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EVE General Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Bye... and good riddance.

First post
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#41 - 2017-02-11 16:08:03 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
I always get a kick out of the replies to threads like these. At the rate the playerbase is declining the "HTFU or GTFO" campaign seems to be working...
The publicly available figures for the number of players online appears to be showing the opposite trend, peak numbers are 10-20k higher than this time last year and the low numbers are above average for the last year.

HTFU or GTFO is not a new campaign, it's been running for nearly 14 years.

Oh come on... EVE went Freemium with Ascension, and that has boosted PCU temporally. Yet the trend is back to negative growth. Also, even with Ascension, the PCU for 2016 was below that of every year between 2009 and 2014.

Even accounting the sudden collapse of June 2014, when PCU went down by 3,000 in two weeks an never bounced back, 2014 after the collapse still was a better year than 2016 was being until Ascension (34k average vs 30k average, with the first half of 2014 having a 41k average).

Looks like people is GTFO. Whether that was intended or don't, there's ample room to discuss. But one thing is certain: EVE was growing for 10 years until 2013 and it's been going down since then. CCP has been using the usual tricks to keep the finances in good shape, but all those tricks have limitations. They won't adress a downward demographic trend, and eventually will be outpaced by the trend and money will become scarce.
I didn't offer speculation as to the reason why player counts may be up or down, I merely pointed out that the figures appear to show a trend that is the opposite of that which the poster I quoted was presenting.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Arthur Aihaken
#42 - 2017-02-11 16:16:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
The fact is the HTFU or GTFO campaign has been having an adverse effect for the past 4-5 years. If it weren't for SKINs, skill injectors and F2P - what would the "real" numbers for 2016 be? Unless CCP pulls a rabbit put of the hat I think we're going to see the numbers for 2017 literally fall off a cliff.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Daemun Khanid
Corbeau de sang
#43 - 2017-02-11 16:25:35 UTC
Seriously? Where are the cops when you actually need one? aka WTF is this thread not locked yet when other, more reasonable threads get locked within seconds of being posted?

Daemun of Khanid

Arthur Aihaken
#44 - 2017-02-11 16:28:46 UTC
Daemun Khanid wrote:
Seriously? Where are the cops when you actually need one? aka WTF is this thread not locked yet when other, more reasonable threads get locked within seconds of being posted?

The cops all HTFU and GTFO, so now we're left to police ourself. Whoop whoop - there go the Space Police...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#45 - 2017-02-11 16:47:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Daemun Khanid wrote:
Seriously? Where are the cops when you actually need one? aka WTF is this thread not locked yet when other, more reasonable threads get locked within seconds of being posted?
Cops? I think you misunderstand the nature of law enforcement in Eve.

Cops in Eve come in faction varieties and are gunning for people with either a low security status or poor faction standings, you can fight them, you can evade them, you can even farm them.

Concord on the other hand aren't cops, they're more akin to UN peacekeepers in that their mission is to maintain the peace between the empires and to make sure that capsuleer aggression doesn't spill over to the non capsuleer population. They're not there to protect us from each other, they're there to protect everybody else from us. You can't fight them, you can't evade them and if you find a way of doing so you'll attract the attention of the people who wield the ban-hammer.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#46 - 2017-02-11 16:47:37 UTC
Akaro Tripar wrote:
All this griefing and ganking in high has to stop or the game crumbles to dust....this is simply not state of the art neither way....

I always wonder how people come to this conclusion. I've been living right beside Uedama since late 2011. I'm traveling with haulers and everything else through this system. I've moved billions in bpos through Niarja and Uedama.

Not to speak of those pricey rigs I moved all the way from Amarr to Rens in a fast aligning almost untanked Sigil, when that guy manipulated the rig market back in 2012. Anybody in a instalocking Nado could have one shot that thing. Not that I would have cared at the time. Profits would have easily paid for the loss of a Sigil or two including the cargo Lol.

All that went boom in HS in the last six years is a Retriever to Immortalis one month into the game, a noobship caught by Tora's guys and a shuttle lately, to that smartbombing Maller pilot in Jita.

All my Freighters, Orcas, T1 Haulers, BRs and DSTs are in good health, assembled and in use for years. I don't even bother to insure them. It would just be a waste of isk.

