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22 days?

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2016-12-18 17:31:30 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:
eve is serious business. big ships are serious business.
saying you don't have months and years ahead of you to planning a strat or what you want to do.... is just... not eve.
just stick to frigates and destroyers then.

.... or that is what used to be....

now just check skill injectors, plex and char bazar and you are ready to undock.
oh... btw... obviously it has a cost. as everything in real life.

are you ready to pay? Roll

That's incredibly disingenuous. You've been able to buy ready made characters for years.

But you had to take it's crappy name and all it's history along with it.

Whomever is making the last few years decisions on what changes are to be implemented in this game, must hate Eve with all their being.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2016-12-18 17:32:35 UTC
Thomas Lot wrote:
OP thinks 22 days training time is long... that's so cute.

If he hangs around long enough to get into CAP ships he's gonna go completely insane.

Whomever is making the last few years decisions on what changes are to be implemented in this game, must hate Eve with all their being.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2016-12-18 17:37:47 UTC
Shayla Etherodyne wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Fleshbits R'Sticky wrote:
I'm 40 years old, I don't have that much life left to be making plans for months and years ahead!

I can be wrong here but i thought that the minimum lifespan today is like 65 years for men?
In any case until you have something special you have like 20 years to plan ahead! Big smile

I have started playing at the age of 47, the friend that signaled the game to me has 39 or 40 years old.
After ten years and a hiatus of a couple of years we both are playing again. Plenty of people that I know in game has my age and has started relatively recently.
So starting at 40 is nothing special.

The healthy life expectancy in western Europe is at 70 or above, in the USA 69.1.

I started playing at 41, been playing for 13 years and plan on playing until the game dies or I do, even though CCP makes changes that rage me to no end it's still the best MMO bar none.

Whomever is making the last few years decisions on what changes are to be implemented in this game, must hate Eve with all their being.

Salvos Rhoska
#44 - 2016-12-18 18:19:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Thomas Lot wrote:
OP thinks 22 days training time is long... that's so cute.


22 days is nothing in EVE.

OP, your perspective is misaligned by false expectations and gaming industry standards elsewhere.

EVE skill progression takes time, not activity.

This may be difficult to wrap your head around at first, but its a functional, evolved system.

Internalizing this difference is part of the steep learning curve.

Even today, I still catch myself occasionally for thinking of EVE as an action based skilling system due to old habits from other MMOs. Then I remember, relax, do what I want meanwhile, just wait for SP to add up, and feel liberated from grinding.
Fleshbits L'Splatter
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2016-12-18 18:55:24 UTC
Nicolai Serkanner wrote:
Fleshbits R'Sticky wrote:

I'm 40 years old, I don't have that much life left to be making plans for months and years ahead!

This game is not for you. Play acndycrush instead, it fits you better.

If you are going to regurgitate the most cliche' statement on any game forum anywhere, then at least check the spelling.

I know what fits me, much better than you do, I assure you.
In fact, that is most likely the case any time you feel like regurgitating this statement anywhere, so just don't do it.
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#46 - 2016-12-18 19:17:04 UTC
Major Vivian Francis wrote:
Something about this is extremely wrong.

I'm just an alpha, and I just completed Cash Flow for Capsuleers, from a Career Agent.

I have two Merlins, that were given to me in doing Cash Flow. I also have to frigate mining ships that were also given during the training process. I haven't relied on my corp for assistance yet. They're making me do it all on my own.

I'm picking out the skills that will suit me best at this time. The training time is 1/2 Omegas, terribly slow.

I can train now for Destroyers, and in the Advanced Military training, I will get a Destroyer.

As for some of my other Alpha friends, they were in Cruisers in a few days. There was no rush, and I'm in no rush.

For Alphas, we cannot fly our race's battlecruisers, but we can get into a Gnosis. So, eventually I will get into one too for L3s.

Dude, I don't know what you are doing, but there are other ships you can fly. In Cruisers, you have: Caracal, Moa, Blackbird, and the Osprey, and the Navy versions of a couple of them. There are two destroyers, and all the frigates. What do you want to do in EVE?

So two things, either you really don't have a clue, but I will give you the benefit of a doubt, otherwise you're trolling us.


+1 for good attitude.

Remove standings and insurance.

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#47 - 2016-12-18 19:23:59 UTC
Jax Bederen wrote:
Well sort of, that used to be my gripe as well, but these days you can buy injectors to speed up your skills, so the more time/income you make the faster you can train. Really T1 ships should not take you long, the real "F this, it's way to long" curve starts with T2 ships, also any skills that require 20 plus days. for those into living in the game it's normal but for you and me and others with less time to commit it's a bit more of a, your kidding right? Then again, skill injectors.

