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All Active Wormhole Corporations

First post
Kennesaw Breach
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#181 - 2016-07-11 13:24:02 UTC
Brodit wrote:
Greetings fellow pilots.

Following a bout of sobriety...

...Last and definitely least, my corp -

Z3R0 Return Mining Inc. [Z3R0R]
CEO Oreamnos Amric
PvP, PvE and excessive drunkenness
EU/US TZ Ts3, forums, slack.
Based in a C4 with C3 and C5 statics
Recruitment Channel: IoS Recruitment
Wall of Shame.

Now where did I put that bottle of Krak.

Really, we're more of a drinking corporation that happens to be in a wormhole while drinking. Except when we're in Amarr. Never not find that direct hisec connection to Amarr.
Madden Canrende
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#182 - 2016-07-16 00:46:43 UTC
Kennesaw Breach wrote:
Brodit wrote:
Greetings fellow pilots.

Following a bout of sobriety...

...Last and definitely least, my corp -

Z3R0 Return Mining Inc. [Z3R0R]
CEO Oreamnos Amric
PvP, PvE and excessive drunkenness
EU/US TZ Ts3, forums, slack.
Based in a C4 with C3 and C5 statics
Recruitment Channel: IoS Recruitment
Wall of Shame.

Now where did I put that bottle of Krak.

Really, we're more of a drinking corporation that happens to be in a wormhole while drinking. Except when we're in Amarr. Never not find that direct hisec connection to Amarr.

This thread thoroughly approves and encourages corps focused on wormholing and drinking. (Though personally I drink in Amarr too, no system can contain me)

Member of #TweetFleet @Madden_Canrende

New Jovian Exploration Department
New Jovian Collective
#183 - 2016-08-02 17:06:18 UTC
Please update our entry:

New Jovian Exploration Department [NJED]
Public Channel: NJED Bar and Lounge
CEO: Bluedagger
Recruiters: Astrael Orannis (US), Campura Dadunur (EU), Irie Igunen (AU), Chacrupt (AU)
C4 > C4/C2
US & AUTZ Main

Thanks :)
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#184 - 2016-08-14 00:29:21 UTC
Empty Vessels [ABNDN]
Public Channel: Hola batmanuel
CEO: Miskoranda (my alt)
Recruiters: Trinkets friend (US and AU)
Lowsec. No, seriously, why live in wormholes you putz? Just hunt in them like me / with me, because SOLO I kill more than 80% of other corps anyway.
US & AUTZ Main
Richard Otomeya
Nega Nebulous
#185 - 2016-09-19 20:48:46 UTC
The Union of Planets
CEO: Ormus Ormandus
Diplo Contact: Mii-Tan Thiefraven, Richard Otomeya
Recruitor: Ashcher Otsada
Public Channel: TUOP Public
Small scale PVP/PVE corporation, C4 -> C3/C4 static, USTZ
Nouramon Alvestrasza
State War Academy
Caldari State
#186 - 2016-09-22 12:27:29 UTC
Terran Confederation


CEO: Jarner Alvestrasza / Nouramon Alvestrasza
Diplo Contact: LeahCim BroZ - Chien Rho
Recruitor: Jarner Alvestrasza / Nouramon Alvestrasza - LeahCim BroZ - Chien Rho


Public Channel: TC. Public

Zur Verteidigung unserer Besitztümer hat die Terran Confederation eine Kriegsmarine aufgestellt. Um unabhängig von den Politischen wirren der großen Fraktionen zu sein, wurde das Heimatsystem der Navy in den Wurmlochraum verlegt. Hier betreibt die Navy ein Wurmlochsystem der Klasse 2 mit einem aktiven Pulsar. Die statischen Ausgänge des Wurmlochsystems ermöglichen uns sowohl ein schnelle und sichere Logistik zu den jeweiligen Handelszentren im High-Sec als auch eine nahe zu unbegrenzte Anzahl an Möglichkeiten für Flotten- und Einzeloperationen.
Angeführt wir die Navy vom Admiralsstab unter der Leitung von Fleet Admiral Nouramon Alvestrasza mit seinen beiden Stellvertretern Admiral LeahCim BroZ und Admiral Chien Rho.

Die Navy sucht derzeit nach neuen Kapselpiloten. Nähere inforamtionen findet ihr hier im Forum.

Im Auftrag

Nouramon Alvestrasza

Fleet Admiral

Terran Confederation Navy

Madden Canrende
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#187 - 2016-10-09 21:55:01 UTC
Made a bunch of updates, deleted a bunch of old/dead corps. Cleaned up links at the top.

If you have any good wormhole links that I haven't included please let me know so I can update and improve the list.

Thanks and Good Hunting

Member of #TweetFleet @Madden_Canrende

Jonn Duune
Wrong Hole.
#188 - 2016-11-14 19:12:20 UTC
Biomass Party

CEO: Jonn Duune
Diplo Contact: Jonn Duune, Jack Haamilton
Recruitor: Jonn Duune, Rhaegon Aesir, Doomsday Freefire


Public Channel: Human Waste Disposal

C4 Wormhole PVP Corp. Multi-timezone based. Helmed by experienced WH pilots. Consider wormholes to be like an irish pub, ya drink, ya fight, and then ya drink with who ya just fought with. Here for friends (no blues please), and fights. Good times had by all sides. We go balls deep all the time, and will almost always pick a fight if there's one to pick. Come join my pub if you want a fight or have a good time. And the slogan of our corp is:

"At Biomess We kielz Rumans for a livring srince 194r4"

Good day, and good hunting.

