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EVE General Discussion

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If you are not a griefer and wish a better EVE, unsub now

First post
Keno Skir
#121 - 2012-01-21 17:27:43 UTC
Idiot. Play a different game.
Leontyne Gaterau
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2012-01-21 17:42:31 UTC
Gabriel Mangeiri wrote:
Fabio Killer wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:

Wow, you're an idiot.

Not as much as someone who admits he's scum during a job interview.

So because everyone who plays Eve is so mean to you, you'll commit a federal offense and open yourself to being sued.

Yeah, you're totally not an idiot man. Totally.

Who is he discriminating against, sperglords?
Christina Trild
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#123 - 2012-01-21 21:19:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Christina Trild
Step 1. sell ships
step 2. sell characters
step 3.Transfer wallet isk to Christina trild
step 4. exit game
step 5. uninstall
step 6. Go play WOW Wizards 101
Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#124 - 2012-01-21 21:24:53 UTC
7/10.. really.

Fooled a lot of people, but didn't fooled trolls less skilled than yourself, OP.

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

IsoMetricanTaliac 2
#125 - 2012-01-22 00:01:22 UTC
Yet another thread of crying!

There was NEVER supposed to be any place within the EVE universe that was 100% safe at all times, yet more & more we are having to see these stupid rubbish threads that are full of ultimatums aimed at CCP. (Maybe Threats is a better word for it?)

The OP is probably just another Incursion Farming maggot that thinks it SHOULD be ALL REWARD without any RISK what so ever. Personally thats not the EVE I would want to play & I am pretty sure there would be a whole lot of others that feel the very same way.

If your going to stop playing because you can't get your own way, JUST GO DO IT! OR you could grow some balls & organise a decent fleet or something & go deal with the so called players that GRIEF you or cause this terrible thing to happen to you.

Brumi Viri
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#126 - 2012-01-22 00:05:39 UTC
IsoMetricanTaliac 2 wrote:
Yet another thread of crying!

There was NEVER supposed to be any place within the EVE universe that was 100% safe at all times, yet more & more we are having to see these stupid rubbish threads that are full of ultimatums aimed at CCP. (Maybe Threats is a better word for it?)

The OP is probably just another Incursion Farming maggot that thinks it SHOULD be ALL REWARD without any RISK what so ever. Personally thats not the EVE I would want to play & I am pretty sure there would be a whole lot of others that feel the very same way.

If your going to stop playing because you can't get your own way, JUST GO DO IT! OR you could grow some balls & organise a decent fleet or something & go deal with the so called players that GRIEF you or cause this terrible thing to happen to you.

Yes there is, why do you think CCP introduced Captains Quarters?
Vyl Vit
#127 - 2012-01-22 09:02:04 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
OP, I will say this in the nicest way possible.... EVE is not for you.
EVE is a game where you fight to survive (until you have enough power not to have to). It is a game where as soon as you undock, you are a target. It is a PvP server. Like all other PvP servers in all other games, you agree to PvP the moment you connect. The whole purpose of this game is killing and stabbing in the back.

So much doo doo ka ka.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Gallente Federation
#128 - 2012-01-22 14:08:48 UTC

67% of active accounts are in high-sec. Not 80%.

Judging by the prevalence of alts I would imagine the distribution of EVE players to be far different.

I know sometimes it's difficult to realize just how much you spend on incidental things each month or year, but seriously, EVE is very cheap entertainment compared to most things... If you are a smoker, smoke one less pack a week and pay for EVE, with money left over to pick up a cheap bundle of flowers for the EVE widow upstairs.

Vyl Vit
#129 - 2012-01-22 14:21:07 UTC
If the game was designed as strictly PvP, why are there agents and missions in it? They weren't added as an afterthought.

If PvP is so damned great, why is the majority of it ten on one?

If 0.0 is so slick, why do so many people leave it in order to make money and have fun instead of make a certain few people rich from the combined efforts of their drones...who worship at their feet?

If Goonwaffles are so good, how come IHOP doesn't serve them?

Since when does a mere customer get to tell another mere customer to go shop somewhere else? Stand in line like a good little shopper and let the other shoppers worry about their own headaches. They don't need your help or advice, criticism or bile.

Vote for Me for CSM, I'm the only one who doesn't know what the Hell is going on and will admit it.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#130 - 2012-01-22 14:22:02 UTC
CeneUJiti wrote:
I mean you are the ones insane here if you expect me to eagerly pay money for a game where others will dictate how , when and what I play.

