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First impressions of a newbie

Kasomir Rich
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-11-28 22:48:40 UTC
Hi everyone!

I´m playing EVE online for 5 days, and I like it!

I´d like to write about my experience of those first five days. In the beginning, it was pretty hard to navigate all those menus and to find out how to fir a weapon or other pieces of equipment into my ship. But after a while i got used to it. The tutorial was doing an ok job explaining what to do and in giving a first glimpse into the word of EVE online.

Also, I tried to read tutorials and outside sources in order to understand all those options.

On my second day, I started mining Veldspar in 0.8 - 1.0 and made ONE million ISK. I was really proud but I read that people in the low sec or null sec are making much more. So, I did some research and thought about joining a Corporation.

On my 3rd day I joined the Pandemic Horde.
They are doing a lot for new players and are giving them completely fitted ships and are also a great source of knowledge for their new members. I knew that there are some people who were going to kill me because I am in the "wrong" corporation, but I thought it´s going to be ok.

Well, I lost 7 ships in the last 2 days. Two of them to the "enemy", and 5 of them to random people ("neutrals") who just show up at presumably safe places where other newbies are mining, ratting and salvaging in order to save up some money for their first cruisers.

I get that being in a corporation who is at war means battles and comes with the risk of losing ships. But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

Salah ad-Din al-Jawahiri
Dreamweb Industries
Novus Ordo.
#2 - 2016-11-28 22:57:33 UTC
Kasomir Rich wrote:
But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

You are getting an equal treatment that any veteran would get. It's a from of respect - relish it.

Agent of the New Order

Live by the Code - die by the Code.

The Voice of Highsec

Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-11-28 22:57:59 UTC
Kasomir Rich wrote:
Hi everyone!

I get that being in a corporation who is at war means battles and comes with the risk of losing ships. But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

because you are at war and are making yourself an easy target. the people out looking for kills aren't going to stop and check to see how old you are before attacking, they will act first and question later if at all. its nothing personal.

now if you have lost that many ships in such a short period of time you shouldn't be asking "why are they doing this to me" but rather "what am I doing thats allowing this to happen so often"

some very simple and basic precautions can VASTLY increase your survivability. keep an eye on local, hammer your d-scan. maybe find a quieter area to operate out of. if you don't know how to do the above things, take advantage of the fact that you are in a corporation and ask.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-11-28 23:05:39 UTC
Pandemic Horde is a very good place to be - you know why? Because they will be able to explain the situation to you, and help you figure out why you died and how to compensate the loss.

So, on top of asking here, I recommend having a chat with your corpmates, as they are good people and can help you "get a foot in the door".

A thing you need to understand is, that there is no safe place in Eve. Not even Hisec is a safe haven, and you don't even live there. You live in Nullsec, and Nullsec is basically the wild west. If you see a player that is not either green, blue or purple, you will have to assume that he's armed and dangerous and out to get you. Most players do not make a difference between a newbie and a veteran when they are out hunting. Considering that Pandemic Horde is a big part newbies, and still looking for trouble most of the time, I think this is fair game. And while a loss of a 5M ship sure may hurt you, a loss of a 1B ship may hurt an older player just as much. If we all took pity and considered the financial and material loss we may be causing by shooting at someone, PvP would just die out.

Knowing that, act accordingly, learn to be aware of your surroundings, keep an eye on intel and local channels, be in a fleet if there is one, keep in touch with your allies and learn to know your enemies (as in everyone else). Adhere to the age old rule of "do not undock what you cannot afford to lose", and you will be fine. :)

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#5 - 2016-11-28 23:13:37 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Kasomir Rich wrote:

I get that being in a corporation who is at war means battles and comes with the risk of losing ships. But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

This is how EVE works. Assume everyone who isn't an ally to your corp wants to murder you. The reality is that most people don't want to murder you bad enough to chase you down through ten systems or probe you out if you warp to a safe, but most people will happily blow up targets of opportunity if they happen to come across them.

Joining horde as you did has its plusses and minuses. A big newbie organization backed up by a large null sov entity is going to make it less painful for you to lose ships, however, joining such an organization also adds you to the **** list of many of your neighbors who may have otherwise left you alone, and has put you in an area of space where people regularly roam around in semi-large fleets looking for people to kill because they're bored and have ships to burn.

In the end is isn't your attackers that need to amend their behavior. You don't get to control them, and what they're doing is an intended and encouraged part of playing EVE. In stead think about what you could do differently. Ask whoever is in charge of teaching you not to suck at the game about things like local, dscan, and safe spot creating for starters.

Or, basically, get good.
Venkhar Krard
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2016-11-28 23:23:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Venkhar Krard
Kasomir Rich wrote:
Hi everyone! I knew that there are some people who were going to kill me because I am in the "wrong" corporation,

They are killing you because you are in the right corporation :D

A Song from the makers of EVE

Just relax, you are part of a gigantic bloodthirsty horde that is destroying thousands of ships for fun every month (and it's cool!), don't play the innocent noob :P

On a more serious note, after another week you will learn to use the tools you have (local and intel channels) to avoid pvp 95% of the time and farm money until you get bored.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#7 - 2016-11-28 23:25:44 UTC
Kasomir Rich wrote:
But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

vets , as a rule , will try to kill pretty much anything they think they have a shot at killing.
Venkhar Krard
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2016-11-28 23:33:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Venkhar Krard
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

vets , as a rule , will try to kill pretty much anything they think they have a shot at killing.

