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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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If you're an Alpha clone please read this (idk were to put this)

First post
Rose Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#1 - 2016-11-23 08:08:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Rose Darksun
Hi, welcome to EVE online! taken from my guide post in reddit

My name is Rikilamaru and you can find me in EVE Online as Rose Darksun. I'm a Dojo officer for Brave Newbies, an in-game Corporation dedicated to letting everyone experience the full panoply of EVE, regardless of their skill level. I am here to help you learn the game!

First, there are two levels of clones (players) in the game: Alpha and Omega. Omega clones require a subscription or a PLEX (in-game object that can be used to subscribe accounts, activate multiple pilot training and do several other things, including getting blown up in shuttles by people who try to move them). Alpha clones do not require a subscription. For Alphas there is a (rather comfortable) limit on the skills available to train.

As an Alpha player you can do a lot of different things!

* Mining- Easiest and second best way to make ISK (the in-game currency), especially combined with industrial.

* Mission Running - Just what it sounds like, take missions from NPCs in stations and go blow up other NPCs in space. Occasionally involves a damsel in distress.

* Ratting - Best ISK making route for alpha clones. Killing pirate npcs (rats for short) for their bounties.

* Industrial - building ships and selling them (I believe this is limited on alpha's).

* Hauling- space truck simulator, move stuff and assets aroud for npc missions or player contracts (look up red

* Exploration- going around looking for data/relic sites excellent way of making isk, slightly harder with out cloak

* Faction warfare- is great for learning pvp and earning isk

For your first steps as a new alpha clone I highly recommend you complete the Tutorials and then the Sister Of EvE Epic Arc witch be started by talking Sister Alitura. This will teach you a good portion of the mechanics. For more info please look here

Now when you're finished with the Sisters arc and you're exploring EVE and its many possibilities, here are some tips on what to do when your ship inevitably undergoes unexpected catastrophic dissassembly due to the actions of another player:

* First don't get mad and rage in local. This is silly, ships in EVE are absolutely meant to be exploded by other people.

* Initiate a conversation with the people who blew up your ship. Tell them you are new to the game and then ask them what you did wrong.

* Most people are mature and nice in this game and are most likely to help you. AFTER they blow up your ship.

EVE is a highly community oriented game. There are dozens of mechanics built in that require the concerted action of several, many, hundreds, even thousands of players. I highly recommend joining a New Player Corporation. New Player Corporations will further help you learn the game and make it more enjoyable.

Here is a list of newbie corps

* Brave Newbies (my corp) - Based in Nullsec: We focus on teaching newbro and increasing fun per hour; we accept all newbros. Our Reddit page:

* Pandemic Horde - Based in Nullsec: they're the largest newbro corp ingame currently. Their Reddit page:

* karmafleet - Based in Nullsec: karmafleet is a newbie corp in Goonswarm, the Alliance of players that started off in the SomethingAwful forums. Here is their Reddit page:

* EVEuni - a newbie corp primarily focusing on teaching others how to play EVE and all of its different playstyles. Their site:

* Dreddit/test -Is one of the major alliances with many alpha friendly corps in it. Here is there reddit page

* Mercenary Academy: Is a new newbro corp located in low sec. here is there

* DnG - is a FW Corp that is based in Amarr space. They typically fly "Dessie's and down" and niche into armored/laser fits. Super cool group and at times topped the kill boards due to their constant small gang PvP. Always willing to teach and always willing to have fun. update: dng has joined The Bastard Cartel and moved to Curse (NPC controlled null-sec).

* Red vs Blue - They are a very old newbie-oriented alliance in highsec where the two corps are locked in a forever war against eachother. They follow rules, like no headshotting FC's and are very much about teaching pvp to new players. They also primarily do frigate pvp so it is easy for a alpha to be a contributing member.
heres there site:

* Pancakes - That's Waffles version of a alphacorp, they operate primarily in lowsec. This article is the best info link that I've seen about them.

* I would also like to there also allot of good non newbro corp/alliance's out there who are very happy to recruit alpha rp that is similar to brave and ph. Here is there reddit page

If you have any questions, feel free to message me here or message me in game.
This guide will be expanded and updated

A blog from a newbro

As per request, here is the list of usable skills for Alpha clones

Also for a bit more info on skills and life as an Alpha

Alphas are limited in that they are disallowed from using the following:

* tier 2 modules (can use some t2 stuff)

* cynosural fields (used to bridge in jump-capable ships)

* cloaking devices

* Planetary Interaction

Addenda: (from EvEuni)
Rose Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#2 - 2016-11-23 08:08:54 UTC

Security Levels of Space:

High Security

High Security systems are those with a security level of 0.5 to 1.0. CONCORD will react to hostile actions between pilots, with the response time ranging from almost instant in 1.0 space to up to 10 seconds in 0.5 space. Players also commonly use the terms High-sec, Highsec, Hi-sec, HS, and Hisec.
In these systems, stargates may be patrolled by NPC CONCORD, customs, and/or faction navy ships, and stargates and stations will have sentry guns. Aggression (i.e. committing a Criminal-level offense) will provoke a response from CONCORD and any nearby sentry guns. Aggression resulting in the destruction of another player's ship and/or pod will result in a loss of security status. (special note CONCORD won't save you, but they will always avenge you)

Low Security

Low Security systems are those with a security level of 0.1 to 0.4. Players also commonly use the terms Low-sec, Lo-sec, Lowsec, LS, and Losec.
In these systems, stargates and stations will have sentry guns (although fewer than in Highsec), but CONCORD will not react to hostile actions between pilots, although any nearby sentry guns will still open fire on the attacking player(s) and unprovoked attacks will cause losses of security status.

