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Future events suggestion (based on Guardians Gala event)

Jasmin Yeva
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2017-02-19 19:00:45 UTC
Playing as new 10-day Alpha character, I can tell that for me Guardians Gala event is disappointig: I can't compete with players who come in T2 / pirate ships -- it take too long for Alpha to take frigates and cruisers (and frigates for some reason take more time and effort to kill, even in destroyer), so that in 80% of cases someone just comes, kills BC and takes loot. This is discouraging, and feels like I am practically denied to take part in this event.


I suggest that in the future events like this (go to the site, kill enemies, get loot) will be additional reward system, to reward players who took part in event, but can't compete with Omega / older players. Possible solutions:

  1. Killing enemies give you points. When you accumulate certain number of points -- you get reward.
  2. For Guardians Gala event this would be something like this:

    • When you accumulate 1000 or more points, you get (claim) your reward (random SKIN).
    • Battleship worth 1000 points -- so if you steal it -- you get SKIN, as in current system.
    • Frigates worth 50 points and cruisers worth 100 points -- so even if you can't compete with other players, you still encouraged to take part. Numbers is just for example, but they should be meaningful (I think 1/20 of reward threshold is a minimum to feel like you actually make progress).
    • When you reach 1000 points, any excess points can be carried over, or dropped -- I can't say for sure what is better (carrying points will effectively increase number of rewards given to players, while dropping them would feel awful whey you got 950 points and kill battleship -- you will lose this 950 points).
    • Option: lower security systems give more points (this option makes sense only if point are carried over after reaching 1000 points threshold).

  • Instead of points, that has issue of managing them, give rewards for each 1 battleship killed, each 10 cruisers killed, and each 20 fighters killed.

  • I don't suggest, that this points will be cooperative (i.e. given to several players) -- I am assuming that "the killer takes it all" holds true.

    I understand that this solutions will take away opportunity of stealing other player's loot, but I beleive that making event applausible for more people is outweghting this by a large margin.

    Creeping of number of rewards can be balanced by spawning sites a little bit rarer.

    I fully aware of possibility of randomly spawning reward not only from battleship, but from other ships, but it will be a lottery and this fact not only will create more problems, but also won't make Alpha / new player feel like they can make progression in event.

    It would be good for future events to make their announcement not only in launcher (where they can be easily overlooked, because there are many other news and announcements which players often ignore for several reasons), but in the character select screen too. Even if there will be no point/task system in future events -- just visually highlighting that event is in progress would be good (ideally, there should be event-related picture, event name, short description, rules and countdown -- I liked SCOPE interface during Shadow of the Serpent event -- but even displaying simple infobox would be good).
    Dior Ambraelle
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #2 - 2017-02-19 19:57:46 UTC
    These event's aren't designed for 10-days old characters - doesn't really matter if you're alpha or omega. And these events weren't designed for T1 destroyers either. Also, for you as an Amarr player this event is extra hard because you are on the opposite side of the damage chart. Amarr mostly deal EM and thermal damage, while the Angels' weakness is explosive.
    I suggest you to try a Dragoon with rocket launchers and Minmatar drones. A web or two will help too. The next event may will be better for you too, especially if you learn to use cruisers by then.

    About the point system: something similar was tested last year, as far as I know it wasn't really popular.

    If you want an intelligent argument, please do, I'm up for it!

    But if you want a trolling contest, I will win it by simply not participating.

    Ronnie Rose
    Pator Tech School
    Minmatar Republic
    #3 - 2017-02-19 20:10:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronnie Rose
    The way I see it is to give reward incentives to Alphas so that they can eventually like the game enough to become Omegas.

    I'm for giving "lesser" type prizes to those just starting so they can get drawn into the game more.

    We're not here to change the game, we're here to change YOUR game

    Jasmin Yeva
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #4 - 2017-02-19 21:09:00 UTC
    Dior Ambraelle wrote:

    I suggest you to try a Dragoon with rocket launchers and Minmatar drones. A web or two will help too. The next event may will be better for you too, especially if you learn to use cruisers by then.

    Amarr and Gallente Alphas can't use missiles / rockets (except for defender missiles, which now isn't missiles at all).
    It's something I would like to bring up too.

    Dior Ambraelle wrote:

    About the point system: something similar was tested last year, as far as I know it wasn't really popular.

    I know about that event, I was playing and even subscribed then (although for a short time -- this game demands far more dedication, than I can bring, so subscription turned up not justified to me).

