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War decs : not achieving objectives

Salvos Rhoska
#341 - 2017-03-16 19:15:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Torin Corax wrote:
Salvos, not sure if you specified this in a previous post. Concerning the permanent NPC this a player only distinction or are you involving the NPC's themselves in this? Namely, are you talking about enforced FW for all?

I am not particularly interested in partaking of FW at this time, and approve of the fact that it is a voluntary activity/ playstyle. As you are no doubt aware I have issues with NPC "interference" in player-driven activities ;)

If you are talking about a war that only extends to players themselves though...I might be ok with that. However in such a circumstance I'd go so far as to suggest that the requirement to pay to drop into an NPC corp seems superfluous.

Ive read your other input in this thread, and thought it good and valid.
Im sorry I havent addressed them, but Im dealing with a number of problematic posters concurrently, so I thought it best your posts stand on their own merit without involving you in my mess.

Now that you've addressed me specifically, ofc I will answer:

1) It would be similar to FW in terms of possibly running into an enemy anywhere in HS/LS, but without FW elements of missions and sector ownership. There is a nascent 360 degree circular spectrum of NPC Corp antagonism in EVE. My proposal entails each NPC Corp having a single perpetual enemy NPC Corp that is diametrically opposed.. FW is Empire/Militia NPC based player conflict. My proposal is NPC Corp player conflict.

2) NPCs will not intervene, not will CONCORD, in this current proposal. You may legally aggress, and be aggressed by, players in the NPC Corp opposing yours. Or they, and you, can pass each other by like ships in the night, cos neither of you want a fight. Up to you, and them. No NPC involvement or CONCORD, just between players.

3) At worst (or best, depending how you see it) this could result in a systemic Red vs Blue style HS wide NPC Corp player based conflict, where players intentionally buy into specific NPC Corps for the most targets in the opposing NPC Corps.

4) But no panic. There are so many NPC Corps in the spectrum, that this potential mass conflict between two NPC Corps can be easily avoided by joining one of the many other NPC Corps that have little population in their diametrically opposed enemy NPC Corp, or whom are less likely to aggress you.

5) I think the cost (figure can be debated) I propose to join an NPC Corp of your choosing, is rational. This is to equalize the cost of wardec vs avoiding it. Some may disagree, but I think if you choose the NPC option instead of the 6 other options I listed before, you should pay for it. Furthermore, my proposal allows an aggressor to continue pursuing you despite the NPC Corp jump, if they also pay the cost to do so per character. Some may say this enables griefing, I think it enables content.
Torin Corax
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#342 - 2017-03-16 19:32:11 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

Ive read your input in this thread, and thought it good and valid.
Im sorry I havent addressed them, but Im dealing with a number of problematic posters concurrently, so I thought it best your posts stand on their own merit without involving you in this mess.

Now that you've addressed me specifically, ofc I will answer:

1) It would be similar to FW in terms of possibly running into an enemy anywhere in HS/LS, but without FW elements of missions and sector ownership. There is a nascent 360 degree circular spectrum of NPC Corp antagonism in EVE. My proposal entails each NPC Corp having a single enemy NPC Corp. FW is Empire/Militia NPC conflict. My proposal is NPC Corp conflict.

2) NPCs will not intervene, not will CONCORD, in this current proposal. But you may legally aggress, and be aggressed by, players in the NPC Corp opposing yours. Or they, and you, can pass each other by like ships in the night, cos neither of you want a fight.

Ok, this is rather interesting.

1. Given the number of NPC corps, this could get messy quickly. Standings could fast become an issue, given the way they work atm, it would be rather easy to tank your standings very quickly just through defending yourself. I'd assume you'd have no objection to abolishing standings loss towards an NPC corp solely by defending yourself against player aggression from someone in that NPC corp? That would allow for greater freedom of choice as to which NPC corp you join at any given time, which if I read your initial idea correctly was one of the points.

2. I actually like this idea. As long as I don't have to deal with NPC's warping in and messing up a potentially GF I think this could be a laugh.

That said, I'm used to traveling in hostile space and avoiding those I'm not in a position to fight. I very much doubt CCP would go this far though, as the forum explosion would be real. I honestly think this would certainly lose CCP a lot of subs. Essentially it would bypass concord completely except for player corps....I'd expect to see a massive proliferation of 1 man corps out there.
Salvos Rhoska
#343 - 2017-03-16 20:31:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Torin Corax wrote:

1. Given the number of NPC corps, this could get messy quickly. Standings could fast become an issue, given the way they work atm, it would be rather easy to tank your standings very quickly just through defending yourself. I'd assume you'd have no objection to abolishing standings loss towards an NPC corp solely by defending yourself against player aggression from someone in that NPC corp? That would allow for greater freedom of choice as to which NPC corp you join at any given time, which if I read your initial idea correctly was one of the points.

