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Market Discussions

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How does the market work?

First post
GBTO Nordic
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2017-01-16 19:39:55 UTC
I have only played EVE Online for 4 days now, and i know some of the basic beginner stuff, but got this blueprint for a ship and i one of the minerals i need is called "Zydrine".

A friend of mine who also plays the game told me i chould get them on the market easy, but well.. i cannot seemt to find any Zydrine, is it that the market in that station i am at does not have anyone who is selling any Zydrine and i have to go look somewhere else? or am i doing something wrong in the market settings and stuff?
ISD Fractal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2 - 2017-01-16 19:52:33 UTC
There is definitely Zydrine out there. If you can find Zydrine in the market window but are not seeing any results when you click on it, it's because the system you're in (and the surrounding ones) don't have any up for sale. In Eve, you put goods on the market in the particular system that you are in and others must travel there to buy from you. This is why there are very large trade hubs (i.e.: the system Jita) where people can do all of their shopping at once.

ISD Fractal


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

GBTO Nordic
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-01-16 20:04:10 UTC
ISD Fractal wrote:
There is definitely Zydrine out there. If you can find Zydrine in the market window but are not seeing any results when you click on it, it's because the system you're in (and the surrounding ones) don't have any up for sale. In Eve, you put goods on the market in the particular system that you are in and others must travel there to buy from you. This is why there are very large trade hubs (i.e.: the system Jita) where people can do all of their shopping at once.


I can say that i'm currently mining around Reneilles.. and been to about 3 different places close by looking for Zydrin.. think you chould tell me of a area where i can find any that might be near by?
Fannie Anathema
Anathema Holdings LTD.
#4 - 2017-01-16 20:14:02 UTC
If you want to see where Zydrine is sold you can check eve-central or similar sites.

This tells you that there is a lot of Zydrine in Jita (that's normal as it is the main trade hub) but there might be reasonably priced options closer to you. Just make sure that they are are accessible to you without going to lowsec or nullsec.

The main trade hubs in the game are Jita, Amarr, Dodixie, Rens, and Hek, which are all in continuous high security space, so the easiest way is to check which is the closest and go there. If you want to get the best deal, check eve-central.
EVE Museum
#5 - 2017-01-16 20:19:42 UTC
When you look at the sell orders in the market interface, be sure that you have it set to show REGION. Then you can see which stations, in which systems, have Zydrine at what prices. And the distance to them.

Fiddle fiddle fiddle with that interface.

My channel: "Signatures" -

EVE Museum
#6 - 2017-01-16 20:22:55 UTC
ISD Fractal wrote:
In Eve, you put goods on the market in the particular system that you are in and others must travel there to buy from you.

The minute correction being that you can always BUY from sellers in your entire region, but the goods are where they are.
So newbros, before you click to buy something, be sure that you know where the items are and where YOU are, and whether or not low-sec space is going to be involved in what you are up to.

My channel: "Signatures" -

GBTO Nordic
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-01-16 20:34:38 UTC
Took another look at the market now and got all the minerals i needed.. had to do some jumps ofc :P
so chould consider my problem solved.. just seemed that erlier today when i was first looking for the minerals they where just not yet been put out yet, so i just had to wait until someone put out some (^w^)
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#8 - 2017-01-16 20:38:36 UTC
The default market UI sucks.

Things to do:

1. Disable the "show only available" filter.
2. Enable "show all region".
3. Sort sell orders from lowest price (top) to highest, by clicking on the column header.
4. Sort buy orders from highest price (top) to lowest, by clicking on the column header.

There are two small gears on the market UI for settings.

If all else fails, you can find everything at a major trade hub:

1. Caldari: The Forge / Jita IV Moon 4, Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
2. Amarr: Domain / Amarr VIII (Oris), Emperor Family Academy
3. Minmatar: Heimatar / Rens VI Moon 8, Brutor Tribe Treasury
4. Gallente: Sinq Laison / Dodixie IX Moon 20, Federation Navy Assembly Plant

The Minmatar system of Hek is also a significant trade hub near Rens.
#9 - 2017-01-16 23:59:04 UTC
Be careful when hauling high end minerals. People will kill you and scoop up the loot left over when your ship gets blown up.
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#10 - 2017-01-17 09:37:39 UTC
Welcome to Eve

You won't find a lot of Zydrine in Verge Vendor. The closest major market hub is Dodixie but it is in a different region so won't be visible in your market app.

You will generally need to go to one of the hubs to find 1-stop shopping. On the other hand, you can save ISK by flying around and chasing bargains.

To see where you can find what you need at the best price use 3rd party tools like or

Good luck