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Activity for Projectile/Shield T2Cruiser +BC

Norian Rever
House Rever
#1 - 2016-11-14 17:56:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Norian Rever
It seems Ive made some bad decisions in skilling and painted myself into a corner..
I hope someone can recommend something.

Basically I can fly nothing else well except Minmatar Cruisers (T2) and Minmatar BCs (Fleet Navy).
Only weapons I can use well are medium projectiles. Im pretty much perfect with artillery and associated skills.
Only defence is shields. Drone skills are poor.

Ive been trying to make a living doing HS DED 3-4/10 Angel sites, but revenue has gotten very poor recently and tbh Im bored to death of it.

What else can I do with this limited ship range to try and earn a somewhat steady isk income?

Id rather not grind L3 missions, and I dont think I can handle most if any L4s in these ships solo.

I made the mistake of hoping Loki would give me options of attempting DEDs in null or some WH content, but it seems every single thread I read on that recommends AGAINST Loki. This really feelsbadman. Im already heavily invested in it... I statrted researching threads too late...

Only shipline I can easily cross-train to, is Angels for Cynabal, which is basically just a modified T2 cruiser and doesnt open up any new options.

Ive considered running FW missions, but Ive read its not viable in cruisers mostly, and I have next to no PvP experience.
I suppose I could train up frigates but it seems a bit of a waste when im already near perfect with cruisers.

Feels like I chose a really bad ship/weapon line to go down and have ended up at a deadend with very few options.

Ive considered that maybe I should try to join a null or WH corp, but I have very little to offer them, least of all PvP experience, and from what Ive read, II basically wouldnt be able to earn anything with this range of ships in those areas of space anyways.

Did I really shoot myself in both feet this badly, with my choices that there seems to be very little these ships are good for interms of isk generation and options to sustain my costs in EVE?

Help, please. Is there so ething I overlooked?

Im rapidly losing enthusiasm in EVE, not cos I dont love the game, I do, a lot, but cos it seems I managed to choose the worst possible skill progression line with so few options open to it..
Nikea Tiber
Backwater Enterprises RD
#2 - 2016-11-14 19:27:04 UTC
I don't see how you feel that you shot yourself in the foot. You aren't prevented from training into other racial ships or weapon systems, and doing so does nothing to the skills you already have trained. Training time on everything sub-BS is rather short, and even training for marauders and tech 2 large weapons is pretty trivial compared to skills for capital ships.

So what is preventing you from buying skillbooks you should have probably already bought + injected?

Income? Go exploring.

my other nano is a polycarb

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#3 - 2016-11-14 20:03:42 UTC
Norian, you seem to be worrying yourself out of fun. That is a mistake.

1st of all you need some patience. You seem relatively new. you just started, slow down and learn the game and then figure out what you want to do and where. You post is all over the place talking about null DEDs and then missions etc.

Secondly, you don't need great skills to do anything in EVE. There is no such thing as 'skilling yourself into a hole', you are never ever further than a few days away from training other tech1 stuff of other races or even the same race and Tech1 stuff is all you need to do almost every activity in EVE. You don't have to train things to 5 to be able to use them.

If you can fly a minmatar BC you are thus not far from a Minmatar or Angel Battleship with which you could easily do lvl 4 missions while figuring out what else to do. The Tempest and Maelstrom are obvious next steps if you don't have missile skills for a Typhoon (Phoon is the best T1 minmatar ppve BS by a long ways imo).

Your best option though is to find people in game who do whatever it is you want to do, and let them teach you. There are plenty of new players friendly groups around.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#4 - 2016-11-14 21:42:58 UTC
So I'm one of those people on record as hating on the Loki. However, I do have one, and it's made me a pretty penny. It's fit almost entirely for relic sites in null, which it's actually quite good at. Head to Sansha space and you're in for a cargo full of decent loot. It's not the most exciting thing out there but a bit of evasion can be fun (and you can always strap on some guns in hopes of a sisters probe launcher drop from an exploration frigate). There's nothing stopping you from taking it into a wormhole either. Something like this:

[Loki, space tourist alpha]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II

50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Cargo Scanner II
Relic Analyzer II
Data Analyzer II
Large Shield Extender II

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Sisters Core Probe Launcher, Core Scanner Probe I
650mm Artillery Cannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M

Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing II
Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing II

Loki Defensive - Adaptive Shielding
Loki Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer
Loki Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration
Loki Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier
Loki Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir

You also have access to one of those ships everyone loves to hate: the Muninn. Take something like this and head to Blood or Sansha low:

[Muninn, Sansha]
Medium Armor Repairer II
True Sansha Armor Thermal Hardener
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

10MN Afterburner II
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script

720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
Improved Cloaking Device II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M
720mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet EMP M

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Projectile Burst Aerator II

Hobgoblin II x5

Suddenly you can run 5/10s and 6/10s plus you get the excitement of leaving high sec.
Norian Rever
House Rever
#5 - 2016-11-15 07:42:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Norian Rever
Nikea Tiber:

"I don't see how you feel that you shot yourself in the foot. You aren't prevented from training into other racial ships or weapon systems, and doing so does nothing to the skills you already have trained."

