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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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33.8 million SP Returning player looking to learn WH space

Xentos White
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-01-13 20:44:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Xentos White
I am looking for a WH corporation willing to teach a returning player about WH living. I am in the EST-Zone and can be active between 19:00 - 22:00 / 05:00 - 09:00 [in-game time] on days that I work (3-4 days a week) and pretty much all day on days that I have off, so looking for something within those hours of operation.

Can fly caldari cov-ops and caldari/amar HACs as well as their t3s. Would prefer something c3 and above for ISK income purposes.
Jonn Duune
Wrong Hole.
#2 - 2017-01-16 04:34:10 UTC
Looking to break into wormhole space? I think we might just be a good match for ya.

We are Biomass Party, a C4 WH PVP corp with c3 and c5 statics which help us find and make content all day every day. We have a broad player base with people on generally any time during the day, and we're always looking for more to join our fun.

Before I get too in depth, here's a bit of info on us so you can help make your call:

Our corporation killboard
What our WH chains usually look like
We got friends in high places

As you see, we're a corp full of content creators and good time makers. We hunt throughout all of eve, from null, to low, and occasionally highsec when the time calls for it :P.

We also have well doctrinized ways of making isk, and teaching you how to make up to about 200-250 mil isk/hr per character in a relaxing and mostly stress free way.

We have a couple good, solid, experienced, FCs with plenty of combat experience and the ability to lead us into fights in order to get those dank WH kills.

Also, we're routinely involved with Spectre Fleet (If you're not familiar with it, look here which is a not purple shoot it -NPSI- roaming fleet) as I am a fairly active junior FC.

In more detail, this is what we have to offer:

1) A relaxed, multi-timezone community. We have players from across the globe, and generally have at least 1 person on most times of the day. We have fun, shoot the ****, chat and talk on our discord server. Our corp consists of a lot of people in there 20s and 30s from all areas of life and experience (military and law enforcement, to students and IT people).

2) We offer connections to c5 and c3 space, which provide excellent avenues for both making and killing isk. As a solo pilot, in c3 space, you can easily make 100 mil isk/hr running sites, upto about 150 mil isk/hr if you're experienced at it. In c5 space, you can solo sites if you have very good skills and make 250 mil isk/hr, or if you can multibox and run your own team, you can make upwards of 600 mil isk/hr.

3) With our c5 connections we also have a solid chance for WH pvp, as we're likely to run into most major WH corps/alliances, and are able to map out huge chains due to the c5 highway. With our c3 connections, we have a guaranteed connection to kspace, be it null, low or high and can roll holes until we find exactly what we need. Wanna kill some nullsec pubbies? We can do that. Need to make a trip to amarr so you can pick up 100 prostitutes, we will gladly support you on that endeavour.

Adding to this: in the last 2 weeks of WH activities we have run into: Hotline K162, Wormbro, POS Party, The Last Chancers, Catastrophic Overview Failure, Mass Industries, OpSec, The Devils' Rejects, Lazerhawks, La Division Bleue... and many more smaller WH entities.

4) We are a driven and fun bunch of individuals, nobody sits around here doing nothing waiting for things to happen. We all scan, transport, fight, scout, whatever needs to be done, and we encourage that kind of attitude, as in J-space, content is yours for the making.

5) We have friends and contacts all throughout new eden, which gives us access to content from Amarr to ZID-LE.

6) We are small, and a tight knit community, and even though we're a new kid on the block, we're not afraid to step up to anything and anyone coming at us.

7) Multiple quality FCs to lead fights and destroy our opponents.

8) Broad timezone base with some level of activity from as early as 1000 EVE all the way to like 0600 eve, almost EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK.

This is what we ask for:

1) Someone who is reasonably mature (but not a stick in the mud, this is a game, games are fun), and enjoys playing eve in a few different roles.

2) Preferably someone who has some PVP and wormhole experience, but it's not a big deal if you don't have it, as we can train you.

3) Someone who wants to be part of a community to make this game more fun for everyone involved.

4) Specialized skills never hurt either (scanning, production, logistics, capital pilots etc).

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and no matter what you choose, have fun in eve.

TL;DR Hi, My name is Jonn Duune, I have an awesome corp, we have fun and kill feces (silly swearing filter). I think you should join.

My name is Jonn Duune, and I wholeheartedly support the message posted above.

Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#3 - 2017-01-16 07:43:13 UTC
Repo Industries has been around in some form for almost a decade. It's always been PvP focussed.

We are a C4 corp with a Static C3 and C5.

What we offer:

Team Speak
Fortizar living
Non-stop action
We teach and we learn
People who have seen Hamilton multiple times
We use Vippy
Very good scouts
Vast wormhole experience
People on worldwide no fly lists
Outstanding PI
Access to action in nullsec, lowsec and w-space
Conspiracy theories
Access to all gases and a gas buying program

What we want:

Mature and drama free pilots willing to learn. We are looking for people of all types in both the EU and US time zones. We expect people to be able to scan and fly some combat ships and have the ability to make ISK in a wormhole. We offer all the tools you just need to be proactive.

I've already taking the position of 24/7 Fortizar watchman, Sorry folks yes that position is taken.

Also, aspiring rappers are always welcome.

What we don't want:

Drama lamas. Corp thieves. People who join and never play. Whiners. Searchthebreach or whatever his name is.

Please join us in the in game channel, R.I. Pub and ask to speak with a recruiter.

Alternatively you can EVE mail myself with any additional questions.
