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High Sec War Declaration

First post
Slotty Botfast
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-12-27 01:07:43 UTC
Yes, I realize that this is a PVP game. However, the constant high sec war declarations on corporations that do nothing are more than a slight annoyance. It hinders gameplay progression and robs legit players of time and ISK. Essentially, CCP is enabling sanctioned and legal piracy. The game mechanic for this should be changed to an actual reputation system that reflects player actions toward other corporations. If a corp drops below a certain level, high sec war can be declared. At the moment, just being a new or existing corp is enough reason declare war and gate camp and base camp for easy kills. I have not been playing a long time, but I do see this as friendly faction exploitation. I really like this game and the player base is friendly. Please fix this. Otherwise, no more of my real world money will be given.
Soloman Jackson
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-12-27 01:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Soloman Jackson
If you are part of a high sec corp that can't handle a war dec, you should consider finding another. There are plenty of established corps out there that will teach it's pilots to weather the storm.

Honestly, being a new player and starting your own corp before you are ready to is more of a problem than the war decs.

EDIT: Or, you could hire a merc corp to fight for you. There are some good ones out there. I suggest The Devil's Warrior Alliance. Good guys and on their shyte.

“The cold stars spun to the ancient rhythm, the august march of an everlasting symphony. They are old, the stars, and their memory is long.” -Rick Yancey

Tiberius Glaber
#3 - 2016-12-27 01:23:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiberius Glaber
Just fight back
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-12-27 01:45:55 UTC
Slotty Botfast wrote:
Yes, I realize that this is a PVP game. However, the constant high sec war declarations on corporations that do nothing are more than a slight annoyance. It hinders gameplay progression and robs legit players of time and ISK. Essentially, CCP is enabling sanctioned and legal piracy. The game mechanic for this should be changed to an actual reputation system that reflects player actions toward other corporations. If a corp drops below a certain level, high sec war can be declared. At the moment, just being a new or existing corp is enough reason declare war and gate camp and base camp for easy kills. I have not been playing a long time, but I do see this as friendly faction exploitation. I really like this game and the player base is friendly. Please fix this. Otherwise, no more of my real world money will be given.

Sorry, but what makes one player legit, and another not? What sort of argument is this?

Your thread is redundant anyway.

You haven't been here very long and have a lot to learn. One lesson to get you started: you don't change EVE to suit you, you adapt to EVE, or you die.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#5 - 2016-12-27 02:16:54 UTC
Slotty Botfast wrote:
legit players

Define a legit player.

Remove standings and insurance.

ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#6 - 2016-12-27 02:50:41 UTC
If you have an Idea or Suggestion on how to improve the game please post in the Player Features and Ideas Sub forum.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.