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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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[MENTL] Dark Fenix Rising is looking for Nullsec Pilots!!

Flaming Shadow
Dark Fenix Rising
#1 - 2016-09-18 03:21:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Flaming Shadow
Dark Fenix Rising is a corporation settled into Amarr space and born with the aim of enjoy any aspect of EVE Online but Piracy.
If you're looking for a friendly environment where learn how to survive in hellish EVE universe -DFR- is the corp for YOU!

What we offer:

- Free will: do what you want when u want, we won't force anyone to do anything!
- Active nullsec Coalition (want to stay in highsec? Again: free will is a rule!)
- Minerals/Salvage/Loot buy program
- Orca/Rorqual/Combat Boosts
- Access to haundreds corp BPOs/Labs (if you deserve it :)
- cheap T2 ships and mods builded by corp
- EU-US TZ, all Time Zone welcome
- TS3 Server

What we require:

- Real Life (RL) always come first!
- Mature attitude
- Follow NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot policy)
- No Trial account (30 days old toon at least, particular case can be evaluated)
- Disposability to have a brief interview before acceptance of join request (ANY APPLICATION TO JOIN NOT ANTICIPATED BY CONVO/MAIL EXCHANGE WILL BE REFUSED !! )
- Any player resulting inactive for more than 4 months will be removed from our ranks without prior warning!!

If you want discover more check our corp info page and join our public in-game channel or send a mail to recruiters

Will you accept the NRDS challange?
Flaming Shadow
Dark Fenix Rising
#2 - 2016-09-19 17:32:14 UTC
Don't be shy!!!

Seeking expecially industrialists and PVE'ers but we can also provide content for any kind of playstile!!!

Park in "Public -DFR-" ingame channel or send a mail to our recruiter Fenix Inferni !!
Ice Fenix
Dark Fenix Rising
#3 - 2016-09-20 17:05:39 UTC
Defo a relaxed corp where any need is fulfilled!

Real Life always come first and plenty opportunities for mienrs, industrials, explorer, trades and pvper's.

Everyone is able to play in highsec or under NBSI (No Blue Shot It) in nulsec or wormhole: noobs!!

The real challenge is NRDS (Not Red Don't Shot) !!

Come in Providence region to taste some friendly and thrilling adventure!!!

See you soon Twisted
Fenix Inferni
Dark Fenix Rising
#4 - 2016-10-02 06:23:13 UTC
Still looking for new members, mail/convo me or join our public channel "Public -DFR-" .

Enjoy NRDS challenge!!
Maris KarpovsLV
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2016-10-16 18:26:17 UTC
still locking for new members !! :) new and old !!