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Mission grinding and low-sec sh!t holes

Beast of Revelations
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1 - 2016-12-14 10:57:57 UTC
So I've been running level 3s for Sisters of Eve, trying to get to level 4s. I've tried using the agent finder and moving around from place to place but keep getting sent to low-sec pirate-infested sh!t holes and rat holes, and it wastes a bunch of time and money and isn't fun.

As an example, I finally got a storyline to put me to level 4s (presuming I completed it) but it sent me to yet another low-sec pirate-infested sh!t hole. 'Great,' I thought, 'dont take the mission and grind out yet another 16 of these boring stupid missions, or accept it and get harassed by some a-hole and waste a bunch of time and money in yet another low-sec pirate-infested sh!t hole.' I finally figured I had no choice but to accept. I wouldn't dare take my battleship or gnosis there (I'm stupid, but I'm not *that* stupid), so I trucked across the stupid galaxy and bought a caracal, stuck whatever minimum garbage modules I could put on that would do the job, trucked back, and tried to run the mission. Yeah, as soon as I get in there, I see combat probes on d-scan, warp-out. Try again later, same problem, warp-out, log off. Log in next day, try again, see the probes, try to complete the stupid mission anyway, but pirate a-hole crashes in so I warp-out. Wait a couple of hours, get into noob ship, go back, he's still sitting there waiting on me. So open mission book, click 'quit mission,' take standings hit, try again.

I just need to know one thing. Where's the best area for running SOE corporate missions so I can go ahead and get to level 4? "Best area" meaning little or no chance of being sent to more low-sec sh!t holes and rat holes.

Yourmoney Mywallet
#2 - 2016-12-14 11:10:21 UTC
Beast of Revelations wrote:
I had no choice but to accept.

Beast of Revelations
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2016-12-14 11:26:25 UTC
Yourmoney Mywallet wrote:
Beast of Revelations wrote:
I had no choice but to accept.


Good job taking my quote out of context. Do you work for the news in some capacity? Are you a presstitute? The full quote and context is:

'Great,' I thought, 'dont take the mission and grind out yet another 16 of these boring stupid missions, or accept it and get harassed by some a-hole and waste a bunch of time and money in yet another low-sec pirate-infested sh!t hole.' I finally figured I had no choice but to accept.
Aubrey Addams
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-12-14 11:36:09 UTC
Why don't you try an other npc corp to do missions for?

I found just this one:

Station: Gicodel VII - Moon 14 - Sisters of EVE Bureau
System: Gicodel (0.9) - Region: Everyshore - Faction: The Servant Sisters of EVE
Beast of Revelations
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2016-12-14 11:50:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Beast of Revelations
Aubrey Addams wrote:
Why don't you try an other npc corp to do missions for?

I found just this one:

Station: Gicodel VII - Moon 14 - Sisters of EVE Bureau
System: Gicodel (0.9) - Region: Everyshore - Faction: The Servant Sisters of EVE

Well like I said, I used the agent finder and have moved around several times trying to find different areas. i always go to high-sec. But the available agents I have keep sending me to low-sec. I guess I haven't been able to find the 'right' agents, or they don't exist, thus this post.


Checking the agent finder in the Eve client, I get only these level 3 agents: Arnon 0.6, Simela 0.5, Pochelympe 0.6. All of those systems are next to or surrounded by low-sec, and will send you into low-sec. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Aubrey Addams
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2016-12-14 12:04:08 UTC
maybe they doesn't exist because SOE has a bit more valueable LP store than most of other npc corps, so you have to invest more effort to get their LP
erg cz
Blood Blind
Short Bus Syndicate
#7 - 2016-12-14 13:09:36 UTC
Aubrey Addams wrote:
maybe they doesn't exist because SOE has a bit more valueable LP store than most of other npc corps, so you have to invest more effort to get their LP

According to that logic L4 mission agents must be also close to low sec. But they are not.

If all you want is a couple of SOE standing poins you can concider to go to Quier to gring L2 missions in passive tanked Gnosis...
But I did the grind in Simela and do not remember that much trouble with low sec missions.
#8 - 2016-12-14 13:45:42 UTC
If the agent is close to low-sec systems, then there's always a chance of getting a mission located in low-sec. No way around that; the RNG is not always your friend.

SoE is friendly towards other corps/factions; you can build up your standings with the other corp/faction with a safer agent. But gain, it's a grind. The key words are "derived standings," meaning if you run a storyline for Faction A and A likes faction B, then you'll also get a (smaller) increase with Faction B as well. The downside is that everyone has someone they hate, so increasing Faction A will decrease standings with Faction C.

Google "eve online faction standings" and derived standings for more.

Side note to OP: getting around the profanity filter can get you into trouble (i.e ToS violation.) I suggest you edit your title/post before the mods see it.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Beast of Revelations
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#9 - 2016-12-14 17:01:51 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
I suggest you edit your title/post before the mods see it.

Hmm... tried to figure out how to do it but couldn't. Any help?
Hahnide Kragomn
Iota Piscium
#10 - 2016-12-14 17:36:50 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
If the agent is close to low-sec systems, then there's always a chance of getting a mission located in low-sec. No way around that; the RNG is not always your friend.

SoE is friendly towards other corps/factions; you can build up your standings with the other corp/faction with a safer agent. But gain, it's a grind. The key words are "derived standings," meaning if you run a storyline for Faction A and A likes faction B, then you'll also get a (smaller) increase with Faction B as well. The downside is that everyone has someone they hate, so increasing Faction A will decrease standings with Faction C.

