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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Be a lean green alpha machine

Morbius Karlock
Logistics Corp
#1 - 2016-12-05 21:01:18 UTC
With Alpha State Cl0nes, the perfect home for your alpha clone!!
We are looking for new and returning players, teachers, leaders anyone happy to play in more of a casual setting but share knowledge and time with other members!

I am primarily EUTZ but we really would like more in the US/AUSTZ to come and join us and help us grow further.

We have No tax, No drama and No cta's

As we are still relatively new and still growing we are currently looking to build our leadership team further, in short we have space for everyone!

Rafayel Tahran
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2016-12-06 06:15:20 UTC
still lookin folks
Hibi Proletariat
#3 - 2016-12-06 16:25:32 UTC
do you have access to any planets with a low customs tax rate?
Morbius Karlock
Logistics Corp
#4 - 2016-12-06 19:56:31 UTC
Still recruiting!!
Morbius Karlock
Logistics Corp
#5 - 2016-12-08 06:28:53 UTC
Were still looking for more new and returning players to come join us and seek out adventure in New Eden!! All timezones welcome, all types of players!!