I've been mining unmolested for extended periods just a couple of jumps out of Halaima. Sure, I haven't done it lately, but I doubt it's any worse now than 2 years ago.

In my opinion, HS is way safer today than it was in 2011.

Remove standings and insurance.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#47 - 2017-02-11 16:51:10 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
I always get a kick out of the replies to threads like these. At the rate the playerbase is declining the "HTFU or GTFO" campaign seems to be working...
The publicly available figures for the number of players online appears to be showing the opposite trend, peak numbers are 10-20k higher than this time last year and the low numbers are above average for the last year.

HTFU or GTFO is not a new campaign, it's been running for nearly 14 years.

Oh come on... EVE went Freemium with Ascension, and that has boosted PCU temporally. Yet the trend is back to negative growth. Also, even with Ascension, the PCU for 2016 was below that of every year between 2009 and 2014.

Even accounting the sudden collapse of June 2014, when PCU went down by 3,000 in two weeks an never bounced back, 2014 after the collapse still was a better year than 2016 was being until Ascension (34k average vs 30k average, with the first half of 2014 having a 41k average).

Looks like people is GTFO. Whether that was intended or don't, there's ample room to discuss. But one thing is certain: EVE was growing for 10 years until 2013 and it's been going down since then. CCP has been using the usual tricks to keep the finances in good shape, but all those tricks have limitations. They won't adress a downward demographic trend, and eventually will be outpaced by the trend and money will become scarce.
I didn't offer speculation as to the reason why player counts may be up or down, I merely pointed out that the figures appear to show a trend that is the opposite of that which the poster I quoted was presenting.

How's the word for shameless lies now? "Alternative facts"? I think so... Question

Well, if you're to cherrypick the data to prove your "alternative facts", then you always will be right... but unfortunately, the data are there for everyone else to check & compare.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#48 - 2017-02-11 16:52:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
@: Mara Pahrdi

Likewise, I've spent a lot of time in Sivala, right next door to Uedama. I've hauled stuff through Uedama on a regular basis, hell I've mined in Uedama and have never been shot at while doing either.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#49 - 2017-02-11 16:58:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
I didn't offer speculation as to the reason why player counts may be up or down, I merely pointed out that the figures appear to show a trend that is the opposite of that which the poster I quoted was presenting.

How's the word for shameless lies now? "Alternative facts"? I think so... Question
Where's the lie? If you're going to make such an accusation, the onus is on you to point out the lie.

Well, if you're to cherrypick the data to prove your "alternative facts", then you always will be right... but unfortunately, the data are there for everyone else to check & compare.
I haven't tried to obfuscate the data source or time period that I used, nor as previously stated have I speculated on any reasons behind the apparent upward trend; I was also very careful with my choice of words, the especially relevant one being appears.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#50 - 2017-02-11 17:01:45 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
^^ Likewise, I've spent a lot of time in Sivala, right next door to Uedama. I've hauled stuff through Uedama on a regular basis, hell I've mined in Uedama and have never been shot at while doing either.

Same here Blink. Been mining right in Uedama too. But you learn how gankers operate if you stay atk and watch your surroundings, so I moved a couple of jumps Lol.

Remove standings and insurance.

Akaro Tripar
#51 - 2017-02-11 17:12:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Akaro Tripar
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Akaro Tripar wrote:
All this griefing and ganking in high has to stop or the game crumbles to dust....this is simply not state of the art neither way....

I always wonder how people come to this conclusion.

Because it's simply the truth?

The "fact" that you don't get ganked often only proves that you are lucky nothing more....or don't take the "risk" of flying around.....

It's no proof that you don't get ganked flying always the same routes over and over again if the gankrate in others is extremely high....

The solution here is not that the PLAYER has to adept to

CCP has to make ganking impossible....

And THIS demand is here since the game exists and not new....seems to prove to me that it always was a problem,but ccp ignored it to keep their dream of a "special" game alive....'s time for a change because of a changed market and cosmetic changes like the alphas will not help to keep the game alive...only a 180° turnaround.....
Black Pedro
#52 - 2017-02-11 18:16:36 UTC
Akaro Tripar wrote:
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Akaro Tripar wrote:
All this griefing and ganking in high has to stop or the game crumbles to dust....this is simply not state of the art neither way....

I always wonder how people come to this conclusion.

Because it's simply the truth?

