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118.8 - General feedback (PC)

First post
Sergey Hawk
The Sith Syndicate
#41 - 2016-09-13 17:19:31 UTC
steam-punk barges and exhumers sucks. they look ugly even with ORE skin.

Aura: "You need to be within range to execute this function."

Kimi Räikkönen: “Leave me alone, I know what I’m doing.”

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2016-09-13 17:24:06 UTC
Ozymandias Cragg wrote:
Lothar Mandrake wrote:
This mining barge update is &^$^##^%$&^. YOU TOOK AWAY A HIGH SLOT MINING LASER ON MY HULK!!! Of all the stupid crap that changes in this game, why change my Hulk? The Mackinaw is a better ship to mine with now. I'm going to be %^#%#& all day now.

Totally. I have spent the past three years turning myself into a quietly successful high sec. miner with some manufacturing interests and, without warning, my favourite and most dependable ship has been trashed by a committee of people without anybody bothering to ask. Would ORE corporation really do that to one of their more desirable models? I doubt it.

Well actually the thread detailing the changes was posted on August the 22nd and was mentioned in brief at fan fest also.

So how much warning does one require?
Mai Hantaka
Goonswarm Federation
#43 - 2016-09-13 18:43:36 UTC
Normally a Sansha Forsaken Rally Point has some space debris (Raven Wing, Megatron Hull) that is fairly convenient to orbit (easy to make visible using "show all brackets"). This debris is currently not showing for me. Corpmate is suffering the same issue.

EVE Online: Ascension - if you like your bio you can keep your bio

Makkuro Tatsu
Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure
#44 - 2016-09-13 18:57:36 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Next time you could point out a link to help out instead of trolling.

Of course I could, but why would I choose to be helpful based on a post that starts with (quote) "Ok didn't read this thread" (unquote)? The information you're looking for is available in plain sight, just like it has been with countless past releases.
Fiddly Pop
The Conference Elite
#45 - 2016-09-13 19:46:58 UTC
Lothar Mandrake wrote:
This mining barge update is &^$^##^%$&^. YOU TOOK AWAY A HIGH SLOT MINING LASER ON MY HULK!!! Of all the stupid crap that changes in this game, why change my Hulk? The Mackinaw is a better ship to mine with now. I'm going to be %^#%#& all day now.

This made my day.
zeinth Friend
Biotic Factor
#46 - 2016-09-13 20:18:06 UTC  |  Edited by: zeinth Friend
WOW the mining barge update just ruined this game for made every barge essentially the same ships with all the same fittings, as well as got rid of the old bonus's and replaced them with garbage bonus's WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS ABOUT????? Terrible change makes ZERO sense. Lets make it harder for the users to create the items eve needs so we can make everyone spend more real world money.....that's what you were thinking weren't you!? GREED kills all And CCP is getting greedy DUMB!
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2016-09-13 20:29:53 UTC
De gustibus non est disputandum, but ... I like new Probe's looks.

Jita Flipping Inc.: Kovl & Kuvl

Absolute Intoleranto
#48 - 2016-09-13 21:22:30 UTC
It seems to me that the hulk got crippled.Ugh
Mai Khumm
#49 - 2016-09-13 21:45:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Mai Khumm
The 3rd Strip Miner is missing from 2 of my Covetor and Hulks...

Where are they?

(Yes, I know the ships now have 2 High Power slots. But the 3rd Strip miner is gone, obviously from the fitting, but it's not even in my cargohold or station I'm docked in...)
Anxious Riot
#50 - 2016-09-13 21:55:59 UTC
Now I know why ccp added that CLEAN button to the interface. My Mackinaw is now spewing so much smoke and flames while in the hanger bay, it is getting dirtier by the minute. Shocked The poor hanger crew is complaining and will probable revolt soon.

I do like the new look and graphics.

Not happy about what happened to the hulk. I was planning to switch back to my Hulk, once my alt finished all needed skills for the foreman links. The yield is close enough now between the two, I will just stay in the mac since is has better EHP and larger ore bay. I tend to nod off at the keyboard a lot while mining, since it is soooooo exciting.
Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#51 - 2016-09-13 22:18:57 UTC
Nicola Arman wrote:
Stargates disappearring during Jump Animation. :o

Yeah, I noticed that, too. Not just the gates, everything (NPCs on gate, billboards, other capsuleer ships) except for the jump tunnel effect and the starfield/nebula background, in fact.

Though occasionally I'll notice the gate and all the other stuff flickers back into existence JUST before the jump kicks in and the background changes to the next system.

Wild stuff.

I hope the undock camera glitch bug (the one that wasn't fixed in the late May update, the late June update, or the early August update) is fixed, haven't had it since the update, had it 4 times last week... :::fingers crossed:::
Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#52 - 2016-09-13 22:42:26 UTC
Drazz Caylen wrote:
PROBE (Scanner Frigate): Hold on a sec, wasn't the old probe symmetrical before? Why did you screw it up so badly? How about publishing your "design cheat sheet" when it comes to the empire ship? Or have you lost that over the years and try to replace it now by reinventing the looks of the empires (most notably Caldari). I have no direct qualms with the new Probe, other than it looking like an alternate and beefed up version of the Reaper. Verdict: unnecessary.

BANTAM (Support Frigate): Really now? I mean I get it, you're trying to get away from the bulky, blocky design from the Caldari and try to make it somewhat techy and slimmer because they don't rely on armor but on shields. Problem with this philosophy: Sleeker design would usually mean a slightly lower signature radius, and Caldari ships are known for being easy to spot not only because of their shield strength but also due to their ship architecture. Your new design choice for Caldari interferes with inherent and long-established character traits of Caldari. The previous version had some bulk to it which made it look like a spaceship. Now it's more akin to a drone. An Elephant-head-mimicking Origami drone. You bet it looks more fragile now. You still haven't made up your mind if you want Caldari ships to look graceful (like the Caracal and moa) or clumsy (like the Blackbird). Verdict: bad.