The point is the skills I have trained seem to be largely nontransferable to much of anything else, with the exception of shields.
The Minmatar cruisers and medium projectile arty seem to be a dead-end option in terms of doing anything except 3-4/10 DEDs.

I recognize that I basically need to start skilling entirely different weapon systems/shiplines from mostly scratch.
What I was asking, is there something I overlooked that I could do with my existing skills.
Apparently, there isnt.

Jenn aSide:

"Norian, you seem to be worrying yourself out of fun. That is a mistake."

Im not so much worried, as I am disappointed in what my chosen skilling ended up in. Feels like I wasted a lot of time and effort for very little reward, whereas if I had simply trained drones/missiles and non-minnie ships, Id have far more options open at this point. That was my mistake.

"If you can fly a minmatar BC you are thus not far from a Minmatar or Angel Battleship with which you could easily do lvl 4 missions while figuring out what else to do. The Tempest and Maelstrom are obvious next steps if you don't have missile skills for a Typhoon (Phoon is the best T1 minmatar ppve BS by a long ways imo)."

Thank you for the advice. But again, seems like projectile artillery are the loser, and I should have gone missiles. Especially since missiles can be cross-trained to various other shiplines, whereas projectile artillery is only Angel ships...
Also, Minmatar BC skills are not transferable to BS, as they use Large rather than medium turrets, nor does being skilled in BCs reduce training time into BS. Basically I should have NOT trained into BCs, and instead skipped them and gone straight to BS. Yet another mistake I made...

Im not enthusiastic about BS. I think I would rather stay in cruiser size hulls or smaller.
From what Ive read, non-minmatar cruisers, especially t3, have far more options open to them.

Zhilia Mann:

Thanks for the Loki build and reassurance it is workeable. But if I am going to do just relic sites in null, wouldnt I be better off in a much cheaper covops frigate? Which wormholes combat sites could I do in a Loki?

Thanks also for the Muninn build. But there, again, Id need to skill into Armor, which I currently dont have (only shield).

Ill consider adding to my options to perhaps try and join a LS corp so Im not on my own and vulnerable in their space while running those DEDs you mentioned.


Do you guys see what I mean? Seems that the specific choices I made turned out to be a complete dead-end.
All options require extensive re-skilling into something else.

I dont mean to sound whiney. Im just disappointed in my results and bad decisions.

Purpose of my post was to ask if there is something I had overlo8ked that I could do with my current skill set.

I will just have to bite the bullet and start largely from scratch in re-skilling, and continue this Angel 3-4/10 grind in hopes of trying to make a little isk while waiting months more for the skilling to complete...

To any other newer players reading this, dont make the mistakes I did. Stay away from minmatar cruisers and especially artillery builds. You may find yourself painted into a corner like I did. Go drones or missiles, and preferably not minmatar, and especially not up to Loki.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#6 - 2016-11-15 16:55:32 UTC
Loki for relics is all but uncatchable and can kill covops frigs when targets of interest present themselves. The combination of a covops cloak and an interdiction nullifier make it far, far safer than just having one or the other.

I had forgotten that was an armor Muninn. Should only be a week of training though; swapping tank types tends not to be skill intensive.

Your last option that takes almost full advantage of what you've trained to date is to suck it up into the Sleipnir, which does splendidly with either AC or arty. It's also rock solid in low sec DEDs (though it has some mobility issues) and can run missions if you so prefer. It's by far my favorite medium projectile platform -- but it does mean a touch more training.
Anize Oramara
#7 - 2016-11-16 00:04:54 UTC
I should take less than a week to get into a proper blitzing T1 gun fit Machariel. Minmatar skills is actually pretty great for making money / missioning / etc. It's also used in Burners (Daredevil, Vagabond, Vigilant). It's one of the core races to skill into if you want to blitz missions for your iskies. There's a link in my sig.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Levin Crack
#8 - 2016-11-16 13:58:54 UTC
Loki you can rofl stomp c1 sites with and take on c2 wh sleepers too! Google loki pve fit osmium to find some fitting ideas.
Otherwise as others pointed out its not alot of work to cross train into other ships.
Norian Rever
House Rever
#9 - 2016-11-16 15:45:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Norian Rever
Thank you all for some very helpful tips that offered many options for me to choose next.

