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Balance to local chat

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#21 - 2012-01-18 22:46:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Nikk Narrel
Updated: As inspired by Gizznitt, since I agree with the logic, and Zim, for pointing out a flaw in balance:

Consider this idea to fix local: Noone gets into local list without flagging themselves to do so. A "ShowMe" checkbox by the minimize button, so the social types can be seen.

Please keep in mind, nothing is stopping anyone from using probes or D-Scans, but local won't give away free information at a glance.

Gates will automatically broadcast into local chat the hyperlinked name and pic of every pilot immediately on gate use, and whether they were going into or out of the system. Like any other local chat, if you are not there to see it, you don't know about it.

If they log out, the gates don't know, and neither do you. If they have been sitting quietly to ambush someone, the gates don't know that either.

Exemption: Hi Sec systems can automatically list all pilots in local, based on the concept that concord as part of their presence automatically scans everyone down for presence, cloaked or not, if they are online in a system.

Additional Item suggested:
I would also support the idea of a POS module that could scan down uncloaked vessels, and populate a list with ship types active in system, including which were friendly vs neutral or worse. I would suggest this list only be offered to the SOV holders by default, although they would be free to share the info in chat.

Anything uncloaked for over 60 seconds could be added to this list automatically.

Outside of the gate announcement, it is not possible to directly track a cloaked vessel.
That being said: Cloaking vessels would be notable potentially because they never get added to the list. The only way to avoid the list would be that they either logged immediately, or were cloaked, and we all know how to check if someone is online.

Hostile Flag: This flag can go up immediately upon the entry of any 'hostile' pilot to the system, as their clone link goes active at that point. No delay.

All the locals who can see the ship lists will see, is the red flag active indicating a hostile is present. They could be cloaked, in a pod, or flying a titan. All the system knows is a clone link is present that is not registered as friendly. Since bandwidth is not constant, the system cannot tell how many hostiles are present, just that one or more is.

In more detail: This is something that can be tracked from all ships, but won't help you locate the ship. Since it is blind to ship type, it doesn't help locate or highlight cloaked vessels.

Whenever a pilot transponder enters a system, that is not on file with the sov holding alliance or those it considers in good standing, it raises a flag that a hostile pilot is in system. (There is a list of transponders for all in good standing, it simply recognizes the presence in system of a clone link transponder not on it's 'good' list)
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-01-18 22:51:53 UTC
If you're letting people sneak in unseen through wormholes, covert cynos or logging in, you might as well just remove gate intelligence as well, since the inhabitants still have to keep hitting that scan button every 2 seconds to avoid ganks. And if you do that, you might as well make the rewards closer to wormholes, to reflect the added risk, or you'll depopulate nullsec even further.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#23 - 2012-01-19 01:05:55 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
If you're letting people sneak in unseen through wormholes, covert cynos or logging in, you might as well just remove gate intelligence as well, since the inhabitants still have to keep hitting that scan button every 2 seconds to avoid ganks. And if you do that, you might as well make the rewards closer to wormholes, to reflect the added risk, or you'll depopulate nullsec even further.

This assumption that people are watching local so closely, that they would need to replace it with d-scans every two seconds to scan for cloaked ships, that would not even show up in the first place, seems odd.

You DID catch that part at the bottom, I hope, about the POS mod that would scan down vessels that could be scanned for anyways?
Let me repost it here for clarity. The point of this mod should be obvious, making tools available for SOV holders to make their systems harder to mess with.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
Additional Item suggested:
I would also support the idea of a POS module that could scan down uncloaked vessels, and populate a list with ship types active in system, including which were friendly vs neutral or worse. I would suggest this list only be offered to the SOV holders by default, although they would be free to share the info in chat.

Anything uncloaked for over 60 seconds could be added to this list automatically.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-01-19 01:28:18 UTC
So what you're saying is, anything that comes in through wormholes, covert cynos or just logs in won't be detected by the POS module for up to 60 seconds, and anything which cloaks up would disappear or not show up at all?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Questionable Acquisitions
#25 - 2012-01-19 01:31:52 UTC
I really think Local Chat, needs to lose all intel functions and be limited to what it's name implies, a chat box. With Local Chat intel gone a discussion of how DScan and other intel tools can be improved without being as broken as Local Chat is currently.

That said your suggestion is a big improvement over the status quo, and perhaps a reluctantly acceptable compromise.

Nikk Narrel wrote:

Additional Item suggested:
I would also support the idea of a POS module that could scan down uncloaked vessels, and populate a list with ship types active in system, including which were friendly vs neutral or worse. I would suggest this list only be offered to the SOV holders by default, although they would be free to share the info in chat.