2. I actually like this idea. As long as I don't have to deal with NPC's warping in and messing up a potentially GF I think this could be a laugh.

That said, I'm used to traveling in hostile space and avoiding those I'm not in a position to fight. I very much doubt CCP would go this far though, as the forum explosion would be real. I honestly think this would certainly lose CCP a lot of subs. Essentially it would bypass concord completely except for player corps....I'd expect to see a massive proliferation of 1 man corps out there.

1a) Yes, you are right and acute. Standings matter, as was a tentative secondary part of my proposal as to requirements for joining a specific NPC Corp as somewhere between 2-5.

I added it for the purposes of somewhat raising the threshold for active pursuit of a target, such that paying isk to join the opposing NPC Corp is not enough in and of itself, so as to avoid the stink of pay to win. I also hoped the standing issue might forestall too much population density in specific Corps of the post-change diametrically opposed NPC Corp memberships, thus giving levity to wardec escapees to find an NPC Corp their antagonist will have to work for to enter the opposing NPC Corp (Player standings data is public).

1b) Standing loss for defending yourself against an NPC corp based player, is complicated. This board explored this issue in regards to the peculiar Mining Fleet NPC assistance to a specific NPC Corp player population. I argued there, that player action informs the NPC Corps position on the matter, such that the NPC Corp doesnt care whether you, or your opponent, aggressed first. They always consider your actions in interest of the NPC Corp, and any action taken against you, as against the NPC Corp.

Thus, Im not all that concerned with standings tanking. If you've chosen to play in an NPC Corp in the system I propose, it is rational that the opposing NPC Corp will hate you the more action you take against their members, even if in self-defense.

1c) However, standings are more complicated than that. Any action taken against an NPC Corp (or players in it) has a fractional standing effect on other NPC Corps nearby that NPC Corp, in the 360 degree spectrum. Every action "bleeds" into a loss of standing with peripheral NPC entitied on the spectrum.

Again, Im not concerned by that. Thats just the price of doing business as a player in EVE.
The more you do of one thing in the interest of one NPC, the more others will hate you.

2) No worries. No NPCs warping in to ruin your fight, least of all CONCORD.
This is purely player vs player.
(albeit there will be standing losses, as is natural in EVE for taking action against the interests of an NPC Corp.)

3) I think players, both new and old, will accept being at risk from just one NPC Corps players.
To protect new players, just to be sure, lump them all in a a single NPE Corp for 30 days, and give them a 1 use option to join whichever NPC Corp they want during or at the end of that.

After that, its welcome to EVE.
Rotho Ataru
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#344 - 2017-03-16 21:01:54 UTC
TLDR version:
Don't force PVP on people - they won't do it. Focus on improving low sec more and encourage people to go there. Give people a fighting chance in low sec even if they are care bears.

Full version:
Involuntary war decs are just a bad mechanic that needs to be replaced altogether.

Let's just discard the fallacy that it's free to escape a war dec. Leaving your corp is not free. You get taxed at a higher rate and you lose access to corp benefits. Someone also has to stay in the corp to make sure they can invite people back in. Or you have to reform under another name which is not free. It's a pain, plain and simple.

If you war dec players who hate PVP, they won't suddenly enjoy PVP. You can shove it down their throats 24/7 and they still won't partake in PVP. They'll quit EVE instead. There's a lot more to enjoy in EVE than destroying people's ships - that's the content they prefer.

The idea being floated here with NPC corps constantly being at war and charging people to change corps has plenty of holes. The intention is a good one, but it doesn't even look good on paper and I suspect would be even worse in practice since high sec gankers won't ever agree to things like Non-Aggression Pacts. Problems include:

  • Decreased Activity: A lot of people in high sec would just spend more time docked and ship spinning than before. If you don't want to PVP, being in war does not change your mind. It just makes you bored because you can't play the game.
  • Hauling would take a huge hit: You wouldn't want to haul in NPC corps because you'd be a free kill to hundred of players of New Eden. You'll basically need to have a one person corporation and make sure you don't have any regular routes. That sure sounds like lots of fun. I wouldn't be surprised to see the cost of hauling rise significantly - and the economy sort of depends on hauling.
  • No safe place for new pilots to learn the game: Newbies do not have the money to be constantly blown up just for some ganker's jollies. They need time to train up skills, learn to pilot a ship well, and afford ship replacements. And 75 mil to change corps? That's ludicrous. 75 mil is a lot when you start. I hope you're ready to give dozens of mil in donations to newbies to support this idea since newbies tend to hop around corps trying to find what playstyle fits them best.

