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playing the game to be the good guy, because you are so evil in RL?

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Harry Forever
#1 - 2016-09-20 07:47:46 UTC
we heard a lot about people that play the villains, the pirates, the thiefs to have their personality unfold in that direction as real life does not let them... but are there people who did many bad things in real life and want to unfold their true good in a videogame?
Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2 - 2016-09-20 07:56:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Shae Tadaruwa
Is this a Chris Roberts vs Derek Smart thread?

One of them is a villain, just the jury's still out on exactly who. Maybe both.

Aside from that, yes Harry, I'm very sure there are lots of murderers, inside traders and fraudsters who are so heartbroken by their villainy that they play video games to atone for their evil deeds. That seems totally ok.

Just a Harry Forever thread.

Welcome back. Your shitposting has been sort of missed.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

Drago Shouna
#3 - 2016-09-20 08:06:43 UTC
These types of posts and the responses they are designed to get are getting very repetitive and boring now....

IB4L, hopefully....

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

Harry Forever
#4 - 2016-09-20 08:11:52 UTC
Drago Shouna wrote:
These types of posts and the responses they are designed to get are getting very repetitive and boring now....

IB4L, hopefully....

the only thing boring is your comment, because you got nothing to say.. you just sit there like a kid that wants to get entertained and does not do anything on your own... pretty dull in my opinion

it is also against the forum rule to just add nonsense, if you don't have to say anything about the topic you should just ignore it
Drago Shouna
#5 - 2016-09-20 09:12:04 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Drago Shouna wrote:
These types of posts and the responses they are designed to get are getting very repetitive and boring now....

IB4L, hopefully....

the only thing boring is your comment, because you got nothing to say.. you just sit there like a kid that wants to get entertained and does not do anything on your own... pretty dull in my opinion

it is also against the forum rule to just add nonsense, if you don't have to say anything about the topic you should just ignore it

Commenting about your troll would result in just another thread full of the same arguments that have been discussed to death in ~50 threads the clone of this one.

My comment wasn't aimed at you as such either, more at the powers that be...

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

#6 - 2016-09-20 10:39:36 UTC
Shae Tadaruwa wrote:

Welcome back. Your shitposting has been sort of missed.

No. No it really hasn't. These forums have not had a quality shiptoaster in a long time.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Harry Forever
#7 - 2016-09-20 10:53:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Drago Shouna wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Drago Shouna wrote:
These types of posts and the responses they are designed to get are getting very repetitive and boring now....

IB4L, hopefully....

the only thing boring is your comment, because you got nothing to say.. you just sit there like a kid that wants to get entertained and does not do anything on your own... pretty dull in my opinion

it is also against the forum rule to just add nonsense, if you don't have to say anything about the topic you should just ignore it

Commenting about your troll would result in just another thread full of the same arguments that have been discussed to death in ~50 threads the clone of this one.

My comment wasn't aimed at you as such either, more at the powers that be...

yet again you are unable to add anything to the topic, therefore blocked

you don't even understand the difference from my thread to the usual "why are people evil in video games" thread..

it's about the complete opposite, something you would have recognized if you would have read it

see ya .!..
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#8 - 2016-09-20 11:20:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
I am a middle aged hetrosexual rich white male who believes in freedom of speach, the rule of law, democracy and personal responsibility, so I play a good guy in Eve to get over it

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#9 - 2016-09-20 12:33:42 UTC
Hope to find a stray dog or kitten omw to work to kick otherwise i moght have to put my pirate hat on later :-/


Serene Repose
#10 - 2016-09-20 12:44:17 UTC
deflection - neurotics are so predictable

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Litla Sundlaugin
#11 - 2016-09-20 12:44:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Piugattuk
In RL I burn kittens, stomp puppies, and in general trip old ladies down stairs, I come here to eve for my fifty hail Mary's...sheesh.

