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EVE General Discussion

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Back after a year's absence - Greetings and Questions

Barnabas Fresante
Jack Trades Unlimited
#1 - 2016-09-22 02:32:32 UTC
*disclaimer* I'll just provide this right up front:

TL;DR – Eve is an abusive lover. Stories of why I can’t quit Eve for too long. Can anyone help me with T1 fits for Gallente ships that would let me run some form of DED sites?


Greetings! I have decided to take my first steps into what everyone says is the most important part of playing Eve: being social! While I'm not ready to go looking for a real corporation as of yet (as opposed to the one I made for myself), I figured I should at least take baby steps, baby steps, and dive into the realm of Eve General Discussion! To that end, I wish I actually had half as much confidence and smugness as my avatar would have you believe! Dang I love Eve's avatar creator!

Anyway, this IS more than a needless and superficial introductory post. I do have some thoughts to express and questions to ask that would help me understand the game and my place in it better.

First, I've played a lot of games in my life, especially RPGs. From actual pen and paper to the Baldur's Gate saga, to the Mass Effect universe, to various WoW style MMOs, etc etc etc . . . and while I think I have had unhealthy relationships with some of those games in the past, I have to tell you that I think Eve is downright abusive. I first joined about two years ago and have "quit" twice and here I find myself back in the saddle again. I just can't quit you, Eve! I can't quit you! Even when I was so fed up with whatever made me mad at the time and I let my subscription lapse, I still made sure my skill queue was full so I would get every bit of use out of the time I'd already paid for. Why? Because I knew I'd be back.

My in-game activities have been more on the carebear side of things, but I really think I engage in PVP quite frequently, just on the offering myself as bait side of things. I've sunk most of my skill points into exploration and I still remember the panic and wonder of warping into my very first nullsec bubble camp. I was so stunned that I didn't even try to do anything, I just took my hands off the keyboard and mouse and watched the fire burn . . . I learned that day just how true the maxim of not flying what you can't afford to lose was. But I also learned how big and diverse the world of Eve was and how exhilarating nullsec can be. Since then I've actually been able to avoid dying in a fire quite so quickly and I equally remember the awesome feeling of knowing that the only reason that guy didn't successfully gank me was because I had the right fit equipped that let me get over his tackle and warp away Scott Free with the loot I was carrying. It was a tremendous experience. Similarly, when I reactivated my account just a few days ago, I decided to take my astero out into high sec on a shake down run just to re-familiarize myself with things after about a year break. And what do I find first thing? One of those lesser covert operations bases with the four cans that blow up on a timer. Well good grief, I couldn't remember how to do anything but I jumped to it anyway! My palms were instantly clammy and every muscle in my body tensed as I fumbled to locate, approach, lock on and start running the hacks . . . one can done, some loot but can't afford to look at it, just get to the next can . . . fumbling with my commands, dang it, pull yourself together! Second can complete, grab the loot, oh crap red crosses just appeared on my overview! Wait, they're not red crosses! What are those?? Who cares, red anythingmeans gtfo when you're in one of these sites! And I do, just in the nick of time. And so 5 minutes after logging back in after a year away I'm 33 million isk richer. I know, I know, peanuts for most players, but pretty awesome for this seemingly perpetual newbie. It was like a welcome back present complete with the adrenaline rush!

And I guess the only reason I share all of that is to say that this game is SO abusive . . . but yeah, I love it. I honestly don't understand most of it. So much of it flies so fast over my head that the concussion hurts my ears, as one forum member's signature alludes to. And I guess that's where my first question comes into play.

As I mentioned above, I've sunk most of my skill points into data/relic site exploration activities with a significant chunk into planetary interaction as well. I have a simple lowsec PI operation that nets me about 80-100 million isk per week for absolutely minimal effort. And that right there is a huge buffer that means I could literally lose an astero every week and I'd be fine.

So while I have a nicely skilled character in a couple areas, and a hodge podge of other things from the general first-time newbie activities of long ago (dumb mining skills, I used that retriever ONCE, darn it!), I'm not well skilled in many other areas, including weapons systems. I can fly up to Gallente Battleships, but just barely. I think I have decent basic ship skills (the background skills that help with fitting) and can run some T2 modules, but none of them are guns. I'm on my way to T2 Sentry Drones, but that jump from level 4 to 5 is a long one. So here's the question: What is available for me that I can actually do? I'd love to try DED sites (still wrapping my brain around the different variants) and work my way into level 4 missions as more dependable income and to get comfortable with tactical combat, the display and all the commands so that I at least know where everything is before I try to go out and do actual PVP. (I did try to do that once a long time ago, by the way. Just threw some missiles on a . . . can't even remember what it was, but I had basically level 1 skills across the board . . . and flew into lowsec. You can imagine how that went.)
Barnabas Fresante
Jack Trades Unlimited
#2 - 2016-09-22 02:32:59 UTC
Anyway, what can I do with a T1 capable character as far as, say, DED sites go? I hear 4/10 can be fairly fun on the whole “what’s the faction loot going to be” front. Honestly, one reason I love exploration is because you’re uncovering the unknown. A similar thing happens with that anticipated loot drop, I’m thinking. What’s it going to be? Maybe something mundane, but it might be something freaking awesome!