I believe should any such systems given to Sov Holders should also be given to NPC Nullsec residents in good Standing with controlling NPCs. And only be given to either in systems where Stations/Outposts are present.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#26 - 2012-01-19 01:45:03 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
So what you're saying is, anything that comes in through wormholes, covert cynos or just logs in won't be detected by the POS module for up to 60 seconds, and anything which cloaks up would disappear or not show up at all?

Wormholes are interesting random things, bigger problems can come through these than cloaking ships, but to answer your question, yes.

Would you consider this more balanced if there was something to put a generic warning into local as well, pointing out that unknown signatures were present, indicating cloaking vessels present.

No indications of details would be available, it is a bit of a stretch to give away this information.

It would likely be the POS module already scanning, or possibly a separate item that somehow becomes aware of cloaking in system, and puts the warning flag up in local.

Since Null with local is softer than null without, I agree it would make more sense to up the possible rewards more towards WH levels, but not completely. SOV and relative system security count for a lot too.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#27 - 2012-01-19 01:50:13 UTC
Xorv wrote:
I really think Local Chat, needs to lose all intel functions and be limited to what it's name implies, a chat box. With Local Chat intel gone a discussion of how DScan and other intel tools can be improved without being as broken as Local Chat is currently.

That said your suggestion is a big improvement over the status quo, and perhaps a reluctantly acceptable compromise.

Nikk Narrel wrote:

Additional Item suggested:
I would also support the idea of a POS module that could scan down uncloaked vessels, and populate a list with ship types active in system, including which were friendly vs neutral or worse. I would suggest this list only be offered to the SOV holders by default, although they would be free to share the info in chat.

I believe should any such systems given to Sov Holders should also be given to NPC Nullsec residents in good Standing with controlling NPCs. And only be given to either in systems where Stations/Outposts are present.

This, and what I suspect are Zim's interests, would be a matter of balance tweaking.

Right now we have nerfed cloaking. The ships are significantly weaker in exchange for cloaks, and with local broadcasting their presence, the cloaks themselves are of diminished usefulness.

A speed fleet with good intel is more dangerous than a group of cloaked ships, currently, and that makes little sense.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2012-01-19 01:53:24 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Wormholes are interesting random things, bigger problems can come through these than cloaking ships, but to answer your question, yes.

In other words, the POS mod changes nothing, and my post remains. They have to run their own scans, because 60 seconds is a long time in this regard. And given that delay, you might as well just drop the in-system intelligence altogether, since there are huge gaping holes in it which makes it pretty much useless as an intel tool.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#29 - 2012-01-19 02:57:48 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Wormholes are interesting random things, bigger problems can come through these than cloaking ships, but to answer your question, yes.

In other words, the POS mod changes nothing, and my post remains. They have to run their own scans, because 60 seconds is a long time in this regard. And given that delay, you might as well just drop the in-system intelligence altogether, since there are huge gaping holes in it which makes it pretty much useless as an intel tool.

Not so fast, I was just probing you for some idea what it was you were looking for.

I think I came up with an idea that would make you happy, and still let cloaking be more than it is now.

This flag can go up immediately upon the entry of any 'hostile' pilot to the system, as their clone link goes active at that point. No delay.

All the locals who can see the ship lists will see, is the red flag active indicating a hostile is present. They could be cloaked, in a pod, or flying a titan. All the system knows is a clone link is present that is not registered as friendly. Since bandwidth is not constant, the system cannot tell how many hostiles are present, just that one or more is.

In more detail: This is something that can be tracked from all ships, but won't help you locate the ship. Since it is blind to ship type, it doesn't help locate or highlight cloaked vessels.

Whenever a pilot transponder enters a system, that is not on file with the sov holding alliance or those it considers in good standing, it raises a flag that a hostile pilot is in system. (There is a list of transponders for all in good standing, it simply recognizes the presence in system of a clone link transponder not on it's 'good' list)

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#30 - 2012-01-19 03:55:33 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Updated: As inspired by Gizznitt, since I agree with the logic, and Zim, for pointing out a flaw in balance:

Who's the fool now?

Still not supported.

Delayed local is just an Iwin pvp button.

Move to whs.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#31 - 2012-01-19 04:11:54 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Updated: As inspired by Gizznitt, since I agree with the logic, and Zim, for pointing out a flaw in balance:

Who's the fool now?

Still not supported.

Delayed local is just an Iwin pvp button.

Move to whs.

You are delightfully consistent with your lack of reading. It's like having a reverse troll who wants to make you laugh for a change.

You even pointed out the reference to the change that eliminated any delay in issuing a warning, without actually seeing it.

Impressive tunnel vision, you obviously had to highlight and delete the very section that refuted your post.

Here it is, please read it so you can post more constructively.
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Hostile Flag: This flag can go up immediately upon the entry of any 'hostile' pilot to the system, as their clone link goes active at that point. No delay.

