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Agents and faction standings, how much is good enough?

Nina Hayes
Dark Horse RM
#1 - 2017-01-08 20:09:51 UTC
So I have a 9.9 standing with Brutor tribe and pretty high standings with their agents. But I really would like to skip more missions from them and do some more quickies. I'm aware of some of the perks you get with the factions in their stations, but what is(if there is) the difference in isk per mission or LP that you get depending on your standing with them? Never paid attention, is it considerable, or should I just kill my standings and try for the more convenient missions.
Amanda Creire-Geng
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2017-01-08 20:19:14 UTC
Your standings towards the corp have no effect on your rewards, those are dictated by the system's security rating.
Nina Hayes
Dark Horse RM
#3 - 2017-01-08 20:26:43 UTC
Agent standing do nothing for rewards as well? Could have sworn that LP and isk pay outs got bigger. Must be some psychology at work here.
Anize Oramara
#4 - 2017-01-08 21:30:45 UTC
Nina Hayes wrote:
Agent standing do nothing for rewards as well? Could have sworn that LP and isk pay outs got bigger. Must be some psychology at work here.

Corp (or faction?) standing used to be used for anchoring POSes in highsec. Other than that so long as you meet the minimum requirements for missions, positive standings don't do much.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Ion Kirst
#5 - 2017-01-08 21:32:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ion Kirst
Maybe you can move to another system.

If you want to pick and chose missions, having two or three L3, or L4 missions offered at the same station is what you want.

Where I am now, my station only offers 1 L4 agent. But the next system over, for the same corp, there's a station that offers 2 L4 agents.

When I blitzed L3s, I was at a station that offered L3s from 3 different agents. So I could pick and chose a lot.

Just a thought, but go look around. Use the agent locator, for your corp, you might find what you're looking for.


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Nina Hayes
Dark Horse RM
#6 - 2017-01-08 21:43:26 UTC
Ion Kirst wrote:
Maybe you can move to another system.

If you want to pick and chose missions, having two or three L3, or L4 missions offered at the same station is what you want.

Where I am now, my station only offers 1 L4 agent. But the next system over, for the same corp, there's a station that offers 2 L4 agents.

When I blitzed L3s, I was at a station that offered L3s from 3 different agents. So I could pick and chose a lot.

Just a thought, but go look around. Use the agent locator, for your corp, you might find what you're looking for.


Yes, I do have a 3 jump circle with 5 agents I jump to in a leopard, so it's pretty fast, but still not fast enough Twisted, I skip most of the faction missions and chain missions and boy do those like to keep popping up for me. But if there is no other isk or LP bonus to your tribe, faction or agent standing then I might start burning them to a minimum.
Player Vs Ore
Miners Of Independence
#7 - 2017-01-08 22:51:40 UTC
If you are looking to spice up your mission running give burner missions a try, if you haven't already

they can be super tough, fun on some level, however i tend to find too much traveling (I average 12 jumps per mission) which in a Pirate frigate isn't too bad but still.

Good chances for Faction loot and higher LP than normal although I can run local mission faster and gain more LP.

For me they are a nice break from the everyday.

LP increases due to connections skill for whatever division you are running with (Security, Mining, Distribution etc), however i don't _think they increase as Agent standing increases, however i'm clearly not an expert

I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer...

or as EVE Online would have it...

A Carebear!!

Nina Hayes
Dark Horse RM
#8 - 2017-01-09 03:24:10 UTC
Might try burners eventually but it seems like you really have to have some super fit for those, the right ship, the right gear and the right money for each type of mission. Sounds like a lot of work to set them up, unless people posting are doing overkill with their prep.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2017-01-09 08:24:22 UTC
High Agent standing allows access to tougher missions that give better rewards with less travel involved.
High Corporation standing allows access to all Agents within that specific Corporation.
High Faction standing allows access to all Agents in all Corporations within that specific Faction.

At -2.00 or lower Corporation or Faction standings, only Level 1 Agents can be accessed.
At -2.00 or lower Agent standing, no access to that specific Agent.

At -5.00 or lower Faction standings, Faction NPC's will attack when in their space.

At +6.67 Corporation standing, no Refinery taxes in their stations.

High Corporation and Faction standings also effect Broker Fees which start at 3% of the order value.
"Broker Relations" skill reduces the fee by 0.5% at Level 5. High standings will reduce the fee another 0.5% for a minimal broker fee of 2% of the order value.

