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Average (just roughly) loot/salvage and LP per lvl 4 mission

Harrison Croft
Obermeier - Hoffmann Explorations
#1 - 2017-01-21 00:43:01 UTC
I know that it is a huge difference dependign on which mission it is. But someone might have collected a lot of data over the time and is willing to share the information. A rough approximation would also do the trick for me. i just did not do enough missions to have a feeling for this.

I need these information about the average loot+salvage in isk and the average Lp per mission to make a decision on wether it is more profitable to run missions for a corp with nice isk/LP (without salvaging because I hate it) or run missions for a corp with okish isk/LP but having someone around who salvages for me and we share 50:50.
Arthur Aihaken
#2 - 2017-01-21 01:08:06 UTC
It can vary significantly depending on your respective skills, the security level of the system agent and what (if any) special or unique items or implants drop (some are worth substantially more than others). In addition, depending on the corporation LP conversion could be really high (SoE) or extremely low (a main Empire faction). There are also a series of Empire-specific missions which are fairly lucrative as well as storyline missions (which also have barying rewards).

What salvage drops is completely random and the time required for each mission can vary significantly depending on the number of jumps and distances.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Chainsaw Plankton
#3 - 2017-01-21 01:23:06 UTC
lp lp lp! imo 50% of the loot isn't worth the effort of making bookmarks so someone can even salvage the wrecks.

obvious exception, faction kill missions where the majority of the payout is in the tags. and makes sense to loot something like Zor's wreck or wrecks that are likely to contain various implants.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Ion Kirst
#4 - 2017-01-21 03:07:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Ion Kirst
There's no money to be made in salvaging. It's been that way for a few years. It's better to just solo L4s, and do them for the bounties, and LPs. There are a few missions as Chainsaw mentioned that give tags. Even then you may have to travel to a station that is giving the best price to sell them. In some missions you can also drop a mobile tractor, and grab the loot when you're done. Yes, 50% or more of it is junk.

To have someone salvage for you, and then split it? To much energy spent too little reward, for both .


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Harrison Croft
Obermeier - Hoffmann Explorations
#5 - 2017-01-21 09:27:12 UTC
While I appreciate your answers guys, I'd still like to have some rough numbers. Lets just assume one does 10000 Missions in HighSec. There is a Mission pool. Every mission has a chance to 'get drawn'. I have no idea if it's the same chance for every mission or not. But experienced mission runners will know. Every Mission has a payout, bounty, LP and a number of wrecks and each of it has it's own chance of dropping this or that. So it should be possible to give a very rough estimation for the average even when there are missions with a bounty of 60M and others with 5M. Just that I don't need bounty or payout since they are the same for both locations. I am only interested in LP and Loot+Salvage.

It doesn't even matter if Missions (which one gets drawn) are gaussian distributet or if every mission has the same chance to get drawn. I just want a roughly estimated average. I'd even take numbers 'out of feeling'. If I get a few I can still make an approximation. I don't need accurate numbers.

It can vary significantly depending on your respective skills, the security level of the system agent ...
... and what (if any) special or unique items or implants drop (some are worth substantially more than others) ...

If a experienced mission runner tells me: 'I have security connections 5 and security lvl is x and average LP is y' then this is good enough.

About the second part of the quote: Again, a experienced mission runner could say: maybe every 10 missions I get a big drop worth XM isk, sometimes there is really nothing worth mentioning and most of the time it is YM isk. So on average it's ...

depending on the corporation LP conversion could be really high (SoE) or extremely low (a main Empire faction)
I did not ask for numbers of isk/LP. I know my current LP conversion, I know the LP conversion I would get when moving to the other system. So I have all the data I need to factor this in. What I need is a number for the average LP i get per mission. And SOE conversion is not good imho but that's not relevant here. Again: experienced mission runners might give an estimated number based on experience.

What salvage drops is completely random and the time required for each mission can vary significantly depending on the number of jumps and distances.
I did not ask for the time it takes to complete a mission. Nor is it relevant since it applies for both systems I want to choose from (not factoring the distance to gates in but that is about the same in both). About random salvage: flipping a coin is random too. Still one can say it's 0.5 isk on average if tails is 1 isk and head is 0 isk.

lp lp lp! imo 50% of the loot isn't worth the effort of making bookmarks so someone can even salvage the wrecks.

obvious exception, faction kill missions where the majority of the payout is in the tags. and makes sense to loot something like Zor's wreck or wrecks that are likely to contain various implants.

