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Djavin Novienta for CSM XII - Highsec/PvE

Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2017-02-08 16:26:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Djavin Novienta
Hello capsuleers of New Eden!

I am Djavin Novienta, member of EVE University, and I would like to announce my candidacy for CSM XII.


I first began my career as a capsuleer in 2011 and quickly found a home in a small highsec corporation. EVE was my first foray into online gaming, and it has always occupied a special place in my heart. After piloting for about two years, I took a long break from my piloting career.

I came back to EVE September 2016 and immediately joined EVE University. The game had changed a lot in the time I’d been gone, and I felt a little lost and in need of some help. I’ve since gotten back on track and now spend the majority of my time helping other unistas begin successful careers in New Eden.

If you look up my character info in-game, you’ll see that I carry the vanity title of “Cariest of Bears”. I received this title at my own request and it is one that I wear with pride. I’m not a competitive person and I don’t particularly enjoy PvP. When I’m in space you can find me either mining, missioning, running Incursions, or exploring. However, most of my time is spent on various support roles within EVE University: teacher, Reimbursement Officer, Orientation Officer, and Wiki Curator. I have taken on these many administrative tasks for two reasons: first, to contribute the community in a way that does not involve combat, and second, because I honestly love it! I’ve found that in EVE, administration is my gameplay, and I truly enjoy teaching classes, editing the UniWiki, and helping manage our ship replacement program.

My Goals

Continued expansion and refinement of the New Player Experience and other tutorial content

With the release of Ascension, it has become even more important to ensure that EVE is accessible to new players. As an Orientation Officer at EVE University, I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact that the Inception NPE has had on new players, but I think there is a significant amount of room to improve even further.

A few things things that can be done:

Establish a list of essential knowledge for new players. This list should answer the question: “What should all players in EVE know, or know how to do, and where can they go with it?” Any future tutorial content should be centered around imparting knowledge from this list.

Make more information readily available in-game. With the removal of the in-game browser, most information about EVE is no longer accessible in-game, and requires opening a separate browser window. Additionally, now that player-run sites (such as the UniWiki or the Fuzzwork suite of tools) have become the primary source of information about the game, there is greater cause for concern that information found on such sites may not be accurate or up-to-date. For example, I can say from experience that the Wiki Curators are still scrambling to scrub all mentions of warfare links and off-grid boosting from the UniWiki even three months post-Ascension. There is very little means of verifying information on external sites other than going into the game and verifying it for yourself. Some ideas/options that can be implemented:

- Additional/expanded tooltips

- “Active help” popups, perhaps similar to those utilized by games such as Final Fantasy XIV. These could appear upon first exposure to different game mechanics such as agents, low- or nullsec, Incursions, etc.

- Distinction between base ship & module stats and bonuses or effects from skills

A renewed focus on PvE content, both reworking existing content and adding new content.

NPC mining operations were a welcome addition to the vast array of PvE content that EVE has to offer. Unfortunately, the majority of the PvE content in-game has existed in its current state since its original implementation. There are many ways that this area of EVE’s available activities can be improved, but here are a few specific ideas:

- Implement opportunities for solo player participation in Incursions. Options include reducing the strength of Incursion rats to make them challenging but soloable with proper preparation (perhaps weakest in scout systems, strongest in headquarters), and implementing solo combat sites as cosmic anomalies and/or signatures.

- Increase the drop rate of faction tags and make Data Center missions repeatable, and/or allow players to turn in tags to any corporation for a standing increase (particularly useful for trader characters with plenty of ISK but few combat skills).

- Rework COSMOS missions and increase the stats of Storyline modules to match the difficulty and cost of producing them.

- Add Security missions with diverse win conditions. Currently, Security missions are based entirely around combat, and the only thing needed to complete them is a sufficient tank and passable dps. Different win conditions, such as providing reps for a besieged freighter, or tackling a battleship so NPC allies can destroy it, could encourage mission runners to maintain a number of different ships and reward them for training a diverse skillset.
Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2017-02-08 16:27:29 UTC
Reinforce the idea of New Eden as a living world, and smoothly integrate EVE lore into everyday gameplay.

While the lore of EVE is substantial and generally available to anyone interested in it, most of that lore is completely separate from gameplay. In some egregious cases, that lore is even directly contradicted in gameplay (see: any reference to a “console” while piloting a ship). On the large scale, more frequent in-game events in the vein of Crimson Harvest and Purity of the Throne can be used to signal changes in New Eden. On the small scale, the “little touches” can subtly reinforce the idea amongst players that New Eden is a living and dynamic universe. Some ideas to be implemented:

- NPC “bestiary”: Having a little more information about who you’re fighting can be both interesting and provide a method of teaching new players about enemy resistances and weapons. Allow enemies to be more than just Enemy Pilot #728 (unless you’re fighting Sansha’s Nation, that is).