Actually the skill system favors players with little time to play the game. It's more of an asset rather than an inconvenience.

Remove standings and insurance.

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#48 - 2016-12-18 20:15:24 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Those t2 ships you are looking at are not a "next step" T2 ships represent the end of the line for their effective specializations in virtually every case. There are some edge cases, but for the most part, when you're looking at a T2 ship, it's not a path toward an "endgame" build. It IS the "endgame" build for whatever role it is designed for. The only difference is in ship size classes for the broad categories of "dps ship" and "healer ship" A bigger ship is not a better ship, unless it is also fighting bigger ships, which usually only show up to fight over hard assets like strucutures or EVEN BIGGER ships. Then you've got faction ships which are basically just more expensive versions of existing ships with weird skill or item setups. Faction ships are basically an alternate tier of specialist ships for even more esoteric specialized build. (E.G. the SOE frig/cruiser ships are "all around exploration ships" and gain some combat ability but lose the ability to efficiently function as combat probing ships for fleet intel, or the battleship is basically a "healer battleship" rather than the more combative loadouts of traditional battleships, or the pirate faction ships commonly have strange weapons, propulsion, or other module bonuses that make them better at a specific style of combat that doesn't fit the mold of the empire line ships)

T1 ships, however, are not objectively inferior, but in stead less specialized, often with a greater number of fitting options and able to fill multiple roles where a t2 variant of that ship can only effectively fill one.

That t2 mining frig isn't the "next step" in a mining career. It's the LAST step in one BRANCH of a mining career. It's a ship built for "ninja mining" in extremely dangerous space for extremely high value material where larger, slower vessels can not survive effectively. Its built to fill a role that the other branch of the mining career (barge mining) does not fill, that other branch consisting of barge>exhumer. Then there's a branch from that for mining command vessels, that are shittier at mining, but better at buffing other miners, and so on.

As for the training time, this is an excellent time to start playing EVE because you DO have the ability to directly influence your training speed based on your efficiency now. You can buy skill points from another player, and trying to do so is an important lesson in what EVE is really about. EVE is about ISK and efficiency, not training. Within two or three months you will be highly competitive and effective at a single career path if you focus your training on just that. The people with hundreds of millions of SP aren't really all that much stronger than you once they hit the field from a skills perspective at this point, they're simply more diverse. They've trained the ability to fly more ships,efficiently reporcess and mine more ores, or build more things equally good, not one thing insanely better. ISK efficiency is (or should be) your first consideration in EVE, and deciding to speed up your training by spending that ISK should serve the basic principle of making as much ISK as you can in your chosen task while losing/spending as little as possible. Flying cheap means you can take risks the would be stupid to take in something more expensive, and unlike in the past those cheap ships actually have some things they're straight up better choices for than the more expensive T2s for this reason.

You're coming at the training as an obstacle, but in all honesty it is simply a speed limit, and one that the game encourages you to break by becoming better at the game. Whatever you do in EVE, there's generally only one commonly understood metric of "getting good" at EVE. Making more ISK, and wasting less ISK. You can do that in t1 ships while you figure out what to train for t2 ships. Honestly, if you're new and talking 22 days, you'd be better off training fitting skills and basic ship class skills for your T1s than burning straight toward a t2 hull. You'll have a much broader set of activities avaliable to you, and you'll be able to persue them in quite capable vessels while you figure out whatever your grand scheme is. There's nothing more sad than having wasted more money than you can afford on a ship you can't fit or fly decently because you were in a rush and being FORCED to go back to the t1 ships anyway because your entire wallet was sunk in to something you weren't ready to have blown up.
Cutter Isaacson
#49 - 2016-12-19 14:40:19 UTC
Alea wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:
eve is serious business. big ships are serious business.
saying you don't have months and years ahead of you to planning a strat or what you want to do.... is just... not eve.
just stick to frigates and destroyers then.

.... or that is what used to be....

now just check skill injectors, plex and char bazar and you are ready to undock.
oh... btw... obviously it has a cost. as everything in real life.

are you ready to pay? Roll

That's incredibly disingenuous. You've been able to buy ready made characters for years.

But you had to take it's crappy name and all it's history along with it.

So? It isn't as if there aren't plenty to choose from, and more being created all the time.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Major Vivian Francis
#50 - 2016-12-19 21:21:37 UTC
Fleshbits L'Splatter wrote:
Major Vivian Francis wrote:
Something about this is extremely wrong.

I'm just an alpha, and I just completed Cash Flow for Capsuleers, from a Career Agent.

I have two Merlins, that were given to me in doing Cash Flow. I also have to frigate mining ships that were also given during the training process. I haven't relied on my corp for assistance yet. They're making me do it all on my own.