I get the purpose behind wanting to "fix" wardecs. More PVP. That's a good cause. But this is the wrong way to go about it. Here are some vague ideas I was thinking of. They aren't fully fleshed out, but I think that we should be thinking outside of the box for ways to encourage PVP without needing a war dec system.

  • Make low sec more profitable: Hopefully the increased traffic (and destruction) would balance out the extra production.
  • Make gate camps have a cost: Currently entering a low sec system in a gate gamp is like walking down a booby-trapped hallway with arrows being shot at you from the walls and the door at the end of the hallway rapidly closing. You don't want to do this in anything worth any sort of value. We should have NPC security who can tackle and EWAR gankers at low sec gates when they attack someone who just uncloaked. This way gate campers pay a price for cowardly ambush mechanics unless they bring a large enough group to neutralize their target and the security guards. By allowing people to feel SOMEWHAT safe entering a low sec system, they will also be more likely to rat there and mine there. The RP reason could be that NPC corps want people to travel in their system, do their missions, pay their station taxes, etc. and gankers discourage that.
  • Make it possible to hire a NPC's corp's help when you want to solo: They wouldn't be very strong ships, but they will at least make up for the fact that solo gankers have every advantage if they catch you. If you are doing a mission or mining in low sec, unless you have hired help, you have NO FIGHTING CHANCE against any aggressors. The aggressor comes into the fight with the advantage of picking their own target and often times their target is not at full health if it's a mission ship (you know, those expensive, easy kill mails you love). The aggressor should have to have as much on the line as the person being attacked. This is not currently the case. Mission ships and mining ships are just floating kill mails in low sec.

Basically, let's make low sec more lively and interesting. That would lead to more PVP. And leave the carebears alone. They aren't going to keep subbing to EVE just to feed you kill mails.
Moonlit Raid
#345 - 2017-03-16 21:33:39 UTC
Commander Spurty wrote:

My offering: winner of the war receives 1% war loot from the tax of all activities the entity beaten takes after the war ends. If this entity is war dec by another entity, the 1% money goes to the last war dec to win.

I'd skill extract my toon and biomass before giving 1 cent to someone who "beat" me in a war. Remote reps still don't show on killmails, and the bounty system still doesn't work effectively. I don't trust CCP to get the terms of a war win or loss correct.

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#346 - 2017-03-16 21:51:15 UTC
Torin Corax wrote:
I honestly think this would certainly lose CCP a lot of subs. Essentially it would bypass concord completely except for player corps....I'd expect to see a massive proliferation of 1 man corps out there.

Yup that is my take on this too. Sure wouldn't bother me or any other player who does ship-to-ship PvP, those who don't really don't want to do it.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

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Gwenaelle de Ardevon
Ardevon Corporation
#347 - 2017-03-16 22:22:29 UTC
Big smileBig smileBig smile obligation to pew pew...Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smile

Just... NO!
Before undocking for pew pew I would trash all my ships and all my stuff.

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Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#348 - 2017-03-16 22:30:33 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Going to a war should be riskless?

Is this a rhetorical question?

Explain please.

Teckos did it better than I would:
Teckos Pech wrote:
The issue of the costs to those declaring war are moot once the war is declared. Once the war is declared that "investment" is sunk--i.e. unrecoverable. Sunk costs should have no impact on your decisions once they are sunk.

Prior to the costs being sunk they can have an impact on the decision: Do I sink these costs and hopefully get something out of it, or do I not sink them and not pursue this opportunity. Ironically, raising the stakes for war decced players to move to an NPC corp will change this calculus in favor of the war deccing corp. If it becomes less likely players will drop to an NPC corp, then the downside to sinking those costs also go down.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Salvos Rhoska
#349 - 2017-03-17 06:17:10 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Going to a war should be riskless?

Is this a rhetorical question?

Explain please.

Teckos did it better than I would:
Teckos Pech wrote:
The issue of the costs to those declaring war are moot once the war is declared. Once the war is declared that "investment" is sunk--i.e. unrecoverable. Sunk costs should have no impact on your decisions once they are sunk.

