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So highsec mining might need code...

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Project Fruit House
#41 - 2016-09-12 09:57:13 UTC
Lucas, I think we're onto different things here. I was making my comments based on "oiukhp Muvila"'s comments, the following bits,

oiukhp Muvila wrote:
Toobo wrote:
Problem is not the ship, but people going AFK or not paying enough attention to the game......

I think this attitude is what makes much of this community such ass-hats at times.

Some people actually have lives and this notion that if you are logged in and in space you cannot leave the KB and should be somehow punished if you dare to is simply astounding.

Get a life:
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to take a crap.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to talk to my kids in a different room.
I'm not going to dock ever time I want a snack.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to let the dog out
I'm not going to dock ever time for what ever just so others can feel at ease that every character is in game and ready to be interacted with.


It seemed to me like a big whining about being exposed to danger when going AFK. :p

And of course most of the risk come from player interventions - that is the 'mechanic' I'm talking about. I don't see how non-player intervention mechanic to AFK activities are even a concern or a topic.

If I read the thread wrong - my bad.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Blackjack and Exotic Dancers
Top Tier
#42 - 2016-09-12 09:57:44 UTC
Scath Bererund wrote:
Bit of a click bait title but hear me out...

I recently had a wander around highsec and noticed where once there where fleets of hulks and covs there are now only procs and skiffs. Even when supported by an orca the hulk is pretty much extinct.

Started to wonder why. Thinking back to my first encounter with a suicide ganker i was a newbie fresh into my first barge. A covertor. Solo jetcan minimg in a 0.5 system. Needless to say the cat melted my barge. After having a convo with the ganker i was told about how profitable covs are to gankers. And how i should alter my play style to make myself "not worth the effort"

So after that incident i had a much better idea of skills needed, ships to fly and so on. I bought a proc. Tanked the thing as best i could and went back to mining never bothered by gankers again.

One small problem. The soft targets (hulk and cov) need constant micro management. The proc just sits there until it fills up. Meaning i either tabbed out or went afk.

Thats what seems to have happened in highsec. No one flies the busy ships because they weak and the stronger ships need little to no micro management. So as a result miners arnt at thier keyboards. The dont start convos in local. They dont form a comunity. To me this seems wrong.

The way i see it there are 2 possable solutions CCP and CODE

1: ccp needs to a bit of a swap with the barges. The tanky bricks should be micro management heavy and the tinfoil ships more "afk ish" this might keep people at thier keyboards and interacting with each other.

2: CODE right now code targets the paper barges. And who can blame them? Easy money. If code where to make a point of killing procs and skiffs (yeah i know how many ships that would take) and leave the hulks and covs alone it might kickstart a comunity in highsec.

Any thoughts anyone?

code alt detected.. shouldn't you be in null anyway ? why do you care about HS.. oh wait, you posted with the wrong alt.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#43 - 2016-09-12 10:12:08 UTC
Toobo wrote:
It seemed to me like a big whining about being exposed to danger when going AFK. :p
Sure, but if you read what his post is responding to, it's against the notion that AFKers should be mechanically punished for going AFK in space. He doesn't want to make it so going AFK runs no risk, he just doesn't want it so that the risk is so high that docking up is the only reasonable option.

Toobo wrote:
And of course most of the risk come from player interventions - that is the 'mechanic' I'm talking about. I don't see how non-player intervention mechanic to AFK activities are even a concern or a topic.
That's one of the OPs suggestions, that mining should be more tedious in that it requires more input to pick a tankier ship so an AFK player ceases to make isk or has a higher risk of being ganked.

Toobo wrote:
If I read the thread wrong - my bad.
I think you read it right, just not all of it P

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

oiukhp Muvila
#44 - 2016-09-12 10:14:31 UTC
Toobo wrote:
Lucas, I think we're onto different things here. I was making my comments based on "oiukhp Muvila"'s comments, the following bits,

oiukhp Muvila wrote:
Toobo wrote:
Problem is not the ship, but people going AFK or not paying enough attention to the game......

I think this attitude is what makes much of this community such ass-hats at times.

Some people actually have lives and this notion that if you are logged in and in space you cannot leave the KB and should be somehow punished if you dare to is simply astounding.

Get a life:
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to take a crap.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to talk to my kids in a different room.
I'm not going to dock ever time I want a snack.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to let the dog out
I'm not going to dock ever time for what ever just so others can feel at ease that every character is in game and ready to be interacted with.