Thanks for the answer, but to find that out for myself with numbers based on the experience of other players and factoring in my own playstyle and lazyness is the whole point of this thread.

There's no money to be made in salvaging. It's been that way for a few years. It's better to just solo L4s, and do them for the bounties, and LPs. There are a few missions as Chainsaw mentioned that give tags. Even then you may have to travel to a station that is giving the best price to sell them. In some missions you can also drop a mobile tractor, and grab the loot when you're done. Yes, 50% or more of it is junk.

To have someone salvage for you, and then split it? To much energy spent too little reward, for both .

Normally I am not blitzing missions. I go in, kill everything and move to the next pocket. Mostly because I am too lazy to read on eve-survival what triggers and also I am doing other stuff in the meantime. Creating a bookmark for each pocket is 2 more clicks per pocket. Acceptable for me. If you are saying there is no money to be made you probably have done it often enough to be sure. So why not just tell me the average number? I am not travelling or sellign anything. All I have to do is give bookmarks and receive isk. But that's also not what I wanted to discuss here.

Lvl4 Mission, HighSec, roghly estimated average numbers:
LP: ?
Loot+Salvage: ?
Arthur Aihaken
#6 - 2017-01-21 10:08:37 UTC
The vast majority of us use ISK/hour as a measurement of how profitable a particular session is. Beyond that, if you want some "rough numbers" I suggest you start running missions and collecting your own data...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#7 - 2017-01-21 13:33:32 UTC
maybe just watch anizes 3 hour run to get average numbers.
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2017-01-21 14:30:35 UTC
Ion Kirst wrote:
There's no money to be made in salvaging. It's been that way for a few years. It's better to just solo L4s, and do them for the bounties, and LPs. There are a few missions as Chainsaw mentioned that give tags. Even then you may have to travel to a station that is giving the best price to sell them. In some missions you can also drop a mobile tractor, and grab the loot when you're done. Yes, 50% or more of it is junk.

To have someone salvage for you, and then split it? To much energy spent too little reward, for both .


I usually carry a few salvagers with me and a mobile depot.
Drop my depot right next to the mtu when I warp in and when I'm finished and go to empty my mtu the my wrecks are right there by my depot.
Ion Kirst
#9 - 2017-01-21 14:44:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Ion Kirst

Ok, some rough numbers:

How much can be made doing a L4 mission?

-roughly between 15 to 45M. It depends on the mission, the bounties, LPs, and if any good loot is dropped. Also another rough estimate, is that you can make about 1500isk/LPS. Depends on what you use them for. Some say they can get more per LP.


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Arthur Aihaken
#10 - 2017-01-21 14:48:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Ion Kirst wrote:
Ok, some rough numbers:
How much can be made doing a L4 mission?

-roughly between 15 to 45M. It depends on the mission, the bounties, LPs, and if any good loot is dropped. Also another rough estimate, is that you can make about 1500isk/LPS. Depends on what you use them for. Some say they can get more per LP.

You can even make as much as 100m ISK if you're really lucky... As Ion pointed out: it really depends.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Harrison Croft
Obermeier - Hoffmann Explorations
#11 - 2017-01-21 15:25:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Harrison Croft
Ploing wrote:
maybe just watch anizes 3 hour run to get average numbers.

Thanks, I will watch the video when I find time :) At least I can see how much LP he gets for blitzable missions. If that is not enough to get a number I will just note my LP gains the next time I do missions. For average salvage+loot I will probably ask a few people in pro synergy. They should be able to tell me.

