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How to fit only one charge in the ingame fitting tool?

Vex Munda
Anti Enslavement Movement
#1 - 2016-12-25 05:25:10 UTC
Hey guys,

I have been having issues making fits. Everytime I make an edit and save a new fit the fitting tool will add more of the charges to the cargo bay. It seems impossible to only load 1 targeting range script. The game will add another the moment I save the fitting. Is there a workaround to solve this this? Is it a known bug?
Zansha Expansion
Brave Collective
#2 - 2016-12-25 05:36:42 UTC
That is on purpose. When you save a fit, you want your charges to be pre-loaded with the fit, when have all the mods and scripts in your carge bay and it only takes you one right-click to load them when you undock.

You can simulate one script instead of two but they will still end up in your cargo bay.

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