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BREAKING: Ishukone CEO Derided At CEP Session

Sinjin Mokk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2017-03-03 19:57:20 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Sinjin, it might actually be funnier to think the Empire will out-negotiate the State at a contract signing.

Well. I'm a firm believer in the marketplace of ideas and I do have to admit that the Amarr faith has much to offer, but the State is simply not used to dictating to it's Citizens how they have to worship and the State citizenry would fight tooth and nail against anything with the smack of slavery about it.

Right now I believe the Empire gets everything it needs from the current arrangement. The only thing I can see driving the State to the point where it would accept Amarrian overlordship (with all that entails) would be an existential threat that we would find even more distasteful - such as a resurgent Gallente Federation invading and enjoying success.

Or say, the Drifters? Sansha? A nice Kyonoke outbreak?

"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#82 - 2017-03-03 20:30:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Aria Jenneth
Sinjin Mokk wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Sinjin, it might actually be funnier to think the Empire will out-negotiate the State at a contract signing.

Well. I'm a firm believer in the marketplace of ideas and I do have to admit that the Amarr faith has much to offer, but the State is simply not used to dictating to it's Citizens how they have to worship and the State citizenry would fight tooth and nail against anything with the smack of slavery about it.

Right now I believe the Empire gets everything it needs from the current arrangement. The only thing I can see driving the State to the point where it would accept Amarrian overlordship (with all that entails) would be an existential threat that we would find even more distasteful - such as a resurgent Gallente Federation invading and enjoying success.

Or say, the Drifters? Sansha? A nice Kyonoke outbreak?

Actually I don't think any of those would do it.

I respect Pieter enormously-- he's kirjuun, a comrade, friend, and more. ... I also think that a person who holds the idea that the State doesn't dictate worship to its citizens probably hasn't tried to practice anything aside from typical Caldari secularism or the Way of the Winds.

Consider: the Achur faith is recognized by the Way as Wayism by another name-- and we still have to live apart, if we wish to practice it, or any part of our culture. Think about that a moment. We're such close kin as to be recognized as followers of the same faith, and yet even we are not allowed to practice our version if we're going to be part of Caldari society.

Yes, the Khanid Kingdom's nationals can practice their faith in private-- but they're the only Amarr who can, and you could expect that waiver to disappear right quick if they started trying to convert ethnic Caldari.

The Caldari wish to remain themselves, utterly, only, and exclusively. That's the heart of their quarrel with the Gallente: they will not be changed. No number of individual sacrifices seems likely to change that.

If the State were invaded, either by a military force or some rampant plague, and it became clear that the State would fall, I expect that all that could be done to slow the hostile advance and deny them the resources of their conquest, would be. I expect that in some system along the edge of Caldari space, colony ships would be prepared, and colonists selected, according to merit and proven dedication.

The Caldari way is to do whatever is necessary to survive what comes. The Way of the Winds teaches that the world is a crucible for burning weakness away. If survival means burning their homes and dispatching colony ships to distant stars, there to rebuild, I don't really doubt they'd do it.

Maybe some of those who remain would surrender (if that's an option), understanding that they won't be Caldari anymore. Others....

"The Winds care about us, not about you or me."

The survival of the Caldari as Caldari is what most matters to the Caldari.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#83 - 2017-03-03 21:26:26 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Sinjin, it might actually be funnier to think the Empire will out-negotiate the State at a contract signing.

Well. I'm a firm believer in the marketplace of ideas and I do have to admit that the Amarr faith has much to offer, but the State is simply not used to dictating to it's Citizens how they have to worship and the State citizenry would fight tooth and nail against anything with the smack of slavery about it.

Right now I believe the Empire gets everything it needs from the current arrangement. The only thing I can see driving the State to the point where it would accept Amarrian overlordship (with all that entails) would be an existential threat that we would find even more distasteful - such as a resurgent Gallente Federation invading and enjoying success.

I can't imagine how would you "buy" this idea, because for it to work you'll have to sell it to every citizen. Or at least to every important citizen who will back up your infrastructure, and I don't think it is possible.

Indeed. The only case where I could see that happening would be if the only alternative were life under the heel of the Federation. Both are incredibly unlikely - thank the Winds.