This is my theme song
Project Fruit House
#12 - 2016-09-20 13:49:35 UTC
I lie a lot and tend to be very manipulative of people and situations IRL. I can tell such elaborate BS that I get so into the role that I can shed really genuine tears when what I'm saying is actually total BS.

I have convinced and took advantage of many people and situations IRL through really dishonest and manipulative tactics combined with temporary self-conviction (self hypnosis?) that what I'm saying is 100% real.

Funny thing is that in EVE I have never ever scammed anyone in game. And when I make a promise I ALWAYS keep it, and I honour any agreements I make with people in EVE.

So OP's question is actually interesting to me. I do all the nasty lying/backstabbing/people's mind/heart manipulating things IRL and I consider my RL self as a horrible person with no honour and no shame and extremely flexible sense of morality, I'm very honest and committed to honour agreements and promises made in game.

I guess my mentality is that IRL, I can cross any boundaries to achieve my goal or get a job done (so despite all my horrible personal traits actually work partners see me as very competent and good problem solver and never see me as the horrible person I described above). But in game, I feel like... hey this is just a game, I don't need to be 'bad' in a game I (and many others) play for fun kinda mentality. I have absolutely no competitive streak in game. Don't care about KB, ISK efficiency, losing against competition in a market (I can always move to another market/item group right?), etc, whereas IRL I would fight to death to get things done in my favour.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#13 - 2016-09-20 14:21:54 UTC
Toobo wrote:
I lie a lot and tend to be very manipulative of people and situations IRL. I can tell such elaborate BS that I get so into the role that I can shed really genuine tears when what I'm saying is actually total BS.

I have convinced and took advantage of many people and situations IRL through really dishonest and manipulative tactics combined with temporary self-conviction (self hypnosis?) that what I'm saying is 100% real.

Funny thing is that in EVE I have never ever scammed anyone in game. And when I make a promise I ALWAYS keep it, and I honour any agreements I make with people in EVE.

So OP's question is actually interesting to me. I do all the nasty lying/backstabbing/people's mind/heart manipulating things IRL and I consider my RL self as a horrible person with no honour and no shame and extremely flexible sense of morality, I'm very honest and committed to honour agreements and promises made in game.

I guess my mentality is that IRL, I can cross any boundaries to achieve my goal or get a job done (so despite all my horrible personal traits actually work partners see me as very competent and good problem solver and never see me as the horrible person I described above). But in game, I feel like... hey this is just a game, I don't need to be 'bad' in a game I (and many others) play for fun kinda mentality. I have absolutely no competitive streak in game. Don't care about KB, ISK efficiency, losing against competition in a market (I can always move to another market/item group right?), etc, whereas IRL I would fight to death to get things done in my favour.

You're either a lawyer or a used car salesperson aren't you?

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

#14 - 2016-09-20 14:22:59 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
we heard a lot about people that play the villains, the pirates, the thiefs to have their personality unfold in that direction as real life does not let them... but are there people who did many bad things in real life and want to unfold their true good in a videogame?

Didn't we do this already?

Close the thread, ISD...
Project Fruit House
#15 - 2016-09-20 14:45:24 UTC
Jonah, I don't deal with used cars but my field is in Marketing/Sales and Business Development so you are pretty close XD

Some of the funniest coup I achieved include presenting a paper in a national academic conference for Aerospace Technologies (my physics education stopped at middleschool as I didn't pick physics at highschool lol), and lecturing for two hours to military generals and the country's most experienced specialists (which I also do not have any speciliast training or education on lol).

Being a sales/marketing guy means I just go to places and talk sh*t loads and make it sound like something awesome. 'Performance' in sales is not just sales amount/quantity, but you actually have to 'perform' in front of target audience as though you have all the solutions for their needs. Funny stuff.

I also do lots of 'agent' work. Being a 'middleman' requires a lot of manipulation to get your commission. You have to control the situation to the extent that a deal cannot be done without you, while you yourself neither have the production/technological capability.

