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Player gathering in Oslo, Norway the 5th October 2016

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-09-28 15:24:13 UTC
Due to His holiness the Space Pope's visit to Norway, we are trying to get a get-together of players in Norway for some drinks and laughs. So come on down to Ophelia on Wednesday 5th October and be part of (the first?) gathering in Oslo.

No admission fee.

Where: Ophelia - Holbergs gate 19, 0166 Oslo
How to get there: Take Tram 11/17/18 to Holbergs plass, from there it is only 50 meters to walk to the bar/restaurant.
When: Wednesday October 5th 2016 from 17:00 and beyond
Max Singularity
House Singularity
Sixth Empire
#2 - 2016-09-28 16:59:00 UTC
I'm looking forward to seeing our fellow citizens of New Eden in Oslo Norway! Blessings to all that can make this event.

Harbinger of Faith His Holiness Maximilian Singularity VI, Pope of New Eden

First Champion House Kador (defeated) - #MagnateGate

Viceroy Interview & Apostle In Amarr

Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#3 - 2016-09-28 17:14:00 UTC
YES I will be there :)
Zenmaster Aihaken
Caldari State
#4 - 2016-10-05 16:45:18 UTC
HOly sheet, that's at least 500 metres from where I live. Should I grab a taxi? Should I radio for a helicopter? HOW DO I GET THERE?