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Ariel Rin for CSM XII ♥

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#1 - 2017-01-30 12:00:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ariel Rin
Greetings All,

Most people refer to me as Ariel, a certain Aussie colloquialism starting with “C” or occasionally the The Little Mermaid…

Most of my EVE Career has not been particularly memorable. I’m not in any character bio’s, not jeered or applauded in any significant circles and my name has never appeared in any previous CSM Ballot.

I have spent a little bit of time in almost every corner of EVE. I've been a renter inside the Russian bloc swapping rental contracts with whomever was winning the war. I’ve lived in C4 and C5 wormholes, krabbing and hunting before attempting the lowsec life to go home dejected and poor. I pretended I was top dog killing POS mods in my Aeon with PL and when I couldn’t, sneaking off to read TMC and EN24 on the dunny at work. Most recently I've putting in the hard yards helping Fawlty7 make TIKLE into a dedicated home for Australians.

In between all of this meandering I built EVEMeet with its mastermind Bam Stroker and proceeded to give my liver cruel and unusual punishment over a two year period with this amazing community.

In fact, my only claim to fame is making the holy pilgrimage to Iceland, in order to miss a solar eclipse due to alcohol poisoning.

All this has taught me that the EVE community is a community worth fighting for, a community that has forged lifelong friendships via a beer glass and a passion for internet spaceships.

I am running to give back to a community that has given me so much over the years. I bring with me, a wide and storied experience struggling to find a home in EVE as a derelict Australian and a passion for the community and out of game events.

What I stand for is the continuance of CCP’s increased transparency and communication. Greater support for EVE related media, meets and events. A productive CSM that stays out of the media and a separation of politics from development feedback.

In game, having recently taken up the mantle of leading a corporation and assisting in the operations of an Alliance, the day to day management leaves much to be desired. Whilst the in game tools have come leaps and bounds from their original incarnation, much of the management falls to custom applications, most of which are closed source. While CCP's work on ESI has been encouraging, more work should be done to allow these in game tools to supplement more complex custom applications.

Lastly, I want to fight to clean up the Forums, a good jibe or troll is all well and good but continued harassment, inconsistent moderation and player self importance, has meant the forums have been a genuinely horrible place representing only a small slice of the EVE population.

I am always available for contact @ArielRin, or surprisingly enough via EVEMail

Ariel Rin

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#2 - 2017-01-30 12:01:23 UTC
Reserved to wish Fawlty7 the Happiest of Birthdays

also q/a....

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

Bam Stroker
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#3 - 2017-02-03 16:33:08 UTC

Ariel's been a pillar of the AUTZ and having worked and played with him I know he's got the chops to deliver good things and will be a great representative on the CSM.

EVE Down Under - a community for players in the AUTZ

In-game channel: evedownunder // Twitter: @evedownunder

Khumaak Flying Circus
#4 - 2017-02-04 17:46:28 UTC
I was wondering if you would answer a couple of questions.

1. In January’s fighting in Catch, your alliance, Tactical Supremacy, has had experience in both defending and attacking space in the Aegis sov system. What was your impression of the current state of sovereignty warfare in null sec?

2. For years now, people have complained about CCP’s in-game corporate management user interface. Your post stated that, “more work should be done to allow these in game tools to supplement more complex custom applications.” So what types of improvements would you like to see CCP make to the corporate management UI?

3. When CCP announced the introduction of Recurring Opportunities back in April, you didn’t like the feature. Were you opposed to bringing the concept of dailies to EVE, or was the problem with the content itself (kill one rat for 10,000 skill points)? Is there an implementation of Recurring Opportunities that you would approve? If so, could you give a rough outline of what is acceptable?

4. You think that the official EVE Online forums are horrible. How would you like CCP to make the situation better. Is it just a matter of better moderation, or does CCP need to update the Forum Moderation Policy?

5. Are there issues that mainly impact the AUTZ that you would like to see CCP address better?

Thank you

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#5 - 2017-02-05 05:06:29 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:
I was wondering if you would answer a couple of questions.

1. In January’s fighting in Catch, your alliance, Tactical Supremacy, has had experience in both defending and attacking space in the Aegis sov system. What was your impression of the current state of sovereignty warfare in null sec?

2. For years now, people have complained about CCP’s in-game corporate management user interface. Your post stated that, “more work should be done to allow these in game tools to supplement more complex custom applications.” So what types of improvements would you like to see CCP make to the corporate management UI?

3. When CCP announced the introduction of Recurring Opportunities back in April, you didn’t like the feature. Were you opposed to bringing the concept of dailies to EVE, or was the problem with the content itself (kill one rat for 10,000 skill points)? Is there an implementation of Recurring Opportunities that you would approve? If so, could you give a rough outline of what is acceptable?

4. You think that the official EVE Online forums are horrible. How would you like CCP to make the situation better. Is it just a matter of better moderation, or does CCP need to update the Forum Moderation Policy?

5. Are there issues that mainly impact the AUTZ that you would like to see CCP address better?

Thank you

Cheers for the questions,

1) The Aegis sov system worked fantastically well for us, as an alliance our PVE activities were spread mostly evenly across the constellation, keeping a 4+ ADM in every single one of our systems. Being on the other side of this in the past, in a war that was steamrolled, and seeing that we instead held against stainwagon for so long, Aegis sov fulfilled its intention. From that, It forced TIKLE, the much smaller Alliance to halt expansion and live in sov relevant to its size and carefully harass neighbouring sov and towers that were hittable due to low ADM's and lax tower work.