I would accept the Religion and would follow all the rituals if that would help to defeat the Federation for sure. But for the persons like me, who make judgments based on facts and logic, actual believing in this can be quite problematic. And if in some ritual you will have to claim that you "Do believe", while you don't... that will be a disgrace in any case if you say it or not, because if you say it you will lie, and thus became disgrace, or if you don't say it, you won't fulfill your promise to follow all the rituals as it was supposed. And thus, in the end, you will have to wash your disgrace with your own blood.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#84 - 2017-03-03 21:32:36 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:

Consider: the Achur faith is recognized by the Way as Wayism by another name-- and we still have to live apart, if we wish to practice it, or any part of our culture. Think about that a moment. We're such close kin as to be recognized as followers of the same faith, and yet even we are not allowed to practice our version if we're going to be part of Caldari society.

The thing is, that while both beliefs share a lot in common, this is also a huge trouble when the question comes down to actual rituals. When they are performed again similar, but with significant differences, for a real Wayist seeing such a ritual can be considered as a mocking his own. I myself was raised between two religions and they sort of mix in my head, and that put me in quite awkward and embarrassing situations in the past.

And I agree with your following estimation of the durability of Caldari culture, Ms. Jenneth.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Sinjin Mokk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#85 - 2017-03-03 21:46:06 UTC
Yet the Reclaiming continues, nonetheless. For now...

The only way it stops, the only way institutionalized slavery stops is the eradication of the Faith as we know it. Make slavery economically unviable and Holders will find every excuse to not have slaves. This destroys a core precept of the Faith. When the Amarr aren't better than anyone else, then they cease to be God's Chosen.

Your anti-slavery friends in Amarr are a part of the Imperial death-knell.

Mind you, I don't see the Empire or the Faith surviving. And I will no longer fight for it's survival on an Imperial scale. So while the goal of the Faith is Reclamation, I think the Caldari and the Federation can rest fairly easy.

It might take another generation or two, but we're moving towards a unified galaxy, where Amarr, Minmatar, Caldari and Gallente all work together in peace and harmony under the flag of CONCORD.

Or under CONCORD's depends on perspective, I guess.

Just look at today's news where the SCoT is "bringing together" the "brightest and best, in order to work on a rapid and direct solution to the ongoing crisis." This is the precedent they're setting. This is the table they're preparing for you.

I suppose one Galaxy, under CONCORD for some would be a good thing. Slavery would end, the Reclaiming would stop.

But I'm of the sort you mentioned. I'm the sort who decided that the way of life of my childhood is long dead, as is the Kingdom I grew up serving. So I, like many, have taken up colonial residence, far away from the hostile advance of the jackboot.

I did it. The Dominations have done it. Fatal and the Rabbit did it. Bloody Omir did it. Salvador Sarpati did it. Star Fraction, The Horde, the Legion, the Goons, TEST, Darkness, Culture, Brave...all groups of people who did exactly that.

You did too...once.

The Amarr are right about something. You can't have two masters and you can't knock on the door to salvation too many times. There's still wiggle room, and an illusion of choice within the Empires. But we're quickly moving to a Galaxy where either you're with CONCORD or on the outside, looking in.

For me, the outside is glorious.

Outside is where the Angels fly.

"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2017-03-03 21:55:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ayallah
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Perhaps. You don't show a lot of sorrow about it, though. More like salivation.
I am a Kameira. I do not wear sorrow on my sleeve and I do not fear fire on the horizon. War is what I am meant for. It is far uglier than words can convey but it is still my purpose. I should not have expected one so lost in life to understand the resolve of knowing who you are from the time you could walk.

Salivation is another ignorant interpretation about how a warrior should feel. I am prepared. I know my purpose.
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Let me approach this from a different angle.

To face two deadly opponents, with one friend at your side, in a contest of equals, and then to turn and stab that friend when you think you see an opening before any lasting ground against the others is gained, presuming you can take the other two yourself, is kind of obvious foolishness. Even if you succeed in murdering your friend, it's most likely a deadly mistake.
Friend? The State is no friend to the Empire Aria. They are allies of convenience with nothing in common. They traded with those who betrayed the Empire, they did not send aid in the fight against the Drifters when the invaded, they did not help when Sanist ships invaded the Bleak Lands. They have mutual enemies and an interest in keeping the Empire as "allies" in a proxy war. The Caldari people are still Heretics and enemies of god.