    The problems with that event (Shadow of the Serpent) wasn't in the point system per se, but with how the overall event was tailored:

    1. That event demanded high amount of grind to get any reward -- you needed to accumulate very large amount of points to get the first reward. There was no rewards that was given in manageable steps (i.e. the rewards most of the time were "too far away").
    2. Task that gave points wasn't balanced in regards of their points/efforts, especially for players without personal or in-game skills, required to complete it. The one example is a task to mine huge amount of ore -- it isn't interesting for most players -- and if you can't fly mining barge -- it takes very long time to complete. What's worse -- the tasks was very hard to change and they was handed out randomly. So in the end, people tended to complete rewarding/interesting tasks and end with big pile of tasks that wasn't suited for them.
    3. The loot that was spawning in event sites was spawned in container which everyone could loot without repercussions (because that container didn't belong to anybody). So there was a lot of thieves, who would steal your loot, and if you was in HighSec -- you couldn't shoot them for it because CONCORD would wreck you then. You could go to LowSec to complete this sites, shooting potential thief which showed at location -- but that would incure security status loss, which not everyone was comfortable with.
    4. The complexity of the system -- you completed tasks, which gave you points, which you accumulated to get rewards. So player had task tracking and management system, point tracking system and event sites, which is too much.

    It have been discussed a lot on sites, dedicated to EVE.

    This problems are solvable:

    1. Give players rewards more often. In the current event players get reward for each site, and my proposal preserves this.
    2. Problem of uninteresting tasks can be solved by division of tasks into some groups and easening of declining tasks you don't want to complete. And in the case of events like current event (Guardians Gala) you dont even need to -- there are only small number of tasks (3) which is always available and which all require the same action (runnig event site and killing rats in it).
    3. Now the loot spawns from wreck, that ensures that person who managed to kill site boss has some rights on the reward. My proposal is fully preserves this, by giving points/task progress to the one, who killed NPC.
    4. I want also to note that I propose to make system for each event less complex -- it is either tasks or points. So it won't be so confusing and complex. Obviously, different events may use different system (whichever is more applicable for them).

    What I find Shadow of the Serpent event did good:

    • SCOPE interface during character login, which really brought visibility to the event.
    • The ability to complete event cooperatively (I am not proposing, that every event should be cooperative -- I am OK with competitive events too).

    P.S. I don't want to use my previous character for now, because I will have to resolve a lot of logistical problems, which I don't have time or desire to do now.
    Jasmin Yeva
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #5 - 2017-02-19 21:18:58 UTC
    Ronnie Rose wrote:
    The way I see it is to give reward incentives to Alphas so that they can eventually like the game enough to become Omegas.

    I'm for giving "lesser" type prizes to those just starting so they can get drawn into the game more.

    Why prizes should be "lesser"? Its not like Alphas/new characters has to put less effort (it is routine grind for older characters, while hard for new ones).

    My post is about the fact that competitive events as they are implemented now tend to leave some people "over the board" by its design -- it is "all-or-nothing", which I think isn't good design for events intended for general public. "All-or-nothing" is good and natural in events like tournaments with limited participation.

    Competitive events can be not only "all-or-nothing" style, but also "take-as-much-as-you-can" style, which I am suggesting.
    Ronnie Rose
    Pator Tech School
    Minmatar Republic
    #6 - 2017-02-19 21:21:49 UTC
    Jasmin Yeva wrote:
    Ronnie Rose wrote:
    The way I see it is to give reward incentives to Alphas so that they can eventually like the game enough to become Omegas.

    I'm for giving "lesser" type prizes to those just starting so they can get drawn into the game more.

    Why prizes should be "lesser"? Its not like Alphas/new characters has to put less effort (it is routine grind for older characters, while hard for new ones).

    My post is about the fact that competitive events as they are implemented now tend to leave some people "over the board" by its design -- it is "all-or-nothing", which I think isn't good design for events intended for general public. "All-or-nothing" is good and natural in events like tournaments with limited participation.

    Competitive events can be not only "all-or-nothing" style, but also "take-as-much-as-you-can" style, which I am suggesting.

    Things like accelerators and boosters that expire after 10, 15 or 20 day old characters. Useless to veteran characters but invaluable to Alphas.

    We're not here to change the game, we're here to change YOUR game

    Jasmin Yeva
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #7 - 2017-02-19 21:36:42 UTC
    Ronnie Rose wrote:

    Things like accelerators and boosters that expire after 10, 15 or 20 day old characters. Useless to veteran characters but invaluable to Alphas.

    I don't follow you -- how this relates to giving "lesser" rewards to some class of characters. Accelerators was given to all characters -- so every character got the same reward. Accelerators was less useful to old characters, but they kept their value, because they could be sold, or used for the exact same effect as for new characters.

    And if you don't mind, I'd like to hear from you (and everybody else) about "all-or-nothing" vs. "take-as-much-as-you-can" design.

    Because former (the current design) is like match where 10 year old competes with professional boxer.
    Matthias Ancaladron
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #8 - 2017-02-19 21:39:16 UTC
    Despawn beacon while someones actively at the site.

    Problem solved.
    Jasmin Yeva
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #9 - 2017-02-19 21:55:47 UTC
    Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
    Despawn beacon while someones actively at the site.

