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Guardian's Gala Event FAIL

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Arthur Aihaken
#1 - 2017-02-16 02:19:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
For anyone at CCP listening, this event was a colossal fail. The good:
• Yay, some new free SKINs...
• Competition and interaction is always a good thing

The bad:
• Very rare drops for Angel SKINs (you have to basically buy these from CCP)
• No accelerators or really anything else for that matter (occasional synth drug doesn't count)
• No meta loot drops and salvage is practically worthless (I've done it just to kill time)
• These sites were apparently designed specifically for Alphas, yet most Alphas have no chance of clearing these in any kind of reasonable timeframe before an Omega swoops in and clears it. Case 1: A Corax that dragged the first wave of frigates out to 100km+. Case 2: A Gnosis that had little if any chance of hitting the frigate wave. Too many other examples to list, but I never lost a single site to an Alpha or saw an Alpha actually get the prize, for that matter.

I'm sure others have points that I've missed...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Critical Mass Inc
#2 - 2017-02-16 02:27:45 UTC
I dunno. I've had some fun and a couple fun conversations with it. I tend to hit them in-route to a mission. I've sniped three and been sniped six times. I Jetted a couple skins becuase I already had them. One guy needed help with a mission and I helped him out after he got the skin.

If your only opinion of this is the end prize, you are missing the point. Say hi in local and see what happens.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2017-02-16 02:32:47 UTC
Just my opinion but if these sites are set up for Alpha Clones then they should probably fleet up if it's a bit too tough for them to complete solo. Also as an Omega Clone, I don't think the sites should drop anything of great value if they are indeed set up for Alpha Clones.

As with all things in life, you gotta pay if you want the good stuff.

Arthur Aihaken
#4 - 2017-02-16 02:34:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
MadMuppet wrote:
I dunno. I've had some fun and a couple fun conversations with it. I tend to hit them in-route to a mission. I've sniped three and been sniped six times. I Jetted a couple skins becuase I already had them. One guy needed help with a mission and I helped him out after he got the skin.

If your only opinion of this is the end prize, you are missing the point. Say hi in local and see what happens.

If your concept of "fun" is that this kind of event is only great for the first 24 hours, then mission success. The rewards just plain suck. I don't really care about the sniping because I've been doing most of it. And by most of it, I mean clearing the vast majority of the event while the other player circle around aimlessly trying to hit the frigates. The few that I've lost to snipers? Kudos to them!

Say "hi" in local? Do you mean in general or in response to all the rude comments that have flooded my way. Never mind the fact that this is a competition, after all... Not a single person has asked for any advice (though I've tried to offer some in return). I've even jet-canned the loot afterwards but no one sticks around to claim it. There have been a few polite players that I've chatted with but most either don't care or couldn't be bothered to waste their time.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2017-02-16 02:36:03 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
For anyone at CCP listening, this event was a colossal fail. The good:
• Yay, some new free SKINs...

The bad:
• No Angel SKINs (you have to buy these from CCP, so Gallente drops only)
• No accelerators or really anything else for that matter (occasional drug doesn't count)
• No meta loot drops and salvage is practically worthless (I've done it just to kill time)
• These sites were apparently designed specifically for Alphas, yet most Alphas have no chance of clearing these in any kind of reasonable timeframe before an Omega swoops in and clears it. Case 1: A Corax that dragged the first wave of frigates out to 100km+. Case 2: A Gnosis that had little if any chance of hitting the frigate wave. Too many other examples to list, but I never lost a single site to an Alpha or saw an Alpha actually get the prize, for that matter.

I'm sure others have points that I've missed...

I am alpha (Max Alpha, actually Cool, minus a single lvl in mining upgrades) and doing just fine with a Gnosis. Web is key. I even bagged myself an Orthos kill. I swooped in and won ownership of the BC wreck and then he went suspect then criminal all at once. He made a grave mistake with safety settings and for some odd ball reason only he knows shot the wreck after looting it. I subsequently stole his kill from Concord. I have 19 skins so far and 6 additional duplicates. These sites are all over so even if you get ninjaed by the occasional de-cloaking Astero, that wass sneaky and funny when it happened to me, It is possible to still get a few to yourself in the less populated areas. The event will continue until the 25th I think.

Now Eve news post about the event mentions boosters but they must be extremely rare haven't seen one yet, so there is something there on that complaint but meh I don't use boosters so don't care.
Arthur Aihaken
#6 - 2017-02-16 02:40:03 UTC
Tuttomenui II wrote:
I am alpha (Max Alpha, actually Cool, minus a single lvl in mining upgrades) and doing just fine with a Gnosis. Web is key. I even bagged myself an Orthos kill. I swooped in and won ownership of the BC wreck and then he went suspect then criminal all at once. He made a grave mistake with safety settings and for some odd ball reason only he knows shot the wreck after looting it. I subsequently stole his kill from Concord. I have 19 skins so far and 6 additional duplicates. These sites are all over so even if you get ninjaed by the occasional de-cloaking Astero, that wass sneaky and funny when it happened to me, It is possible to still get a few to yourself in the less populated areas. The event will continue until the 25th I think.

