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EVE Online: Ascension Deployment Updates

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Thayla Caldari
The Initiative.
#281 - 2016-11-15 12:28:45 UTC
mannyman wrote:
I had 2 stage authentication on, and starting client now as servers are in vip mode, is hell with multiple accounts. It just took me 20 minutes to log in all toons into launcher. I think CCP have to rethink how the process is done, as I saw toons disappear from the list once I started authenticating the next account. Only 3 accounts, but I know there are miners with 10-12 accounts and that must be HELL.

update: I checked my account and 2 step verification is OFF on my accounts !!! still CCP forces everyone to do it. the bad thing is that once you go to next account the previously account inserted into launcher is removed, and you have to add it again.

I'm patiently waiting for 1st email. I have 15 more to do
Dominique Mayhem
Mayhem Inc
#282 - 2016-11-15 12:29:33 UTC
May the great yak of tibet grant you success this morning and not make doo doo in your pillow cases
Bobman Smith
Solitary Confinement 4 One
#283 - 2016-11-15 12:29:54 UTC
Jakamo Diamond wrote:
I wrote a poem to commemorate this great occasion. And because Im bored.

That's actually very good!

T3 immune to remote reps. They should be the most powerful solo/small gang ships but not useful for large fleets as T2 ships should be used. Remove Insurance from game. Ban Frigate Pirate Ships from Novice FW Plexs. Buy me Ice cream please!

Relics United
#284 - 2016-11-15 12:30:57 UTC
Thayla Caldari wrote:
mannyman wrote:
I had 2 stage authentication on, and starting client now as servers are in vip mode, is hell with multiple accounts. It just took me 20 minutes to log in all toons into launcher. I think CCP have to rethink how the process is done, as I saw toons disappear from the list once I started authenticating the next account. Only 3 accounts, but I know there are miners with 10-12 accounts and that must be HELL.

update: I checked my account and 2 step verification is OFF on my accounts !!! still CCP forces everyone to do it. the bad thing is that once you go to next account the previously account inserted into launcher is removed, and you have to add it again.

I'm patiently waiting for 1st email. I have 15 more to do

imagine how many emails CCP have to send out from their email server today. 4-500k processing towards the server api ?
Faulker Gath'nor
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#285 - 2016-11-15 12:31:21 UTC
Perhaps we can safely assume the 2FA is the manner VIP's are getting in... and this will vanish when the gates open again.

They are setting up EvE's Alpha BBQ & Buffet carts all over the place
Takara Kuvakei
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#286 - 2016-11-15 12:31:35 UTC
will alpha be able you make contracts?
Excoecaria Agallocha
Plantae Malum
#287 - 2016-11-15 12:32:37 UTC
Lazurus Holyfield wrote:
suspense is killing me, lol. Got to love major updates, fingers crossed that everything works like it is supposed too.

Do you play piano? This 2FA nag screen is like trying to play piano with some poltergeist slamming the lid on your fingers every time you want to change what song you're playing.
Vincente Valmori
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#288 - 2016-11-15 12:33:06 UTC
DSpite Culhach wrote:
I seriously have no idea why it's taking so long.

I mean, it's not as if Gods are rebooting the universe.

... oh wait.

*Windows boot chime*
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#289 - 2016-11-15 12:33:06 UTC
I have 28 accounts, that are normally saved in the launcher client, to save me the hassle of typing usernames and passwords.

All accounts have had email verified.

All accounts are not set to the second authentication.

Yet ALL accounts no longer on the launcher.


Please Evemail me if I win.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#290 - 2016-11-15 12:33:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyfanna
mannyman wrote:
Thayla Caldari wrote:
mannyman wrote:
I had 2 stage authentication on, and starting client now as servers are in vip mode, is hell with multiple accounts. It just took me 20 minutes to log in all toons into launcher. I think CCP have to rethink how the process is done, as I saw toons disappear from the list once I started authenticating the next account. Only 3 accounts, but I know there are miners with 10-12 accounts and that must be HELL.

update: I checked my account and 2 step verification is OFF on my accounts !!! still CCP forces everyone to do it. the bad thing is that once you go to next account the previously account inserted into launcher is removed, and you have to add it again.

