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Looking for lore regarding Concord technology

Alhira Katserna
Deep Space Exploration And Exploitation
#1 - 2016-09-20 16:25:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Alhira Katserna

I am looking for some lore related to Concord and the tech they got from the Jove. More specifically i am interested in what kind of technology the Jove gave to Concord to fight and punish capsuleers. I can recall reading about that a few years ago on the wiki but unfortunately that isn´t available anymore (obligatory grrr ccp).

My forum search and google fu also seems pretty weak as i am not able to find what i am looking for.

I hope one of you knows where i can find what i am looking for, be it in a blog or whatever.

Freedom Resources
#2 - 2016-09-20 17:45:54 UTC
There are three hostings of the old EVElopedia (at least, maybe more, I don't know):

You can try to find your old article there. (Maybe it's this one, section "Bioengineering"?)

I'm not sure how much the 3 hostings differ from each other. I had pages that were missing on eve-inspiracy, but available on Note, that on the search function doesn't seem to work. But it works on the other two websites.
Alhira Katserna
Deep Space Exploration And Exploitation
#3 - 2016-09-20 18:35:24 UTC
Hmmm no the Bioengineering isn´t what i was looking for. But just having a copy of the Evelopedia i can read is a big step (i knew you can read it from the sde or anything like that but i am a total noob in that stuff). Now i just have to dig through everything until i find what i am after.

Thank you very much.
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#4 - 2016-09-20 21:12:48 UTC
You could try asking in the EVE fiction forums section. Or even in Intergalactic Summit, if you can find a way to ask the question In Character. There are people around who really know the lore, if you can find them in their natural habitats.
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#5 - 2016-09-20 22:39:31 UTC
You might enjoy this: Hydrostatic Podcast - Concord

If you are into using slack, they have a subchannel in tweetfleet slack called #llore and I think that would be your best bet to get any CONCORD questions you might have. To get started with getting into tweetfleet slack click here

To get on tweetfleet slack, you will need an out-of-game email you are okay with sharing. You can do what I did and make a gmail account for your Eve character. Smile