Broker Fee % =
3.00 %
– (0.10 % × Broker Relations Skill Level)
– (0.03 % × Faction Standing)
– (0.02 % × Corporation Standing)

Anize Oramara
#10 - 2017-01-09 08:54:03 UTC
Nina Hayes wrote:
Might try burners eventually but it seems like you really have to have some super fit for those, the right ship, the right gear and the right money for each type of mission. Sounds like a lot of work to set them up, unless people posting are doing overkill with their prep.

Yes and no. Personally I'd say my prep is primarily for speed rather than 'minimum required to run the mission'. But reducing the bling requires you up the skill points or make sacrifices elsewhere. You can do Team burners in a T2 fit garmur for example but you really do require some serious skill specialization. Heck some of the burners I currently do in T2 or cheap DEDspace fits. It'll require some digging as it's been discussed a dozen times in the main burner thread but a number of the burners can be done with enough skill points in T2 or cheap fits. One of the biggest expenditures for example is the warp speed implants and they don't eve do anything for making it easier to run burners. Replace those with tanking implants and you can reduce a lot of the bling at the cost of speed.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Nina Hayes
Dark Horse RM
#11 - 2017-01-09 17:48:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Nina Hayes
"High Agent standing allows access to tougher missions that give better rewards with less travel involved."

This part I was not aware of. unless by harder you simply meant they are L4 and not L1-L3 missions. Less travel is good too, usually most missions are only 1 jump away or in the home system these days, never bothered checking if it was worse before my standing went up.. I did notice I'm drawing some missions more in the last few days and some almost never, maybe just a coincidence or CCP shuffling their cards around a bit.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2017-01-09 18:58:44 UTC
Nina Hayes wrote:
"High Agent standing allows access to tougher missions that give better rewards with less travel involved."

This part I was not aware of. unless by harder you simply meant they are L4 and not L1-L3 missions. Less travel is good too, usually most missions are only 1 jump away or in the home system these days, never bothered checking if it was worse before my standing went up.. I did notice I'm drawing some missions more in the last few days and some almost never, maybe just a coincidence or CCP shuffling their cards around a bit.
No, I'm not referring to Level 4 missions as the tougher more rewarding missions that are offered due to having high Agent standings.

Each Agent level has both easy and tough missions available. When first working with an Agent, they will offer easier less rewarding missions with longer travel time and as the Agent standing gets higher, the Agent starts offering tougher more rewarding missions with shorter travel time.

Anize Oramara
#13 - 2017-01-09 19:07:55 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Nina Hayes wrote:
"High Agent standing allows access to tougher missions that give better rewards with less travel involved."

This part I was not aware of. unless by harder you simply meant they are L4 and not L1-L3 missions. Less travel is good too, usually most missions are only 1 jump away or in the home system these days, never bothered checking if it was worse before my standing went up.. I did notice I'm drawing some missions more in the last few days and some almost never, maybe just a coincidence or CCP shuffling their cards around a bit.
No, I'm not referring to Level 4 missions as the tougher more rewarding missions that are offered due to having high Agent standings.

Each Agent level has both easy and tough missions available. When first working with an Agent, they will offer easier less rewarding missions with longer travel time and as the Agent standing gets higher, the Agent starts offering tougher more rewarding missions with shorter travel time.


I.. haven't really noticed that to be honest and my agent standing tends to fluctuate...

A lot. Faction standing not so much so might be tied to that as well?

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2017-01-09 19:47:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Muffinmixer
For mission cherrypicking, having 5.0+ faction standings means you you only need to keep corp and agent standings above -2.0 Effective. With diplomacy V, your base corp/agent standings can drop all the way down to -5.0 (which is -2.0 effective).

This is incredibly useful because you gain more standings and lose less standings as they get lower and lower with every % gain/loss.

So with 5.0+ Faction standings and Diplomacy V, you can mass-decline all the "Pirate Extravaganzas", "Worlds Collide", and "Intercept the Saboteurs" time-waster missions and selectively run the short-and-sweet "Dread Pirate Scarlet"s and Burner missions instead.

If you're content sitting through every agonizing mission, then I guess this isn't of much use to you, but this standings mechanic a god-send for any avid Mission Blitzer like myself.

You do lose some faction standings every time you decline a mission but that amount is always 0.0165% or something, regardless of mission value, which is a trivial amount that can be easily fixed with a single run of "Materials for War Preperation" every blue moon.
Player Vs Ore
Miners Of Independence
#15 - 2017-01-09 22:54:31 UTC
Nina Hayes wrote:
Might try burners eventually but it seems like you really have to have some super fit for those, the right ship, the right gear and the right money for each type of mission. Sounds like a lot of work to set them up, unless people posting are doing overkill with their prep.

