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Trade Hubs

Daren Killar
Kimero Innovations
#1 - 2017-02-14 21:06:54 UTC
I am returning to Eve after a long...6 or 7 years... break. I am looking to do mostly trading and other things that do not require me to pay 100% attention 100% of the time while I play but also let me grow my bank roll. I have a couple of questions.

1. What are the major and minor hubs these days? I know Jita, obviously... I logged on to something like 2000 people there and I never remember there being more then 700.

2. What are the solid ways to make money in Eve these days for a solo player who wants to play mostly passively? I used to do a lot of station trading in Jita and will probably go back to that but I know the game has changed a lot and am not sure what else to look into.

Thank you!
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#2 - 2017-02-14 22:14:07 UTC
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#3 - 2017-02-14 23:00:47 UTC
Trading frictions are higher - 2% transaction fee and 3% brokerage on every transaction. Reducing to 1% and 2% respectively with maximum skill (accounting, broker relations) and standing. Brokerage fees in Citadels are set by the owner.

Secondary hubs are Amarr, Dodixie and Rens.

Passive play is possible - buy in bottom half of cycle, relist in top half and forget about it until it sells. Requires patience and capital.
Sheeth Athonille
Rabid Dogz Mining
#4 - 2017-02-15 03:38:52 UTC
Other than the market, PI and industry can be a good passive source of income. Not likely to become rich from doing them passively, but will add money over time.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2017-02-16 15:41:05 UTC
Hek is actually a thriving hub, especially for items that low sec PvPers use frequently. There is some activity in Teonusude. You can position yourself so you can easily bounce between Heimatar (Rens), Molden Heath (Teonusude), and Metropolis (Hek), working all three markets. You can also play some shipping games where you can buy low in one region and sell high in another.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#6 - 2017-02-17 23:09:08 UTC
The primary hub is Jita, the secondary hub is Perimeter.

Amarr and Dodixie used to be major hubs and remain relevant as regional hubs.

Rens and Hek no longer exist in any meaningful sense.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Luthor Ikkala
Snow Moon City
#7 - 2017-02-18 08:25:26 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
The primary hub is Jita, the secondary hub is Perimeter.

Amarr and Dodixie used to be major hubs and remain relevant as regional hubs.

Rens and Hek no longer exist in any meaningful sense.

what Sabriz said you shouldnt consider hek or rens if you want to make isk in game. Yes it can be somewhat profitable not in a sense of isk/hr but for certain mods you will get higher margin out there but ofc volumes are so low that its hard to make decent amount of profit there!
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#8 - 2017-02-19 06:16:20 UTC
Eh, you can make ISK in the smaller places, you just need to do it differently.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

#9 - 2017-02-19 10:28:11 UTC
Do a bit of everything:

-cook bluerprints overnight, relist in the morning
-list buy orders within a reasonable jump range
-setup PI factory planets between your hub of choice to your missioning area of choice
-put up sell/buy orders on mission hubs to catch the stuff from the lazier gamers
-etc etc..

The idea is to spread your investments, so that if one has a slow turnover rate the others can pick up the slack and your capital isn't tied up. You'll also pick up on trends that affect one another, like the recent Excavator Drones.
Rotsner Deja
Rotsner Industries
#10 - 2017-04-14 02:06:35 UTC
A website I use helps a lot in this regard. It lists 5 major hubs and allows trading between them, and other stations, as well as station trading. Great for getting your feet wet again. The site is: and its been helpful for me no matter my ship size. Very accommodating.
EVE Museum
#11 - 2017-04-14 06:00:15 UTC
Rotsner Deja wrote:
It lists 5 major hubs and allows trading between them

Now THAT would be useful :)

My channel: "Signatures" -

NanDe YaNen
#12 - 2017-04-17 09:54:14 UTC
I sent an invite in game. I've also posted some top secret information about how to not be bad at trade.

