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WTA/WTS: Collector Item - Repackaged 'Capsule x1'

Prion Disease
#1 - 2017-01-01 15:05:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Prion Disease
(mods, delete post please, mistook this subforum for a selling place because of the 'trades' part)

Selling a generic capsule (the ship item named Capsule), repackaged.

In my ten years of playing EVE, I've never encountered a repackaged Capsule before, but today, upon jumping in my Velator on this paper alt, my pod remained and I was able to repackage it. I consider it a rare item, so this is a collector's item.

There are no market orders for it, nor can it be contracted. I'm in Jita 4-4, open for a trade.

Based on this being purely a collector's item, I'll auction it off starting at:

Starting bid: 500mil
increments: 50mil.


Send me your offers here or ingame.
Arreon Slickshot
Wurm Industries
#2 - 2017-01-24 18:35:39 UTC
probably not worth much you can get repackaged capsules easy but nobody really wants them imho.

Dank Isk Ticks are my life.

ForeWarned Erkkinen
#3 - 2017-01-25 15:01:35 UTC
Yes they are fairly easy to get.
Gl tho and free bump
United Aggression
#4 - 2017-01-25 16:18:24 UTC
Yea these are easy to make using the "death cloning" feature built into the clone bay at stations/citadels.