It seemed to me like a big whining about being exposed to danger when going AFK. :p

And of course most of the risk come from player interventions - that is the 'mechanic' I'm talking about. I don't see how non-player intervention mechanic to AFK activities are even a concern or a topic.

If I read the thread wrong - my bad.

Yeah, I wasn't complaining about the dangers of going afk, not even close.
Players should punish those who are away from keyboards, not game mechanics designed to prevent or punish it.

The attitude that the game should somehow punish players for going afk is just silly.

Players, yeah sure, that is the risk you take by leaving your ship in space while you go do something, like mow the lawn.

Project Fruit House
#45 - 2016-09-12 10:16:52 UTC
Lol fair enough Lucas I get you now. Come to think about it some miners indeed have been asking for more interactive mining. Making it more 'tedious' is probably not what miners want, but something more engaging. But usually everything becomes tedious after a while when it becomes a routine :p

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Project Fruit House
#46 - 2016-09-12 10:18:20 UTC
Oiukhp, ok I understand you now and that I can agree with. The 'dangers' should come from player interactions, not some forced periodical clickfest.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#47 - 2016-09-12 10:58:50 UTC
oiukhp Muvila wrote:
Toobo wrote:
Lucas, I think we're onto different things here. I was making my comments based on "oiukhp Muvila"'s comments, the following bits,

oiukhp Muvila wrote:
Toobo wrote:
Problem is not the ship, but people going AFK or not paying enough attention to the game......

I think this attitude is what makes much of this community such ass-hats at times.

Some people actually have lives and this notion that if you are logged in and in space you cannot leave the KB and should be somehow punished if you dare to is simply astounding.

Get a life:
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to take a crap.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to talk to my kids in a different room.
I'm not going to dock ever time I want a snack.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to let the dog out
I'm not going to dock ever time for what ever just so others can feel at ease that every character is in game and ready to be interacted with.


It seemed to me like a big whining about being exposed to danger when going AFK. :p

And of course most of the risk come from player interventions - that is the 'mechanic' I'm talking about. I don't see how non-player intervention mechanic to AFK activities are even a concern or a topic.

If I read the thread wrong - my bad.

Yeah, I wasn't complaining about the dangers of going afk, not even close.
Players should punish those who are away from keyboards, not game mechanics designed to prevent or punish it.

The attitude that the game should somehow punish players for going afk is just silly.

Players, yeah sure, that is the risk you take by leaving your ship in space while you go do something, like mow the lawn.

Perhaps you should post that in the AFK cloaky camping thread in features and ideas....

The thing that most miners wanted is extra yield for doing something additional while mining, however this then gets interesting if you have to watch local, keep clicking D-scan and controlling what roids you mine when aligned. In affect all this rubbish about AFK mining is rather silly because the only mining you can do AFK is ice mining and ice systems are heavily patrolled by CODE, so the only ships to use are Skiffs and Procurers which is a circular argument if ever there was one...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

oiukhp Muvila
#48 - 2016-09-12 12:01:32 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

....Perhaps you should post that in the AFK cloaky camping thread in features and ideas....


AFK Cloaky is a totally different issue than what is being discussed here. You are neither making money or gathering intel when you are AFK and cloaked.

The fact that it annoys the locals is why it is done. They don't truly know if you are AFK or not.

It is a form of Psy Ops in the game that counters the perfect intel device known as local and there is nothing wrong with it.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#49 - 2016-09-12 12:05:39 UTC
oiukhp Muvila wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

....Perhaps you should post that in the AFK cloaky camping thread in features and ideas....


AFK Cloaky is a totally different issue than what is being discussed here. You are neither making money or gathering intel when you are AFK and cloaked.

The fact that it annoys the locals is why it is done. They don't truly know if you are AFK or not.

It is a form of Psy Ops in the game that counters the perfect intel device known as local and there is nothing wrong with it.

This is what you said:

Players, yeah sure, that is the risk you take by leaving your ship in space while you go do something, like mow the lawn.

Sleeping and working are also AFK or does it only apply when mining because they are miners or something naff like that. Twisted

So either you believe it is wrong to leave your ship in space or you don't, which one is it?

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#50 - 2016-09-12 12:17:49 UTC
17. Redundant and re-posted threads will be locked.

As a courtesy to other forum users, please search to see if there is a thread already open on the topic you wish to discuss. If so, please place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forums needlessly, causing good feedback and ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread.

Thread Closed.

ISD Max Trix


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Interstellar Services Department

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