    Problem solved.

    Then players won't compete for the site. Which is bad.
    Cade Windstalker
    #10 - 2017-02-20 04:02:22 UTC
    You might want to read up about the Serpentis event from last year for an idea of why CCP is currently doing the current event structure. They had a points setup, people complained (because it did have issues) and they seem to have held off on using it again to refine it more.
    Matthias Ancaladron
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #11 - 2017-02-20 04:05:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Matthias Ancaladron
    Jasmin Yeva wrote:
    Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
    Despawn beacon while someones actively at the site.

    Problem solved.

    Then players won't compete for the site. Which is bad.

    Scan it down with combat probes if there's no others open in system or you want to troll someone that bad.
    People can warp to it as a fleet or if a fleet member wants their help right to the member.
    And you could have the snipers warp in and cloak which would reopen the beacon as long as they remain cloaked to wait for someone.
    The sites arent designed to be competed for since they spawn 6-7 of them in the same system.
    Works across the board for competition and cooperation.
    FT Diomedes
    The Graduates
    #12 - 2017-02-20 13:29:06 UTC
    Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
    Despawn beacon while someones actively at the site.

    Problem solved.

    Your suggestion is bad and you should feel bad.

    They honestly just should not put these sites in highsec at all. Or have them drop better rewards in low, null, WH's. Being able to compete for the prize is the very essence of Eve.

    CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

    Daichi Yamato
    Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
    #13 - 2017-02-20 14:38:27 UTC
    Matthius they are designed so players can interfere with eachother and steal the objective, but at the same time allow players to punish those who do so. It is by far the best iteration for these events. Sites should stay open until they are complete.

    I agree the frigates are really quite tough, and it's not just from their sig+speed (which is quite good) but their resists also seem high. Higher than the cruisers. Not sure why this is the case. A bit counter intuitive.

    Sites should spawn in hi-sec for sure. It's where most of us are and engagement is important. I've thought about scaling sites, easier ones in higher sec, less easy in 0.7-0.5 and so on, like anoms. I think the last event was criticised for its variety because everyone just ran the most lucrative site and ignored the rest, but perhaps sites of scaling difficulties would be better for noobs. Older players wouldn't be interested in the lower sites.

    EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

    Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

    Cade Windstalker
    #14 - 2017-02-20 14:48:28 UTC
    FT Diomedes wrote:
    Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
    Despawn beacon while someones actively at the site.

    Problem solved.

    Your suggestion is bad and you should feel bad.

    They honestly just should not put these sites in highsec at all. Or have them drop better rewards in low, null, WH's. Being able to compete for the prize is the very essence of Eve.

    The problem with this is that it would both effectively cut off large parts of the event content and rewards from newer players and make the event essentially inaccessible to a fair number of high-sec focused players.

    The general counter argument to this sort of thing is that if people want rewards they should be exposed to more risk, but the current can stealing mechanics already provide a watered down version of this which is appropriate for the relatively light rewards these sites offer (just SKINs) and if the already lucrative rewards in Low and Null haven't enticed a player already these sorts of temporary sites aren't going to entice anyone who isn't new or ignorant of the dangers.

    At that point you're basically just putting inexperienced or naive players up against mostly hardened PvP and site running vets, which is a pretty fantastic way to scare them out of Low and Null exploration entirely.
    Wolfgang Jannesen
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #15 - 2017-02-20 14:55:28 UTC
    Alphas and Omegas are both capable of taking down cruisers, don't use that as a weak argument. If your wrecks got stolen it had nothing to do with your account status.

    I have no problem making these a very competitive event, I had a lot of fun looting wrecks and stealing loot. The skins all hit the market ridiculously cheap so if you don't want to compete, you don't have to.
    Max Deveron
    Deveron Shipyards and Technology
    Citizen's Star Republic
    #16 - 2017-02-20 15:49:20 UTC
    I despised the super-grindiness of the Serpent event.....

    However i liked the idea concept for it, it made the event more fun to operate in and not everyone was competing for the exact same site type.

    If I may though.......

    If CCP is going to keep putting Ship Skins as the main reward in them......
    Then why not use a point system.......

    Except make the point system award Arum for the NES in game store.
    This way people can just use Arum for what ever NES items there is, and CCP can just add to the NES database for all sorts of things.

    Things like consumables of course should still drop according to Loot tables; ie drugs, cerebral boosters, etc
    Cade Windstalker
    #17 - 2017-02-20 15:53:58 UTC
    Max Deveron wrote:
    I despised the super-grindiness of the Serpent event.....

    However i liked the idea concept for it, it made the event more fun to operate in and not everyone was competing for the exact same site type.

    If I may though.......

    If CCP is going to keep putting Ship Skins as the main reward in them......
    Then why not use a point system.......