Now Eve news post about the event mentions boosters but they must be extremely rare haven't seen one yet, so there is something there on that complaint but meh I don't use boosters so don't care.

Glad you're enjoying the event! (although based on what I've seen from Alphas, you are probably the exception as opposed to the rule) The "boosters" are apparently an occasional poor drug drop (nothing to get excited about). Yes, the event runs for just under 2 weeks.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-02-16 02:43:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tuttomenui II
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Tuttomenui II wrote:
I am alpha (Max Alpha, actually Cool, minus a single lvl in mining upgrades) and doing just fine with a Gnosis. Web is key. I even bagged myself an Orthos kill. I swooped in and won ownership of the BC wreck and then he went suspect then criminal all at once. He made a grave mistake with safety settings and for some odd ball reason only he knows shot the wreck after looting it. I subsequently stole his kill from Concord. I have 19 skins so far and 6 additional duplicates. These sites are all over so even if you get ninjaed by the occasional de-cloaking Astero, that wass sneaky and funny when it happened to me, It is possible to still get a few to yourself in the less populated areas. The event will continue until the 25th I think.

Now Eve news post about the event mentions boosters but they must be extremely rare haven't seen one yet, so there is something there on that complaint but meh I don't use boosters so don't care.

Glad you're enjoying the event! (although based on what I've seen from Alphas, you are probably the exception as opposed to the rule) The "boosters" are apparently an occasional poor drug drop (nothing to get excited about). Yes, the event runs for just under 2 weeks.

I came across someone in a paladin having a hell of a time killing the frigs, so I webbed them for him and it was still painful to watch, so i wiped them out for him. Once they were gone he 2 volleyed the cruisers. Some of the interactions with other players can be more fun than the loot. this is Eve. Blink
Arthur Aihaken
#8 - 2017-02-16 02:47:08 UTC
Tuttomenui II wrote:
I came across someone in a paladin having a hell of a time killing the frigs, so I webbed them for him and it was still painful to watch, so i wiped them out for him. Once they were gone he 2 volleyed the cruisers. Some of the interactions with other players can be more fun than the loot.

I have experienced much the same. Yeah, some of the interactions have been funny. Like watching a half dozen players and even more drones trying vainly to hit something.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Critical Mass Inc
#9 - 2017-02-16 03:03:43 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
MadMuppet wrote:
I dunno. I've had some fun and a couple fun conversations with it. I tend to hit them in-route to a mission. I've sniped three and been sniped six times. I Jetted a couple skins becuase I already had them. One guy needed help with a mission and I helped him out after he got the skin.

If your only opinion of this is the end prize, you are missing the point. Say hi in local and see what happens.

If your concept of "fun" is that this kind of event is only great for the first 24 hours, then mission success. The rewards just plain suck. I don't really care about the sniping because I've been doing most of it. And by most of it, I mean clearing the vast majority of the event while the other player circle around aimlessly trying to hit the frigates. The few that I've lost to snipers? Kudos to them!

Say "hi" in local? Do you mean in general or in response to all the rude comments that have flooded my way. Never mind the fact that this is a competition, after all... Not a single person has asked for any advice (though I've tried to offer some in return). I've even jet-canned the loot afterwards but no one sticks around to claim it. There have been a few polite players that I've chatted with but most either don't care or couldn't be bothered to waste their time.

One guy that I sniped said something rude to me. In a side convo I told him how I did it and what he should have done.He took my advice and sold a sniped skin for 100 million isk less than an hour later....

... I don't play Eve for isk, prizes, or power. I play because it is an escape. I have, more than once, been reduced to a rookie ship with a single Trit in my hold and I came back.

I dunno... maybe you should get out of The Forge and explore the other areas? Just a thought. Once you get more than six jumps from Jita or 4 jumps from Amarr, you get in to the real game and away from the noise that pollutes gamer souls.

My play sessions are to try to get people involved with the game... seems that yours are not. OK, fair enough. You stop with the event, I am going to keep doing them when I can. This is a fun PVE event ,with some PVP potential, that allows Alphas a chance to do more than just mission and mine.

Now, if you'll excuse me.. I have another Captial Ship skin to sell.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Arthur Aihaken
#10 - 2017-02-16 03:21:19 UTC
MadMuppet wrote:
I dunno... maybe you should get out of The Forge and explore the other areas? Just a thought. Once you get more than six jumps from Jita or 4 jumps from Amarr, you get in to the real game and away from the noise that pollutes gamer souls.