The "fact" that you don't get ganked often only proves that you are lucky nothing more....or don't take the "risk" of flying around.....

It's no proof that you don't get ganked flying always the same routes over and over again if the gankrate in others is extremely high....

The solution here is not that the PLAYER has to adept to

CCP has to make ganking impossible....

And THIS demand is here since the game exists and not new....seems to prove to me that it always was a problem,but ccp ignored it to keep their dream of a "special" game alive....'s time for a change because of a changed market and cosmetic changes like the alphas will not help to keep the game alive...only a 180° turnaround.....

"Eve is Dying! It is totally going to die this time guys! CCP, I really mean it. Those other carebears that said the same thing over the last 14 years? They were wrong. But really, now, for sure, Eve will die if you don't make highsec completely safe and you will lose your job and your children will starve!"
Akane Togenada
#53 - 2017-02-11 18:19:38 UTC
Akaro Tripar wrote:
The "fact" that you don't get ganked often only proves that you are lucky nothing more....or don't take the "risk" of flying around.....

It's no proof that you don't get ganked flying always the same routes over and over again if the gankrate in others is extremely high....

The solution here is not that the PLAYER has to adept to

CCP has to make ganking impossible....

And THIS demand is here since the game exists and not new....seems to prove to me that it always was a problem,but ccp ignored it to keep their dream of a "special" game alive....'s time for a change because of a changed market and cosmetic changes like the alphas will not help to keep the game alive...only a 180° turnaround.....

Oh please, just give up your flawed argumentation. Even though there is a small part of not getting ganked that's based on luck about 90 % of it have to do with knowledge and intelligence gathering. People that keep getting ganked over and over are ignorant, there's really no other possible explanation for it.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#54 - 2017-02-11 18:43:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
The publicly available figures for the number of players online appears to be showing the opposite trend, peak numbers are 10-20k higher than this time last year and the low numbers are above average for the last year.

Sure, but when you compare them to the numbers 4-5 years ago they are not very encouraging. Especially since we've seen a steady decline since Ascension (and the Winter months are usually peak numbers for EVE).
That's a fair point, and certainly less confrontational than Indahmawar's post.

I'm not trying to forebode dome and gloom here, but the numbers are once again trending down.
I would agree that they're settling after the initial interest in clone states, however the numbers are still better than they have been for a couple of years.

It's too early to tell how many alphas upgrade or actively play as alphas long term, the next 12 months will show whether or not CCP's new approach works; to be honest I hope it does.

The option of being able to play for free may well attract those who are looking for a game like Eve, and there's very few games like Eve, but who were put off by the sub requirement to even log in. Unfortunately such an option also attracts those that are just looking for (insert MMO of choice) in space, and the freedoms afforded by Eve are an affront to their years of accumulated MMO preconceptions, some of them would like to see Eve become (insert MMO of choice) in space, these players tend to get short thrift.

Overall if it leads to a higher retention rate and active players regardless of clone state that is mostly a good thing, we can separate the wheat from the chaff with explosions.

And this time there are very few tricks CCP has left with having already implemented SKINs, skill injectors and F2P. All that's really left is paid content in the form of game expansions, unique ships and modules.
They've always got the option of reversing some of the mechanics changes they've made over the years, some of which were attempts to patch stupid.

Unless a sale is in the works with EA or some other entity (which wouldn't surprise me, either).
Dead in a few weeks.

EA are not popular folks round here.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Vortexo VonBrenner
#55 - 2017-02-11 18:53:44 UTC
Major Xadi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#56 - 2017-02-11 18:54:31 UTC
Akaro Tripar wrote:
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Akaro Tripar wrote:
All this griefing and ganking in high has to stop or the game crumbles to dust....this is simply not state of the art neither way....

I always wonder how people come to this conclusion.

Because it's simply the truth?

The "fact" that you don't get ganked often only proves that you are lucky nothing more....or don't take the "risk" of flying around.....

It's no proof that you don't get ganked flying always the same routes over and over again if the gankrate in others is extremely high....

The solution here is not that the PLAYER has to adept to

CCP has to make ganking impossible....

And THIS demand is here since the game exists and not new....seems to prove to me that it always was a problem,but ccp ignored it to keep their dream of a "special" game alive....'s time for a change because of a changed market and cosmetic changes like the alphas will not help to keep the game alive...only a 180° turnaround.....