For the next 2-3 months, Liberal Universalists will be focused on enhancing the markets of Eve, engaging in advanced market maneuvers and killing time by exploring wormholes and annoying any gatecamps fidgety enough to WTF warp off as soon as I warp into grid in my super threatening PirateRoll Cheetah.
Cor'El Dahken
Farmers Union Iced Coffee
Pandemic Horde
#13 - 2017-04-17 11:45:26 UTC

This site allows a few parameters to be inputted for filtering and a search for specific items.

Haven't updated the SDE recently so a few skins aren't specified.

Updates every five minutes and shows current prices and volumes in the 5 major trade hubs.
Alyla By
#14 - 2017-04-17 13:23:18 UTC
Cor'El Dahken wrote:

This site allows a few parameters to be inputted for filtering and a search for specific items.

Haven't updated the SDE recently so a few skins aren't specified.

Updates every five minutes and shows current prices and volumes in the 5 major trade hubs.

Nice tool, but strangely it lists me the item name in french

I'm on a french ip, with an english operating system and a french keyboard layout. Would it be possible to be able to change the language name ? If there is such a button, I missed it :(
Cor'El Dahken
Farmers Union Iced Coffee
Pandemic Horde
#15 - 2017-04-17 14:51:38 UTC
No such button.
Give me a bit I'll see what I can do.
Davos Skyworth
Confidently Incompetent
#16 - 2017-04-17 15:16:14 UTC
I wouldn't discount Amarr as a trade hub, it being the wormhole capital of the world, you can get a steady supply of T3C materials if you are into that.
Maximillian Bonaparte
Interstellar Booty Hunters
#17 - 2017-04-25 18:20:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximillian Bonaparte
Luthor Ikkala wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
The primary hub is Jita, the secondary hub is Perimeter.

Amarr and Dodixie used to be major hubs and remain relevant as regional hubs.

Rens and Hek no longer exist in any meaningful sense.

what Sabriz said you shouldnt consider hek or rens if you want to make isk in game. Yes it can be somewhat profitable not in a sense of isk/hr but for certain mods you will get higher margin out there but ofc volumes are so low that its hard to make decent amount of profit there!

I am finding Hek to mostly have supply problems. Esp for t2 manufacturing materials.

TBH I am getting really annoyed that Jita remains king while the rest are becoming less active, it makes things very inconvenient.

Why IS this happening btw?
Sheeth Athonille
Rabid Dogz Mining
#18 - 2017-04-25 21:11:58 UTC
Momentum mostly I'd imagine. There is so much trade focused there, that if you want to trade your items in a reasonable time, that's the place to go. Since everyone who wants to trade goes there because that's where trade is, the amount of trade continues to increase. It's a positive feedback loop.

Since only so much trade is possible, it gets taken away from the other hubs. Since there really isn't any hard cap on trade in one place, there's nothing to push it back to the other hubs. Short of some sort of major change by CCP, I don't foresee the other hubs growing much at all. They'll likely stay regional hubs, but will never reach the levels of Jita.
NanDe YaNen
#19 - 2017-04-25 22:46:26 UTC
Spreads are controlled by brokerage fees and taxes. Brokerage fees went up, so there became a 7% gap basically where traders can't create any liquidity without losing money. If you want to buy or sell, sure, you can just place an order and don't need to worry about going back across the spread. However, this requires volume for you to get that 3-4% extra when transacting goods. Volume comes with concentration of players. This favors one hub for all trade.

The rise in brokerage fees is what is concentrating players into one hub. The citadels are what will spread it back out. I'm looking for a resident citadel with a savvy owner who has a low brokerage fee in nullsec.

Liberal Universalists has much to say on this and other topics. Channel KORNS public.
Maximillian Bonaparte
Interstellar Booty Hunters
#20 - 2017-04-26 00:30:54 UTC
I see about 4 open trade fortizars in Hek but there is still no growth far as I can tell.
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