All the locals who can see the ship lists will see, is the red flag active indicating a hostile is present. They could be cloaked, in a pod, or flying a titan. All the system knows is a clone link is present that is not registered as friendly. Since bandwidth is not constant, the system cannot tell how many hostiles are present, just that one or more is.

In more detail: This is something that can be tracked from all ships, but won't help you locate the ship. Since it is blind to ship type, it doesn't help locate or highlight cloaked vessels.

Whenever a pilot transponder enters a system, that is not on file with the sov holding alliance or those it considers in good standing, it raises a flag that a hostile pilot is in system. (There is a list of transponders for all in good standing, it simply recognizes the presence in system of a clone link transponder not on it's 'good' list)

As stated, this change still maintains an improvement to play for cloaked pilots, and still allows locals with sov to have ample warning of hostiles.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-01-19 04:23:29 UTC
So now all the carebears can see is "there is something hostile here, but we've no idea if it's 1 or 20 cloaked ships. We just know there's something hostile out there. Have fun ratting/mining!"

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#33 - 2012-01-19 04:30:14 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
So now all the carebears can see is "there is something hostile here, but we've no idea if it's 1 or 20 cloaked ships. We just know there's something hostile out there. Have fun ratting/mining!"

And unless they wait the minute for the POS mod to scan down ships, they won't know what kind either. The only exception would be to show no hostile ships on the scan after the minute passed, indicating that the 1 or more hostiles are cloaked.

How many hostiles makes ratting and mining too dangerous? Most pilots that are concerned indicate one is too many, so this red flag is all they need to see to know they need to safe up.

No free kills for either side.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#34 - 2012-01-19 04:43:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Asuka Solo
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Asuka Solo wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Updated: As inspired by Gizznitt, since I agree with the logic, and Zim, for pointing out a flaw in balance:

Who's the fool now?

Still not supported.

Delayed local is just an Iwin pvp button.

Move to whs.

You are delightfully consistent with your lack of reading. It's like having a reverse troll who wants to make you laugh for a change.

You even pointed out the reference to the change that eliminated any delay in issuing a warning, without actually seeing it.

Impressive tunnel vision, you obviously had to highlight and delete the very section that refuted your post.

Here it is, please read it so you can post more constructively.
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Hostile Flag: This flag can go up immediately upon the entry of any 'hostile' pilot to the system, as their clone link goes active at that point. No delay.

All the locals who can see the ship lists will see, is the red flag active indicating a hostile is present. They could be cloaked, in a pod, or flying a titan. All the system knows is a clone link is present that is not registered as friendly. Since bandwidth is not constant, the system cannot tell how many hostiles are present, just that one or more is.

In more detail: This is something that can be tracked from all ships, but won't help you locate the ship. Since it is blind to ship type, it doesn't help locate or highlight cloaked vessels.

Whenever a pilot transponder enters a system, that is not on file with the sov holding alliance or those it considers in good standing, it raises a flag that a hostile pilot is in system. (There is a list of transponders for all in good standing, it simply recognizes the presence in system of a clone link transponder not on it's 'good' list)

As stated, this change still maintains an improvement to play for cloaked pilots, and still allows locals with sov to have ample warning of hostiles.

Sigh. Your consitent with your presumptions as I am with my quoting. maybe if I quote the whole thing....... lets try that.

this is a remove local whine. through and through. Your tired of not being able to gank carebears who are not afk and your tired of having carebears notified your in local. its a sandbox, i can see you playing in sand and go play somewhere else. Drop the local force, and it'l be enforced on constellation level. I will still be able to determine if there is an enemy force up my chaff by just checking out the const channels. See a flag, do the math. Even if no forced region, constellation or local channel existed in eve, this idea is still unappealing:

in 0.0, sov holders see you, but you dont see them if your in the mood to chat in local. You wont know how many there are, just that your in trouble. dscan spam

in low sec, your in trouble no matter what if you open your mouth or jump your ship in.. dscam spam

hisec stays the same, only now local is optional for people who want to chat in it and pvpers can remove themselves from it.

SPAM towers across new eden and replace forced local with selective i-win at PvP flagging if i was there first button.

again, move to wormholes. your idea is not appealing.

If you want your killmails, work for them. If you dont want to see local, minimize it. if you want a blind sandbox, go play with blind kids. Their not hard to find, you can see them feeling each other up and shouting marco polo all the time.

This topic has managed to farm up 33 replies, and 0 likes for the OP. bad idea is bad mate. Need me to quote that for you so you know I've seenz it?

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Xylorn Hasher
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#35 - 2012-01-19 09:08:17 UTC
Great idea.

Ambushing ppl will be a lot easier. System wouldn't go empty in one minure when i enter it.
Also this will seriously stop any botting activity in nullsec as bot programs ectract local channel information from datastream to protect its users ships. This makes using them a suicide.