- Unlockable journal entries for expeditions and complexes. Epic Arcs already have a whole journal section devoted to recounting their lore. Expeditions already tell a story; adding that story to the journal would give them more impact (and make players want to run them again to follow them to completion!)

Contact Me

EVE-Mail or private convo
/u/musicmage4114 on Reddit
@musicmage4114 on Twitter
EVE University Mumble (our “private” server has a Public Lounge linked to our Student Lounge - I’d love to talk to you!)
EVE University Forums
My User talk page on the UniWiki
Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2017-02-08 16:28:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Djavin Novienta
I recently had a wonderful interview with Matterall of Talking in Stations. Please do check it out here!
#4 - 2017-02-08 20:19:26 UTC
Lore really needs to play a more active role in the game. It needs to be reflected on more in the mechanics, and NPCs need to be more than simple ratting victims, both in high sec and null. A lot of people seem to dismiss lore's importance in eve, but I feel like immersion is a vital part of making this game... fun. Not only that but it's a lot easier for newer players to get into.

You'll probably get a vote from me simply because no one else is really pushing for these things as much. Instead of vague discussions of balancing game mechanics, I think simple touches like these are what EVE really needs right now to become more appealing to a new player base, which let's be honest, we need more of.
Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2017-02-09 03:08:56 UTC
Thank you so much for the support!

It has always disappointed me that EVE has such amazing, well-written, deep lore, but almost none of if makes it into the actual game. I've devoured the Chronicles and short stories, and the live events that do happen are incredible.

As you say, immersion plays a big role in making EVE, and really any other game, memorable and enjoyable. Part of what makes me love this game so much is those moments when the immersion just clicks and you really feel that sense of awe at something that you could never see in everyday life.
Captain Campion
Campion Corp.
#6 - 2017-02-11 17:51:21 UTC
Make wars opt-in.
Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2017-02-11 17:59:59 UTC
Captain Campion wrote:
Make wars opt-in.

That is definitely an option that has crossed my mind. Corporations can choose to be unable to declare or receive wardecs.

That would take a lot of balancing, though. At the very least, I think it would need to be an unchangeable property of the corporation selected as part of the corporation creation process, and corporations could only form alliances with other corporations with the same opt-in status.
Exotic Dancers Union
#8 - 2017-02-11 19:41:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Rovinia
Even if i'm not that much into the Gameplay aspect you want to change, i wish you good luck with your CSM election. There will be enough pure 0.0 / PvP candidates already and Eve Uni has usualy a good coverage of all aspects of Eve.

Djavin Novienta wrote:
Captain Campion wrote:
Make wars opt-in.

That is definitely an option that has crossed my mind. Corporations can choose to be unable to declare or receive wardecs.

That would take a lot of balancing, though. At the very least, I think it would need to be an unchangeable property of the corporation selected as part of the corporation creation process, and corporations could only form alliances with other corporations with the same opt-in status.

Be careful with that. Wardec's may be a pain in the *** sometimes, especially for smaller corps, but they are also a essential part of the sandbox.

It would be better to reduce the wardecs you can have at once to a small number. That would make smaller corps and alliances more unattractive for "casual" wardecs because the attacker has to make a decision which target brings his corp enough content / targets (and that's was it is about mostly).

Lorewise: Yes, please. I mostly like it when CCP doesn't put it in in form of events or Missions. Loved the Caroline's star thing for example. Nothing was said about it, there was just this little new star growing bigger and bigger until somone was wondering "hey, what's that?" and things started rolling. Or more Lore-related, unique sites "seeded" into the universe to be found and explored.

PvE: I like the general direction CCP is taking at the moment with lesser, but much cleverer NPC's. Burners were a good start and the Response-Fleets from the Mining NPC's actualy use PvP tactics (Logis, Tackle, etc.). Much more engaging than just grind these little red dot's on the overview.
Exotic Dancers Union
#9 - 2017-02-11 19:56:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Rovinia
edit because of fail
EVE University
Ivy League
#10 - 2017-02-11 19:57:12 UTC
Captain Campion wrote:
Make wars opt-in.

Let's not go crazy on the changes now. Opt-in wars is not something that any eve player should strive for. Conflict is the most important aspect of eve. It drives both the economy and the ingame content.
What you should look for is ways of making wars more fun, not removing them.
Aernir Ridley
Brave Collective
#11 - 2017-02-11 20:01:54 UTC
Djavin Novienta wrote:
Captain Campion wrote:
Make wars opt-in.

That is definitely an option that has crossed my mind. Corporations can choose to be unable to declare or receive wardecs.

That would take a lot of balancing, though. At the very least, I think it would need to be an unchangeable property of the corporation selected as part of the corporation creation process, and corporations could only form alliances with other corporations with the same opt-in status.