Prior to the costs being sunk they can have an impact on the decision: Do I sink these costs and hopefully get something out of it, or do I not sink them and not pursue this opportunity. Ironically, raising the stakes for war decced players to move to an NPC corp will change this calculus in favor of the war deccing corp. If it becomes less likely players will drop to an NPC corp, then the downside to sinking those costs also go down.

Then there is no issue.
Your question was apparently rhetorical and Teckos answered it for you.
(Albeit, you STILL never answered my question to you)

My proposal does not change the cost of a wardec.
It only applies a cost to going NPC to avoid it, or inorder to pursue the target into NPC war.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#350 - 2017-03-17 18:40:19 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I think a key point to keep in mind that with war decs some of these players simply not not want ship-to-ship PvP. Ever. The idea of pushing some of them into that kind of PvP may very well push them out of the game, at least temporarily.

They are playing a PvP based game.

If they choose not to play a PvP based game for a week, so as to avoid PvP, then so be it.

Perfectly valid tactic.

IMO Eve's biggest problem is that it allows new players to either avoid, forget, or never learn, that this is indeed a PVP game. NPC corps having wars with each other, and noob faction navy corps constantly at war (think "lightweight highsec warfare" where you if you are not a war target for being in the noob corp but can engage other players in their faction navy noob corp) would be "PVP from day one".

Hence those who do not want to have anything to do with PVP would either learn early on that it's present and learn how to avoid it or survive with it, as noobs, or at the most, not play at all.

It's better than the current system of players lacking the entertainment of PVP while getting victimized by PVP for the entertainment of others.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Rotho Ataru
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#351 - 2017-03-17 19:18:03 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I think a key point to keep in mind that with war decs some of these players simply not not want ship-to-ship PvP. Ever. The idea of pushing some of them into that kind of PvP may very well push them out of the game, at least temporarily.

They are playing a PvP based game.

If they choose not to play a PvP based game for a week, so as to avoid PvP, then so be it.

Perfectly valid tactic.

IMO Eve's biggest problem is that it allows new players to either avoid, forget, or never learn, that this is indeed a PVP game. NPC corps having wars with each other, and noob faction navy corps constantly at war (think "lightweight highsec warfare" where you if you are not a war target for being in the noob corp but can engage other players in their faction navy noob corp) would be "PVP from day one".

Hence those who do not want to have anything to do with PVP would either learn early on that it's present and learn how to avoid it or survive with it, as noobs, or at the most, not play at all.

It's better than the current system of players lacking the entertainment of PVP while getting victimized by PVP for the entertainment of others.

The PVP in this game sucks. That's why a lot of people don't like it. High and low sec are all about finding targets to gank or avoiding being ganked. There is no "I lost because I didn't use this combat tactic". It's always "I lost because I forgot to check D-Scan" or "I lost because I didn't check for gate camps on my alt first".

PVPing early on doesn't change that design. It just makes it apparent earlier on that PVP in this game sucks.

In other games if you get ganked, you usually lose but you can maybe disable one of your attackers long enough to gain back the advantage or find a way to survive until someone on your side comes to help. This is not how EVE works at all. If you're found in the wrong situation, you just die.
Salvos Rhoska
#352 - 2017-03-17 19:23:20 UTC
Rotho Ataru wrote:
The PVP in this game sucks. That's why a lot of people don't like it.

Torin Corax
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#353 - 2017-03-17 19:52:58 UTC
Rotho Ataru wrote:

The PVP in this game sucks. That's why a lot of people don't like it. High and low sec are all about finding targets to gank or avoiding being ganked. There is no "I lost because I didn't use this combat tactic". It's always "I lost because I forgot to check D-Scan" or "I lost because I didn't check for gate camps on my alt first".

" I lost because I don't understand range control"
" I lost because I'm no good at cap management"
"I lost because I suck at prioritizing targets"
" I lost because I don't know how to "bounce" an attacker into web range"
" I lost because I don't know how manual piloting works"
" I lost because I have no real understanding of how PvP actually works in Eve"

In other games if you get ganked, you usually lose but you can maybe disable one of your attackers long enough to gain back the advantage or find a way to survive until someone on your side comes to help. This is not how EVE works at all. If you're found in the wrong situation, you just die.

There are plenty of very good PvP'ers out there ( I make no claim to be one of them btw) who can, and do, fight and win against the odds. Watch some vids of people who actually know how to use their ships well to take on multiple foes, split them up, and kill them.
Certainly if you are in a PvE ship and you get caught, you are probably screwed, but don't ignore the nuances of a GF between experienced players. Ganking is a thing for sure, and it makes sense within the spirit of the game, but there are ways to pull off some amazing's just not particularly easy to do.
Salvos Rhoska
#354 - 2017-03-19 11:21:57 UTC
1) Since its not possible to wardec NPC Corps, all NCP Corps should be in a state of constant war with their diametrically opposed NPC Corp.