To sum up:

There was Loki for null/C1-3 WH Relic sites and Sleeper sites.
Apparently its also good at cloak/nullify, and can handle some pvp with explorers.
There was BS options for L4s.
There was references to cruisers/frigates for running Burner missions.
There was the HM/HAM option (but unfortunately I realized there is no Missile T2 cruiser for minmatar)
There was biting the bullet and training into Sleipnir.

All options (except some of the cruiser/frigate fits for buners) will in anycase take me atleast over a month.

Ive chosen to bite the bullet and train into a Sleipnir. Its the ship I have the most existing skills to fly well once training is finished and the ship bonuses are excellent for medium artillery DPS and shield booster tank (atleast looking at them).

I hope it will serve as a sort of fast "pocket battleship" to help me attempt some more demanding combat sites, rather than starting the grind through BS hulls and large projectiles.I also really dont like the slowness of BS and Id rather not resort to mission spam.

I also hope it might also give me something I can offer in corp application processes as something perhaps useful with its Command Bursts, should Command BCs become more desirable. I think there arent that many Sleipnir pilots (for good or bad reasons...)

After that, I will consider the Loki subsystem grind for the WH/null exploration, or alternatively missiles to open up Claymore (to deal with Sansha Target Disruption for example, but with a good resist profile) and easier crosstraining into other missile cruisers of other factions. (Cos projectiles are a dead end, except for Angels hulls)

I seem to have read some rumors that T3 cruisers might get a balance pass "soon". Perhaps the Loki will be improved for my purposes.

Sleipnir will take me months to fly well, and its not really useful in HS except for the occasional 5/10 Angel escalation to clear them faster, but its the rational choice, even if niche, considering my existing skill set, and hopefully can operate as a "pocket battleship" and that the Command Bursts (which I havent learned about yet), might be useful to a corp somewhere in whichever space.

I might regret not going Loki for those null/wh exploration profits, safe travel or what a loki might offer a corp, but on the otherhand I may as well finish off the projectile BC line since I have already put so much info it.

Thanks everyone. I feel a lot better about my options, and can atleast look forward to really fat DPS bonuses as I skill up Command Ships.

PS: How do I thank your posts? cant find the button anywhere.
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#10 - 2016-11-17 04:13:00 UTC
another thing to add, though it's not very steady. If there comes an event, you can use your Minmatar T2 cruisers to do the event sites. Minmatar HACs have improved shield resists, so it's a good idea to shield tank them, and you have the skills. Projectile weapons can do any type of damage, so it doesn't matter what the facion is the event against. also artillery weapons have a very high alpha damage, so you have great chance to win the loot of the event sites (my gallente drone ship can rarely win a contest).
and also another option, where you can stay in medium hulls but need large weapon skills —— gank the haulers in a tornado. If you can find a right target, you can make several hundreds of millions in a minute. It's not a steady income and an honorable act, but it's fun :P
Tam Arai
Mi Pen Rai
#11 - 2016-11-17 17:22:34 UTC
no need to panic

minmitar t2 cruisers and battlecruisers are great in amarr space due to their natural resists. match with emp ammo to deal much damage

any minmitar shield ship should do well in minnie space too

There is a limit to what any kind of tanking/ weapons can do when only limited to t2 cruisers. A t2 zealot with t2 lazers is also limited

but this is why its easy and reasonably quick to cross train

if you have good shield skills, getting a t2 armor tank only takes a couple of weeks. you already persumably have good gun supports, so cross training new gunnery skills wont be that intensive. minnie ships can also use missils so youre not wasting your time to train them either.

you have lots of choices- decide want you want to do, then decide how to skill afterwards- another race, weapon, tank or go battleship etc
Norian Rever
House Rever
#12 - 2016-11-18 07:59:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Norian Rever
-Blood Harvest Event has ended.
-Most of the NPC EWAR types make projectiles/turrets very poor for Pirate and WH sites (I've read), leaving pretty much only Angels.
-These EWAR problems are largely avoided by missile/drone ships.
-Minmatar only have projectile/turret HACS.
-Other races all have a missile or drone alternative HAC.

-The advantage of HAC T2 resist profiles etc and exchangeable damage types on projectiles is largely countered by the NPCs EWAR being particularly hard on anything except missiles/drones.