All my posts are made shortly after Marihuana consumption.

Blatant Forum Alt
#36 - 2012-01-19 09:33:13 UTC
The title states that this is a 'balance' to a problem, and in your first post you state this is a 'fix' to a problem; but at no point do you explain WHY or HOW local is broken. This sounds like yet another butthurt whine about afk cloakers. Grow a pair.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2012-01-19 09:59:52 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
How many hostiles makes ratting and mining too dangerous? Most pilots that are concerned indicate one is too many, so this red flag is all they need to see to know they need to safe up.

Given the fact that cloaked ships can pick and choose the time and the place of engagements, and covert cynos enable fleets of bombers/blops BS to cyno in to an unsuspecting victim, I'd say that number is 1. Unless you're willing to spend a lot of time, energy and money to run protection fleets (since they aren't making any money themselves while running protection for you), that is.

Xylorn Hasher wrote:
Great idea.

Ambushing ppl will be a lot easier. System wouldn't go empty in one minure when i enter it.
Also this will seriously stop any botting activity in nullsec as bot programs ectract local channel information from datastream to protect its users ships. This makes using them a suicide.

Actually, with the "red flag unknown person in system" flag, you'd still have bots and people docking up when that goes off.

As to the whole "extract channel information from datastream to protect its users ships", if local is removed or delayed, then it'll be a much bigger nerf to players than to bots. Bots can dscan without the lapses in concentration people would have to endure.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Hans Momaki
State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-01-19 10:01:02 UTC
This would be exloited to hell and back, and it would open up the door to stupidly easy ganks.

Anyway, what's the deal with local anyway? It provides one necessary source of information.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#39 - 2012-01-19 15:26:11 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:

this is a remove local whine. through and through. Your tired of not being able to gank carebears who are not afk and your tired of having carebears notified your in local. its a sandbox, i can see you playing in sand and go play somewhere else. Drop the local force, and it'l be enforced on constellation level. I will still be able to determine if there is an enemy force up my chaff by just checking out the const channels. See a flag, do the math. Even if no forced region, constellation or local channel existed in eve, this idea is still unappealing:

in 0.0, sov holders see you, but you dont see them if your in the mood to chat in local. You wont know how many there are, just that your in trouble. dscan spam

in low sec, your in trouble no matter what if you open your mouth or jump your ship in.. dscam spam

hisec stays the same, only now local is optional for people who want to chat in it and pvpers can remove themselves from it.

SPAM towers across new eden and replace forced local with selective i-win at PvP flagging if i was there first button.

again, move to wormholes. your idea is not appealing.

If you want your killmails, work for them. If you dont want to see local, minimize it. if you want a blind sandbox, go play with blind kids. Their not hard to find, you can see them feeling each other up and shouting marco polo all the time.

This topic has managed to farm up 33 replies, and 0 likes for the OP. bad idea is bad mate. Need me to quote that for you so you know I've seenz it?

I admire your stubborn view that I must be a ganker, out to get free killmails. Try checking to see how many killmails I actually have, and get back to me.
I can save you the time, I don't gank. Half my handful of kills are defensive, as while i do not seek out fights usually, neither am I normally unprepared either.

I am trying to get a system that makes both sides happy, but takes away the "Sports bar Menu" that local is right now.
Deny it all you like, but the miner / ratter is ad a disadvantage. Unless they are focusing on local the moment a ganker enters the system, they are giving this attacker a head start to catch them.
If they switched to a different chat channel for a moment, or focused on something that took more than a few seconds, they suddenly find gankers on grid with them.

1 Wolf or Jaguar, with the right loadout, can lock down a Hulk and pop it, if they made the unforgivable mistake of operating solo. And Local, as it is, will tell them at a glance when the situation is right to hit belts and find them.

By play style alone, local favors the player who uses it most, and that is not a miner or ratter, but the one hunting them at that moment they gate into the system.
Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#40 - 2012-01-19 18:51:37 UTC
Blatant Forum Alt wrote:
The title states that this is a 'balance' to a problem, and in your first post you state this is a 'fix' to a problem; but at no point do you explain WHY or HOW local is broken. This sounds like yet another butthurt whine about afk cloakers. Grow a pair.

I had to reread this twice.

Nikk, I think you have struck that balance, you now are getting criticized from someone who thinks you are anti-cloaking, instead of thinking you are pro cloaking for easy ganks.

For myself, I think a red light or other indicator, whether or not a got a gate announcement with it, would be enough for me to grumble and warp to safety.

And I hate to admit it, but when I mine, I tend to get distracted, so I don't always pay enough attention to local to notice one more name added to the little list. Almost got popped because of that, more than once. I freely admit I got lucky more than once there too.