The Republic is full of followers of the Imperial Rite and so is the Federation. Both will gladly accept trillions more followers if the Empire so chose to offer them and both are open to other ways of thought. The Caldari people will not accept god, and oblivion was their alternative choice regardless if it was at the hand of a Templar or at their own.

Aria Jenneth wrote:
And it would be murder, for the most part. If you believe you'd add the State's strength to the Empire's, and be even stronger as one than you were as two
No, Aria. that is what you think. Again you completely fail when you speak for me. Even if the Empire was diminished afterwards for a thousand years it would still be the holy duty of the chosen to do so The chance to increase the resources, territory, and followers of the Empire is secondary.
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Arrogance is about the closest thing to "sin" I really believe in. Whether or not it is a sin against your deity, arrogance is a sin against the world-- a refusal of reality. It's a sin your civilization is maybe a little prone to.

One interpretation of the Reclaiming is that it's a burden placed on your people, not a destiny to be treated as received right: that it's a task that you must perform, but one in which success is not guaranteed at all. It won't surprise you that I like this interpretation. It argues pragmatism.

Maybe I'm just a heathen, making a motivated argument to protect her homeworld from your dreamed-of invasion, but does that make me wrong? Presuming you'll succeed by divine providence has led to some difficulties: Vak'Atioth.

Perhaps your god sees arrogance as sinful, as well.
It is your presumption of success, not mine Aria. Your assertions of arrogance are based on something I never said. The chosen of god can fail, we cannot be defeated. Destiny does not mean received, It means that what is to be risen towards. Falling is easy but rising never is. Again you presume to speak for me and again you are wrong.

Perhaps you should examine how the members of the State treat this.
"Blap some shield ships and back in time to apply some fresh gilt for the victory parade; that's totally how presenting the most militarized and isolationist empire in the cluster with an existential threat will go. Mmhm.". . . "I know right? We held up the Gallente war machine for two centuries and Aya thinks the Golden Fleet will crush the State Navy.
It is your side who is arrogant Aria. It is your side who thinks that two centuries of hot and cold war against a people who want to foster diversity and preach equality is equivalent. It is your side who makes comparisons to Atioth as if there will be a repeat and they are the Jove. Thinking that the resolve of the Empire will end or that we are not experienced in battle or prepared to fight and die for a thousand years to succeed.

Every Caldari in this thread has shown they will not accept the faith peacfully. And every Caldari in this thread has shown they think Reclimation is something to take lightly.

The State is in debt, its fleet is vulnerable, it is without allies, and its people have made themselves adversaries of god. There is only one path from here and we walk it now without knowing when it will bring us to the end.

But you should know what that end is.

Goddess of the IGS

As strength goes.

Talaris EveningStar
The Torchwood Institute
#87 - 2017-03-03 22:01:48 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
who make judgments based on facts and logic

Bwuhahahahahahahaha. Can't... stop laughing..

CEO, Fleet Admiral

The Torchwood Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research, Cybernetics, and Drifter technologies

Proud member of SERAPH

"There is no good, no evil. There is only The State."

Talaris EveningStar
The Torchwood Institute
#88 - 2017-03-03 22:20:37 UTC
Ahem.. My apologies for the outburst.

My original purpose for adding to this thread was simply to state that The Torchwood Institute's research and security assets are available at any time to those providing relief or reinforcement to the affected regions.

I share the sentiment that the Caldari people should come first to the State; but not at the exclusion or cost of lives outside the State.

Regardless of ideology, origin, or personal ethical codes; we are humanity. And this is a threat to all of us. The SoCT is indeed setting the table for us, we have but to arrive and help serve the meal as a collective whole.

Unlike my terrible example, I urge you all to ignore the bigots, racists, and isolationists for now; we have more pressing matters to attend to then their blathering rhetoric. By rendering aid, research resources, and communicating with all empires we serve the State ever more wisely.

CEO, Fleet Admiral

The Torchwood Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research, Cybernetics, and Drifter technologies

Proud member of SERAPH

"There is no good, no evil. There is only The State."