You expect to be free to endlessly insult me from nothing more than for me earning my isk by PVE, you keep taunting to come to lowsec, 00, wherever; and you now you also diligently work to prevent me from getting any worthwhile isk.

Why would anyone pay money for such a terrible game where you can only always lose (isk or nerves, doesn't matter. games are supposed to be fun; for me, I mean, its certainly fun for you guys)

PS. Its not tears. Its rage. Rage at me being stupid enough to give money (again) for such a terrible game. (well decent game but with terrible players;and devs and GMs with no connection with reality and economy). Rage at being stupid enough to believe anything in EVE has changed since last time.

Sadness that CCP remains clueless (original Ultima online PKer devs are so long gone its not even worth mentioning). Not sadness because I care about EVE or CCPs future; sadness because of wasted good money.

You are mad because the game does not protect you from others. Instead of trying to find your own way in EVE you are raging that others should do this for you and because they will not you are taking your ball and going home. lol

Are you this dependant on others in real life as well? I suspect that you have the same expectations in real life too, dont you
The Snowman
Gallente Federation
#131 - 2012-01-22 14:41:42 UTC
unsubscribe and miss all this drama?

In years to come when someone says... "where were you?"... I certainly dont want to say "I rage quit"... I'd rather be part of the community that can say "I gave my feedback argued my point and helped to fix the problem to make eve what it is today.

Crying about it and un-subbing is just childish and solves nothing.
Ai Shun
#132 - 2012-01-22 18:28:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Ai Shun
Fabio Killer wrote:
CeneUJiti wrote:

EVE is fine game, but among its players are most of the worst human beings you can possibly encounter on internet

As much as I enjoy EVE, I must agree with this point. A huge majority of EVE players are, by all human standards, utter filth.

Personally, I took great satisfaction in not hiring someone who was technically qualified just because during the interview he mentioned, while talking about hobbies, that he was a veteran EVE player. If you play EVE, there's a better than even chance that you are scum: try not to mention that to a potential employer.

(edited for grammar)

Fabio Killer wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:

Wow, you're an idiot.

Not as much as someone who admits he's scum during a job interview.

He didn't. He admitted to playing a video game and from there you decided he is scum.

It is a concept very similar to racism, where you judge a person by the colour of their skin.

I can't say I like your type of discrimination.

It's a bit disgusting.
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#133 - 2012-01-22 19:10:07 UTC
KrakizBad wrote:
Mars Theran wrote:
Ai Shun wrote:
CeneUJiti wrote:
have. Two accounts less. $30 per month less for CCP to support this game for you and you only dear sociopaths and trolls. I feel much better now.

That's okay, you have me tempted to start up another account now. I need a combat pilot that will eventually capable of lighting a cyno for my one day dream of a Jump Freighter. Would you still happen to have your 60 day trial key? I'd appreciate it if you could share that with me, please.

You do realize that you are not allowed to run a trial with a paid sub right?

Log, not run.

Pardon me, I should have said: You are not allowed-it is against the rules-to have a trial and a paying subscription; maybe that would have been a little clearer.

I noticed the OP suicided that toon. Shame really, as I'm sure she/he really did enjoy this game when not being griefed.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2012-01-22 23:44:32 UTC
Riedle wrote:
CeneUJiti wrote:
I mean you are the ones insane here if you expect me to eagerly pay money for a game where others will dictate how , when and what I play.

You expect to be free to endlessly insult me from nothing more than for me earning my isk by PVE, you keep taunting to come to lowsec, 00, wherever; and you now you also diligently work to prevent me from getting any worthwhile isk.

Why would anyone pay money for such a terrible game where you can only always lose (isk or nerves, doesn't matter. games are supposed to be fun; for me, I mean, its certainly fun for you guys)

PS. Its not tears. Its rage. Rage at me being stupid enough to give money (again) for such a terrible game. (well decent game but with terrible players;and devs and GMs with no connection with reality and economy). Rage at being stupid enough to believe anything in EVE has changed since last time.

Sadness that CCP remains clueless (original Ultima online PKer devs are so long gone its not even worth mentioning). Not sadness because I care about EVE or CCPs future; sadness because of wasted good money.

