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EVE General Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Bye... and good riddance.

First post
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2017-02-11 08:32:38 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Pleasure Hub Node-514 wrote:
On your way out, can the person who bought your character give ISK and stuff to poster below me?

This is a very good idea.

Edit: foiled by 2 seconds. Please give faster internet. Australia needs it.

Lol, you know you ask for a ban? Lol The char in question was RMTed, so I would be careful wanting any interaction with it. Blink

I'm my own NPC alt.

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#22 - 2017-02-11 08:46:54 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Lol, you know you ask for a ban? Lol The char in question was RMTed, so I would be careful wanting any interaction with it. Blink

Yeah, call me suspicious. Without evidence I'm a bit sceptical that someone paid $1000 for the OPs character.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2017-02-11 08:49:29 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
Shiloh Templeton wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
I agree, this game isn't like it was back 8+ years ago which is why I rarely log in now. DMC

I've always respected your knowledge, helpfulness and positive attitude on the forums.

In what way do you feel the game is different now?

Hes butthurt that I wont like his posts back as much.RollTwistedBlink

LOL RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN........................DMC Lol

PS- I had nothing to add to the topic, just lurking.

I'm not butt hurt about anything. Doesn't matter if players like what I say or not, everyone has their own opinion about the game.

I use to log in for hours upon hours with downtime being my reminder to get some sleep. However due to constant nerfing over the years, first initiated by Soundwave & Co, I've slowly lost interest in this game. I still log in every once in a while, holding on to the hope that this game will eventually revert back to the great glory it once was.

I'm not going to list all the things that I feel have changed this game for the worst because quite frankly I don't feel like getting into a debate / forum thread war about it. And no I'm not going to quit since this is still the best space game around.

In fact to use a meme from CCP, I'll be here ready to say 'I Was There' when Eve finally has it's last downtime and the servers shut down for good.

Reinhardt Kreiss
TetraVaal Tactical Group
#24 - 2017-02-11 09:13:00 UTC
Lord Frost wrote:
10 year player coming back to nothing but ganks and scrubs.

Uhm, YOU are the scrub.
P3ps1 Max
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#25 - 2017-02-11 09:20:36 UTC  |  Edited by: P3ps1 Max
I'm confused, was the loss at the undock of jita or somewhere out in space anchoring your new home?
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#26 - 2017-02-11 09:34:01 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

In fact to use a meme from CCP, I'll be here ready to say 'I Was There' when Eve finally has it's last downtime and the servers shut down for good.


At one point, I re-subbed Ishtanchuk just so her name was at the monument, since I feel that it will be the only tombstone that EVE will have.

I wonder how many dead names are in that monument now. Even if CCP hadn't accidentaled the list, I doubt anyone would dare to check the status of those names listed just 4 years ago... how many undocked in the last 30 days? 10%? 20%? Maybe one in three?
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#27 - 2017-02-11 10:08:21 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#28 - 2017-02-11 10:23:21 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
1000$ Shocked

Can I have your stuff? Pirate

Assuming it was real, I guess that CCP security team would be wielding a big grin as they checked IPs from the OP, then checked characters logged in from that IP, then matched it to characters suddenly loggin in from a totally different IP, then unleashing the OMGYOU'REOUTOFEVEFOREVER banhammer on all people involved.

IF it was real. Bear
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#29 - 2017-02-11 10:26:08 UTC
Akane Togenada
#30 - 2017-02-11 11:39:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Akane Togenada
Leahzon wrote:
Yeah Eve sucks. If you don't want to sell yourself out to some fascist alliance your pretty much out of luck with this game.

Eve is a game for the weak minded who prefer monotonous activity with someone telling them what to do.

This game is not for people with a will of their own.

So I guess this means that we in the Signal Cartel are what ... fascist hippies ? Blink

On a serious note I'm puzzled as to how you have come to this clearly wrong conclusion. EVE is actually a game where you can do anything you like and don´t have to listen to anyone.

As a explorer I have complete freedom as to what I do and where I go and it's always a fascinating experience to see where I end up on my voyages.
Yebo Lakatosh
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2017-02-11 11:42:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Yebo Lakatosh
Teckos Pech wrote:
And yet more justification for not letting Alpha's post on the forums.

May I show you where to block the most insolent ones m'lord?

Elite F1 pilot since YC119, incarnate of honor, integrity and tidi.

Salvos Rhoska
#32 - 2017-02-11 12:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
OP, its understandable you are upset, and its reason enough to leave.

But its not CCPs fault, or the games, that your assets got destroyed.

I think you didnt do enough researching on Citadels before you started your project.
They are not nearly as simple or safe as they appear.

PS: Id be grateful for some of your stuff before you leave.
Torin Corax
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2017-02-11 12:57:24 UTC
Leahzon wrote:
Yeah Eve sucks. If you don't want to sell yourself out to some fascist alliance your pretty much out of luck with this game.

