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Dominix Navy Level 4 fit

Taul Badasaz
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2017-01-19 12:09:17 UTC
I'm having a hard time figuring out a fit for it. Most of my skills are in t2 large hybrids and drones up to heavies from running incursions in a vindicator so naturally I figured the best level 4 ship for me is the Dominix navy.

I've run in EFT a couple shield and armor fits and I'm really not sure how to fit this thing as I've never run level 4s before though I do have standings to run them for a couple corps.

Anyway any advice is greatly appreciated,
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#2 - 2017-01-19 15:21:59 UTC
Taul Badasaz wrote:
I'm having a hard time figuring out a fit for it. Most of my skills are in t2 large hybrids and drones up to heavies from running incursions in a vindicator so naturally I figured the best level 4 ship for me is the Dominix navy.

I've run in EFT a couple shield and armor fits and I'm really not sure how to fit this thing as I've never run level 4s before though I do have standings to run them for a couple corps.

Anyway any advice is greatly appreciated,

I suggest you pretend to be a new player and start in some level 2 missions and move up to 3's and then 4's as a way of getting used to the differences between mission rats and incursion rats. Not many lower levels will be needed, perhaps 8 or 10 of each depending on you and your style.

For level 4 missions your best option for the Domi in my mind would be longer range using sentry drones, they can get up close and brawl if you prefer but I never liked that mission style in a Domi.

I never flew incursions in a drones ship so I have no idea what happens there, in mission there are many NPC that have definite preference to shooting drones, as a result of this I recommend sentries and staying close to them so you can recall as needed for damage mitigation and use lights and / or mediums for smaller faster stuff. Many seem to like the Gekco so they would be an option as well.

Active tank is going to be more effective in missions than a buffer or passive shield, unless you plan on providing your own logi with a second account.

Armor versus sheilds - go with what you are most comfortable with. Personally I prefer to armor tank a Domi it just seems to work better for me and the way I fly that ship.

Kazual Jayde
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-01-19 17:31:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Kazual Jayde
I use a Hyperion for level 4s.

-Neutron Blaster Cannon II x6, Null L
-Drone Aug Link

-100mn Enduring AB
-Tracking Comp II x2 w/scripts
-Cap Recharger II x2

-Magnetic Field Stab x3
-Damage Control II
-Reactive Armour hardener
-Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
-Large Armour Rep II

-Large Anti-Explosive
-Large Nano Pump
-Large Nano Accelerator

Drone bay is full of Hob II and Hammer II (can fit heavies, but with my skills, the Hammers do more damage anyway)

I occasionally swap the Drone Link for a Nos when I'm going up against multiple battleships that like to be in close (which is pretty often!)

I basically just sit still and face tank it. 750ish dps, 65kish ehp, about 4 minutes of cap. 43km range with opt. script. Decent damage to smaller ships with tracking speed scripts, light drones for backup to that. The only times I've had to warp out while fighting are when I messed up and hit too many triggers, or aggroed the wrong group, but that happens less often as I learn the missions.

The only problem is, it's slowwwww, but I find with the missions I'm running, most of the gates aren't too far from the warp-in point. I drop my MTU when I land, and pick it up on my way out in most cases. Probably not terribly efficient, but it works for me. Opinions and advice welcomed, though!

I also keep an Enyo around for the few level 4s that don't require fighting.
Wombat65Au Egdald
#4 - 2017-01-20 06:22:52 UTC
I fly a T1 Domi in L4 missions regularly. I'm not going to offer a specific fit since how you fit will depend on how you plan to run the missions. Snipe from range, get up close and brawl, etc.

You'll face a variety of ships from frigates up to battleships in L4 missions, often in groups that have multiple different sized ships together in the same group. It's actually the smaller ships that could give you the most trouble, elite rat frigates tend to have some extra tricks such as propulsion jamming for you to contend with.

Sniping is actually fairly easy. Once you land on grid in the mission pocket, open up some space between you and the rats, then pick them off. When they start getting close, move to open up some more space, pop some more rats, repeat.

