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So..... I caved in [Boot Camp]

Matthew Barsrallah
#1 - 2011-10-12 21:40:31 UTC
i was quite happy with my mac client of eve. Maybe crashed once every few days, Fps was steady between 30-45. (2010 15" MBP nvidia 330m) After some headaches and tweaking (lovely cider config file changes helped loads!) i was running at 1440x900 (native LCD res - but on external desktop monitor) on medium settings (CQ disabled of course-and character customization slow as hell ). However for the life of me i could not get anti-aliasing to work no matter what i tried (minmatar ships are so jagged w/o AA) overall pretty good for a mac game, considering the atrocity mac gamers are normally given by developers.

just for giggles i installed windows 7 as a second partition, purely just to see if i could do AA . I was told by a GM that AA wont work because my graphics card (330m) doesnt support AA..... but thats eve support for you.

but anyway, once i had eve up and running i matched my OSX client graphics settings, and was quiet shocked.... 60 fps constantly steady! even during missions where there are clouds/celestial object!

to make a long story short, i ended my test with everything on high, including character texture, except shadow quality (medium and no cloth/hair physics on characters) and actually being able to use CQ! (25fps[ship balcony] 35[quarters] fps) i was excited to actually be able to use the main feature of incarna, even though its....well.. useless... but ooo shiny!

i do understand that cider is a wrapper and makes d3d-opengl possible at the expense of more processing overhead; and in all honesty i am quite satisfied of the mac's client performance when compared to other trans-gaming ports I've played.

i allways knew bootcamp would preform better, but wow its night and day!

I do love my mac! but in all honesty fellow mac users should just for "giggles" try bootcamp, no crashes better fps, and CQ! now if only i could get used to ctrl+c/ctrl+a....

MS office was a good start! now lets get microsoft to license D3D to apple!

mac client is ok...but boot camp is an eye opener!
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#2 - 2011-10-12 21:54:15 UTC
Matthew Barsrallah wrote:

MS office was a good start! now lets get microsoft to license D3D to apple!

Just wanted to point out that Office was a Mac only product long before windows 3.1 even shipped, and had been for years

Openoffice FTW :)
Matthew Barsrallah
#3 - 2011-10-12 22:03:38 UTC
Adrenalinemax wrote:
Matthew Barsrallah wrote:

MS office was a good start! now lets get microsoft to license D3D to apple!

Just wanted to point out that Office was a Mac only product long before windows 3.1 even shipped, and had been for years

Openoffice FTW :)

really? was it developed by a third party company or apple back in the day? or did MS just buy them out? was referring to the recent MS office suite for mac. i think (not sure could be rumour) apple complained of MS monopoly on office productivity software and MS was forced to make office 2008 for mac :S

just was wishful thinking to have the best of both worlds! osx in all its prettyness and d3d for gaming!
LOst BrotherhoOd
#4 - 2011-10-13 00:52:47 UTC
Bootcamp is the only way I can reliably play Eve. The Mac client stutters and jerks so bad that it's totally unplayable for me.
Some people on here are happy with the way the Mac client performs, but I can only get smooth performance with everything on high under Bootcamp.
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#5 - 2011-10-13 01:42:03 UTC
Matthew Barsrallah wrote:
Adrenalinemax wrote:
Matthew Barsrallah wrote:

MS office was a good start! now lets get microsoft to license D3D to apple!

Just wanted to point out that Office was a Mac only product long before windows 3.1 even shipped, and had been for years

Openoffice FTW :)

really? was it developed by a third party company or apple back in the day? or did MS just buy them out? was referring to the recent MS office suite for mac. i think (not sure could be rumour) apple complained of MS monopoly on office productivity software and MS was forced to make office 2008 for mac :S

just was wishful thinking to have the best of both worlds! osx in all its prettyness and d3d for gaming!

No, it was made by Microsoft for Apple, back in the DOS days for PC's, but Mac had a GUI, so it got the first edition of Office - well, back then it was just Word and later Excel.
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#6 - 2011-10-18 21:51:28 UTC
Mac computer shipments up 29% in last quarter.

CCP can't ignore us forever
ariana ailith
#7 - 2011-12-15 09:42:52 UTC
Matthew Barsrallah wrote:
Adrenalinemax wrote:
Matthew Barsrallah wrote:

MS office was a good start! now lets get microsoft to license D3D to apple!

Just wanted to point out that Office was a Mac only product long before windows 3.1 even shipped, and had been for years

Openoffice FTW :)

really? was it developed by a third party company or apple back in the day? or did MS just buy them out? was referring to the recent MS office suite for mac. i think (not sure could be rumour) apple complained of MS monopoly on office productivity software and MS was forced to make office 2008 for mac :S

just was wishful thinking to have the best of both worlds! osx in all its prettyness and d3d for gaming!