Yeah sure, totally different to new players who are full of mercy and compassion once they get the chance to blow you up! :D
Snyzer Erata
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2016-11-28 23:54:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Snyzer Erata
Kasomir Rich wrote:
But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

Because the community of this game is a cancer. They are always complaining that eve does not have new players but when a new player appears they go there and kill him. And that makes some of the new players drop the game quickly. Vets should think twice before killing an initiate. To keep the game alive it is more important to help a novice player instead of having fun killing him.

Please excuse any grammatical errors and sorry for any misspellings. English is not my native language. I'm from brazil.

Hrist Harkonnen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-11-29 00:03:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrist Harkonnen
Snyzer Erata wrote:
Kasomir Rich wrote:
But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

Because the community of this game is a cancer. They are always complaining that eve does not have new players but when a new player appears they go there and kill him. And that makes some of the new players drop the game quickly. Vets should think twice before killing an initiate. To keep the game alive it is more important to help a novice player instead of having fun killing him.

That only happens because CCP created the rules and the rules allow and encourage that. Its not the player's fault. They are using the tools the game provide them and that is what the game is about.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2016-11-29 00:09:08 UTC
Snyzer Erata wrote:
Because the community of this game is a cancer. They are always complaining that eve does not have new players but when a new player appears they go there and kill him. And that makes some of the new players drop the game quickly. Vets should think twice before killing an initiate. To keep the game alive it is more important to help a novice player instead of having fun killing him.

Why? I stuck with Eve because I got killed, asked around why it happened and started shooting at players myself. Had they spared me, I probably would have quit out of boredom and aimlessness. Besides, how are we supposed to know whether a player is new? Should we waste precious seconds checking a characters age, killboard history, corp history and so on before opening fire each time? When do you think "peacetime" is over?

No, treating newbies differently in PvP is neither practical, nor necessary. It wouldn't do them any favors either, but just make their first loss hurt all the more.
Venkhar Krard
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2016-11-29 00:26:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Venkhar Krard
Hrist Harkonnen wrote:
Its not the player's fault. .

How is it not the player's fault? You can look up the age of the character and decide not to kill him. Most of the time (big battles exluded) you have the time and the intel to decide if you want to avoid it, or at least not roam in areas where newbie corporations operate.

CCP already introduced a lot of newbie protection:

But don't expect CCP to protect them, when they are part of a big military alliance and potentialy gathering money for fleet ships which they will use to blow their neighbors up :)

Other than that, most people leave Eve because it's easy to get into boring activities and think that's all this game has to offer or it can be boring as hell when you end up with a group that is not active (or no group at all).

The author of the topic only needs some more time to get the knowledge and experience he needs to not feel helpless and I'm sure he will make a nice murderer and plunderer in no time.
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2016-11-29 00:29:07 UTC
Kasomir Rich wrote:

I get that being in a corporation who is at war means battles and comes with the risk of losing ships. But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

We don't do full background checks on our targets. Not blue = kill.
Venkhar Krard
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2016-11-29 00:49:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Venkhar Krard
@Snyzer Erata

I see you are new to. And I'm sorry you are feeling this way about the community. I'm playing online games for a long time and I can assure you Eve has one of the kindest and most helpful communities out there. And it has nothing to do with killing or not killing someone in game.

@Snyzer @Neuntausend
I know the movie was created by CCP and others to adress more serious things (just skip the middle part :>) but maybe it can help to explain how we feel about you new guys and the things that happen in game:

We love you guys, for real. If you have any problems in game you can contact me or the ppl at the help channel in game, we want you to have fun and feel well. But we won't stop blowing you up, not now, and not in some weeks when you come back with your fleet of bloodthirsty newbie-bros and try to get revenge (which will probably work, cause most vets are lazy and suck at the game:>).
VVV Enterprises
#15 - 2016-11-29 01:39:33 UTC
Well done on making the jump to null-sec so quickly. Quite frankly that is where the real action is.

It is not unusual in the first few weeks/months of playing EvE that you will get your ship blown up.

I lost 5 or so ships in my first month & that was in hi-sec.

There is some good advice for you above & don't be reluctant to ask your corp/alliance mates for advice also.

Most of all analyse what happened each time you were killed & try & implement strategies to minimise your risk. You can never be completely safe but with some forethought & planning you really should be able to avoid most losses.

I would like see new players (especially Alphas) given some protection from random kills, because I feel that we will lose too may of them without it.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2016-11-29 02:48:17 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Kasomir Rich wrote:
But, why are there some people who constantly try to kill new players for whom the loss of a 5 million ship (fully fitted) means a lot?

vets , as a rule , will try to kill pretty much anything they think they have a shot at killing.

Eve is real?