To do this, you'll need a propulsion mod that lets you move quickly (micro jump or micro warp drive), long range weapons to cover the distance, and the sensor range to lock targets at an appropriate range. Normal combat drones aren't so good in this role, sentry drones are more effective, but not all sentry drones have a long weapon range.

Caldari Wardens have the longest range, with good skills and the right modules, they can hit targets 120 km away, but their tracking speed isn't that good, they won't hit anything that gets close to you. Minmatar Bouncers have a drop in range, a little over 100 km and their tracking is a bit better than Wardens. Amarr Curators are probably the bottom end for sniping range, 70 - 80 km, with better tracking than Bouncers. Gallente Gardes really aren't sniping drones, you don't get much more than 60 km weapon range from them but they have the fastest tracking speed of all sentries.

Since it's the smaller rat ships in L4 missions that can give you the most difficulty, they should be your first priority. Pop the frigates first, then the destroyers, then work up through the cruisers and battllecruisers to the battleships.

Of course, you don't have to spend the entire mission sniping. Bring some Wardens or Bouncers, use them to clean up the smaller ships at a distance. Even if their damage type is not optimal for whichever type of rat you are facing, the small tank of the smaller ships and the drone dps bonus of the Domi should let you clean them up fairly quickly. Once you've thinned out the herd, you can recall the sentries and launch appropriate medium or heavy drones then brawl with the remaining ships using drones and blasters.

The Gallente Garde sentries kind of give you a brawling option since they have good tracking speed and limited weapon range. Switch from long range sentries to the Gardes, orbit your ship around them and brawl away with whatever gets close enough.

Due to drone aggro mechanics, it's not just your tank that's important, the drone's tank is important too. Even with the hp bonus a Domi gives to drones, you'll need to keep an eye on the drones. There are Fleet/Navy faction drones that have stronger tanks compared to T1 and T2 drones, the Fleet/Navy faction sentries have significantly stronger tanks than even the T2 sentries, at the cost of being much more expensive than T2 sentries. On the other hand, you don't need to train to T2 sentries to use the Fleet/Navy faction sentries.
Chainsaw Plankton
#5 - 2017-01-21 03:07:38 UTC
With gal/min bs trained for the vindy I'd consider the mach. Warp speed, ac dps, and arty alpha are just perfect for blitzing. I tried incursions years ago and they just never seemed to be worth it, after travel time and waiting to get into fleets I made more blitzing missions. I also like the kronos but I prefer the agility and speed of the mach.

Navy domi was a lot of fun for eft warrioring with 3/4 magstabs and drone damage amps years ago. A lot of people tried to make it work, but afaik it isn't widely used at this point. It isn't a good drone boat, or a good rail boat. Like the poster above says you can hit at 100km with wardens, however you would have to give up a bunch of gun damage to have that much drone control range. Think most of the eft warriors moved on to the rattlesnake.

Haven't seen any talk on the navy domi in a while but a lot of the setups looked like this. I'd warp in at 0 and brawl with gardes, with the 1300 dps npcs don't stand a chance. I used to run a t2 rate of fire rig, put it over 1400 dps. That said I almost never flew it, just too much of a potato.
[Dominix Navy Issue, New Setup 1 copy 2]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer

Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script

425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L

Large Drone Control Range Augmentor II
Large Hybrid Locus Coordinator II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Warden II x5
Garde II x5
Ogre II x5
Hobgoblin II x5

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Josef Djugashvilis
#6 - 2017-01-21 07:08:33 UTC
Just use a regular Dominix, better drone bonus.

Warp to mission, mjd, use sentry drones, complete mission.

Free ammo as well, which is a bonus for penny pinching folk like myself.

Mail me in-game if you would like me to send you my ship fit.

This is not a signature.