I'm patiently waiting for 1st email. I have 15 more to do

imagine how many emails CCP have to send out from their email server today. 4-500k processing towards the server api ?

yea, turning it on for everyone automaticly ( while in account info its turned off ) was very well thought thru right?...the usual CCP polishing of ideas... #only@CCP
Apo Lamperouge
#291 - 2016-11-15 12:33:46 UTC
Thayla Caldari wrote:
Cpt Soban wrote:
Dreddit is recruiting

In a forum thread about updates and status, you're trying to recruit there? How low do you guys go? That hard up?

It's Dreddit, what did you expect?

Sometimes a knife right through your heart is exactly what you need.

DSpite Culhach
#292 - 2016-11-15 12:34:02 UTC
It's the weirdest thing.

The american election was happening, with the chance that Trump might get elected, and I did not bother checking online articles about who had won until half a day later.

EVE gets an update, and I'm refreshing a forum page every 30 seconds to find out whats happening.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Otago Dogwalker
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#293 - 2016-11-15 12:34:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Otago Dogwalker
CCP only posting stuff on the first post too don't forget.
Maja Chou
#294 - 2016-11-15 12:35:10 UTC
so thats the new world now
i have to use 2factor for ALL accounts even fot those who run on same e-mail adress!
(hey just a verification links wasnt enough?)
on the same PC!
with the same Launcher!
and have to agree on all to new Eula!

and later i have to do this AGAIN for SISI?

and if CCP refresh SISi or my Launcher forgets all accounts like it was in the past i have do do all this AGAIN?


need more alkohol

Da die auf Schildwall vorhandenen Informationen nur einen minimalen Einfluss auf das Endergebnis der Neuspielererfahrung von EVE als ganzes gehabt hätten,habe ich beschlossen, die Informationen so zu belassen, wie CCP sie zu liefern in der Lage ist.

Caldari State
#295 - 2016-11-15 12:35:20 UTC
Yes, your DB update sbalbupted.

I logged in on account management and it clearly says "Two Factor Authentication - disabled", yet requires 2FA and sends funny emails with verification codes.
The launcher does so also, but furthermore it can't login because "Authenticator is enabled. We have detected that your browser has cookies disabled. To provide the best experience on this site we use cookies. Please enable cookies in your browser and reload this page."
Relics United
#296 - 2016-11-15 12:35:32 UTC
JitaGodess wrote:
I have 28 accounts, that are normally saved in the launcher client, to save me the hassle of typing usernames and passwords.

All accounts have had email verified.

All accounts are not set to the second authentication.

Yet ALL accounts no longer on the launcher.


good luck with 28 accounts, waiting for 2 emails, first email verification, second 2 stage verification, then the launcher drops the previous logged in accounts, and all the restarts of the clients between each step.
Excoecaria Agallocha
Plantae Malum
#297 - 2016-11-15 12:36:01 UTC
JitaGodess wrote:
I have 28 accounts, that are normally saved in the launcher client, to save me the hassle of typing usernames and passwords.

All accounts have had email verified.

All accounts are not set to the second authentication.

Yet ALL accounts no longer on the launcher.


Form an orderly queue next to the big pile of rocks in front of the statue, lol.
Thayla Caldari
The Initiative.
#298 - 2016-11-15 12:36:17 UTC
OMFG, seriously, 2FA.

Each time it hits an account that doesn't have a verified email it resets the list and you get to start over. Are you f'ing kidding me.

Twice now. It's even removing the ones that I know are verified.

Insight Securities
#299 - 2016-11-15 12:36:46 UTC

In account management, 2 Factor Authentication is marked disabled but logins still require 2FA.
I had to enable and then disable 2FA in account management to get it off.
Thats a annoying bug that will waste peoples time if the have to do that for
many accounts.

Professor Markus Aurelius
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#300 - 2016-11-15 12:37:28 UTC
Hello guys,

As a new player of EVE I am very impressed to see how much you care about your gamers.
During all the years as online gamer (example: Sony EverQuest I/II more than 12 years) I never had the pleasure to be informed during a major update like you are doing.

Just for this you get 6 stars from me and of course, this game is amazing!
Most likely this will become my new online game home, successor for my EveryQuest addiction!

Best to you and the EVE community,