I'm picking out the skills that will suit me best at this time. The training time is 1/2 Omegas, terribly slow.

I can train now for Destroyers, and in the Advanced Military training, I will get a Destroyer.

As for some of my other Alpha friends, they were in Cruisers in a few days. There was no rush, and I'm in no rush.

For Alphas, we cannot fly our race's battlecruisers, but we can get into a Gnosis. So, eventually I will get into one too for L3s.

Dude, I don't know what you are doing, but there are other ships you can fly. In Cruisers, you have: Caracal, Moa, Blackbird, and the Osprey, and the Navy versions of a couple of them. There are two destroyers, and all the frigates. What do you want to do in EVE?

So two things, either you really don't have a clue, but I will give you the benefit of a doubt, otherwise you're trolling us.


You might want to read the bit I put in reply that said, "Non-Combat ships"
Spend time reading the thread before replying to one post.

I'll go edit it for the original post.
EDIT: Nm it looks like the edit option goes away after some time, on this forum.

Excuse me but I was replying to Fleshbits R'Sticky's #1 post. There is nothing there about combat ships.

Apology accepted.


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Major Vivian Francis
#51 - 2016-12-19 21:33:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Vivian Francis
What kind of jerk are you anyway?

You ask questions with one of your characters - Fleshbits R'Sticky,

then you give sarcasm with Fleshbits L'Sticky, on reading and spelling . . . wow

At least you could have varied your names.

Also, you seem pretty mouthy for a 3 day old character, maybe you are both an alpha made by your Omega.

But at least your having fun on the forums.


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Morgan Agrivar
#52 - 2016-12-20 02:14:51 UTC
Fleshbits R'Sticky wrote:
Is there no ship above a frigate that I can get the skills to fly in less than 22 days?
I looked at Prospect, then I looked at Buzzard....

Holy crap progress is slow. Then I learned I can't train 2 characters simultaneously without paying another $14.95 or buying plex with in game currency.

This kind of sucks as a noob, when you'd like to try some things and see what you want to get into. Sure, you can start doing them with a frigate, but I am sure that the mining or exploring experience is vastly different with better ships.

I'm 40 years old, I don't have that much life left to be making plans for months and years ahead!

I am 43 years old and I don't have a problem with it.

Eve Online is all about the journey, not the destination.

Welcome to Eve...
Fleshbits L'Splatter
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2016-12-20 04:58:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Fleshbits L'Splatter
Major Vivian Francis wrote:
Fleshbits L'Splatter wrote:

You might want to read the bit I put in reply that said, "Non-Combat ships"
Spend time reading the thread before replying to one post.

I'll go edit it for the original post.
EDIT: Nm it looks like the edit option goes away after some time, on this forum.

Excuse me but I was replying to Fleshbits R'Sticky's #1 post. There is nothing there about combat ships.

Apology accepted.


Well, again, the forum does not allow editing of the original post, evidently. If you read the thread, it "non-combat ships" was reiterated several times. I understand that people do not read the entire thread before hitting reply though. They should, but what can you do. The problem really is, why don't the forums allow editing of the original post so that it can be made clear?

Oh I see! It won't let me if I am logged in as my alt. I have to switch characters at the top. Now the original post is edited. Problem solved...err....the post more clear is anyway.
Cutter Isaacson
#54 - 2016-12-20 05:56:00 UTC
Fleshbits L'Splatter wrote:
Major Vivian Francis wrote:
Fleshbits L'Splatter wrote:

You might want to read the bit I put in reply that said, "Non-Combat ships"
Spend time reading the thread before replying to one post.

I'll go edit it for the original post.
EDIT: Nm it looks like the edit option goes away after some time, on this forum.

Excuse me but I was replying to Fleshbits R'Sticky's #1 post. There is nothing there about combat ships.

Apology accepted.


Well, again, the forum does not allow editing of the original post, evidently. If you read the thread, it "non-combat ships" was reiterated several times. I understand that people do not read the entire thread before hitting reply though. They should, but what can you do. The problem really is, why don't the forums allow editing of the original post so that it can be made clear?

Oh I see! It won't let me if I am logged in as my alt. I have to switch characters at the top. Now the original post is edited. Problem solved...err....the post more clear is anyway.

Perhaps you should stop ship toasting on multiple alts. That way you won't end up looking like even more of a twerp than you already do.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Ion Kirst
#55 - 2016-12-20 14:13:51 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Fleshbits R'Sticky wrote:
I'm 40 years old, I don't have that much life left to be making plans for months and years ahead!

I can be wrong here but i thought that the minimum lifespan today is like 65 years for men?
In any case until you have something special you have like 20 years to plan ahead! Big smile

Woo ho, I'm so glad I'm over the minimum!


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

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