But with fairly basic skills, what could I hope to run? I feel bad just asking someone to give me fits and sort of do my work for me, but I only get about an hour a night to play and that’s not even every night, so I’d much rather be out their flying with a borrowed idea rather than spend the time getting frustrated with fits that shouldn’t even be undocked. So any help anyone can give me there would be greatly appreciated. Again, the question at hand would be: Assuming mostly T1 fittings, what Gallente ship would you use and how would you fit it and what type and level of PVE (DED sites or Missions) would you expect it to handle? I can fly a Stratios as well. I actually have one, but feel a little silly taking it out of the bay when its fitted with T1 railguns . . .

Well, I have plenty more questions but it’s kind of absurd that I actually had to split my first post into two, so yeah . . .
Serene Repose
#3 - 2016-09-22 07:26:42 UTC
Hi. Allow me to introduce you to what may be a more appropriate location for your rather lengthy post:

I know. What a pain, right? Doing things correctly - only saps do that, right?

I'd suggest a Gallente fit but everyone here knows the only Gallente ship worth fitting is a disposable destroyer that shall remain nameless, until one of our resident wizards names it, of course.

Glad to see you back after that...long....absence.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Revis Owen
Krigmakt Elite
#4 - 2016-09-22 13:49:03 UTC
Barnabas Fresante wrote:
help me understand the game and my place in it

In highsec, the game is CodeSov and your place is as a Code compliant permit-holder or agent. Otherwise, your ship and pod will be popped.

Agent of the New Order If you do not have a current Mining Permit, please contact me for issuance.

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#5 - 2016-09-22 14:05:33 UTC
No wonder people would rather go to r/eve. Roll

What's up handsome? The character creator did you good Cool

I've been doing DED sites since the beginning, starting with some shield Algos and Vexors doing 3/10's. I'm not sure where your SP is at but I can link you some fits and maybe i can talk you into getting into either a Stratios or a Gila when you feel comfortable with the game again. I've soloed Serpentis 4/10's before with an Astero before.

It sounds like you're pretty familiar with this stuff but if you got any questions, feel free to mail me.

Oh and with an hour to play each night, I would probably focus less on probing and instead hope for an escalation. Welcome back to New Eden Smile


Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2016-09-22 14:14:16 UTC
Revis Owen wrote:
Barnabas Fresante wrote:
help me understand the game and my place in it

In highsec, the game is CodeSov and your place is as a Code compliant permit-holder or agent. Otherwise, your ship and pod will be popped.

op, give these guys the middle finger

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Silmas Feanarius
Ego One
#7 - 2016-09-22 15:04:09 UTC
OP looks like my mirror image, well glad to have people like you back into this game and not being the only one who thinks of Eve as that one love you can't never forget!

Only, OP is Gallente and I'm Caldari by birth and ship/skill preference, so bllaaagh go away you dirty smelly sleazy French lookalike asdgj - j/k, not really. Also plans to improve my skillset include flying and mastering a Rattlesnake, so a load of delicious Gallente drones and ship skills.

I myself resubbed only a week ago and managed to get blown up (by an Astero, nonetheless) in the first couple hours in a wormhole, but then raised a couple billions in the next days in COSMOS loot and old assets liquidation.

A couple suggestions from a fellow noob:
- Skill for the covops cloak and get to exploring nullsec, it's way more profitable than doing exploration in lowsec, let alone hisec, even factoring in the occasional loss.
- Expand your PI to all toons of a character, triple the profits for not a lot more effort, except for setting up.
- Look for a nullsec based corp and do the higher end sites anomalies in a fleet. DED sites and escalations are also more common, by the simple fact that they are not as farmed, even if they require higher skills than yours in weapons and tank.
- I hear T3 destroyers are fun and easy to skill into, even if I yet have to try them.

Feel free to contact me in-game on EU evenings if you'd like to fleet up and do lvl4 or DED 4/10, I might be around.

Need more well-formatted linking.

