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Time for a well over due attention towards cloaks Devs please comment

First post
Keno Skir
#21 - 2017-03-29 10:33:13 UTC
Millionth redundant thread about bad cloakers.. check Roll
Thomas Lot
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2017-03-29 11:55:17 UTC
Crazy Dave wrote:
I love cloaks. They make transporting goods through hostile territory a lot easier, they allow people to escape harm as well as to spy on others. Having said that, there is some serious need for allowing players to effectively country this one sided advantage. aside from cloaks there measures and counter measure with most if not all other modules. So why are cloaks left in a state of imbalance with the other modules. Why is it that a cloaked ship can remain cloaked for 5 full days in one system and the corp that owns that system is incapable of locating that hidden ship?

This is extremely one sided and should be addressed by the devs.

Some people have proposed a timer that would cause the ships to de-cloak after period of time and would require a recharge time before it can be used that was based on the length of usage. I think I have a better idea.

My idea would be to either create a new probe that has the capability to seek out cloaked ships based on skill level. It would not locate or show anything that was in system unless it was cloaked. then using the same process to locat anything else, you could eventually locate the position of the hidden ship.

What ever the case, something needs to be done to correct this one sidedness. a ship should not be allowed to remain cloaked in a system for 5+ days without being challenged by those that own that system or territory. The use of probes would still allow the integrity of the cloaked ships to remain to a decent degree while allowing others to locate cloaked ships whose players continue to use this as an unfair advantage. I like probes over timers because it allows the player of the cloaked ship to be able to use the cloaks until they are located.

I would like input from the Devs please. Thanks.

I would like this thread locked please. AFK Cloaky has been pounded to the point of absurdity. Deal with it or move.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#23 - 2017-03-29 12:07:44 UTC
Antagonistic Tendencies
#24 - 2017-03-29 12:18:46 UTC
The only bit I remotely agree with is the "own system/territory" bit - there are things like cyno jamming that can be done in upgraded systems where you have sov to manage other things that have an impact like this - can't think of a way to balance this without breaking cloaking in other areas where IMO the current system is entirely appropriate.
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#25 - 2017-03-29 12:46:03 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:
these kind of threads are the ideal place to increase the number of posts for my account Cool

oh wait, if the thread is locked... does it count the same??? Shocked
legit question

As long as eve-search see it it counts. I think the forum counter only goes down if the post gets deleted rather than just locked, but I haven't really looked into it.

Deletions do not effect your stats.

But this thread is closed for redundancy, please feel free to use the AFK Cloak Thread which has just hit 456 pages and 3 years active.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

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