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My first 31 day in EVE

#1 - 2012-01-21 19:44:08 UTC
My first 31 days in EVE!!
Disclaimer: I am no writer or anything and if you are looking for a really well written story plz don’t read this
Pre Eve: While playing another mmorpg I check out a story in forums about this awesome game called Eve and how dynamic and complicated, player driven economy, huge fleet battles, ruthless scams that cost people real money. Like the one where a corp. leader closed up a corp. and made off with billions of ISK worth thousands of dollars. Another one where guy losses a ship while moving a lot plex from one station to another and looses thousands of dollars of real money.
Months go bye,
Day one: While in a store buying a game card for Ever quest 2 I see an Eve online special edition box with a 60-day time code for only 19 bucks. I buy it! I get home install Eve create my account Sell one plex and start the game with my new toon and 420 million isk.
Day two: While training skills and reading up on the game I quickly realize that there is not going to be any power leveling to get into a cool ship. I start thinking now this game is going to be awesome it will weed out all the wow nubs and must be full of really dedicated players who are cool!
Day three-five: I find a corp. to join! Rafu! Seems like a good corp they have team speak 3, there smallish and for the most part helpful. The alliance people seem ok answer questions and offer advice. I soon realize that I enjoy exploration and venture into my first worm hole. While looking around in this worm hole I find myself in a pod after having been padded by a Stealth bomber  I quickly get back to my station in Amarr and get another ship and fit it out for another go on the worm hole  I really want to see what’s in there. I tell the corp. mates about what is going on and let everyone in the alliance know that I have found a worm hole and there are mysteries to be found and I shall go in again and find them. This time though with the help from a corp. member we find an area with all these bubbles and structures. WOW I found something cool? I find myself in a pod once again. Now during this time some people in the corp. were telling me and my buddy to leave the worm hole or we were going to die again. So after losing 2 ships and getting my bud killed I head the advice and leave the worm hole. But I’m hooked now! I like exploration and the unknown. Later I find out that the people who killed me were in my alliance and it was there pos I had found and they not only shot my ship the first time but also shot me and corp. mate from there pos. Jokes on me I guess!
#2 - 2012-01-21 20:34:21 UTC
Part 3 is the most important part of this story btw