Apple had a exclusive deal with MS for years until IBM made a better deal...
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#8 - 2012-01-17 17:31:48 UTC
Rather than BootCamp and dual booting all the time, I found running the EVE Windows client on a Parallels virtual machine running within OSX is the way to go. No constant booting between OSX and Win7, and with coherence mode turned on the windows apps appear just like other OSX app icons -- launch them and away you go within OSX

And yes, performance of EVE/windows under Parallels within OSX slays the EVE/Mac client in OSX -- 60FPS consistently (30 in captains quarters..), and no uber lag when cruising Jita with 1,000+ other ships around.

In general if your solo'ing in systems with low user counts you can get by with the Mac client, but to really play Eve fully you simply need to run the Windows client (bootcamped or Parallels in OSX). The Mac client port is fail.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-01-17 23:36:25 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Rather than BootCamp and dual booting all the time, I found running the EVE Windows client on a Parallels virtual machine running within OSX is the way to go. No constant booting between OSX and Win7, and with coherence mode turned on the windows apps appear just like other OSX app icons -- launch them and away you go within OSX

And yes, performance of EVE/windows under Parallels within OSX slays the EVE/Mac client in OSX -- 60FPS consistently (30 in captains quarters..), and no uber lag when cruising Jita with 1,000+ other ships around.

In general if your solo'ing in systems with low user counts you can get by with the Mac client, but to really play Eve fully you simply need to run the Windows client (bootcamped or Parallels in OSX). The Mac client port is fail.

I've got a copy of the latest VMware Fusion laying around which from reviews is comparable to Parallels for 3d performance, but I'm skeptical about setting it all up just for EVE as I'm running a fairly small SSD.

Could you provide some screenshots using native and Parallels EVE clients running in windowed mode? It's not that I don't believe you, It's just seeing is actually believing ;D


I just broke my brand new iPad :(

Korgan Nailo
The Gorram Shiney Alliance
#10 - 2012-01-18 04:01:30 UTC
mugen wrote:
I've got a copy of the latest VMware Fusion laying around which from reviews is comparable to Parallels for 3d performance, but I'm skeptical about setting it all up just for EVE as I'm running a fairly small SSD.

By the way, if you turn off hibernate, system restore and chop the page file size from [[insert RAM amount here]] to min 512Mb to [[RAM amount]].

Those three things, in a system with 8Gb or RAM, account for more than 15Gb of HD that is completely unnecessary if you're just running your windows for games.

--== EvE Online Quick Reference Sheet: E-Uni Forums Link / EvE Forums Link ==--

Matthew Barsrallah
#11 - 2012-01-21 11:22:07 UTC
Korgan Nailo wrote:
mugen wrote:
I've got a copy of the latest VMware Fusion laying around which from reviews is comparable to Parallels for 3d performance, but I'm skeptical about setting it all up just for EVE as I'm running a fairly small SSD.

By the way, if you turn off hibernate, system restore and chop the page file size from [[insert RAM amount here]] to min 512Mb to [[RAM amount]].

Those three things, in a system with 8Gb or RAM, account for more than 15Gb of HD that is completely unnecessary if you're just running your windows for games.

great tip, didn't think about that. thanks!

I have been meaning to set up a benchmark thread between paralels, vmware, bootcamp and native mac client. When i have time, i will be posting (with my hardware) all four ways someone can play eve on their mac and the results.
#12 - 2012-01-22 12:59:36 UTC
Have to agree 100%, I was pleasantly surprised by how well this game runs on my iMac, but CQ is completely unusable, etc. After trying it out on my wife's Windows 7 PC.... WOW. It becomes painfully, PAINFULLY clear how non-native this game is to the Mac. I really can't complain too much simply because, well, we have a working version.... but damn.
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-01-22 22:50:32 UTC
I had recently invested in Windows 7 Home Premium so that I could play Skyrim under Bootcamp and I downloaded and installed the Eve client too.

While I agree that having to boot into Windows can be a nuiisance, it really does not take too long. I have a 120Gb SSD with OS X on it and have just moved Windows 7 plus my Steam games and Eve onto their own 240GB SSD and I can get into the Eve client within a couple of minutes.

The SSD for Windows 7 and Eve really makes the game fly. There is practically no lag undocking even in busy
places like Jita.

On a 2010 Mac Pro 6x3.33GHz, 12Gb, ATI 5870 1Gb at 2560 x1440 with the SSD the game runs perfectly smoothly at 60fps with everything turned on and set to high except AA which I have disabled because to be honest at that resolution it is not needed.