I'm not a member of any alliance, and I enjoy Eve. I (briefly) used to be a null-sec renter...didn't enjoy it, went back to doing other stuff.
Should mention that I tend to rely on luck way more than I should when out and about in-game...overall it's been working so far. I will pay the price for it someday, but I'm ok with that, my choice after all.

Eve is a game for the weak minded who prefer monotonous activity with someone telling them what to do.

I'm not in the best position to judge my own strength of mind, however I'm not a fan of grind, still I enjoy Eve by "mixing up" my activities. I do tend to be one stubborn soab though, so I only let other people tell me what to do if it's necessary to the end goal of an activity ( eg. FC in a fleet op that I voluntarily joined).

There is plenty of scope for individual gameplay in Eve. There is also plenty of scope for communal activities. In nearly every aspect of said communal activities there will be those who lead and those who follow. Comities don't make for terribly effective fleets. If you don't like being a follower, be a leader. You'd be hard pressed to find any corp/ alliance/ organization that isn't looking for FC's, group leaders, organizers etc. These people are worth their weight in moon-goo.

This game is not for people with a will of their own.

Assuming this is not just a troll post...I'm honestly astonished at how you could possibly come to this conclusionShocked

Over the last 10 years Eve has introduced me to some of the most dedicated, intelligent, strong-willed, disciplined and exceptional people I've ever met in a gaming community (or anywhere else for that matter) much so I often find myself wondering what the hell I'm doing playing this gameBlink
Wolfgang Jannesen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2017-02-11 13:49:08 UTC
I just wanted to pop and and give a good ol' 'Get Over Yourself!' To our OP.
Glorious Domination CFO
#35 - 2017-02-11 13:56:58 UTC
Sorry to say this OP but its scum like you I hate in this game.

I hope everything you have is perma banned. I'm happy you lost your citadel
You deserve it. I hope they trace your old accounts and ban them too

I lost my pride and joy account to accounts like you.

Leave good riddance
Arthur Aihaken
#36 - 2017-02-11 14:34:54 UTC
I always get a kick out of the replies to threads like these. At the rate the playerbase is declining the "HTFU or GTFO" campaign seems to be working...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#37 - 2017-02-11 14:53:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
I always get a kick out of the replies to threads like these. At the rate the playerbase is declining the "HTFU or GTFO" campaign seems to be working...
The publicly available figures for the number of players online appears to be showing the opposite trend, peak numbers are 10-20k higher than this time last year and the low numbers are above average for the last year.

HTFU or GTFO is not a new campaign, it's been running for nearly 14 years.

As for the OP, while he's a filthy dirty RMTer he's welcome to his $1000, I hope somebody at CCP notices his ban-worthy statement and blacklists any cards, emails and associated accounts identified by machine ID from ever accessing the server again.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#38 - 2017-02-11 15:21:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
I always get a kick out of the replies to threads like these. At the rate the playerbase is declining the "HTFU or GTFO" campaign seems to be working...
The publicly available figures for the number of players online appears to be showing the opposite trend, peak numbers are 10-20k higher than this time last year and the low numbers are above average for the last year.

HTFU or GTFO is not a new campaign, it's been running for nearly 14 years.

Oh come on... EVE went Freemium with Ascension, and that has boosted PCU temporally. Yet the trend is back to negative growth. Also, even with Ascension, the PCU for 2016 was below that of every year between 2009 and 2014.

Even accounting the sudden collapse of June 2014, when PCU went down by 3,000 in two weeks an never bounced back, 2014 after the collapse still was a better year than 2016 was being until Ascension (34k average vs 30k average, with the first half of 2014 having a 41k average).

Looks like people is GTFO. Whether that was intended or don't, there's ample room to discuss. But one thing is certain: EVE was growing for 10 years until 2013 and it's been going down since then. CCP has been using the usual tricks to keep the finances in good shape, but all those tricks have limitations. They won't adress a downward demographic trend, and eventually will be outpaced by the trend and money will become scarce.
Akaro Tripar
#39 - 2017-02-11 16:01:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Akaro Tripar
It's totally correct....

All this griefing and ganking in high has to stop or the game crumbles to dust....this is simply not state of the art neither way....

All that simply don't get this or argue against it 'cause a change would destroy their comforting neck in the woods are just blind...
Arthur Aihaken
#40 - 2017-02-11 16:06:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
The publicly available figures for the number of players online appears to be showing the opposite trend, peak numbers are 10-20k higher than this time last year and the low numbers are above average for the last year.

Sure, but when you compare them to the numbers 4-5 years ago they are not very encouraging. Especially since we've seen a steady decline since Ascension (and the Winter months are usually peak numbers for EVE).

I'm not trying to forebode dome and gloom here, but the numbers are once again trending down. And this time there are very few tricks CCP has left with having already implemented SKINs, skill injectors and F2P. All that's really left is paid content in the form of game expansions, unique ships and modules.

Unless a sale is in the works with EA or some other entity (which wouldn't surprise me, either).

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.