machine and part organic.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#17 - 2017-04-02 10:45:10 UTC
Teddy KGB wrote:
FT Diomedes wrote:
So, with these limited gate keys, how does someone else get inside to fight you for the loot? It looks like a minimum 15 minute delay to get inside for the second group?

What do you think about this idea in general? I'd like to hear your opinion as a PvP player

This idea is bad. It is not set up to promote PVP.

1. Making it hard to scan down makes it so that anyone who wants to interfere with you has to have that ability.

2. The 15 minute minimum delay to get inside and mess with the group running the site just gives the first group more time to run away or call for a blob to come guard the entrance gate.

3. Any PVE site that is any kind of challenge is a complete pain-in-the-ass to go inside and kill someone else. Have you ever gone after someone inside a Guristas 10/10? It's hard.

4. People will not travel just to run these sites. Instead, they will remain in their own region to run them in absolute safety.

5. You have suggested a couple of these might spawn per region. That means for areas like the Drones Regions, you are just handing the local residents this resource without much risk because it is relatively hard to get there. In densely populated areas, these sites will be run with little to no risk because you have tons of locals who can camp the entrance gate while their alts run the site.

Let's assume that you are roaming through Syndicate looking for these sites. You have your optimum 5-10 man fleet setup for doing this. You find the site and start running it. My character flies through and sees your fleet config on d-scan. Sees the signature in local and says on comms "Hey, these guys are running one of those sites that drops eleventy bazillion ISK! Let's go kill them!" Now, I have to get a Virtue prober over there and scan down the site. Let's assume that only takes me 5 minutes. Meanwhile, I am getting my own small gang together to go fight you. Except here is the issue. We have to survive the rats and tackle you. We land on the gate maybe ten minutes after spotting you. At this point, we have no idea how long you have been inside the site. We go inside the site. Is it one room? Or multiple gates to get in there? If you are smart, your gang has aligned away from the warp in point and are sitting at range ready to snipe us and kill tackle ships as we come in. We come in and start burning towards you. You shoot at us for a few seconds and then warp off to a safe spot. Or, the rats switch aggro to our tackle ships and kill them.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Teddy KGB
Red Warming
#18 - 2017-04-03 11:51:31 UTC
1. Making it hard to scan down makes it so that anyone who wants to interfere with you has to have that ability.

Agree. Lets make it easy scan.

2. The 15 minute minimum delay to get inside and mess with the group running the site just gives the first group more time to run away or call for a blob to come guard the entrance gate.

Lets make it 10. Don't see problem in running. If they want they will do it from simple DED aswell and delay makes nothing at this point. But they can be sure that they will fight with equal group if they want to, on other hand they will loose this DED and loot.

3. Any PVE site that is any kind of challenge is a complete pain-in-the-ass to go inside and kill someone else. Have you ever gone after someone inside a Guristas 10/10? It's hard.

Yes i have many time, and many times fleets came to us in different 10/10.

4. People will not travel just to run these sites. Instead, they will remain in their own region to run them in absolute safety.

Not agree. I saw a lot of people doing only DEDs. Sure they did it in one region, but they did them till it was profitable before escalations in sov space.

4. People will not travel just to run these sites. Instead, they will remain in their own region to run them in absolute safety...

Well it can be limited to NPC 0.0 i don't mind, but see no problem if it spawns in sov space, too.

It's not easy to warp out after NPC scrambles you. Switching agro must be just balanced by ccp right, so that different NPC agro at different ships, think its' not hard.
Also i think that site should be without additional pockets everything must happen after entering warp gate. Also you can check d-scan for wrecks to get information about how long first group sitting there.