Null Security (Null for short)

Null Security systems are those with a security level of 0.0. Players also commonly use the terms Null-sec, Nullsec, NS, and 0.0 (pronounced "zero zero", "zero dot zero", or "oh dot oh").
These systems are essentially lawless and no NPC organizations will respond to aggression, nor will actions of any kind result in a loss of security status. In nullsec the gloves are off: stealth bombers can use bombs and players can deploy bubbles; players frequently fly under not-blue-shoot-it ('NBSI') rules of engagement.

Wormhole space

In terms of security mechanics, Wormhole Space ("w-space") is similar to nullsec: CONCORD does not monitor what happens in wormhole pockets, and players can use bombs and bubbles at will.
W-space also functions differently from known space ("k-space") in that players do not appear in the Local chat channel until they speak in it. This means there could be 1 player or 100 players in a wormhole system and you would not be able to tell the difference just by looking at the local window.

EVE has some of the best, deepest and most thrilling lore in any media. There are mountains of fallen empires, conspiracy theories, exploding stars, powerful weapons, even more powerful immortal humans and a million other treasures, waiting to be discovered.
EveReader has audio sort stories
EvE official channel(has scope videos)

Here is a fleet with omegas and newbros/alpha clones taking down a dreadnought.

Venture fitting ( top 2 are alpha friendly)

Apha caracal fit

[Caracal, Alpha Caracal]

Ballistic Control System II

Ballistic Control System II

Ballistic Control System II

Damage Control II

10MN Afterburner I

Large Shield Extender I

Warp Disruptor I

EM Ward Amplifier I

Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I

Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher

Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher

Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher

Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher

Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher

Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters I

Acolyte I x1

Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x1000

Navy Cap Booster 400 x32

Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x1000

Caldari Navy Nova Light Missile x1000

Caldari Navy Mjolnir Light Missile x1000

Nanite Repair Paste x50
#3 - 2016-11-23 08:26:18 UTC
1) blatant corp advertising
2) simple copy pasting of other's work
3) useless fit for a newbie
Rose Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#4 - 2016-11-23 08:28:10 UTC
Vigirr wrote:
1) blatant corp advertising
2) simple copy pasting of other's work
3) useless fit for a newbie

my own work
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#5 - 2016-11-23 08:37:22 UTC
Rose Darksun wrote:
Vigirr wrote:
1) blatant corp advertising
2) simple copy pasting of other's work
3) useless fit for a newbie

my own work

And a good job you did too, good luck in your efforts to educate new players.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Rose Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#6 - 2016-11-23 08:44:02 UTC
Thanks :)
#7 - 2016-11-23 08:52:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Most of it is fine.

However, mining and ratting are probably not the highest ISK generators, when you don't have access to nullsec space. I suspect, this guide is relevant for Brave Newbies and their space, but may need some adjustments if you want it to be relevant for Alphas.

Data/relic hacking may probably be the most profitable for Alpha besides trading, even without access to a cloak. Scanning from a safe is very doable while d-scanning for combat probes and hacking cans with the skills on level 3 is also very doable. They should use wormholes in order to get access to the better yield sites, instead of trying to grind highsec sites.

With that being said, I generally dislike rating activities based on the ISK yield. While ISK gains are important, I feel it is more important that you enjoy playing the game. For example, when you tell people that mining is the second highest ISK generator, you push some people into doing that role. They may soon quit the game, based on that experience because mining is just boring as hell.

Anyway, C for effort. You need to look at some of your spacing for the post to look nice though. The copy paste from the reddit didn't leave it a beauty.
#8 - 2016-11-23 09:00:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Vigirr
It's not your own work, you just wrote the tidbits of sentences between other's links.

More importantly the fit assumes every alpha is caldari which isn't true, it assumes every newbies can fly and easily replace a cruiser several times over which certainly isn't true. It also assumes a very specific use which makes no sense for most newbies.

More importantly what your corp effectively is saying is "we don't care about your personal preferences in ship or play styles, there's nothing you can do other than being a tiny cog in a massive machine. Having your own thoughts and ideas ist verboten. You had better join us, get in line and do as you're fcking told because we need to replace the inactives with warm bodies in our horribly bloated corp. We're not here to help you, you're here to help us. Here's your number and you better like it!".

Not specifically BNI obviously, but all of these "newbie friendly" massive corporations. It's how you breed carebears who want to be in the massive blue donut.
#9 - 2016-11-23 09:05:34 UTC
Vigirr wrote:
More importantly the fit assumes every alpha is caldari which isn't true.