It really is a funny world and I Make living by talking and 'performing'.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Harry Forever
#16 - 2016-09-20 14:45:42 UTC
Lacori wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
we heard a lot about people that play the villains, the pirates, the thiefs to have their personality unfold in that direction as real life does not let them... but are there people who did many bad things in real life and want to unfold their true good in a videogame?

Didn't we do this already?

Close the thread, ISD...

it's not about assholes and stuff you talk about in your thread.. it's a completely different topic, don't get mad just because your thread was locked dude
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2016-09-20 14:49:03 UTC
Lacori wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
we heard a lot about people that play the villains, the pirates, the thiefs to have their personality unfold in that direction as real life does not let them... but are there people who did many bad things in real life and want to unfold their true good in a videogame?

Didn't we do this already?

Close the thread, ISD...

pot calling kettle black isnt? your api whine isnt an original topic either.

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Harry Forever
#18 - 2016-09-20 14:50:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Toobo wrote:
I lie a lot and tend to be very manipulative of people and situations IRL. I can tell such elaborate BS that I get so into the role that I can shed really genuine tears when what I'm saying is actually total BS.

I have convinced and took advantage of many people and situations IRL through really dishonest and manipulative tactics combined with temporary self-conviction (self hypnosis?) that what I'm saying is 100% real.

Funny thing is that in EVE I have never ever scammed anyone in game. And when I make a promise I ALWAYS keep it, and I honour any agreements I make with people in EVE.

So OP's question is actually interesting to me. I do all the nasty lying/backstabbing/people's mind/heart manipulating things IRL and I consider my RL self as a horrible person with no honour and no shame and extremely flexible sense of morality, I'm very honest and committed to honour agreements and promises made in game.

I guess my mentality is that IRL, I can cross any boundaries to achieve my goal or get a job done (so despite all my horrible personal traits actually work partners see me as very competent and good problem solver and never see me as the horrible person I described above). But in game, I feel like... hey this is just a game, I don't need to be 'bad' in a game I (and many others) play for fun kinda mentality. I have absolutely no competitive streak in game. Don't care about KB, ISK efficiency, losing against competition in a market (I can always move to another market/item group right?), etc, whereas IRL I would fight to death to get things done in my favour.

thats what I'm talking about, I also have my reasons to be a superhero in eve, fighting the bad guys there kind of keeps my personality in balance, I guess you can only be evil in one thing, either game or life
#19 - 2016-09-20 14:54:36 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Lacori wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
we heard a lot about people that play the villains, the pirates, the thiefs to have their personality unfold in that direction as real life does not let them... but are there people who did many bad things in real life and want to unfold their true good in a videogame?

Didn't we do this already?

Close the thread, ISD...

it's not about assholes and stuff you talk about in your thread.. it's a completely different topic, don't get mad just because your thread was locked dude

Chill out dude, jeez... Let's see if this one gets to 40+ pages then, should be a good read. Big smile
Harry Forever
#20 - 2016-09-20 14:57:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Toobo wrote:
Jonah, I don't deal with used cars but my field is in Marketing/Sales and Business Development so you are pretty close XD

Some of the funniest coup I achieved include presenting a paper in a national academic conference for Aerospace Technologies (my physics education stopped at middleschool as I didn't pick physics at highschool lol), and lecturing for two hours to military generals and the country's most experienced specialists (which I also do not have any speciliast training or education on lol).

Being a sales/marketing guy means I just go to places and talk sh*t loads and make it sound like something awesome. 'Performance' in sales is not just sales amount/quantity, but you actually have to 'perform' in front of target audience as though you have all the solutions for their needs. Funny stuff.

I also do lots of 'agent' work. Being a 'middleman' requires a lot of manipulation to get your commission. You have to control the situation to the extent that a deal cannot be done without you, while you yourself neither have the production/technological capability.

It really is a funny world and I Make living by talking and 'performing'.

this makes totally sense, I have close ties with sales people in my job as well, and they tend to lie the most in any department, they have to do it because if not they would never make deals.. they say what the customer wants to hear

being a good guy in eve sure is a great release for you :D
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