For the last two answers from Kirst and Aihaken: Sorry guys it kinda hurts me to say that because you seem to be really nice guys, just tryign to help. I don't want to act like a douche, it's not ment offensive. But you again totally missed my point. I dont want to know how much isk/h you can make with missions in general and I already know how much isk/LP I can get in both locations (while the SOE location is way worse than the other). I already said very clearly that I am only interested in LP/mission and loot+salvage/mission, then someone responded and said that isk/h is how people measure it mostly and that I probably have to get the data on my own and so on. So I really don't understand why you are starting this all over again. For what I try to find out this information 1. (isk/h) is useless and 2. (isk/LP) I already have it.
Arthur Aihaken
#12 - 2017-01-21 15:39:56 UTC
Harrison Croft wrote:
For the last two answers from Kirst and Aihaken: Sorry guys it kinda hurts me to say that because you seem to be really nice guys, just tryign to help. I don't want to act like a douche, it's not ment offensive. But you again totally missed my point. I dont want to know how much isk/h you can make with missions in general. I already said very clearly that I am only interested in LP/mission and loot+salvage/mission, then someone responded and said that isk/h is how people measure it mostly and that I probably have to get the data on my own and so on. So I really don't understand why you are starting this all over again. For what I try to find out this information (isk/h) is 1. useless and 2. I already have it.

Because we're trying to explain that it *depends*. There's no repository of what you can earn per mission because the loot tables literally change every 3-6 months, salvage drops are completely random, the system level determines ISK/LP payouts and LP conversion rates are all over the place at any given time.

I'm not exactly sure how stating you can earn 10-100m on "Right Hand of Zazzmatazz" is going to be helpful for you, because you could run all evening and not get that mission draw - or even if you do - get the implant drop. See what we're trying to say?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Ion Kirst
#13 - 2017-01-21 16:39:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Ion Kirst
OK, I'm not going to be rude either, but if you've already run some L4s then you should already have a good idea of the LPs available, and what loot/salvage that can be obtained. Yeah, you just may have to figure it all out for yourself.

I think for forum answers we all were very very good to you. The forums can be brutal even for an innocent answer.

I would say, and I think we said it before, it probably would be best to run L4s for a corp (in a lonely area), by your self, and not go 50/50.

Harrison said, " I need the information about the average loot + salvage in isk, and the average LP/mission to make a decision."

. . . average loot + salvage could be about 15-45M

. . . average LPs, are between 2000 and 9000 LPs/mission.

So, these are about the best answers you're going to get from anyone.


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Harrison Croft
Obermeier - Hoffmann Explorations
#14 - 2017-01-21 16:58:31 UTC
OK, I'm not going to be rude either, but if you've already run some L4s then you should already have a good idea of the LPs available, and what loot/salvage that can be obtained.

I would say, and I think we said it before, it probably would be best to run L4s for a corp (in a lonely area), by your self.

Harrison said, " I need the information about the average loot + salvage in isk, and the average LP/mission to make a decision."

. . . average loot + salvage could be about 15-45M

. . . average LPs, are between 2000 and 9000 LPs/mission.

Yes I have run missions but more or less occasionally. I am aware of the ranges I got from those maybe 50 lvl4s I did. But there are people out there who did maybe thousands of them. And maybe there is one who stumbles across my post and is confident enough to say "I'd say on average it's 2500LP". If I am lucky a second one shares his/her opinion of rather 4kLP and i got a good picture. Anyway I got my information now on another channel. Thanks for all the help everyone.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#15 - 2017-01-21 18:06:55 UTC
I am one of those that has run thousands of missions and the simple answer your question is it depends.
The others do understand your question and they are giving you accurate answers.

As an example running the worlds collide mission from an agent in a.5 systems will net you higher agent payout in ISK and in LP and the potential (yes that is potential) to get more in loot / salvage than you would get from running the same mission for an agent in a .8 system.

Loot and salvage are not constants, they can vary widely even from the same mission in the same system and given to you buy the same agent, here is an example. I run two characters when I mission simply because I enjoy the loot and salvage aspects of the situation so one character kills everything(full clear) while the other uses a Noctis to clean up and loot / salvage everything. I reprocess the loot to minerals and then sell that and the salvage in the same system as the agent because I am lazy and really do not care about how much ISK I make as long as I get enough to cover ammo costs. In one mission session using the same agent I got worlds collide back to back. One the first run clearing both sides I made about 15 million in loot and salvage. On the second one the great gods of loot were smiling on me and I made more then 50 million. vAnd remember that was the same mission, from the same agent and the second run started less than 5 minutes after completing the first.

