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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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What is wrong with indy corps?

Ashtar Veres
Algo Industries
#1 - 2016-12-20 13:02:12 UTC
Looking though the posts here at recruitment I've noticed that there are a handful of industry oriented corporations. They all seek new players. But here's the thing.
They all interest in miners, and though some of them offer BPCs/BPOs to work with it seems that really what they need is more miners.
So my question is, why there are no miners corporations who are looking for industrial players?
I'm an industrial player, I do not want to mine, I think it is a decent occupation in EVE but I just don't like it. So every indy corporation is very proud of their ore buyback program, but this means that for example if I'll join I won't get any of the ore because it is already been bought on the corporation level. So that leaves me with the only option to buy ore from market.

Or maybe I'm wrong?
Paranoid Monkey
Deep Space Planetary Exploration inc.
#2 - 2016-12-20 15:29:44 UTC
First corp i joined was a highsec mining corp. They mostly are for newer players that are just looking to learn to play the game. The corp gets 5% cheaper ore from the players and the corp members get fleet boosts and easy isk.
Serious miners/builders run over 5/6 accounts with muit-boxing miner fleets in High/null sec. Its all about having the skill to refine ore or build t2 products and run citadels.
Thats the one thing i dont like about eve is the mult-boxing (even thou i do it). It takes away needing to work together with others as much as in other mmo's and turns eve into a solo mmo which is something u can see by all the small (me and my alts) corps in empirer systems.
Eirene Jitacheck
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2016-12-20 16:26:09 UTC
I think part of the problem is trying to come up with some sort of profit sharing agreement between the corp and the player. My corp recently started an ore buyback program paying 5% below Jita buy value so our members don't have to make repeated trips to market hubs to sell it (or the reprocessed mins). This means selling things back to our members AT buy value only nets us a 5% profit - the corp makes nothing off of the sale of items manufactured by our members. But If we put up sell orders in a market hub or use the minerals to build items for the corp (or for sale by the corp) we stand to make much more in profit which can then be put back into corp programs. I think if the sales tax players pay actually went to the corp (instead of the station) you'd see many more programs where the corp would sell the minerals back to it's members for manufacturing.

That being said, if a corp mate was looking to buy large amounts of minerals for manufacturing, I have no doubt my corp would work with them to come to some sort of agreement.

Also, posting with my alt because Eve
Casiella Truza
Ecliptic Rift
#4 - 2016-12-20 17:27:18 UTC
I've been thinking about this same thing. Seems like most corps think "industrial" means "mining", but that's really only a small part of it.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#5 - 2016-12-20 18:25:52 UTC
Because most of them don't have the ore income to support builders, and it's easier to just cook up and industrial alt than rely on another player.

Krypted Gaming is looking for quality members!

Check out our guides at our website, and if you like what you see, drop by our Discord and socialize!

DJ puar
Covert Economics
#6 - 2016-12-21 14:47:12 UTC
Find a Corp that has a cheap JF to and from jita, Cheap POCO tax. And some sort of mining activities. Fill the blanks to supply contracts.

Our JF is 50 000 m3 for 15 mil. We have 1% poco tax. Ore and Ice mining boosts you can buy or sell. We have a great selection of BPOs to use. Heavy alliance PVP fr filling contracts.

Find a Corp that beats these or join us. We are Covert Economics