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WTA - 4 T2 Ship BPOs (Indy / Skiff Edition)

Ra Death
Samsara Exploration and Trade
#1 - 2012-01-17 07:58:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Ra Death
This is the auction for the non-shooty ships. Shooty ship BPOs will be posted in another auction soon.

I'm linking each BPO to a profitability website thingy that's really cool and should help you determine how much you want to spend.

Auction Ends - 2000 EVT, 21 Jan 12 (Sat)

Sniper Rule - 20 min per item

Minimum Bid Increment - 500m

The Menu:

Occator Blueprint - ML: 1 / PL: 0 | High Bid: 80b Lara Dantreb - WON

Prowler Blueprint - ML: 11 / PL: 13 | High Bid: 85b Lance Robinson - WON

Skiff Blueprint #1 - ML: 5 / PL: 15 | High Bid: Reserve Not Met

Skiff Blueprint #2 - ML: 5 / PL: 15 | High Bid: Reserve Not Mett

All completed auctions will be contracted in high sec. I'm getting out of the production business so not interested in trades.

I'm not posting reserves or buyouts because serious bidders will know what these are worth. If someone wants to attempt an insane buyout price, eve-mail me and we will discuss it. I will keep this post updated with the highest bids.

Good luck.
Mummas Boy
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2012-01-17 11:29:20 UTC
Skiff #1 20b
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-01-17 13:30:26 UTC
Occator Blueprint - 50b
Servant's Lord
The Untraceable
#4 - 2012-01-17 19:43:51 UTC
Prowler - 20b
Both Skiffs (if other drops out) 15b.

Albidus Corvus
#5 - 2012-01-17 21:16:12 UTC
25 bil Prowler
Ra Death
Samsara Exploration and Trade
#6 - 2012-01-18 09:54:20 UTC
Current bids updated.
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#7 - 2012-01-18 23:18:13 UTC
prowler - 25b
Ra Death
Samsara Exploration and Trade
#8 - 2012-01-19 06:31:28 UTC
Bids updated and morning bump.
Lance Robinson
Mortiferus Armamenta
#9 - 2012-01-19 19:05:52 UTC
Prowler 40 Bil
Cadalan Naxor
Eternal Silence Ltd.
#10 - 2012-01-19 21:19:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Cadalan Naxor
Ra Death
Samsara Exploration and Trade
#11 - 2012-01-20 10:17:25 UTC
Bids updated and bumpa bumpa!
Lara Dantreb
Reisende des Schwarzschild Grenze
#12 - 2012-01-20 13:01:47 UTC
Occator bpo : 51b

---   Buying T2 ship bpos since 2005  ---

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-01-20 13:26:38 UTC
Occator Blueprint - 52b
Servant's Lord
The Untraceable
#14 - 2012-01-20 16:10:15 UTC
Gonna withdraw my offer for now pending possible alternate use for said isk, sorry about the late warning. >< Might still be interested but need to double check ~stuff~.

Inge Noer
#15 - 2012-01-20 17:24:58 UTC
So I step in and hold the offer of 15 bil for the 2nd skiff.
Tramp Oline
Dread Alliance Please Ignore
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#16 - 2012-01-21 00:29:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Tramp Oline
-- never mind -- you didn't sell the Skiff bpo on your last auction when you had a bid of 42 billion.
Ra Death
Samsara Exploration and Trade
#17 - 2012-01-21 07:26:46 UTC
Tramp Oline wrote:
-- never mind -- you didn't sell the Skiff bpo on your last auction when you had a bid of 42 billion.

This is a new auction tho. P

Bumped and closing tonight.
Hemmo Paskiainen
#18 - 2012-01-21 16:20:08 UTC
Tramp Oline wrote:
-- never mind -- you didn't sell the Skiff bpo on your last auction when you had a bid of 42 billion.

i wouldnt have bought it anyway, i was checking if he was bidding on his own aution with that other dude, i found it strange that a dude bidded on more prints of him and went way over last bids with billions.

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Quentin Rush
Bpc R Ush
#19 - 2012-01-21 16:25:40 UTC
Prowler 40.5
Lance Robinson
Mortiferus Armamenta
#20 - 2012-01-21 17:59:52 UTC
Prowler 42
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