Gregorius Goldstein
Queens of the Drone Age
#7 - 2017-01-21 17:17:35 UTC
Depending on skills it could be worth swapping one tracking Computer for a Target Painter.? Wouldn't get a stacking penalty (or are you running one range an one precession skript?) and a Target Painter helps your drones and your turrets. Wiki and a lot of players say the space potato was better, but I play for fun and hate ugly ships.

Kazual Jayde wrote:
I use a Hyperion for level 4s.

-Neutron Blaster Cannon II x6, Null L
-Drone Aug Link

-100mn Enduring AB
-Tracking Comp II x2 w/scripts
-Cap Recharger II x2

-Magnetic Field Stab x3
-Damage Control II
-Reactive Armour hardener
-Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
-Large Armour Rep II

-Large Anti-Explosive
-Large Nano Pump
-Large Nano Accelerator

Drone bay is full of Hob II and Hammer II (can fit heavies, but with my skills, the Hammers do more damage anyway)

I occasionally swap the Drone Link for a Nos when I'm going up against multiple battleships that like to be in close (which is pretty often!)

I basically just sit still and face tank it. 750ish dps, 65kish ehp, about 4 minutes of cap. 43km range with opt. script. Decent damage to smaller ships with tracking speed scripts, light drones for backup to that. The only times I've had to warp out while fighting are when I messed up and hit too many triggers, or aggroed the wrong group, but that happens less often as I learn the missions.

The only problem is, it's slowwwww, but I find with the missions I'm running, most of the gates aren't too far from the warp-in point. I drop my MTU when I land, and pick it up on my way out in most cases. Probably not terribly efficient, but it works for me. Opinions and advice welcomed, though!

I also keep an Enyo around for the few level 4s that don't require fighting.

Kazual Jayde
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-01-21 18:14:03 UTC
Gregorius Goldstein wrote:
Depending on skills it could be worth swapping one tracking Computer for a Target Painter.? Wouldn't get a stacking penalty (or are you running one range an one precession skript?)

I haven't used a target painter, well, ever, so never really thought of them as an option. I pre-load tracking speed scripts when I know my targets will be within ~30k from where I land warping in, but for the most part I use range scripts. Anything that needs extra tracking speed tends to be toast in one or two volleys anyway, and the slow cycle time on the TP seems like it would slow me down more than help.

If anything, I might try out a sensor booster instead, to speed up my targeting.
Chainsaw Plankton
#9 - 2017-01-21 22:17:43 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Just use a regular Dominix, better drone bonus.

Warp to mission, mjd, use sentry drones, complete mission.

Free ammo as well, which is a bonus for penny pinching folk like myself.

Mail me in-game if you would like me to send you my ship fit.

have fun pinching your pennies while you leave dollar bills on the table.

MJD sniper domi is a nice recommendation for newbies, but for someone used to incursion isk it isn't worth undocking in.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Josef Djugashvilis
#10 - 2017-01-22 08:04:16 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Just use a regular Dominix, better drone bonus.

Warp to mission, mjd, use sentry drones, complete mission.

Free ammo as well, which is a bonus for penny pinching folk like myself.

Mail me in-game if you would like me to send you my ship fit.

have fun pinching your pennies while you leave dollar bills on the table.

MJD sniper domi is a nice recommendation for newbies, but for someone used to incursion isk it isn't worth undocking in.

I am flattered that having played the game for almost 10 years you consider me to be a new player.

Better than getting accused of being a bitter vet :)

This is not a signature.

Player Vs Ore
Miners Of Independence
#11 - 2017-01-22 21:15:26 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Just use a regular Dominix, better drone bonus.

Warp to mission, mjd, use sentry drones, complete mission.

Free ammo as well, which is a bonus for penny pinching folk like myself.

Mail me in-game if you would like me to send you my ship fit.

have fun pinching your pennies while you leave dollar bills on the table.

MJD sniper domi is a nice recommendation for newbies, but for someone used to incursion isk it isn't worth undocking in.

I am flattered that having played the game for almost 10 years you consider me to be a new player.