Swearing in Sardinian.

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#8 - 2016-09-22 15:10:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Pandora Carrollon
Revis Owen wrote:
Barnabas Fresante wrote:
help me understand the game and my place in it

In highsec, the game is CodeSov and your place is as a Code compliant permit-holder or agent. Otherwise, your ship and pod will be popped.

This is CODE wishful thinking. They have a hard enough time exerting control over a handful of chokepoints let alone all of HiSec, so you can ignore the propaganda train there. If you fly correctly you can ignore CODE entirely. So, get your flying and awareness skills up to speed.

Now, on to topic...

As to your request, a good Gallente Ship set for running DED sites is either a Vexor or Thorax if you want to run the harder ones, but frigates and destroyers can run the smaller ones with ease. If you want to use range as a defense, you're going to be running railguns and drones. If you want to use speed as a defense, then you need blasters and getting up close and staying fast with an AB (not a MWD which increases your sig size). I recommend range on the smaller sites, it's a little less stressful and works better on the small ships as you can usually destroy them before they get to you. On the larger sites with cruisers and larger, speed tanking does work if you get really close (outer edge of your optimal blaster range) and go as fast as you can (the faster the better but 500 m/s or more!). You learn to fight better with blasters and it transitions to PvP nicely.

Other than that, as your skills improve, your ship will get better and better at dealing with sites. Some of the really large ones are actually pretty hard to do in T1 only fit ships. Trying a 5/10 DED site in a T1 cruiser is a serious challenge and while I've heard rumor it's possible, I think it would be a waste of a lot of time. You're better off running several smaller sites faster or getting some friends to help take them down faster.

T1 fits are tough to post unless we know what skill set you are working with as they can be somewhat progressional early on. It also depends on how much ISK you are willing to sink into a ship. So, perhaps if you posted a fit in the fitting area, people could help you out a little better.

Good Luck! Fly Safe!
Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#9 - 2016-09-22 15:22:08 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Revis Owen wrote:
In highsec, the game is CodeSov and your place is as a Code compliant permit-holder or agent. Otherwise, your ship and pod will be popped.

op, give these guys the middle finger

Don't feed the trolls please.
Barnabas Fresante
Jack Trades Unlimited
#10 - 2016-09-25 03:42:48 UTC
Lulu Lunette wrote:
No wonder people would rather go to r/eve. Roll

What's up handsome? The character creator did you good Cool

I've been doing DED sites since the beginning, starting with some shield Algos and Vexors doing 3/10's. I'm not sure where your SP is at but I can link you some fits and maybe i can talk you into getting into either a Stratios or a Gila when you feel comfortable with the game again. I've soloed Serpentis 4/10's before with an Astero before.

It sounds like you're pretty familiar with this stuff but if you got any questions, feel free to mail me.

Oh and with an hour to play each night, I would probably focus less on probing and instead hope for an escalation. Welcome back to New Eden Smile

Thanks for the amiable response! And don't worry, I was expecting the normal . . . responses . . . of many sorts within the Eve universe, so no worries there. It took me forever to respond because I've been too busy playing! I've been experimenting with some DED sites, accidentally jumped into a 6/10 equivalent in lowsec and barely made it out with half my hull intact. Competition is high sec is extreme. I couldn't find a 3/10 that wasn't already being run.

So right now I'm out in deep null in my astero. It's a lot lonelier than I remember and the pickings are pretty good, though it does wear on you after a while.

Hey, question on scanning. I've run into data sites in both high and null sec space that I simply can't scan down. Now, I've got level 4 or 5 in all my scanning skills, I'm in an astero, I'm using both sisters scanner and probes and I've got the rigging that increases scan strength. What the heck? Some of them in null sec wouldn't even go past 77%, how much more do I have to do scan these down?

I think I've decided to continue exploring for data / relic sites, maybe experiment with scavenging and such, while I wait for more combat oriented skills to level up. Right now I feel way too clumsy with inferior gear combined with overeagerness to jump into plexes I'm simply not ready for. So maybe time will help that out.

Also as a random thing, this evening as I was hacking various data / relic sites, during the minigame it seemed to take forever for my clicks to register on each node. Is that due to server strain or internet connection or would it more likely be due to my machine? It's kind of rough when you're trying to zip through the minigame as quickly as possible and things keep hanging up.

Thanks to everyone else for your responses as well, even the Code guy . . . It takes all kinds and where would we be without the antagonists?
Ice Fire Warriors
#11 - 2016-09-25 03:49:01 UTC
Eve is an abusive lover.

Ike don mean to hurt you baby... but you make Ike angry.