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Dystopian Society - Experienced Players Recommended

Artemis Drakos
Dystopian Society
#1 - 2017-01-12 21:51:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Artemis Drakos
TLDR: Create new character, Restricted Market Access,

Been playing for over 10 years and want to take it to the next level.

I wanted to know what it would have been like to be the first explorers of New Eden.

Play EVE as though the only market is CCP seeded items. (Skillbooks and BPO's)

A year long goal is to see how far we can get starting with new characters, trading only among ourselves the items we find and build.

Bottom line, if it takes input from a player outside the Corp then its not allowed.

I've started my character 2017.01.12, looking for brave new people to join in.

I'm documenting the whole process and will be uploading regular Youtube videos if you interested in how it all turns out.
Hit me up if you want to be apart of this challenge/experiment.
Artemis Drakos
Dystopian Society
#2 - 2017-01-14 02:30:38 UTC

Day 1 Complete.

I made my first Million Isk. Cool
Lost a fully fitted frigate and it cut me like losing a billion isk Tengu Oops
When you don't have the easy access to just buy anything, you really value everything you have.

Its been an interesting day, a few challenges but I actually believe it's going to be possible now.

Corporation has been formed and ready to accept applications.

ps, doesn't have to be your main character, use one of your 2 spare toon slots and come have some fun. you'll be surprised.
Artemis Drakos
Dystopian Society
#3 - 2017-01-15 05:31:30 UTC

As promised

Day 2,

Bought some BPO's and begun manufacturing some of the basic items. Lasers, Armor Reps ect.
Received a Coercer, Sigil and Punisher from doing the missions. Progress is going well.

Come challenge yourself and pay homage to the first explorers of the New Eden..
Artemis Drakos
Dystopian Society
#4 - 2017-01-16 21:27:13 UTC

Couple of days in and I'm rocking a poorly fitted Destroyer.
Not may options when you only get to fit what you kill or build.

Most of you are thinking, "dam this guy is doing such a poor job of selling his corp"
Well that's because I'm not selling. Just providing you a place and opportunity to come experience something truly unique in EVE.

Come be apart of something so few would ever consider.

Quick update video
Artemis Drakos
Dystopian Society
#5 - 2017-01-18 05:52:33 UTC

I'm surviving, always seem to only have just enough.

Dare to challenge yourself?
Artemis Drakos
Dystopian Society
#6 - 2017-01-19 12:48:02 UTC

Spent the evening mining with a new corp member who's game enough to take the challenge.

It's not going to be easy, cruiser class of ship est 6-7mil on the market. Doing it by hand will cost 80mil for a bpo plus the minerals required to build. Next phase is going to be a long one. But that cruiser is going to feel like a Titan.

We'll feel so accomplished.

Come join in the experience.