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Oldest guy I saw in space

Cade Windstalker
#21 - 2017-03-01 16:12:51 UTC
Amojin wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
You have to make your determinations about how much of a threat someone is based off of their ship, how they're flying it, and what you can see about it like the drones and guns they're using and how much damage they're dealing once you're actually in the fight.

Well, you've anticipated what I was going to ask, at least partially, then. I was going to ask how you make the determination, yeah. But, well, AFTER I'm getting murdered, that... Well, in my own admittedly biased opinion, this is not optimal...

I don't have the link, but in in game chat, someone posted up a killboard posting, that really makes me second-guess some of what you just said.

It was an Orca. With no mods fitted, at all. Zero. Somebody trained up all that time, bought that ship, flew it out to support his mining pals, and promptly was popped...

If I just saw the Orca, I'd think, this is an investment. This guy MUST know what he's doing... But, apparently not.

Eve is not a game of perfect information, of course you're never going to be able to optimally determine before hand whether or not you have an edge on someone. That's what Eve is about, risk vs reward. You can try to avoid every fight you're not absolutely sure you can win, but you'll miss out on some you could have won, or you can take risks and be rewarded for it.

As for your assumption about that Orca... yeah... no.

Just because you can fly a big ship doesn't mean you know what you're doing. I've heard stories about people with Titans, long before the age of Skil Injectors by the way, who did absolutely stupid things with them and died hilariously for it.

If I had to guess about that Orca pilot though he was probably a Burn Jita victim and had probably recently bought the ship. Unless the Killmail specifically said he was located in a belt, since an Orca isn't worth much with no mods fitted, that'd be my guess.
Brutal Ballerinas
#22 - 2017-03-01 17:26:36 UTC
jan 2004 - Shocked

sp and age mean nothing, i love to fly t1 frigs t1 fitted and go fight in low sec regularly get popped by noobs, it is a great leveller and now clone cost has thankfully been removed is a great way to have fun. lol after all this time still suck but great game, its all about the journey.

heres to another decade Big smile
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#23 - 2017-03-01 19:41:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Chribba
Tuttomenui II wrote:
Chribba, Chribba, Chribba.

With his name said thrice I summon him. Shall he bless your silly thread with a visit and comment.


2003-06-10 here, there's some older ones tho


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

#24 - 2017-03-01 20:47:36 UTC
NUBIARN wrote:
jan 2004 - Shocked

sp and age mean nothing, i love to fly t1 frigs t1 fitted and go fight in low sec regularly get popped by noobs, it is a great leveller and now clone cost has thankfully been removed is a great way to have fun. lol after all this time still suck but great game, its all about the journey.

heres to another decade Big smile

That sounds like a good idea, from a perspective of cost. Losing T2 or Faction ships to the inevitable learning process is a bit more expensive than I've any interest in. If I stick around in this game after dropping to alpha, I'll probably adopt that plan before I head out to get murdered repeatedly.

If I lost 2 or 3 of the ships I usually fly and had to replace them, I'd go broke about noon, tomorrow.
Ministerstvo na otbranata
#25 - 2017-03-01 21:11:39 UTC
You don't summon Chribba, he just visits us in his mortal form. Big smile

I think I've seen 08-09.05.2003 character, but he was inactive for years, so simply the time of the creation doesn't mean much.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#26 - 2017-03-01 21:40:00 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Tuttomenui II wrote:
Chribba, Chribba, Chribba.

With his name said thrice I summon him. Shall he bless your silly thread with a visit and comment.


2003-06-10 here, there's some older ones tho


Proton Power has an employment history that is too long to show the first corp on EvEgate, but what is there dates back to 2003.06.03
Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2017-03-01 22:12:26 UTC
u3pog wrote:
You don't summon Chribba, he just visits us in his mortal form. Big smile

I think I've seen 08-09.05.2003 character, but he was inactive for years, so simply the time of the creation doesn't mean much.

Chribba has a thing that pings him when his name is mentioned on the forums, so yes you can summon him. =) I've done it a few times. Never fails.

Edit: although should I really be sharing this......?
Daemun Khanid
Corbeau de sang
#28 - 2017-03-01 22:18:35 UTC
Myself? Does that count? Not sure I've seen any of the ppl I started with in a long time. Never know w the guys from PIE. They log in from time to time but I dont frequent the same watering holes any longer.

Daemun of Khanid

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