My name is Jonn Duune, and I wholeheartedly support the message posted above.

Doom Generation
Best Intentions.
#189 - 2016-11-25 22:14:24 UTC
Doom Generation

CEO: Sicks
Diploma Contacts: Glyndi, Compayn, Byrbeglin Alcantar, Sicks


Public channel: DG3N Public

C5-C5 small gang pvp corp. Mainly US TZ with small AU TZ presence.
Partisan Squadron
#190 - 2016-11-27 09:20:57 UTC
Can you add us please ?

Partisan Squadron [PAFS]
CEO : CrazyPingvi
Diplo : Sasbas
Recruiters : angelost kadric (EU), Taku Mitomoshi (US)
English speaking, Ts3, EU and US time zone.
Based In C4 with C3 and C4 statics
Killboard :
Public Channel: PAFS

Thank you
Rolling Holes
Domini Canes
#191 - 2016-11-27 11:05:43 UTC
Hello! Could you please add us to the list?

Rolling Holes [HOLS.]

CEO: Corgi
Russian and English speaking, TS3, EU time zone
Public in-game channel: Rolling Holes

Hidden Fremen
#192 - 2016-11-29 12:43:48 UTC
List needs cleaning up. Also, Ember Sands, Spatial Instability, and Upholders are one alliance.
Madden Canrende
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#193 - 2016-12-08 22:17:07 UTC
List updated, I didn't have a chance to do another round of cleanup, but if anyone knows someone who should be on the list, or shouldn't, let me know and i'll update. Thank and happy hunting

Member of #TweetFleet @Madden_Canrende

Heidi Metesur
Doin It Wrong
#194 - 2017-01-04 10:33:18 UTC
Would like to update our corp info:

Doin it Wrong [WRNG.]
CEO: Neepheed
Diplo Contacts: Heidi Metesur, neepheed
Recruiters: Neepheed, Heidi Metesur, darkzekrom95
Public Channel: WRNG. Public
English speaking, TS3, Forums, Slack.
Based in a C4 with C2/C3 Statics
PVP Focused, EU TZ Corp
Rijl Kent
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#195 - 2017-01-30 23:28:27 UTC
Corp: Spoopy Newbies [SP00P]
CEOs: Aquasta, Jonathan AJani
Diplo contacts: see CEOS
Recruiters: Aquasta, Jonathan AJani, PiccoloNL
Timezone: all, especially recruiting EUTZ right now
Public channel: Spoopy Public
Languages: Primarily English, but corp members who speak Dutch, French, Polish, Portuguese, & Canadian Big smile.
Methods: Slack, forums, Mumble, tin cans with string.
Killboard: if this is your sole judge of a corp, nothing to see here, move along. For the rest, Spoopy board

Play Eve, have some laughs, blow up ships (probably our own). We are Prophets of Bob who spread his holy words throughout New Eden. We have our hands in everything to do in J-space, short of plotting the demise of Hardknocks (I mean, who does that? 😆). See our book on site running C5s as a new bro. We accept all levels of SP, and ability, and have higher than average levels of AFK leadership. We are members of the Brave Collective, we have standards to uphold. So if you like to keep it classy, have fun, and be one of those things that go bump on the night, look us up in spoopy public.
Emmaline Fera
Interstellar Expeditionary Group
#196 - 2017-01-31 03:43:36 UTC
Corp: Interstellar Expeditionary Group [IEXO.] / Einstein-Rosen Brigade [ERB]
CEO: Emmaline Fera
Diplos: Vorew Vokimdra, Emmaline Fera, Tet'Zahn D'Hadji, Hobar Malow
Recruiters: Allen Noban, Prime Codex
Timezone: NA, EU, AU
Public Channel: ERB Friends & Assoc
Comms: Discord
Languages: English; we also have French, German, Spanish, and Afrikaans speakers
Wormhole: C4 (vanilla) with C3 and C4 statics
Newbro/Alpha friendly
Xakin Black
Overload This
Escalation Theory
#197 - 2017-01-31 18:32:30 UTC
Q-zar [Q-ZAR]
Diplomatic Contact: Konrad Ingvarson, Xakin Black
Public Channel: Q-zar
English/Russian speaking. Based In C2 with C5 and Null statics
EU TZ PVP corporation.
Madden Canrende
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#198 - 2017-02-04 23:14:51 UTC
Everybody's updated or added as requested, I cut some down a bit, just for size so there's no gigantic ones.

I might end up changing this up a bit, making a group of recently updated/more descriptive ones for people who want to put in the time. Just to give people insight into the corps that want to share it here. Let me know if there's interest in adding a piece for that at the top.

Member of #TweetFleet @Madden_Canrende

Lord Harrowmont
Amarr Empire
#199 - 2017-02-22 01:14:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Harrowmont
Quantum Decoherence [QUDEC]
Diplo Contacts: php3ch0 Isu, Radio Active
Diplo Channel: QUDEC-Diplo
Public Channel: QUDEC Recruitment Channel
Sleeper Dreams
#200 - 2017-02-25 19:16:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Receg
Sleeper Dreams [NREM]

CEO: Receg
Recruiters: Receg, Gunthor Gurn, Versoth, MT Dinkle
English speaking, Discord, Siggy
Based in a C4 (Wolf Rayet) with C4 and C5 statics
Small gang PvP/PvE - Late US & early AU TZ (00:00-09:00 evetime)
Recruiting Channel: GG NREM