Mizhara Del'thul
#89 - 2017-03-03 22:32:07 UTC
Ayallah sweetie, you do realize that if the Empire ever turned hostile towards the State, it'd immediately face all three of the nations, right? Think the Tribes would stand idly by? Or even the Federation which also abhors the barbarism and savagery of the Empire? I don't care how much power you think the Empire has, reality is fairly clear. None of our nations would stand a snowball's chance in a furnace if the rest of New Eden turned on them as one.

The Empire is never going to be that stupid, unfortunately. That task it leaves up to you, it'd appear. Fortunately, all the Nations do realize that the power balance is all that keeps New Eden from a cataclysmic war like such a scenario would almost surely lead to.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#90 - 2017-03-03 22:33:29 UTC
Ayallah wrote:

Perhaps you should examine how the members of the State treat this.
"Blap some shield ships and back in time to apply some fresh gilt for the victory parade; that's totally how presenting the most militarized and isolationist empire in the cluster with an existential threat will go. Mmhm.". . . "I know right? We held up the Gallente war machine for two centuries and Aya thinks the Golden Fleet will crush the State Navy.
It is your side who is arrogant Aria. It is your side who thinks that two decades of hot and cold war against a people who want to foster diversity and preach equality is equivalent. It is your side who makes comparisons to Atioth as if there will be a repeat and they are the Jove. Thinking that the resolve of the Empire will end or that we are not experienced in battle or prepared to fight and die for a thousand years to succeed.

Every Caldari in this thread has shown they will not accept the faith peacfully. And every Caldari in this thread has shown they think Reclimation is something to take lightly.

The State is in debt, its fleet is vulnerable, it is without allies, and its people have made themselves adversaries of god. There is only one path from here and we walk it now without knowing when it will bring us to the end.

But you should know what that end is.

We do know what that end is. The Amarr have never been shy about admitting that Reclamation is their end goal, just that the means of it are what is at question. They've also said that they are in no particular hurry - the Imperial Faith is not an apocalypse cult. There is no sense that the end of times is at hand, by any means. Long before they turn their attention to the Caldari, they'll fight the Matari again - and why not? The Matari are MORE in debt than the Caldari. Their fleet is WEAKER.

I'm not sure what analyses you're reading (I suspect you attend only a single author when forming your theories - yourself) but you are very much mistaken regarding the Caldari navy. The war against the Gallente didn't go on for two decades and neither has it always been a cold war. The war was active for a century and has been a cold war since, with exceptions.

Anyway, this isn't the time or place for a detailed discussion of a very LONG period of history. If you're interested, I'm sure you can either talk to people or else read around the subject in more detail.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Toroko Shiyurida
Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#91 - 2017-03-03 22:58:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Toroko Shiyurida
Diana Kim wrote:

The thing is, that while both beliefs share a lot in common, this is also a huge trouble when the question comes down to actual rituals. When they are performed again similar, but with significant differences, for a real Wayist seeing such a ritual can be considered as a mocking his own. I myself was raised between two religions and they sort of mix in my head, and that put me in quite awkward and embarrassing situations in the past.

And I agree with your following estimation of the durability of Caldari culture, Ms. Jenneth.

Similarly, vis a versa, though I can rarely see those of the Achuran multitudes of belief believing Wayist rituals to be mockeries of their own. We've had some discussion on the matter and I do thank Aria Jenneth for bringing up what has started to become a rather marked point for me when it comes to Caldari and Achuran cultural traditions and where the Caldari view the proper place for Achuran culture. This is still remarkably far off the topic at hand.

I have very little else to speak of on the CEP and their decisions, anyone else?

Assistant Researcher

I-RED GalNet Site

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2017-03-03 23:02:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Ayallah
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
The Matari are MORE in debt than the Caldari. Their fleet is WEAKER.
War should be avoided, not sought. The Matari are already well along the way to peaceful conversion. War against them would unite the Federation against the Empire.

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
I'm not sure what analyses you're reading (I suspect you attend only a single author when forming your theories - yourself) but you are very much mistaken regarding the Caldari navy.
In fact I said hot and cold war Pieter. And I have read no author, my experience is on grid. Ask anyone knowledgable and they will tell you just how outdated the Caldari battle philosophy in capital warfare is. The more recent focus on improving the Amarrian fleet with the Armageddon and with missile disruptors should show you that the Empire is not ignorant of this weakness either. But very well. We can talk about it in person some time if you wish. In the end it does not matter how well you argue the State is not an ideal target though. It will not change what is inevitable.

Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Ayallah sweetie, you do realize that if the Empire ever turned hostile towards the State, it'd immediately face all three of the nations, right? Think the Tribes would stand idly by? Or even the Federation which also abhors the barbarism and savagery of the Empire? I don't care how much power you think the Empire has, reality is fairly clear. None of our nations would stand a snowball's chance in a furnace if the rest of New Eden turned on them as one.

The Empire is never going to be that stupid, unfortunately. That task it leaves up to you, it'd appear. Fortunately, all the Nations do realize that the power balance is all that keeps New Eden from a cataclysmic war like such a scenario would almost surely lead to.
The Empire is lucky enough to have quite a few trillion reasons to keep the Republic and Federation occupied. And you presume much about the willingness to go to war on behalf of their enemies.

No, the State could be washed away. Many in the Federation would shout about injustice but far more would be silent or welcome the income removing the megacorps would bring.

Goddess of the IGS

As strength goes.

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#93 - 2017-03-04 00:03:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Aria Jenneth

Noisy person.

Getting back to the main topic, this really does seem to me like a time for nations to pool resources and work together. Hoarding a cure to yourself in hopes that the other side suffers worse than you do seems like a really good way to get ... I dunno.


Like, seriously, by very desperate and outraged people. Burning the world to ash matters a bit less if your home is burning anyway.

It also seems like a good way to make it harder to come up with the cure, yourself, in the first place if you don't have it yet.
Garion Avarr
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#94 - 2017-03-04 01:40:44 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Getting back to the main topic, this really does seem to me like a time for nations to pool resources and work together. Hoarding a cure to yourself in hopes that the other side suffers worse than you do seems like a really good way to get ... I dunno.


Like, seriously, by very desperate and outraged people. Burning the world to ash matters a bit less if your home is burning anyway..

It's also not likely to stay only yours for very long. If one wished to widely deploy a theoretical cure in an effective manner, you make it vulnerable to being stolen, and then your opponent has the cure as well, and has had to make significantly less investment in it than you did. If you make guarding the cure a priority, then you will likely hamper your ability to deploy it in a timely manner to all of the affected individuals.

Potentially, your foe might also be able to reverse engineer your cure by kidnapping a recently cured member of your population and performing extensive tests. This would be more difficult, of course, and its feasibility depends upon the method of the theoretical cure.

Also, there are the dangers that the infection may escape from quarantine in one of the other empires, and then proceed to spread to your empire again, and possibly cause more widespread damage than it originally did. In this case, the danger is not as great as if there was a high chance of mutation, since your original cure would still work, but given the realities of how easily such an epidemic could spread between borders due to space travel, still something to worry about.

It is possible one could gain a brief advantage from keeping a theoretical cure to oneself, but it would in all likelyhood only be a brief one, that would confer no lasting benefit unless aggressively pressed as soon as possible, such as with an immediate all out invasion -- and it is probably too small a one for such a plan to work.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#95 - 2017-03-04 08:56:52 UTC
Talaris EveningStar wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
who make judgments based on facts and logic

Bwuhahahahahahahaha. Can't... stop laughing..

For each their own, I guess. But I will prefer to avoid any further conversations with you until you will at least try to do that.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#96 - 2017-03-04 09:09:03 UTC
Well, I think we have diverted a bit too much from the initial message, lets get back to Reppola. Anyone has any ideas how he could be detained without starting intercorporation war and how to return Ishukone back into the fold?

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Agiri Falken
Akagi Initiative
#97 - 2017-03-04 12:25:56 UTC
Huh, so this is what's been going on while I've been out of touch.

Another round of frothing at the thought that there just might be an advantage in diplomatic means, as opposed to emptying your entire ordnance stockpile at any and all problems. Delightful...

Here's a hint, kids; It didn't work before at a problem we COULD shoot at. It sure as hell won't convince a prion to go away.

Much as I understand the sentiment, Lai Dai had best tuck it in, zip it up, and come to terms in a hurry. No sane person takes issue with cooperating against an existential threat to the human race.
Horn Brothers Holdings Inc.
#98 - 2017-03-04 13:05:33 UTC
Agiri Falken wrote:
Huh, so this is what's been going on while I've been out of touch.