The wardec system definitely needs some changes, but nuking it completely is a bad idea, and making war decs opt-in basically turns it into faction warfare.

Still, the issues you stand for are some that have been here since the earliest days of the game. PVE combat and missions need to be changed at the fundamental level if they're going to stay a main source of content, especially with all that's going on in null nowadays. A full wiki on the game with a similar style to the Uni-Wiki would be extremely useful to new players and those looking advance their knowledge. Eve is one of the most complex MMOs ever made in terms of both mechanics and possibilities, and information on those need to be available. And finally, as a person who played both WoW and Runescape for the lore aspects when I was younger, I can't welcome a lore edition to the game enough!

For these reasons, you're definitely on the shortlist for my final vote :D

"For most people, the sky's the limit... For those who love aviation, the sky, is home."

-Cheers! :D

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2017-02-11 21:02:44 UTC
No thanks

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Sophia Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#13 - 2017-02-11 21:05:14 UTC
Hello, will explo data sites get a buff or rework?
Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2017-02-11 22:05:40 UTC
Aernir Ridley wrote:
The wardec system definitely needs some changes, but nuking it completely is a bad idea, and making war decs opt-in basically turns it into faction warfare.

Still, the issues you stand for are some that have been here since the earliest days of the game. PVE combat and missions need to be changed at the fundamental level if they're going to stay a main source of content, especially with all that's going on in null nowadays. A full wiki on the game with a similar style to the Uni-Wiki would be extremely useful to new players and those looking advance their knowledge. Eve is one of the most complex MMOs ever made in terms of both mechanics and possibilities, and information on those need to be available. And finally, as a person who played both WoW and Runescape for the lore aspects when I was younger, I can't welcome a lore edition to the game enough!

For these reasons, you're definitely on the shortlist for my final vote :D

Thank you for your support! Even if I may disagree with other people on what can be done to improve EVE, ultimately I want the same thing that they do: for EVE to be the best game it can possibly be. :)
Les Routiers
Proudly Snoring
#15 - 2017-02-11 22:39:31 UTC
Djavin Novienta wrote:

- Implement opportunities for solo player participation in Incursions. Options include reducing the strength of Incursion rats to make them challenging but soloable with proper preparation (perhaps weakest in scout systems, strongest in headquarters), and implementing solo combat sites as cosmic anomalies and/or signatures.

What for?

The whole point of incursions is that they're a form of group PVE (even if many public fleets have people multiboxing or downright semi-afk). If a player wants to solo PVE, there are lots of anomalies, signatures and missions he can do. What would adding he same content with a vague Sansha flavor add to the game? Roleplaying?

Djavin Novienta wrote:
- Increase the drop rate of faction tags and make Data Center missions repeatable, and/or allow players to turn in tags to any corporation for a standing increase (particularly useful for trader characters with plenty of ISK but few combat skills).

Supply and demand.

Increasing supply doesn't automatically make people richer. See how CCP "buffed" exploration and killed w-space explo sites as a result. Right now, people are farming tags. If you add more tags to the market, you'll just hit the income of those who are bringing in the existing tags. Any reason why the game would be better off, besides the fact that you want to buff a gameplay you know and hit one you don't?

BTW, kudos for the work on helping to maintain the E-Uni wiki, that job probably benefits the community more than the entire CSM. - podcast en français sur Eve online.

Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2017-02-12 01:19:31 UTC
Les Routiers wrote:
Djavin Novienta wrote:

- Implement opportunities for solo player participation in Incursions. Options include reducing the strength of Incursion rats to make them challenging but soloable with proper preparation (perhaps weakest in scout systems, strongest in headquarters), and implementing solo combat sites as cosmic anomalies and/or signatures.

What for?

The whole point of incursions is that they're a form of group PVE (even if many public fleets have people multiboxing or downright semi-afk). If a player wants to solo PVE, there are lots of anomalies, signatures and missions he can do. What would adding he same content with a vague Sansha flavor add to the game? Roleplaying?

Djavin Novienta wrote:
- Increase the drop rate of faction tags and make Data Center missions repeatable, and/or allow players to turn in tags to any corporation for a standing increase (particularly useful for trader characters with plenty of ISK but few combat skills).

Supply and demand.

Increasing supply doesn't automatically make people richer. See how CCP "buffed" exploration and killed w-space explo sites as a result. Right now, people are farming tags. If you add more tags to the market, you'll just hit the income of those who are bringing in the existing tags. Any reason why the game would be better off, besides the fact that you want to buff a gameplay you know and hit one you don't?

BTW, kudos for the work on helping to maintain the E-Uni wiki, that job probably benefits the community more than the entire CSM.

