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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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45M SP Pilot - Looking for Null / WH

Bok Molkar
#1 - 2017-02-16 16:50:10 UTC

I have been playing for 4 years. I've got a lot of industry based skills, but I'm currently training into combat.

I'm looking for a well established Null Sec or WH corporation. I'd prefer to stay away from "Start Up" corps. No offense, I'm just looking for something that's already been established.

I'm also not looking for a huge entity. I'm more interested in mid / high mid sized corp/alliance.

I'm most interested in moon mining, PI chains, and mass production.

I generally play late night EST. US player.

I'm sorry for all the particulars.

Gyn Steel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2017-02-16 18:25:08 UTC

Hey m8! I might have what you are looking for!

We are a corp member of Test Alliance Please Ignore! We currently live Esoteria and pewpew! The corp is not the eldest in this game but we are a vets team woking really hard. We have good in house FC and part of one of the strongest 0.0 alliance of the moment! We have all kind of fleet a player might want from stupid roam and chilax camp to big fight with thousand of player! We got it all here!

We have one of the best logistic wings in the game and got a lots of service for ours member! Test service best service!

What we offer.

- A LOTS of pvp
- Good ratting space
- Experimented FC (And super dank one alliance wide)
- Drama Free corp
- Be part of one of the small corp of test! More of a home feeling and family feeling to it!
- Help to make you better at pvp if you aren't experienced.

Join us in game chan: DMSQD

And join us on our Discord!
Bok Molkar
#3 - 2017-02-16 18:42:22 UTC
How's the indy division? Is it organized and do people work together? Or is it more of a PVP corp where people do indy on their alts?
Threk Algaert
Material Trade and Acquisition
#4 - 2017-02-16 19:08:56 UTC
Bok Molkar,

It sounds like MTAC is well suited for you. We are a tight knit indy corp in SLYCE alliance with operations exclusively in Deklein. Our leadership has over 30 years of eve experience collectively. We fight to defend our members, our space and the alliance. Our primary focus is enabling our members to enjoy the game, we are pretty laid back and enjoy Eve for the game it is. Check out 'MTAC Public' channel in-game to talk to the guys, get a feel for our operations and to answer questions.

Threk Algaert
CEO, MTAC - SLYCE Alliance

Industry with Attitude
Mr Glaser
Violence is the Answer
Wormhole Society
#5 - 2017-02-28 20:59:05 UTC
Please, come and check us out. After reading your post, I know you will not be disappointed!

We have many in our corp with experience and a willingness as well to pass that on. We are also looking for people with experience to be a part of a bigger group. We are driven in our resolve to be the best and have a tremendous amount of fun as well. We understand the focus of "How to pve (make tons of isk in our WH) or hang out with us during PVP...who knows you may love it more than you think?

ArrowTake a look if you get a chance : DOPLR

ArrowJoin our Public Discord Channel : DOPLR

Arrowor In-Game Mail/PM to... Mr Glaser
Orlav Aldent
#6 - 2017-02-28 22:38:58 UTC
The Iron Armada is a small-gang too medium fleet focused, mercenary alliance, currently holding sov in Wicked Creek, led by our glorious leader Tridgit, the Poitot rorqual rider, first of his name, FC of our hearts and defender of the Wicked Pass.

We as a team, strive to build a strong community that enjoy PVP in EVE and are keen to hone their skills alongside like minded pilots, whether you are a bitter vet or a clueless newbro, we accept anyone with the determination to not only be good at EVE, but to be GREAT.

We offer:
- EU / US / AU Bros (Primarily US timezone, however).
- Fights of all sizes, from our favorite small gang, to large fleet fights and capital clusterfucks (we get it all).
- Daily roams.
- Upgraded space for bearing.
- Constant merc contracts = Constant content

Our prerequisites:
- Speak fluent english
- Have a mic/Teamspeak 3
- Provide a full API for all of your characters

Some cool stuff we've done
- Rabble to Rubble: A Tale of Jealousy and Betrayal:
- Iron Armada - Wicked Winter War with The Heathens:
- A compilation of us being silly nerds:
- The Billboard War:

If you're interested, you can either join through our forums, or by joining the "IronArmadaRecruitment" channel in-game and talking to a recruiter.

We look forward to flying with you,
Iron Armada o7

Our Forums:

Our Zkill:

Our Discord:
Feel free to join our Discord and introduce yourself

The Original Laughing Jackass,

Proud member and recruiter of the Iron Armada.

Join today!

Sleeper Dreams
#7 - 2017-03-01 03:36:25 UTC

I represent a little pvp C4 corp known as Sleeper Dreams, we're active mid/late night USTZ into the early morning hours (AUSTZ). We're constantly searching for things to pew or sleepers to farm, depending on what the wormhole chain provides us. We provide a fun atmosphere to learn and gain experience in, and offer high end pvp/gang fights to those who are in search of it.


If you're interested or want more info, check out the forum post i linked at the top, or stop by our recruitment channel in-game @ GG NREM


Dread Charlie
Outback Steakhouse of Pancakes
Deepwater Hooligans
#8 - 2017-03-01 10:29:11 UTC