What I learned from this, as advice to new players for doing PvE content, train missiles and/or drones first, cos they negate EWAR well. There are also MUCH more hulls you can train into with these weapon systems, for much more diversity in choices to do these EWARing NPC sites.
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#13 - 2016-11-21 02:03:12 UTC
Norian Rever wrote:
-Blood Harvest Event has ended.
-Most of the NPC EWAR types make projectiles/turrets very poor for Pirate and WH sites (I've read), leaving pretty much only Angels.
-These EWAR problems are largely avoided by missile/drone ships.

only Sansha's tracking disruption works significantly more effectively on gun ships. Serpentis and Guristas affects your target, and missile boats and drone boats also can't do damage ideally when they can't target. Yes, there exist auto-target missiles and drones can respond to enemies automatically, but they almost always pick a wrong target. Blood raiders' cap warfare hurts active tank and energy/hybrid turrets a lot, but Minmatar can passive shield tank and projectile weapons don't use cap. And of course you can just stay in minmatar space and fight angels.
Crimson Harvest has ended, but I'm sure another event will come soon.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#14 - 2016-11-21 02:09:36 UTC
Norian Rever wrote:
-Blood Harvest Event has ended.

Frostline should be starting in the next few weeks. Seems we're on a semi-regular schedule now.

Norian Rever wrote:
-Most of the NPC EWAR types make projectiles/turrets very poor for Pirate and WH sites (I've read), leaving pretty much only Angels.
-These EWAR problems are largely avoided by missile/drone ships.
-Minmatar only have projectile/turret HACS.
-Other races all have a missile or drone alternative HAC.

Anyone who is telling you that missiles and drones are better for PvE in general are lying to you (and likely themselves). Tracking disruption not withstanding, guns are a flat out superior option than missiles with better damage, better application, and instant delivery. Drones have their own issues. Depending on which kind you're using, that can either involve travel time (which is awful), losing drones (which is awful), or being stuck in place (which can be awful situationally).

Now, if you're specifically bitching about medium ACs: ok. They're not the best right now. But guns in general aren't a problem. At all.

Norian Rever wrote:
-The advantage of HAC T2 resist profiles etc and exchangeable damage types on projectiles is largely countered by the NPCs EWAR being particularly hard on anything except missiles/drones.

See above.

Norian Rever wrote:
What I learned from this, as advice to new players for doing PvE content, train missiles and/or drones first, cos they negate EWAR well. There are also MUCH more hulls you can train into with these weapon systems, for much more diversity in choices to do these EWARing NPC sites.

Yeah, I wouldn't give that advice.
Andrew Indy
Cleaning Crew
#15 - 2016-11-22 05:33:12 UTC
Norian Rever wrote:

What I learned from this, as advice to new players for doing PvE content, train missiles and/or drones first, cos they negate EWAR well. There are also MUCH more hulls you can train into with these weapon systems, for much more diversity in choices to do these EWARing NPC sites.

Sansah TDs used to be crazy powerful but they are not too much of an issue these days, Just move closer (have to do that with Damps anyway), ECM is more of a pain and that effects everyone.

Either way you can either fit for it and or kill the Ewar ships first.

If you play eve for long enough you will use pretty much every ship/weapons system so training is almost never wasted (Other than maybe Mining/research skills)

Also the Sleipner is a great Solo/small gang PVP ship.
Digits Kho
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2016-11-23 18:51:41 UTC
You could try doing c2s in ur cane. i was doing them in a solo passive shield tanked cane back a couple years ago. Relics and datas. Ofc.
Magitek Consortium
#17 - 2016-11-23 21:37:03 UTC
Hey fellow Minmatar specialist, good to see I'm not the only one swimming against the stream out there! Lv3 Missions do get a bit boring and HS DED sites can get stale too. Here's my suggestions to spice things up a bit.

  • Wormholes! - A Hurricane (fleet or otherwise) can easily handle C1 and C2 wormholes for very little isk investment. You can even fly something like a Vegabond or a Munin once you get comfortable with it. A loki is even better as you can use a mobile depot to swap modules/subsystems and instantly turn your stealthy scanner loki into a sleeper killing monster. Sleeper salvage and blue drops are very small cargo wise and can easily accommodate the fact that you're carrying extra modules in your cargo.

  • Low/Null DED - I have personally run quite a few null DED sites in Sansha space. These work just fine in a Loki or a Heavy Assault cruiser. Some of the escalations aren't soloable and you might need a little extra help taking down the tank of the 8/10 and 10/10 sites though.

  • Battleships! - You're not far from doing level 4s or null ratting in a Tempest or Maelstrom. Your secondary projectile skills (tracking, falloff, etc.) will make your lower level Large projectiles better even if your medium specialities won't. Consider skilling into a Machariel for mission blitzing or ratting.

  • Exploration - It's nice to take a break from the combat sometimes and try your luck at relic/data sites. If you fly into Null you'll find these sites can range from 5 to 100 million per site depending on your luck.

  • PVP! - Maybe Medium Projectiles aren't the best cruiser sized weapon these days but a skilled out character in a shitfit cruiser can still have a lot of fun for very little risk. Lots of fun and sometimes it can be very profitable. You may even get some of those DED modules you've been selling back. :)