2) To avoid abuse, there needs to be a cost to joining an NPC Corp, and a standing requirement.

3) The system of being safe in an NPC Corp, except from suicide ganks, is crippling PvP, content and destruction in HS.

4) This also incurs a reciprocal cost for joining an NPC Corp for evading a wardec.

5) If you cant/wont join an NPC Corp to evade a wardec, join another player corp instead, or form a new player corp.
Salvos Rhoska
#355 - 2017-03-19 13:32:07 UTC
When you boil it down, it is clear that NPC Corps are the reason for wardecs "not working", and for the lack of PvP content in HS (aside from suicide ganking).

The least, and softest change, to remedy this as I proposed, is a cost for going NPC (as well as standings to limit choices), and that even then, there is always one NPC Corps members as your legal targets, and you for them.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#356 - 2017-03-19 22:22:34 UTC
I'm not sure if you can put the burden of PvP not working on people hiding in NPC corporations. The harder you make it for people who don't want to fight to avoid a fight, the more likely they choose to unsubscribe. I'm sure there are people who think it's just fine if they leave, but it's a less interesting game with less players. One of the most amazing things about EVE is that it accommodates so many play styles. If you like scrapping with other players, low sec, null sec, and wormholes are all very good options. Not every one is after that experience. That doesn't mean high sec should be without danger. No matter what incentives you offer and what you do to force an engagement, you're just not going to get compelling content from people who don't want to participate.
Salvos Rhoska
#357 - 2017-03-20 07:02:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Veyreuth wrote:
I'm not sure if you can put the burden of PvP not working on people hiding in NPC corporations. The harder you make it for people who don't want to fight to avoid a fight, the more likely they choose to unsubscribe. I'm sure there are people who think it's just fine if they leave, but it's a less interesting game with less players. One of the most amazing things about EVE is that it accommodates so many play styles. If you like scrapping with other players, low sec, null sec, and wormholes are all very good options. Not every one is after that experience. That doesn't mean high sec should be without danger. No matter what incentives you offer and what you do to force an engagement, you're just not going to get compelling content from people who don't want to participate.

If it cant be done by PvP, then some other means are necessary to address HS.
Some may disagree, but I find the Jita monstrosity unhealthy for the game.

Some will argue its a result of player choice.
In my view, that is only a symptom of failing underlying mechanics which make such an abomination possible.
Jax Bederen
Dark Horse RM
#358 - 2017-03-20 19:33:59 UTC
Torin Corax wrote:
Rotho Ataru wrote:

The PVP in this game sucks. That's why a lot of people don't like it. High and low sec are all about finding targets to gank or avoiding being ganked. There is no "I lost because I didn't use this combat tactic". It's always "I lost because I forgot to check D-Scan" or "I lost because I didn't check for gate camps on my alt first".

" I lost because I don't understand range control"
" I lost because I'm no good at cap management"
"I lost because I suck at prioritizing targets"
" I lost because I don't know how to "bounce" an attacker into web range"
" I lost because I don't know how manual piloting works"
" I lost because I have no real understanding of how PvP actually works in Eve"

No no, it just sucks from the perma snare at the start of engagements to perma locks of abilities,to the supposed rock paper scissors. It's careless lack of balance and sloppy design thats all, and yea, keep clicking that scan button, high tech mechanics cumming through.
Sykes Makar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#359 - 2017-03-21 08:44:28 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
If it cant be done by PvP, then some other means are necessary to address HS.
Some may disagree, but I find the Jita monstrosity unhealthy for the game.

Some will argue its a result of player choice.
In my view, that is only a symptom of failing underlying mechanics which make such an abomination possible.

I believe HS should further be less attractive to be in, rather than enforcing the PvP element onto those who would like to remain in high-sec despite this.
Salvos Rhoska
#360 - 2017-03-22 04:20:35 UTC
Sykes Makar wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
If it cant be done by PvP, then some other means are necessary to address HS.
Some may disagree, but I find the Jita monstrosity unhealthy for the game.

Some will argue its a result of player choice.
In my view, that is only a symptom of failing underlying mechanics which make such an abomination possible.

I believe HS should further be less attractive to be in, rather than enforcing the PvP element onto those who would like to remain in high-sec despite this.

Reducing HS Incursion income and Ice belts would be a good start.