Thinking back over the years worth of missions and averaging them I would say you could expect to get 3 to 4 times the agent pay in ISK for the bounties alone if you full clear, and that you should get about the same in loot / salvage that you get in bounties.

Like the others I have to emphasize that there is nothing constant about ISK from missions. With every changing loot tables, the random element of what drops etc we really cannot answer your question with anything other than personal experiences.

One source I have found to be reasonably accurate is the notes on loot and salvage contained in the EvE Survival mission reports.

Chainsaw Plankton
#16 - 2017-01-21 21:52:35 UTC
I see your point I just don't care enough to have anywhere near recent numbers on the subject. LP was beating loot/salvage years ago and LP has stayed relatively constant where loot/salvage has been on a long decline streak. I said something like this years ago and someone said no no loot/salvage are totally worth it, so I had an alt follow me around in a noctis for a while and the extra clicks just weren't worth it. Module tiericide has killed off the good meta 4 drops like webs, scrams, and damage controls. Salvage got a little bump from structure rigs. But I just can't see either being worth it.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Ion Kirst
#17 - 2017-01-21 22:00:04 UTC
Well said Donnachadh.

I too have run thousands of L4 missions over the years.

I'm not going to speak for myself, but you got answers from some of the best guys in knowing about L4s. There are others, but they didn't respond.

Well If that ain't good enough, then you're not in a good place.


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Khanid Voltar
#18 - 2017-01-22 00:47:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Khanid Voltar
IMO, and as others have said. loot and salvage drops are so random that you just cannot account for them easily. People haven't accurately worked out (to my knowledge) the exact boost in mission rewards for LP/Payout per 0.1 of space you are in; the quantity of variables needed to work out what you are asking to my knowledge just isn't there.

I too have run many thousands of missions and I certainly used to be the OCD guy that felt the need to loot every wreck, and when salvage came along, salvage every wreck too. I used to read on the forums "don't bother" but the OCD part of me was like "but what if there is a faction mod inside".

And let me be clear, there was NEVER a faction mod inside - unless it was an npc whose name was 'different' to normal.

Over the years, looting has been nerfed hard. Nowadays I never even look in a single wreck unless I am gathering faction tags. If I want to gather salvage I go do exploration sites - I certainly wouldn't go run a bunch of missions and salvage them. If I am gathering tags then I obviously drop an MTU and even then I rarely bother looting a mod unless it is 1m+ e.g. the meta 4 F-S9 medium shield extender. Even though the MTU has gathered all the loot for me in a single place I STILL just leave it all there after I have extracted the tags and scooped the MTU.

I get what you are asking, and why you are asking it; my answer is that it is a non-sequitur - the value and quantity of loot simply cannot be easily predicted and you are FAR FAR FAR better off just going and getting the LP from doing another mission than wasting time opening all the wrecks looking for something of value, unless you are looking for something specific e.g Elite Drone AI's or something.
Anize Oramara
#19 - 2017-01-22 02:30:37 UTC
Back when the big marauder / bastion change happened, and soon after that the MTUs came out, I did enough testing to come to the conclusion that full clear + loot with a tractor/salvage equipped Marauder + salvage drones is the single fastest and best way to run Lv4 missions *in that particular way*, that is full clear and loot. Using an Alt in a noctis is less effective. Using any other ship, despite it possibly finishing the mission faster is less effective, warping to station and switching out ships is less effective still. If I remember correctly I actually managed to get decent (but random) results, getting similar results to people blitzing (at that time).

Then burners happened and I did a little blitzing experiment and yea, we're talking about a 100-150mill isk increase per hour over looting and salvaging. And the best part it's a lot more consistent over as little as 3h.

Basically blitzing will net you as much as double or more as salvage and looting. This is why absolutely no one has any interest at all in actually gathering numbers for that anymore.

But you are more than welcome to do so :)

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

#20 - 2017-01-22 08:26:39 UTC  |  Edited by: pinkajoo
Old, old pro synergy report so prices might be different. Save the page, or copypaste the table into your spreadsheet.

You are welcome.
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