Google "eve online faction standings" and derived standings for more.

Side note to OP: getting around the profanity filter can get you into trouble (i.e ToS violation.) I suggest you edit your title/post before the mods see it.

Do derived standings still exist?

I run a lot of missions and I have not seen any derived standings for a few months. Not even the special storyline missions produce derived standings.
Garbage Incorporated
#11 - 2016-12-14 18:46:40 UTC
One thing to do is the SoE Epic Arc if you haven't already that will get you some decent standings. Additionally you could just go to a Level 4 hub for SoE such as Osmon or Apanake and ask to join somoene for help boosting your standings.

I use to run missions out of both of those for SoE and would've gladly fleeted with someone just to salvage the wrecks so I could keep blasting and sharing the standing increases.

I do remember level 3s being a royal pain for sending to lowsec and think I just did 2s till I got to 4s myself but that didn't take too long as I could blitz through them very quickly.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#12 - 2016-12-14 19:19:41 UTC
Simela is 2 jumps from low and relatively quiet. If you *do* get sent to Gondista, well, it's also been suspiciously quiet lately.

Gondista is also *huge*. If you stash a ship or two on the other side of the gate (I'd do it in Shalne or something) and manage to slip by any camp that might be there you'll be more or less left alone unless LSH is particularly bored that day.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2016-12-14 23:39:36 UTC
Make sure you have Social and Connections skills trained up to level 5. Connections will increase your current standings and Social will increase the amount of standing gained for completing missions.

I suggest grinding some low level agents to build up SoE Corporation to +5.00 standing so you can access level 4 agents. If you run Distribution agents you can easily build up standings quite quickly.

Good luck.

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2016-12-15 02:04:07 UTC
If your goal is to get to L4's, you don't run combat missions from L1 to L3. Use the distribution agents instead, way more efficient.
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#15 - 2016-12-15 05:18:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Alasdan Helminthauge
nezroy wrote:
If your goal is to get to L4's, you don't run combat missions from L1 to L3. Use the distribution agents instead, way more efficient.

blitzing lv3s should give you far more standing than doing distribution missions.

I was doing lv3s in Simela during a few months. I think the agent there doesn't often send you to low-sec. I got the missions against Amarr more. If you got a mission that you don't like, just decline that. Don't mind the timer, you can quickly earn the standing back by doing more missions.
The real pain in Simela is that... the nearest storyline agent is in Sheroo and it's actually not that near.

As far as I remember, Simela is the only hi-sec system having lv3 SOE security agent, but I guess some low-sec systems with lv3 SOE security agent are quite quiet. If the agents there pay more standing like they pay more isk and LP, maybe it's a good idea to do missions there in some fast pvp-fitted ships, like assault frigates, T3Ds and T3Cs.
Beast of Revelations
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#16 - 2016-12-15 05:53:19 UTC
Make sure you have Social and Connections skills trained up to level 5. Connections will increase your current standings and Social will increase the amount of standing gained for completing missions.

Good advice, and I thank you for it, but no way I can expend the SPs to get those to 5. I have trained both to 3 and that's as far as I'm gonna take it because I have other priorities. I don't plan to be the most hardcore of mission runners, I just want SOE corp to level 4 so I can do *some*. But I understand you are trying to help, and you gave good advice.

I suggest grinding some low level agents to build up SoE Corporation to +5.00 standing so you can access level 4 agents. If you run Distribution agents you can easily build up standings quite quickly.

This is, in fact, exactly what I'm doing - running level 3 distribution agents in order to get to level 4. My issue is that I'm being sent to every low-sec sh!t hole in the galaxy, and it is taking 10 times as long to make headway because of that. Furthermore, storylines (the ones I'm really after) send me to low-sec sh!t holes, where I am promptly stopped from running my mission because of the kind of griefer scum who tend to infest said low-sec sh!tholes.

If your goal is to get to L4's, you don't run combat missions from L1 to L3. Use the distribution agents instead, way more efficient.

*Sigh*. I *have* been running the distributions (level 3s). But when I get a storyline, it's random as to whether it is a distribution, a combat, whatever. Or perhaps I don't know how to manipulate it to get the kind of mission I want, where I want it?
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#17 - 2016-12-15 06:40:58 UTC
Beast of Revelations wrote:

*Sigh*. I *have* been running the distributions (level 3s). But when I get a storyline, it's random as to whether it is a distribution, a combat, whatever. Or perhaps I don't know how to manipulate it to get the kind of mission I want, where I want it?

You always get the storyline mission from the nearest storyline agent of the same corp, and the mission type is decided by the agent's division. It's only random when you have more than one nearest storyline agent.
Anize Oramara
#18 - 2016-12-15 06:50:35 UTC
Train the relevant social skills to 4 at least. It's not a long train *at all* and makes a huge difference. Frankly if you want to run even a small amount of missions it is your priority.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Beast of Revelations
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#19 - 2016-12-15 08:46:07 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Train the relevant social skills to 4 at least. It's not a long train *at all* and makes a huge difference. Frankly if you want to run even a small amount of missions it is your priority.

I certainly can't argue with your expertise, as your credentials seem quite impressive. I'll look into it. By the way, do you also recommend training up, for instance 'security connections' once one is to the point of running level 4 security missions?
Miranda Shoota
Leviathan Investment Group
#20 - 2016-12-15 08:55:54 UTC
Go to Simela and do it there. Also, storyline missions wont get you to L4 standing quickly. They will slowly take your faction standing up but your corp standing will be much higher from running regular missions. Also train the social skills.
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