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Dev blog: Introducing "Purity of the Throne"

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CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2016-09-13 16:33:33 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
With the deployment of the September "118.8" release on September 13, the new "Purity of the Throne" event has arrived.

A group of Amarr loyalists calling themselves ‘Purity of the Throne’ want someone on the Amarrian throne who has descended from the noble, pure Amarr families. That group is out to stop the coronation at all costs, but you have the power to stop them!

Read more about this event and how you can participate in the latest dev blog Introducing "Purity of the Throne"

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Static Corp
#2 - 2016-09-13 16:41:46 UTC
If I can only find one ....
Ms Michigan
Aviation Professionals for EVE
#3 - 2016-09-13 16:50:25 UTC
Nice skins - (White for the Space Pope!)

I wanted to log in to say too, that I really liked the in game notification for the DEV Blog! Awesome touch. Is that new? I don't think I have seen that before.

The Order of Thelemic Ascension
The Invited
#4 - 2016-09-13 16:52:21 UTC
Let's not make claims we don't intend to follow through on.

EVERY Amarr ship?

What about the Confessor, Legion, and Apostle?
Wombat65Au Egdald
#5 - 2016-09-13 16:54:35 UTC
DaOpa wrote:
If I can only find one ....

Only if you want to lose standing with Amarr. There's a bug. For each Purity site you clear, you lose 2.4% standing with Amarr.
The Order of Thelemic Ascension
The Invited
#6 - 2016-09-13 16:55:44 UTC
Wombat65Au Egdald wrote:
DaOpa wrote:
If I can only find one ....

Only if you want to lose standing with Amarr. There's a bug. For each Purity site you clear, you lose 2.4% standing with Amarr.

CCP Falcon already said that this will be corrected in a couple of days, and standings will be reverted without the need of a support ticket.
Nou Mene
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#7 - 2016-09-13 16:58:20 UTC
death to Amarr! they will pay for their grievances!
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#8 - 2016-09-13 17:02:52 UTC
The sites should start spawning if they haven't already. Standings will no longer be lost for running the sites. Standing corrections may take some more time


ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Daemun Khanid
Corbeau de sang
#9 - 2016-09-13 17:51:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemun Khanid
Def seem much more rare than events in the past. I've found one after probably 50+ jumps.
(2 now)

Daemun of Khanid

Amanina Avada Corporation
#10 - 2016-09-13 18:10:14 UTC
They were extremely common earlier this afternoon. It looks like the site-spawning were disabled at around the same time as the investigation announcement and still haven't been re-enabled.
Max Singularity
House Singularity
Sixth Empire
#11 - 2016-09-13 18:33:13 UTC
As I am of Kador and Tash-Murkon heritage... I fully denounce the ‘Purity of the Throne’ movement. However I do like their choice in ship skins and once they are defeated I shall adopt that color schema for my Star Diocese!!

All hail our new Empress!!!

Blessings be.

Harbinger of Faith His Holiness Maximilian Singularity VI, Pope of New Eden

First Champion House Kador (defeated) - #MagnateGate

Viceroy Interview & Apostle In Amarr

Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#12 - 2016-09-13 18:39:20 UTC
It's gonna be a white wedding coronation. Paint it black white!

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

Mercer Nen
Summicron Holdings
#13 - 2016-09-13 18:49:20 UTC
Shouldn't you get their ship skins for fighting for their cause?

I hate the Wyrkomi corporation so I buy their ship skins and fly around in ships looking like theirs. Huh?

Minor detail

Obfuscation and Reflections
#14 - 2016-09-13 18:52:09 UTC
I've been warping around, looking for the beacons. I have found zip.
The Order of Thelemic Ascension
The Invited
#15 - 2016-09-13 18:58:12 UTC
Mercer Nen wrote:
Shouldn't you get their ship skins for fighting for their cause?

I hate the Wyrkomi corporation so I buy their ship skins and fly around in ships looking like theirs. Huh?

Minor detail

I think part of the point is to a) establish a rebellious faction and b) distribute that factions colors just prior to a big event

Let's see what the players do with this.
Corrad Ozuwara
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2016-09-13 19:08:31 UTC
COMPLAINT TO CCP: Totally sucks they are handing out white Amarrian skins for this event.

How are the Minmatar militia going to tell when they are surrendering?
Mercer Nen
Summicron Holdings
#17 - 2016-09-13 19:58:58 UTC
Ashterothi wrote:
Mercer Nen wrote:
Shouldn't you get their ship skins for fighting for their cause?

I hate the Wyrkomi corporation so I buy their ship skins and fly around in ships looking like theirs. Huh?

Minor detail

I think part of the point is to a) establish a rebellious faction and b) distribute that factions colors just prior to a big event

Let's see what the players do with this.

I like the idea of the event. But the logic with the rewards doesn't make much sense. Would like to see this sort of stuff thought through a bit better.
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#18 - 2016-09-13 20:07:16 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
I can verify the sites are currently on Tranquility server accessible, however there may be an issue with them re-spawning today. This should be fully resolved by downtime tomorrow, September 14th.

I am looking into this now. The sites are exactly the same as previous events, they are distributed across all of the universe randomly (and evenly). Some systems may see more than one site, and some may not have any at all. Every time one is finished, a new site will start.

Edit: Added evenly clarification. What won't happen is that they will not all horde into one security band of space i.e WH. They'll always be available in each High, Low, Null, WH.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#19 - 2016-09-13 22:11:06 UTC
Max Singularity wrote:
As I am of Kador and Tash-Murkon heritage... I fully denounce the ‘Purity of the Throne’ movement. However I do like their choice in ship skins and once they are defeated I shall adopt that color schema for my Star Diocese!!

All hail our new Empress!!!

Blessings be.

Hear, hear!

Mercer Nen wrote:
Ashterothi wrote:
Mercer Nen wrote:
Shouldn't you get their ship skins for fighting for their cause?

I hate the Wyrkomi corporation so I buy their ship skins and fly around in ships looking like theirs. Huh?

I think part of the point is to a) establish a rebellious faction and b) distribute that factions colors just prior to a big event

Let's see what the players do with this.

I like the idea of the event. But the logic with the rewards doesn't make much sense. Would like to see this sort of stuff thought through a bit better.

We got Blood Raider skins (Abaddon, IIRC) from the Blood Raider Blood Harvest event last Halloween, we got Serpentis skins from Operation Frostline (and again in Shadow of the Serpent), and we got Guristas skins from the Guristas hunt in the spring... so why wouldn't we get Purity skins from the Purity event?

I know what you're saying, why wear the skin of your enemy. But plenty of people enjoyed putting on some Blood Raider skins and yet I'm pretty sure they went right back to killing plenty of Blood Raider rats, so...

Consider it a false flag operation. Put the skin of your enemy on your ship so they don't see you coming until you open fire! ;D
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2016-09-13 23:37:45 UTC

Yes I'm yelling on purpose. This is the dumbest thing I've seen CCP do in a while. You guys build an entirely new UI explicitly to expose dynamic events so people who don't read devblogs or reddit or the forums will know that interesting events are taking place with unique rewards.

Then the very next dynamic event you do doesn't bother to use the new system you JUST BUILT for exposing dynamic events.

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