Sorry, allow me to clarify. When I say "Incursion rats", I'm talking about the NPCs that spawn outside of combat sites. I think adding solo content to Incursions would encourage more players to move around New Eden following Incursions, and allow players who don't want to/can't participate in Incursion fleets to experience a flavorful, lore-rich game experience.

My idea for tags isn't geared toward making people more richer, but rather to make it easier to complete datacenter missions, raise standings, and purchase items from LP stores. I ran missions exclusively for Amarr corporations for almost a year, and even after keeping all of the tags I received from those missions, I still do not have enough of the requisite tags to purchase anything from corporate LP stores. I think individual players should be able to gather enough tags to make LP store purchases over the course of normal gameplay, without having to focus specifically on gathering tags.

Also, thank you for the kind words about the UniWiki! I truly enjoy working on it, and it feels good to hear that people appreciate the work that we do!
Faylee Freir
Abusing Game Mechanics
#17 - 2017-02-12 03:54:05 UTC
CPuiu wrote:
Captain Campion wrote:
Make wars opt-in.

Let's not go crazy on the changes now. Opt-in wars is not something that any eve player should strive for. Conflict is the most important aspect of eve. It drives both the economy and the ingame content.
What you should look for is ways of making wars more fun, not removing them.

I think it depends on who the defender is, really. I would say that in almost all cases the defender doesn't have fun when they are being killed and forced to use neutral haulers and whatnot when traveling through a pipe or going to a hub.

Djavin Novienta wrote:

That would take a lot of balancing, though. At the very least, I think it would need to be an unchangeable property of the corporation selected as part of the corporation creation process, and corporations could only form alliances with other corporations with the same opt-in status.

Why would any corporation want to opt-in for wars, other than mercenary groups and whatnot? You will have literally almost all of highsec immune to wardecs, and that's not good.

Rovinia wrote:

It would be better to reduce the wardecs you can have at once to a small number. That would make smaller corps and alliances more unattractive for "casual" wardecs because the attacker has to make a decision which target brings his corp enough content / targets (and that's was it is about mostly).

That wouldn't change much to be honest. This would just push groups to have multiple alliances and maintain different wars on each. Fill each alliance with multiple corps for you to hop between, and you can have all the fun you want and not worry about being limited by the number of wars any single alliance can have.
Djavin Novienta
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2017-02-12 04:46:37 UTC
It's clear that wardecs need fixing, and that there are a ton of different suggested ways of fixing them. I don't claim to have all the answers, and honestly finding a solution to wardecs is beyond the capability of one person. That said, I'm committed to fixing wardecs so that they're acceptable to the entire community.
Faylee Freir
Abusing Game Mechanics
#19 - 2017-02-12 05:37:14 UTC
Djavin Novienta wrote:
It's clear that wardecs need fixing, and that there are a ton of different suggested ways of fixing them. I don't claim to have all the answers, and honestly finding a solution to wardecs is beyond the capability of one person. That said, I'm committed to fixing wardecs so that they're acceptable to the entire community.

I'm interested in finding out exactly what the entire community considers, "acceptable". Lots of really bad ideas and uninformed opinions here and on Reddit.
Ruby Gnollo
#20 - 2017-02-12 07:58:12 UTC
NPE is prolly one of the best things that happened to New Eden since Isogen 5. It's really nice to hear about someone wishing to help CCP on "New Player Experience and other (in-game) tutorial content".

I'm also glad to read that at least someone realized that having lost the IGB made quite a lot of public & non-public documentation and tutorials used by new players far less valuable than they used to be. I'd gladly read a whole lot more of your ideas on these subjects. Quite a few documentation projects, like fits collections, missions helps, etc remain in limbo since. Even if we all know that ESI is the future (and a really nice thing I do love to play with), nothing tells us atm if the information that was made available in-game to the IGB will be on the long run available via ESI : quite a lot already is, but should we except commitment for some reasonable time ?

However, since neither the CSM nor CCP prolly doesn't give even one tenth of a **** on these subjects, why do you believe that getting elected would change anything to that ? Or are you just campaigning to try to raise awareness from the usual CSM lobbyists hoping to have some of them getting a few clues about the expectations of the playerbase ?

Wardecs are, of course, a very important subject for newcomers.

But you prolly know from the publicly-available notes that neither CSM X nor CCP had even half a clue on the problem they created with this half-baked shower-thought scheme. And since quite some time passed since that mistake, quite a lot of players adapted to the problem and some even managed to get fun from it. Of course, players having chosen to play with new players also adapted, mostly at CCP's expense for having created the problem, and just use the problem as it is to help people beginning into Eve get what makes Eve different from most games in the industry. So, why do you believe that getting elected may help to improve the situation, however mediocre it is, which can be adapted to (mostly at CCP's expense) ?
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