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[I-KEY] Get To Know Keyholder Investment Group

Tabor Murn
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2016-10-05 18:21:25 UTC
Matar Ronin wrote:
]My statement was in regard to pilot Selunix putting forth the idea that evangelical humanitarian concern was a driving force behind the human slavery practiced by the slavery cultists. It has nothing to do with the SOE.

Thank you for the clarification.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#22 - 2016-10-05 19:31:06 UTC
Matar Ronin wrote:
Tell me how you would compromise with a rapist still engaged in the act?

Tell me what do you respond with when the rapist tells you it is his divine right to **** you for your own salvation?

How many angles of danger do you see for the person being raped?

Ideally, I would not.


Even in my short time in this world, I've encountered women (it can no doubt happen to men, too, but it seems to usually be women) trapped in horrible, degrading situations. Some I've met personally. Others I've known only through the stories and descendants they've left behind. Some have been slaves, outright; others have been in situations where they weren't precisely or formally slaves, but had little power over their own fates or bodies.

I'm fortunate, I know, both as a capsuleer and as a person in the employ and protection of someone who might be able to shield me, even if I weren't one. I'll probably never face a situation like that.

It does disturb me, though.

A very, very few, I've maybe been able to help. Most....

This world isn't made for our convenience, Mr. Ronin, and it doesn't conform to your tidy categories or bow to your sense of moral outrage. It certainly won't just hand you victory because your cause seems just to you. If you can't attain total victory, your alternative is compromise. If you can't stand to compromise, you reduce the options to total victory or failure.

And total victory's not attainable, no matter how you choose to describe the forces arrayed against you.

The course of history proceeds despite plenty of people like yourself. Sansha's Nation stands. The Angel Cartel stands. And the Guristas, the Serpentis, the Sani Sabik. They all stand.

Even if you destroyed the Empire entirely, they'd stand. Some would even be stronger.
Leela Angel
Ishukone-Raata Accounting and Transport
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#23 - 2016-10-05 21:34:37 UTC
Two business orientated corporations forming over the past few weeks is a welcome anomaly. Ishukone-Raata wishes I-KEY fair profits, and would like to initiate contact for future cooperative efforts.
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