You are mad because the game does not protect you from others. Instead of trying to find your own way in EVE you are raging that others should do this for you and because they will not you are taking your ball and going home. lol

Are you this dependant on others in real life as well? I suspect that you have the same expectations in real life too, dont you

Meh, Darwin hard at work
Momma Lovebone
#135 - 2012-01-22 23:57:30 UTC
Is it just me or is there an amazing influx of nutty Asians creeping onto this server? If so can we make a call to CCPhongkong and get ones like this sent back to reeducation for a few months?
#136 - 2012-01-22 23:59:09 UTC
The Null Epeens are on viagra today man
Klown Walk
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2012-01-23 00:03:00 UTC
I would like your stuff.
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#138 - 2012-01-23 00:50:42 UTC
I wouldn't quit as I don't have it in for CCP, and can't blame them for the situation of the game, even if it is what they developed. Player attitudes and choices are at fault here, and I consider myself capable of stepping around them or working with them in mind.

The only reasons I'll drop my Subs for EVE:

CCP really does decide to turn the entire game into Null/Lowsec for all intents and purposes, and continues to make it easier to harass and grief people in an unreasonable fashion. This includes either making griefing mechanics easier than they already are, and not introducing tools to counter griefing for those players interested and willing to use them.

I just can't afford to pay a sub for any reason.

The off chance that I get bored or the game truly loses interest for me, resulting from mechanics and content changes, over-nerfing the majority of non-Nullsec content, complete disruption of ship balancing to the point it becomes SuperCaps Online, or other similar rediculousness.

That's pretty much it, and the last is rather far-fetched; particularly considering I'm happy to pay a sub just to chat on the forums and train my characters.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#139 - 2012-01-23 01:43:55 UTC
Mars Theran wrote:
I wouldn't quit as I don't have it in for CCP, and can't blame them for the situation of the game, even if it is what they developed. Player attitudes and choices are at fault here, and I consider myself capable of stepping around them or working with them in mind.

The only reasons I'll drop my Subs for EVE:

CCP really does decide to turn the entire game into Null/Lowsec for all intents and purposes, and continues to make it easier to harass and grief people in an unreasonable fashion. This includes either making griefing mechanics easier than they already are, and not introducing tools to counter griefing for those players interested and willing to use them.

Ever played WoW?

WoW is more dangerous than EvE.

You start a new character, leave the starter areas (for any contested area) and can be ganked by mega-top level players already.
You even have some NPCs or quests that flag your for free for all PvP, something you do not get in EvE high sec unless you get a wardec (that can be escaped now).

In EvE, the starter area is HUGE and those who try ganking you can be defended against and will be punished by Concord.

In WoW you are basically excluded off any lucrative activity or top content until you are max level and raid with other guys.

In EvE you can stay in hi sec forever and play solo yet you can become a trillionaire. Also, the majority of content is also available in hi sec.

In WoW you must wait to be top level and well geared to be relevant. A level 1 guy is only used as market alt or to dance on the mailbox.

In EvE you can (I did) go to null sec since when you have a T1 frigate. Even with such a measly ship you can already tackle a capital ship and be the deciding factor at getting it killed by your corp mates.

So, EvE gives new players more freedom, more power and lets them stay in hi sec till they want. EvE is better and safer than WoW.
Armed And Angry
#140 - 2012-01-23 02:01:12 UTC
To the OP and anyone else thats aggravated by so called 'griefing':

Start taking on the responsibility for your own safety yourselves. Once you start to figure out what you could have done differently to keep from getting killed, you stop relying on someone else to keep you safe. Congratulations are in order when you take on that responsibility yourself because you just stopped being helpless.

Tired of running? Want to be more than just a target? Start by doing solo pvp. Yes, it is hard. Yes, you will be outnumbered. You can still fight the odds if you use your brain. Think about every single loss and what you did wrong. Dont make that mistake again if you can help it. Tip of the Day: Physical objects in space slow down and/or stop ships. How can you use this to your advantage?

Note that I say solo pvp and not any of that group hug stuff. Being told where to fly, when to fly there, what to shoot and when to shoot it turns you into a fluffy bunny waiting to get eaten. You wont learn very much that way and start to lose any pvp edge you once had.

Make the game yours and you too will scoff at the helpless people wanting their hands held and not doing a thing about it themselves.

When it comes to PvP, I am like a chiwawa hanging from a grizzley bears pair of wrinklies for dear life.