Another round of frothing at the thought that there just might be an advantage in diplomatic means, as opposed to emptying your entire ordnance stockpile at any and all problems. Delightful...

Here's a hint, kids; It didn't work before at a problem we COULD shoot at. It sure as hell won't convince a prion to go away.

Much as I understand the sentiment, Lai Dai had best tuck it in, zip it up, and come to terms in a hurry. No sane person takes issue with cooperating against an existential threat to the human race.

I doubt, Lai Dai or the patriot bloc, will be tucking it in and zipping it up and coming to those terms in a hurry. To share information regarding this deadly pathogen , that has no cure, with our deadliest enemy, who would like nothing better than to make the Caldari race extinct, is sheer madness beyond belief

The State have the situation within the Caldari borders under control at this present time. Let us not panic do something we may all regret.

There is nothing more frightening to us Patriots , than you extreme far right liberals. Hopefully the Patriot bloc and the CEP will be able to rein you whackjobs and nutters in , before you do us all in.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#99 - 2017-03-04 14:48:21 UTC
Agiri Falken wrote:
Huh, so this is what's been going on while I've been out of touch.

Another round of frothing at the thought that there just might be an advantage in diplomatic means, as opposed to emptying your entire ordnance stockpile at any and all problems. Delightful...

Here's a hint, kids; It didn't work before at a problem we COULD shoot at. It sure as hell won't convince a prion to go away.

Much as I understand the sentiment, Lai Dai had best tuck it in, zip it up, and come to terms in a hurry. No sane person takes issue with cooperating against an existential threat to the human race.

Were you serving in any of corporation police forces? Well, I've myself served in the Navy, AWM detachment, and when we were shooting it was not to convince anyone to go away, but to destroy the target. It would be nice to see you'll try to arrest Kyonoke.

I can say you one thing: if you can't make your problem go away after using a firepower, you lack the said firepower (or experience in using it properly). How long have you been connected to capsuleers networks already? Even if you didn't see how marines operate, at least capsuleer experience could give you some ideas: you never ever give a warning shot to other ship. Because once you do, you are engaged and the fight might get way further than you have anticipated.

If you open fire, your goal shall be not to convince, not to warn and not to scare the enemy, but to physically eliminate them from grid.

As for Lai Dai, I commend their resolution to stand tall for Caldari way and to point out at unacceptable traitorous behavior of Ishukone CEO. It's time he was put in place already.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Agiri Falken
Akagi Initiative
#100 - 2017-03-04 15:32:42 UTC
TomHorn wrote:
Agiri Falken wrote:
Huh, so this is what's been going on while I've been out of touch.

Another round of frothing at the thought that there just might be an advantage in diplomatic means, as opposed to emptying your entire ordnance stockpile at any and all problems. Delightful...

Here's a hint, kids; It didn't work before at a problem we COULD shoot at. It sure as hell won't convince a prion to go away.

Much as I understand the sentiment, Lai Dai had best tuck it in, zip it up, and come to terms in a hurry. No sane person takes issue with cooperating against an existential threat to the human race.

I doubt, Lai Dai or the patriot bloc, will be tucking it in and zipping it up and coming to those terms in a hurry. To share information regarding this deadly pathogen , that has no cure, with our deadliest enemy, who would like nothing better than to make the Caldari race extinct, is sheer madness beyond belief

The State have the situation within the Caldari borders under control at this present time. Let us not panic do something we may all regret.

There is nothing more frightening to us Patriots , than you extreme far right liberals. Hopefully the Patriot bloc and the CEP will be able to rein you whackjobs and nutters in , before you do us all in.

Leemee know when you've finished CBRN 101, Horn. Then I'll take you semi-seriously.

The fact that this boils down to politics to you from word go tells me you really need to brush up on what the threat actually is.

And Kim, try to remember the answer this time; I was serving while you were a kid, both corpmil and Navy, so stow the superiority complex, and start checking profiles before smarting off. If you did, you'd know what I am, and what I do. The fact is, while you were busy having a heart attack on a sparring mat in front of Saissore's saber, and getting the hell beat out of you for your mouth running up checks your ass had to cash later, I was pulling ops you don't even have the clearance to look up, or the skillset to think about touching.

I was also there, with your hero, on Cal Prime.

Dismissed. One less who will be bothering with your half-breed ass.