Better than getting accused of being a bitter vet :)

Well you look youthful.

i use the same sniper domi, with warden 2's and what ever mission specific damage is needed (curators, garde's )

I keep medium explosive drones and Thermal lights...

that pretty much takes care of all the PVE i need for level 4's
and blitzing can be easy with that fit since you can MJD select your target and POP goes the weasel.

I am however considering moving out of the domi, I'm just not sure what the sentry upgrade is from domi.

I thought about Rattlesnake however i weak missle skills i would want t2 launchers for cruise or torp before moving there.

I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer...

or as EVE Online would have it...

A Carebear!!

Chainsaw Plankton
#12 - 2017-01-22 23:12:58 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
almost 10 years

yep pretty new P

I generally assume established players will have figured out (or be able to figure out) things like domis or ravens so when they come looking for recommendations I'm going to suggest something a bit more fancy.

Kosomot wrote:
I am however considering moving out of the domi, I'm just not sure what the sentry upgrade is from domi.

I thought about Rattlesnake however i weak missle skills i would want t2 launchers for cruise or torp before moving there.

There isn't really a great straight up sentry upgrade. With the rattler if you can use t2 RHML or even meta 4 cruise with decent skills you are fine. With already good drone skills you will be doing enough drone damage the missiles will mostly just be extra bonus damage till your skills catch up and then holy gank monster.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Blackjack and Exotic Dancers
Top Tier
#13 - 2017-01-22 23:15:59 UTC
Use Hyperion or navy mega for missions, they work better. If you have sentry drone skills, get a snake. If you poor then get a domi, but you did say you did incursions.. so assuming you not poor.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2017-01-26 11:15:00 UTC
[Dominix Navy Issue]

6x Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Void L

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Kinetic Deflection Field II
3x Large Shield Extender II
Large Micro Jump Drive

3x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
3x Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shield Power Relay II

3x Large Core Defense Field Purger II

5x Ogre II

Lots of DPS, short range, high manoeuvrability, average damage application, low/average tank

or you can armour tank it
put 3x nav comps in the mids and have Ogres that are as fast as Hammerheads

The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#15 - 2017-01-27 21:52:25 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
[Dominix Navy Issue]

6x Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Void L

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Kinetic Deflection Field II
3x Large Shield Extender II
Large Micro Jump Drive

3x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
3x Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shield Power Relay II

3x Large Core Defense Field Purger II

5x Ogre II

Lots of DPS, short range, high manoeuvrability, average damage application, low/average tank

or you can armour tank it
put 3x nav comps in the mids and have Ogres that are as fast as Hammerheads

Bah. Bloody passive fit mission boats, using 8 slots for tank when 4 would do.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#16 - 2017-01-28 11:30:39 UTC
its 3 if you armour tank

2 hardeners + repairer

though tbh if you include rigs .. then its more like 5 to 6

advantage is it free's up some mids for +application mods
but you lose +dps mods in the process

it's all about choices, and finding the right fit for your own playstyle

the thing with passive fits .. they work
and they have no micro-needs
which is not the case with active dual-rep fits

best option for the OP
get on sisi
throw together a bunch of different fits
and spend some time with each one

when you know whether your a brawler or a sniper, then the fit you use becomes a no brainer
Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#17 - 2017-01-28 17:23:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Deacon Abox
Lvl 4s are better sniped imo. Get them done quicker. Also, pita to move around and tackle mission rats for blasters. Navy Domi can mjd and snipe missions clean with sentries and 425s. Once the MJD came into the game a tank has become less and less important for missions. I put on a minimal armor tank with omnis and painter and cap battery or injector in mids, just in case. And then put damage mods and damage control in lows, again just in case of disconnect.

Anyway, lvl 4s are not where the excitement is imo. Lvl 4s are something to do when your wife or your work schedule only gives you an hour or so to log on. Sad For that a snipe navy domi is fine.

The excitement is in pvp, when the above two overlords grant you more than a couple hours to be logged on.P

Also, OP, have your first like.Smile

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.