Why is this always the first suggestions? Is it too hard to simply acknowledge that "well, yeah - maybe the event kind of sucks".

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Bertok Francis
1 Royal Fleet Corps
Pandemic Horde
#11 - 2017-02-16 03:37:41 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
MadMuppet wrote:
I dunno... maybe you should get out of The Forge and explore the other areas? Just a thought. Once you get more than six jumps from Jita or 4 jumps from Amarr, you get in to the real game and away from the noise that pollutes gamer souls.

Why is this always the first suggestions? Is it too hard to simply acknowledge that "well, yeah - maybe the event kind of sucks".

It's not bad if you think of it as an event designed for low SP alpha clones flying badly fit cruisers and destroyers. They should probably have 4 levels.
1) easier then the current one and can be done in an alpha frig with out of the box skills.
2) the current one
3) can be done with great effort by an alpha clone or easily by a group
4) can be done by a single high level site runner in a tengu or battleship or by a small fleet of alphas with logi support.
Arthur Aihaken
#12 - 2017-02-16 03:39:51 UTC
Bertok Francis wrote:
It's not bad if you think of it as an event designed for low SP alpha clones flying badly fit cruisers and destroyers.

So more content aimed at the low-hanging fruit...?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Cade Windstalker
#13 - 2017-02-16 03:49:40 UTC
So, you mean about the same as the last several minor events that people have gone out and eaten up?

Hey free skins you can sell on the market!
Arthur Aihaken
#14 - 2017-02-16 03:54:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Cade Windstalker wrote:
So, you mean about the same as the last several minor events that people have gone out and eaten up?
Hey free skins you can sell on the market!

Basically. I keep hearing about the Blood Raider event (one I missed) and how awesome it was.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Yebo Lakatosh
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2017-02-16 04:02:58 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
• These sites were apparently designed specifically for Alphas, yet most Alphas have no chance of clearing these in any kind of reasonable timeframe before an Omega swoops in and clears it.
A blingless stabber was totally enough to solo them after some practice. Faster and more fun with others of course. A careless omega farmer hopping in is a bless - many doesn't even try to outrace the sneaky stabber.

Not to mention the random Rifter or Probe that only hops to sites while traveling for a lucky snatch or two.

Elite F1 pilot since YC119, incarnate of honor, integrity and tidi.

Tygg Essex
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2017-02-16 04:09:41 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
MadMuppet wrote:
I dunno... maybe you should get out of The Forge and explore the other areas? Just a thought. Once you get more than six jumps from Jita or 4 jumps from Amarr, you get in to the real game and away from the noise that pollutes gamer souls.

Why is this always the first suggestions? Is it too hard to simply acknowledge that "well, yeah - maybe the event kind of sucks".

Because there is a difference between, "I don't like this", and "This sucks".
Their both opinions yes, but one is an admission that it is "your" opinion, while the other is a presumption that yours is the prevailing opinion shared by the majority.

TLDR: Your error was presumption.
Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#17 - 2017-02-16 04:15:25 UTC
what do you expect, it's PvE, it's always gonna be boring...

tried it last night, the most exciting part was when an orthus tried to gank me. argh, we need to improve our baiting-fu though, the catching part specifically...

we completed the site and we got a thanny and an arazu which is nice.

maybe ill try to seriously do it on the weekend and farm for an onieros, then again maybe ill just buy it, i dunno...

Just Add Water

Arthur Aihaken
#18 - 2017-02-16 05:04:09 UTC
Tygg Essex wrote:
Because there is a difference between, "I don't like this", and "This sucks".
Their both opinions yes, but one is an admission that it is "your" opinion, while the other is a presumption that yours is the prevailing opinion shared by the majority.

So you're saying you're enjoying the event? Because if you don't care one way or the other - you're just trolling.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Wanda Fayne
#19 - 2017-02-16 08:47:56 UTC
I dunno, I liked the Hyperion skin I got. Webbed some frigs for some newbs and gave some other person the loot on another.
This event isn't about making a bunch of isk or boosters.

I prefer the simple bash and grab events like this as they promote more interaction. Might generate some fights or lols.
If it's not your thing or you don't like the skins, then do something else?

+1 from me.

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2017-02-16 08:54:53 UTC
Not terribly excited about the skins since I don't really fly gallente. And the angel skins being purchase only means I will probably only run them if opportunity presents itself.

That being said. At one point I ended up contesting another guy for about 10 sites in a row when I first checked them out. Ended up about 50/50 on them and we had some fun chatting in local. So content is being generated. Even if the rewards are a bit meh
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