This is actually true. I'd just remove the fits all together, since they probably create more confusion than good.

The Caracal seems to be a PvP ship used in fleets. It sucks for solo and there is no reason for a PvE ship to have a disruptor.

A true Alpha newbie, will not know what these modules do. When you post a definitive fit like that, they will just buy it without really understanding why these modules are fitted. Instead, you should let people learn on their own pace what the modules do and just be prepared to answer questions if they ask.
Rose Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#10 - 2016-11-23 09:34:48 UTC
Maekchu wrote:
Vigirr wrote:
More importantly the fit assumes every alpha is caldari which isn't true.

This is actually true. I'd just remove the fits all together, since they probably create more confusion than good.

The Caracal seems to be a PvP ship used in fleets. It sucks for solo and there is no reason for a PvE ship to have a disruptor.

A true Alpha newbie, will not know what these modules do. When you post a definitive fit like that, they will just buy it without really understanding why these modules are fitted. Instead, you should let people learn on their own pace what the modules do and just be prepared to answer questions if they ask.

the fit was request from another forum / reddit

this is basicly a repost of my guide from other reddits/forum
#11 - 2016-11-23 09:42:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Rose Darksun wrote:
Maekchu wrote:
Vigirr wrote:
More importantly the fit assumes every alpha is caldari which isn't true.

This is actually true. I'd just remove the fits all together, since they probably create more confusion than good.

The Caracal seems to be a PvP ship used in fleets. It sucks for solo and there is no reason for a PvE ship to have a disruptor.

A true Alpha newbie, will not know what these modules do. When you post a definitive fit like that, they will just buy it without really understanding why these modules are fitted. Instead, you should let people learn on their own pace what the modules do and just be prepared to answer questions if they ask.

the fit was request from another forum / reddit

this is basicly a repost of my guide from other reddits/forum

I know. I saw your post on reddit. But that doesn't make that fit less random.

There is not even a short note with the fit, explaining that this is a PvP fit suited for fleet combat. A true newbie will not understand the fit. Instead of writing a definitive guide, where you say "Ratting is best isk, mining is second best" and "Use this fit for a Caracal", you should instead present the options available and let people learn and explore so they understand these options.

At least, that is my opinion so far.

Edit: Meh, it's not that bad really. But still, I don't like definitive guides for eve.
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#12 - 2016-11-23 13:22:26 UTC
Moved to New Citizen Q&A

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#13 - 2016-11-23 15:08:59 UTC
The problem I see is you present closed lists. These are things you can do to make isk (closed list). These are newbie corps (closed list). The caracal fit needs to go. Alphas are all 4 races so giving a closed fit like that is hardly applicable. Worse, most alphas are frigate fliers at first when they are desperate for information. A cruiser fit helps these desperate players not at all.

If you want to see an example of a GOOD Alpha guide look here

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Ovv Topik
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2016-11-23 16:13:42 UTC
Rose Darksun wrote:

* Dreddit - are newbie corp that is similar to brave and ph. Here is there reddit page

TEST Alliance is the largest Reddit based entity in Eve, and Dreddit is their main corp, which has a min skill point requirement to join.
TEST does however have newbie and Alpha friendly corps within the alliance.

"Nicknack, I'm in a shoe in space, on my computer, in my house, with a cup of coffee, in't that something." - Fly Safe PopPaddi. o7

Rose Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#15 - 2016-11-23 16:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Rose Darksun
Ovv Topik wrote:
Rose Darksun wrote:

* Dreddit - are newbie corp that is similar to brave and ph. Here is there reddit page

TEST Alliance is the largest Reddit based entity in Eve, and Dreddit is their main corp, which has a min skill point requirement to join.
TEST does however have newbie and Alpha friendly corps within the alliance.

ill add that and done
Rose Darksun
Cry Of Death
Almost Underdogs
#16 - 2016-11-23 17:09:02 UTC
ISD Max Trix wrote:
Moved to New Citizen Q&A

thx :)
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2016-11-24 08:30:20 UTC
Dng is only interesting thing in there for me cause I made this character to try fw.

But good God the beta map sucks and I can't figure out how to filter anything out or figure out where I'm going. That coupled with the fact it's my first time in amarr space I'm completely lost. I've gone through the filters but I can't seen to find an option that gives me regional stuff and gateways to other regions. Everything I click a system next to me its like 9 jumps zig zagging all around. The old map I'm used to isnt much better tho. I wouldn't even know how to get to a low or null sec Corp. Never been a PvP or low sec guy when I played. Everything I've gone below .5 I die the second go through the gate.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#18 - 2016-11-24 15:08:30 UTC
Use Dotlan for learning your way around. I still prefer the layout of the Ombey maps, but they are dated

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#19 - 2016-11-25 17:40:10 UTC
I found this guide helpful, thanks.
UnHoly C0nF3SSi0ns
#20 - 2016-11-26 13:54:47 UTC
damn... em brave boys doing lot of good for alphas on the interwebs.
a few days ago i read wall of text on reddit for alphas made by a brave dude and it was not a recruitment post