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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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[SOLVED] Balancing the Books (mats)

Alan Richardson
#1 - 2016-11-28 21:56:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Alan Richardson
OK, getting the hang of EVE, very nice.
I noticed to comple BtB (quest 10/10) you have to find some way to procure the mats, but you CANNOT purchase them. This was fine as I got the hang of mining (i think). But the one mat nocxinum found in Pyroxeres, I cannot find anywhere. How do I finish this last quest w/o purchasing?
Ovv Topik
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-11-28 22:05:48 UTC

"Nicknack, I'm in a shoe in space, on my computer, in my house, with a cup of coffee, in't that something." - Fly Safe PopPaddi. o7

Oraac Ensor
#3 - 2016-11-28 22:07:26 UTC
Why do you imagine that you are unable to buy the materials?

Nothing prevents you from doing that.

Oh, and they are missions, not quests.
Paranoid Loyd
#4 - 2016-11-28 22:13:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Ovv Topik wrote:
Problem here is he is in Gallente space, it is highly undesirable to travel as far as would be necesssary just to mine some rock.

Unless they changed the mechanics very recently there is nothing stopping you from buying it.

I guess another alternative would be to train reprocessing and reprocess some of the loot you have until you have enough Nocxium but that would be fairly wasteful.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Oraac Ensor
#5 - 2016-11-28 22:25:56 UTC
It just so happens that I am at this vey moment taking a new Federal Navy Academy character through this very mission and I bought all the materials apart from the tritanium.
Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#6 - 2016-11-28 22:26:36 UTC
Just buy the minerals you need.

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#7 - 2016-11-28 22:35:41 UTC
You can get some of the Nocxium from Pyroxeres, but you'll have a tough time finding that outside Caldari/Amarr space - you'd pretty much need to get lucky and find an Ore anomaly.

The Zydrine, though, you won't find outside of lowsec, barring a lucky Ore anomaly.

The quickest, easiest, and *best* way to do it is to simply buy the rarer minerals off the market. Or all of them, for that matter.
Alan Richardson
#8 - 2016-11-28 23:02:12 UTC
either I am reading it wrong or no one has done the mission (or it has been too long, or it has changed)

here is a snippet:

I'm giving you a blueprint copy with which you can fulfill my quota. No buying, looting or bargaining. YOu have to build the ammo from scratch. The rest of the production runs are yours, as is this industrial-class ship I am going to reward you with

So am I reading that wrong? I don't want to buy the rest of the mats, only to find that I failed the mission. What do you think?

Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#9 - 2016-11-28 23:10:38 UTC
So, there's two things:

#1) He wants you to *build* the ammo yourself - he says nothing about where the materials *used* to build the ammo can come from.

#2) In addition, in this case, the agent is just flat-out lying. He'll totally accept ammo that you bought off the market, in the same station, right in front of his face, and turned around and handed to him.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#10 - 2016-11-28 23:24:36 UTC
Alan Richardson wrote:
either I am reading it wrong or no one has done the mission (or it has been too long, or it has changed)

here is a snippet:

I'm giving you a blueprint copy with which you can fulfill my quota. No buying, looting or bargaining. YOu have to build the ammo from scratch. The rest of the production runs are yours, as is this industrial-class ship I am going to reward you with

So am I reading that wrong? I don't want to buy the rest of the mats, only to find that I failed the mission. What do you think?

I did the Business, Security, Exploration, and Advanced Security careers. None of them forced me to mine the stuff myself.

It might be an outdated description than should be bug reported.

If it doesn't update properly. Post a screenshot of your inventory, your wallet transaction on imgur, and I'll cover your loss. But you shouldn't have any problem. What I did was went and mined the veldspar and scordite, and bought the rest with my alpha.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Alan Richardson
#11 - 2016-11-28 23:33:12 UTC
I bought it, it worked LOL

Prob should be a little reworded. When your new at a high-learning-curve game such as this, you tend to take things literally, "just to be safe"

Memphis Baas
#12 - 2016-11-29 14:05:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Memphis Baas
In every mission, look at the Objectives: line. That's what you have to meet. What the agent says is often just fluff.

For combat missions, you typically have to go exactly where the agent says, and kill exactly the NPCs that the agents says. Rescue exactly the damsel in distress or hapless miners or whatever that the agent says.

For mining missions, you typically have to go to the site and mine. Sometimes it's because the mission doesn't complete unless you wipe out the single asteroid that's there, other times it's because there are pirates that will appear as part of the mission that you have to kill.

For production missions, they never care where you get the mats. Sometimes they give you the blueprint, sometimes they give you the mats. Often they don't care at all, you can just ignore the ammo blueprint, for example, and just buy 5000 ammo from the market and the mission will be fine with it.

For transport missions, you have to pick up the stuff, move it to the destination, and dump it in the station there. If it's a single crate, you need a ship big enough to move it. If there are multiple crates, you can use smaller ships and multiple trips and just report success once you're done moving all of them.

If you want full spoilers, use

It's a computer game, something has to trigger the quest to complete.

If it's asking for ammo, ore, minerals, ships, guns, even ships, these things are generic, not unique. One unit of Veldspar is exactly the same as any other unit of Veldspar, the computer doesn't differentiate. Doesn't keep track where you get it from. Doesn't care.

When they want you to do a specific thing, they'll either have you fight a specific NPC, have to mine a specific asteroid, or they'll have you deal with unique items. For example, 5000 antimatter charge S you can get anywhere. "Large Crate of Ammo", on the other hand, will be a special-purpose unique item that can only be used for the mission and doesn't actually reload any guns.