No you have it right, jacked up ships, and according to guides specific ships and fits.

personally it was fair isk for me to have a ship for each burner mission and jump in and run it, when i do them.

i tend ot correlate burner missions are to level 4 missions as incursions are to combat sites.

better AI, better ships ...

they are fun and to break up saving that bloody damsel, who is always in distress.

so yeah....

I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer...

or as EVE Online would have it...

A Carebear!!

Nina Hayes
Dark Horse RM
#16 - 2017-01-09 23:27:52 UTC
Kosomot wrote:
Nina Hayes wrote:
Might try burners eventually but it seems like you really have to have some super fit for those, the right ship, the right gear and the right money for each type of mission. Sounds like a lot of work to set them up, unless people posting are doing overkill with their prep.

No you have it right, jacked up ships, and according to guides specific ships and fits.

personally it was fair isk for me to have a ship for each burner mission and jump in and run it, when i do them.

i tend ot correlate burner missions are to level 4 missions as incursions are to combat sites.

better AI, better ships ...

they are fun and to break up saving that bloody damsel, who is always in distress.

so yeah....

Sort of funny I got the damsel for the first time in months yesterday and thought that was a good break in the same ol. I do get a lot of burner missions though, it's tempting to start them but ship buying money is completely being siphoned elsewhere atm.

Player Vs Ore
Miners Of Independence
#17 - 2017-01-10 00:08:43 UTC
Nina Hayes wrote:
Kosomot wrote:
Nina Hayes wrote:
Might try burners eventually but it seems like you really have to have some super fit for those, the right ship, the right gear and the right money for each type of mission. Sounds like a lot of work to set them up, unless people posting are doing overkill with their prep.

No you have it right, jacked up ships, and according to guides specific ships and fits.

personally it was fair isk for me to have a ship for each burner mission and jump in and run it, when i do them.

i tend ot correlate burner missions are to level 4 missions as incursions are to combat sites.

better AI, better ships ...

they are fun and to break up saving that bloody damsel, who is always in distress.

so yeah....

Sort of funny I got the damsel for the first time in months yesterday and thought that was a good break in the same ol. I do get a lot of burner missions though, it's tempting to start them but ship buying money is completely being siphoned elsewhere atm.

I hear ya, if i didn't already had the ships and fits, i wouldn't be doing them ever at this moment the path to capital ships is taking all my iskies for the skill books .

luckly you can just pass on them without any standing hits, i sometimes get 5/6 in a row....RNG wants me to do burners i think

I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer...

or as EVE Online would have it...

A Carebear!!

Chainsaw Plankton
#18 - 2017-01-10 04:48:50 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
I.. haven't really noticed that to be honest and my agent standing tends to fluctuate...

A lot. Faction standing not so much so might be tied to that as well?

faction standings substitute agent standings in the agent conversation window so I'm assuming it just uses that. On one hand I kinda want to say I noticed it as my standings dropped, although that could easily be explained by a bad run of RNG as well, would need a very large sample size for any conclusive result.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Chainsaw Plankton
#19 - 2017-01-10 04:56:58 UTC
Kosomot wrote:
Nina Hayes wrote:
Kosomot wrote:
Nina Hayes wrote:
Might try burners eventually but it seems like you really have to have some super fit for those, the right ship, the right gear and the right money for each type of mission. Sounds like a lot of work to set them up, unless people posting are doing overkill with their prep.

No you have it right, jacked up ships, and according to guides specific ships and fits.

personally it was fair isk for me to have a ship for each burner mission and jump in and run it, when i do them.

i tend ot correlate burner missions are to level 4 missions as incursions are to combat sites.

better AI, better ships ...

they are fun and to break up saving that bloody damsel, who is always in distress.

so yeah....

Sort of funny I got the damsel for the first time in months yesterday and thought that was a good break in the same ol. I do get a lot of burner missions though, it's tempting to start them but ship buying money is completely being siphoned elsewhere atm.

I hear ya, if i didn't already had the ships and fits, i wouldn't be doing them ever at this moment the path to capital ships is taking all my iskies for the skill books .

luckly you can just pass on them without any standing hits, i sometimes get 5/6 in a row....RNG wants me to do burners i think

a few 100m on a daredevil and a garmur and you can run something like 6/9, pays for itself real quick.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter