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Returning Player Feedback and Merry Christmas!!!

Muffin Man
Albatross Inc.
#1 - 2016-12-25 15:56:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Muffin Man
I thought long and hard (about 10 minutes in truth) about whether or not to post this, on the one hand I don't want to annoy players who clearly love the game, on the other I don;t believe in walking away from any business disappointed without at least telling them why (how can they change if you don't tell them what you don't like?).

There is no Feedback forum or email I could send this to (don't want to add to support's burden over xmas) so I apologise for putting it here.

Anyway, I'm not advocating change as clearly the small number of loyal fans love the game and who am I to try and change it. I just find it hard to believe the game is so inaccessible after all this time, frankly even with free play I expect only returnees and a few additions.

I just wanted to give my honest opinion because I always believe in feedback.

I came back to check out the game, not played in years...took me hours last night to figure out how most things worked whilst docked in a station, I left my ship in the middle of no where so I needed to head back to newbie grounds. Map pointed out destroyed ships were low in the area so thought I'd jump to a safer area (was in 0.2), jumped to 0.4.

Web'd, ambushed by a few players, when one dropped on shields/armour they warped out and were replaced by another. so it's game over for me. Insurance cost 43 million and covers less than half the value of the ship let alone the modules which cost 5 times the value of the ship (always found that ridiculous). With the poor insurance payout and my reserves I could replace most of the ship and modules but what would be the point.

To be honest I even told my friends out of game I was giving Eve once last go and that as I can't remember a whole lot I fully expected someone to blast me out of the sky before I got ten yards, how true that was. I was stupid enough to throw a month's subscription at the game, that's the second time I've done so over the years and will certainly be the last.

Power to the people who enjoy the ever unforgiving nature of Eve but it doesn't suffer fools and with years out of the game I am but a fool to the elite player base who live and breath the game (haven't played seriously since 2003/2004, except to buy and fit the Macharial for ratting a few years back).

Frankly I'm too old to put in the time required to get myself up to speed and as such Eve is not an option for me or the vast majority of game players out there.

So long, and thanks for all the fish....have a Merry Christmas!!
Exotic Dancers Union
#2 - 2016-12-25 16:36:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Rovinia
The new Ship explosions are awesome, isn't it?

Your ship got destroyed while traveling alone through low-sec in your most valuable asset.

I mean, what did you expect? It's like putting a Steak into your pants and walk into the dog pound.... Blink

Have a Merry Christmas too.
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#3 - 2016-12-25 16:49:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Pahrdi
Merry christmas to you too!

EVE is a competitive game in all aspects. Whether you gather resources, isk, build stuff or shoot it. If that is not your thing, EVE is just not your game.

In many aspects it's still way more casual in this regard than WoW, where basically the only interesting things left to do are high level raids in progress oriented guilds.

Remove standings and insurance.

Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#4 - 2016-12-25 16:59:25 UTC
Muffin Man wrote:
I thought long and hard (about 10 minutes in truth) about whether or not to post this, on the one hand I don't want to annoy players who clearly love the game, on the other I don;t believe in walking away from any business disappointed without at least telling them why (how can they change if you don't tell them what you don't like?).

There is no Feedback forum or email I could send this to (don't want to add to support's burden over xmas) so I apologise for putting it here.

Anyway, I'm not advocating change as clearly the small number of loyal fans love the game and who am I to try and change it. I just find it hard to believe the game is so inaccessible after all this time, frankly even with free play I expect only returnees and a few additions.

I just wanted to give my honest opinion because I always believe in feedback.

I came back to check out the game, not played in years...took me hours last night to figure out how most things worked whilst docked in a station, I left my ship in the middle of no where so I needed to head back to newbie grounds. Map pointed out destroyed ships were low in the area so thought I'd jump to a safer area (was in 0.2), jumped to 0.4.

Web'd, ambushed by a few players, when one dropped on shields/armour they warped out and were replaced by another. so it's game over for me. Insurance cost 43 million and covers less than half the value of the ship let alone the modules which cost 5 times the value of the ship (always found that ridiculous). With the poor insurance payout and my reserves I could replace most of the ship and modules but what would be the point.

To be honest I even told my friends out of game I was giving Eve once last go and that as I can't remember a whole lot I fully expected someone to blast me out of the sky before I got ten yards, how true that was. I was stupid enough to throw a month's subscription at the game, that's the second time I've done so over the years and will certainly be the last.

Power to the people who enjoy the ever unforgiving nature of Eve but it doesn't suffer fools and with years out of the game I am but a fool to the elite player base who live and breath the game (haven't played seriously since 2003/2004, except to buy and fit the Macharial for ratting a few years back).

Frankly I'm too old to put in the time required to get myself up to speed and as such Eve is not an option for me or the vast majority of game players out there.

So long, and thanks for all the fish....have a Merry Christmas!!

I think you are more of a candycrush kind of guy. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Demonspawn 666
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2016-12-25 17:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Demonspawn 666
Muffin Man wrote:
Map pointed out destroyed ships were low in the area so thought I'd jump to a safer area (was in 0.2), jumped to 0.4.

No difference between 0.2 and 0.4 - they're both low sec.

0.4 was probably the more dangerous if it was heading back to Hi sec space.

Hint.... Dont jump into an expensive ship to explore lowsec and relearn how to pilot a ship.

The Dirty Rejects are recruiting!
Come play with me...... I like being played with!

TDR Recruitment

Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2016-12-25 17:11:06 UTC
Y'know OP, I'm glad that you recognized at least that the problem isn't with the game, its with how you play it.

If you really don't have the time, energy, and patience, to learn from your mistakes, then you are right and this game isn't for you. thanks for checking it out, sorry to see ya go. but its probably for the best.

Now if you ARE willing to learn, there are more resources available for new and returning players now than there ever has been before. and our playerbase is more warm and welcoming now than at any time in the past.