What I fail to see is the reason you had with rolling out these changes. The changes haven't been in the same instance (aka not "all support frigates") and haven't been uniform (not the same number of ships per empire was touched). Makes it look all the more willy-nilly.

I implore you to consider what you do with the previous models. There are a number of reasonable ways to incorporate them into the game. Don't waste the work.

1) I watched a youtube vid showing all the new designs, and the Probe was the only one I thought was a significant step backwards. The large sail on the old Probe was its most distinctive feature, and by making it a lot smaller/differently shaped, I think they've diminished the hull's look in much the way they did when they changed/reduced the size of the lance on the Incursus/Ishkur/Enyo hull.

2) Regarding what you said about Caldari ships needing to ALL look graceful like the Caracal/Moa or clumsy like the Blackbird, I really don't think that's the case. Think of military aircraft IRL... the F-14, F-15, F-16, and F-18 are all sleek and graceful looking (but very different in some ways, too... different manufacturers, just like Lai Dai vs. Ishukone or whatever) compared to something like the ugly but tough ol' A-10 Warthog. Fighters/bombers (and cargo planes), just for starters... all have a different look to them.

IOW... different craft have different shapes that sometimes (but not always) relate to their purposes. They made the Blackbird look very different from the attack/combat cruisers because it's an EWAR cruiser and needed to have lots of pokey bits to show how sensor-y it is, I guess. :)

Also, it's not like it's just Caldari. Gallente and Minmatar ships also have a very different look to some of them on the same level (the frigs, the cruisers, the battleships)... I think Amarr is the closest to having a cohensive/consistent look, but that's not necessarily something we have to have. Again, see the Air Force craft for an example.

3) They've always redesigned ships in a willy-nilly fashion. The Typhoon redesign a few years ago was by itself, the Tempest and Maelstrom hulls didn't change. When the Dominix changed more recently, the Megathron and Hyperion hulls stayed the same. etc. etc.
Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#53 - 2016-09-13 22:45:19 UTC
Elayae wrote:
Not too happy about these new changes.

- instead of making mining more engaging it has become more dull
- Hulk is less effective now with rest bits of roids with only 2 lasers instead of 3
- Hulk design is not in compliance with the number of laser fittings now
- Mining battleship is back on the menu

Mining battleship? How about a combo mining/on-grid boosting battlecruiser instead? I think the much-hinted-at Porpoise fits the bill.

Fiddly Pop wrote:
Lothar Mandrake wrote:
This mining barge update is &^$^##^%$&^. YOU TOOK AWAY A HIGH SLOT MINING LASER ON MY HULK!!! Of all the stupid crap that changes in this game, why change my Hulk? The Mackinaw is a better ship to mine with now. I'm going to be %^#%#& all day now.

This made my day.

The only group that can mess with a miner's day more than CODE... CCP. :)

Mai Khumm wrote:
The 3rd Strip Miner is missing from 2 of my Covetor and Hulks...

Where are they?

They have been reassigned to your Procurer(s) and Skiff(s)...

If you do not have any Procs or Skiffs, then I'm afraid they have been reassigned to someone else's Procs and/or Skiffs in that case... we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.... Signed, ORE
Circumstantial Evidence
#54 - 2016-09-13 23:27:48 UTC
Mining ships are belching soot all over the other ships in my hanger. I can't seem to shut it off. I have asked Scotty, the docking manager to help clear a path to my most frequently used ships. It's burying spare parts, test equipment and other tools, with no end in sight.
Tassadar Gantrithor
Guns-R-Us Toy Company
Weapons Of Mass Production.
#55 - 2016-09-13 23:58:43 UTC
Why change graphic design on the Griffin? The whole design of most Caldari ships is that they weren't uniform and each had a unique look to it. For example, the old blackbird and scorpion ship designs. Making them uniform and symmetrical defeats the uniqueness of the Caldari EWAR boats.
Lawrence Burbs
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2016-09-14 00:27:02 UTC
1. When customizing outfit and after hitting finalize you alt+tab during load the game will crash

2. No more gate jump sound

3. No more gates
Mai Khumm
#57 - 2016-09-14 00:28:36 UTC
Sylvia Kildare wrote:

Mai Khumm wrote:
The 3rd Strip Miner is missing from 2 of my Covetor and Hulks...

Where are they?

They have been reassigned to your Procurer(s) and Skiff(s)...

If you do not have any Procs or Skiffs, then I'm afraid they have been reassigned to someone else's Procs and/or Skiffs in that case... we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.... Signed, ORE

******* space hippies!
Xavier Laxworm
Goonswarm Federation
#58 - 2016-09-14 00:46:04 UTC
CCP spend too much time on the effects of the mining ships to not even bother with the actuall hull. The graphics on the new mining barges looks terrible. Whats worst on them is they made the covetor the size of the retriever, and added new parts to the hull. They didnt bother actually making it look good. Noone should ever get credit for doing a half ass job.
Circumstantial Evidence
#59 - 2016-09-14 01:48:55 UTC
I have no complaints about the hull redesign. The previous color scheme was low contrast, low saturation, bland and inoffensive. The new color scheme brightens things up a bit, it works for me.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2016-09-14 02:20:38 UTC
Sylvia Kildare wrote:
... When the Dominix changed more recently, the Megathron and Hyperion hulls stayed the same. etc. etc.
To be fair the Mega has already been redone.