On this note though, the smooth operation of Aegis Sov vs Citadels leave much to be desired. Both our Fortizar drop, and the continued astrahus drops by Goons and StainWagon were utterly incontestable. With zero effort the structure was invulnerable to be a safe haven for the enemy for ever. These structures require no maintenance and =have a timer outside of our timezone there is simply nothing we could do.

2) The in-game corporation tools do their job currently, this is great. In reality these tools and their revamps become useful when your corporations grows but it doesn't take long before alts begin crowding your list and "Last Month" means yesterday twelve times a year...

I don't thinks its CCP's place to attempt to add Jackknife or similar to eve, but I hope to raise discussions around these QOL things and increased management (Roles, Titles etc) via the ESI api

3 ) Daily Opportunities in their proposed system, did not sit well with how I believe my timezone, Alliance, Corp and Myself plays the game. We log in everyday to fly beside our friends and corpmates, to shoot the **** in mumble and link horrible memes in jabber. There may be places in this system for opportunities, but I don't see them being above abuse if SP is still the reward.

What i would be interested in tabling discussions on, is dailies for collectables, exclusive skins and the like. With Opportunities actually bringing a character out of its shell. Are you a highsec miner? Mine ore in lowsec! Are you an avid PVP'er? Run a data site! Things that are both balanced in terms of being attainable, but require you to interact with a part of the game you may not have.

4) The forums are a cesspit. Heavy handed moderation is some threads, with 40 pages of vitriol in another simply being locked. The existing moderation team is either heavily understaffed, or afraid to act decisively with a few rogue agents. What the answer is to this, I can't say without being more involved with the moderation team. However, working with the Forum Moderation Policy which has 36 individual rules is simply a well of text to read. Sure CCP have expanded this over time to fit unique circumstances, but it is unwieldy and leaves much of the reprimand system to arbitrary permabans or leniency and this is before we involve the Website Terms of Use...

Furthermore, both this post and the OP is in breach of the Forum Moderation Policy, since discussion of moderation is against rule 11. Although cooler heads should prevail here in the hopes of a better forum for all.

5) Kill DT

On a serious note, I completely understand CCP's stance on AUTZ. We simply aren't large enough to justify significant expense.

What we are however, is a nation built on honesty and integrity, many of CCP's responses to issues are fantastic at aggravating this. A timezone with low server load and high latency experiences a bug, the common response is that this issue is unable to be replicated, only for the issue to get steadily worse and magically appear in a major timezone. Cue slow clap from the AUTZ as the Euros and Americans find a new bug!

I also spoke earlier about the ability for AUTZ to work around the edges of Aegis sov, this is not possible with citadels and makes me quite concerned about AUTZ's ability to continue participating.

Thanks for your time!
-- Ariel

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2017-03-02 18:22:32 UTC

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes would you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#7 - 2017-03-03 04:07:00 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes would you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.


I look forward to the addition of more mechanics that take advantage of the faction mechanics such as the new NPC mining fleets etc.

I also think this has some opportunity for standings to become less static and have both your immediate impact and long term standing taken into account.

I am however quite happy with how they currently sit, meaning that it is both not my place to develop game mechanics, and i have no wish to encourage prioritization of this subset of mechanics.

Thanks for your question

Ariel Rin

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2017-03-03 10:04:07 UTC
Thank you for the reply,

Once again good luck in the upcoming election.

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#9 - 2017-03-05 09:47:32 UTC
Many thanks to Declarations of War for their interview this morning, it may have been devastating to my sleep cycle, but it was both enjoyable and informative!

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#10 - 2017-03-07 00:38:30 UTC
Interview with EVE_NT now Live, Huge thanks to these guys for not only publishing me, but the other candidates as well

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

Cochise Chiricahua
The Inglourious Bastards
Astral Battles
#11 - 2017-03-08 05:35:03 UTC
07 Candidate!

First, thank you for your time and effort (both present and future) in representing the capsuleers of New Eden! They’re much appreciated.

I’m preparing to cast my vote in the CSM12 elections. After reading the information you submitted, though, I still have a question.

By way of background, I started in Eve as a hauler, moving freight in T1 industrials and gradually working my way up in both ships and cargo. However, I repeatedly found my progress impeded by gankers who would destroy my ship and steal my cargo. In low- and null-sec space, that’s to be expected. You place your bet and take your chances. In high-sec space, however, this is very frustrating. Why have high-sec space at all then? This frustration drove me into anti-ganking, and I’ve been a proud member of Thomas en Chasteaux's High-Sec Militia for several months now.

So, my question. Where do you stand on high-sec ganking? I’ll concede that ganking is a legitimate style of game play, as CCP has ruled. But I also feel that it should be difficult and dangerous (for the ganker) in the 30% of New Eden designated as high-sec space. In particular, I’d like to see CCP tweak the game mechanics so that the criminal flag generated by looting a ganked freighter in high-sec space follows all players who handle that loot, and otherwise make looting more realistic. (Thomas en Chasteaux's ideas, not mine.)

As a member of the CSM, would you present such an idea to CCP? Would you push for its adoption? What other game changes might you consider to make high-sec ganking more difficult and less profitable?

Cochise Chiricahua.