    Except make the point system award Arum for the NES in game store.
    This way people can just use Arum for what ever NES items there is, and CCP can just add to the NES database for all sorts of things.

    Things like consumables of course should still drop according to Loot tables; ie drugs, cerebral boosters, etc

    Because the point of these events is to add limited lines of skins that you have to do the event to get, not to give away any skin in the store (that you have to normally get via PLEX or money) that players may want. Doing it this would would significantly disincentivize spending money on skins to sell and would pretty much crash the market for NEX store skins, neither of which benefits CCP or is generally desirable.
    Max Deveron
    Deveron Shipyards and Technology
    Citizen's Star Republic
    #18 - 2017-02-20 16:10:37 UTC
    Cade Windstalker wrote:
    Max Deveron wrote:
    I despised the super-grindiness of the Serpent event.....

    However i liked the idea concept for it, it made the event more fun to operate in and not everyone was competing for the exact same site type.

    If I may though.......

    If CCP is going to keep putting Ship Skins as the main reward in them......
    Then why not use a point system.......

    Except make the point system award Arum for the NES in game store.
    This way people can just use Arum for what ever NES items there is, and CCP can just add to the NES database for all sorts of things.

    Things like consumables of course should still drop according to Loot tables; ie drugs, cerebral boosters, etc

    Because the point of these events is to add limited lines of skins that you have to do the event to get, not to give away any skin in the store (that you have to normally get via PLEX or money) that players may want. Doing it this would would significantly disincentivize spending money on skins to sell and would pretty much crash the market for NEX store skins, neither of which benefits CCP or is generally desirable.

    It was just a thought.....and seeing how the Barghest Nova skin lasted for only 3 days when it came out it seems to me that the same limited skins could be removed from the NES when the event closes.....or anything else they might put in it for the even duration.
    That would still make them limited, and the database work for adding them to the NES would already be completed for future use. (thinking the serpentis skins here)

    It would give the players a choice, use the arum on the event items.....or use it on something else.
    And knowing CCP, they could still make that a grindy affair....5 arum for frgs, 10 for cruisers, 50 for BC and so on.....without changing or lowering the Aurum prices on stuff.
    Cade Windstalker
    #19 - 2017-02-20 17:13:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Cade Windstalker
    Max Deveron wrote:
    It was just a thought.....and seeing how the Barghest Nova skin lasted for only 3 days when it came out it seems to me that the same limited skins could be removed from the NES when the event closes.....or anything else they might put in it for the even duration.
    That would still make them limited, and the database work for adding them to the NES would already be completed for future use. (thinking the serpentis skins here)

    It would give the players a choice, use the arum on the event items.....or use it on something else.
    And knowing CCP, they could still make that a grindy affair....5 arum for frgs, 10 for cruisers, 50 for BC and so on.....without changing or lowering the Aurum prices on stuff.

    Except that there is no mechanism in the store to prevent people from buying other SKINs instead of just the event ones, and if CCP wants to just hand out the event skins then an event like this is the better way to do it rather than allowing people to grind real-money cosmetics as you are suggesting.

    My entire point here is that giving players that option is not desirable for CCP or for the players who currently buy SKINs to re-sell on the market.

    Also, just to drive the point home here, using your example numbers the current sites would be worth 125 AUR per site. That means I would need to run a grand total of 10 sites or so to afford a Kronos Police SKIN which sells for, at present, about 700m on Jita sell orders. That would make these sites one of the single most lucrative areas of the game and they require a T1 fitted cruiser, can be done in High Sec, and are fairly plentiful to the point that 10 sites can easily be done in an hour if you know what you're doing and where to hunt.

    In short, no, this is a terrible idea and CCP would never make it this easy to get AUR as it would make AUR almost worthless to buy normally. This or something like the Serpentis event are far better ways to give out limited run SKINs.
    Dior Ambraelle
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #20 - 2017-02-20 19:52:08 UTC
    Jasmin Yeva wrote:
    Dior Ambraelle wrote:

    I suggest you to try a Dragoon with rocket launchers and Minmatar drones. A web or two will help too. The next event may will be better for you too, especially if you learn to use cruisers by then.

    Amarr and Gallente Alphas can't use missiles / rockets (except for defender missiles, which now isn't missiles at all).
    It's something I would like to bring up too.

    I forgot about this.
    Quite interesting choice to be honest. It makes sense for Gallente, as - aside from the Velator - among the T1 ships only the Celestis (and the Hyperion for some reason) have launcher hardpoints.


    However there are 7 T1 Amarr ships with launcher hardpoints, alphas can use 4 of them including the Impairor, and several T2 ships have bonuses for launchers, so in my opinion missiles should be included on the Amarr alpha skill tree.

    If you want an intelligent argument, please do, I'm up for it!

    But if you want a trolling contest, I will win it by simply not participating.

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