Mmm, mmm, mmm. You must be of that generation that needs "safe spaces". Or received "participation trophies". I come from a generation where this kind of whining meant getting ganked in rl. You didn't dare whine like this in public. But then, not many of us wanted to.

And winners got trophies and losers accepted defeat with grace and built character. You don't seem to have the strength of character to deal with losses and rebuild or regroup. You don't seem to want to learn how to play the game on its terms. You seek to impose your own.

I've ganked and been ganked. That's part, just part, of the game. Stop your whining. Your embarrassing yourself. Learn how to play the game or get out and go play spider solitaire.
Vortexo VonBrenner
#57 - 2017-02-11 19:16:19 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Assuming it was real, I guess that CCP security team would be wielding a big grin as they checked IPs from the OP, then checked characters logged in from that IP, then matched it to characters suddenly loggin in from a totally different IP, then unleashing the OMGYOU'REOUTOFEVEFOREVER banhammer on all people involved.

IF it was real. Bear

Indeed. OP just ripped off in real life the guy who (supposedly) paid real money for his character by outing it on forums and complains about people doing "bad" thing in a video game. Roll

Quinn Hatfield
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2017-02-11 19:20:41 UTC
Major Xadi wrote:
Mmm, mmm, mmm. You must be of that generation that needs "safe spaces". Or received "participation trophies". I come from a generation where this kind of whining meant getting ganked in rl. You didn't dare whine like this in public. But then, not many of us wanted to.

And winners got trophies and losers accepted defeat with grace and built character. You don't seem to have the strength of character to deal with losses and rebuild or regroup. You don't seem to want to learn how to play the game on its terms. You seek to impose your own.

I've ganked and been ganked. That's part, just part, of the game. Stop your whining. Your embarrassing yourself. Learn how to play the game or get out and go play spider solitaire.
Imagine a world where the group you refer to had played the likes of Manic Miner as kids, Eve's learning cliff is a gentle slope compared to those early games.

I don't burn bridges, I merely steal a bolt a day.

Major Xadi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#59 - 2017-02-11 19:40:58 UTC
Quinn Hatfield wrote:
Major Xadi wrote:
Mmm, mmm, mmm. You must be of that generation that needs "safe spaces". Or received "participation trophies". I come from a generation where this kind of whining meant getting ganked in rl. You didn't dare whine like this in public. But then, not many of us wanted to.

And winners got trophies and losers accepted defeat with grace and built character. You don't seem to have the strength of character to deal with losses and rebuild or regroup. You don't seem to want to learn how to play the game on its terms. You seek to impose your own.

I've ganked and been ganked. That's part, just part, of the game. Stop your whining. Your embarrassing yourself. Learn how to play the game or get out and go play spider solitaire.
Imagine a world where the group you refer to had played the likes of Manic Miner as kids, Eve's learning cliff is a gentle slope compared to those early games.

Loved that article. Thanks for the link. Yeah, the days before game saves. When hours could be spent learning every intricate maneuver to beat the game.... only to lose your last life close to the end. And have to start over from the beginning. LOL

I was out of high school when manic miner came out and I don't remember it. I do remember the days of game arcades and was undisputed best at one. I would pay a few thousand $ to have a Major Havoc in my house. I never could beat that one.
Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#60 - 2017-02-11 19:56:00 UTC
Akaro Tripar wrote:
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Akaro Tripar wrote:
All this griefing and ganking in high has to stop or the game crumbles to dust....this is simply not state of the art neither way....

I always wonder how people come to this conclusion.

Because it's simply the truth?

The "fact" that you don't get ganked often only proves that you are lucky nothing more....or don't take the "risk" of flying around.....

It's no proof that you don't get ganked flying always the same routes over and over again if the gankrate in others is extremely high....

The solution here is not that the PLAYER has to adept to

CCP has to make ganking impossible....

And THIS demand is here since the game exists and not new....seems to prove to me that it always was a problem,but ccp ignored it to keep their dream of a "special" game alive....'s time for a change because of a changed market and cosmetic changes like the alphas will not help to keep the game alive...only a 180° turnaround.....

"Every time I fly this route carrying expensive cargo I get ganked"
"well then maybe try a different route, or fly less expensive cargo?"
"other people manage to avoid getting ganked by not flying that predictable route, you know that right."